Joanna Buhlig

Joanna Buhlig

I'm a coach and teacher who wants for you, my friend, to work past obstacles, and fulfill your live's purpose with energy!

Check in here for encouragement to live life purposefully.


I'll never forget the Thanksgiving we took this picture. I hated how I felt.😔 I thought I looked horrible, so I hid.😞 (Notice the very BIG black sweater)

Pregnancy, young kids, and a failed adoption had me tired and confused about how I should be taking care of myself. I didn't have a lot of time, no education about nutrition and exercise, and felt lost. Can you relate?

A few months later, I found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, and well, the rest is history.🥳

That's why I am so passionate about sharing the FASTer Way because YOU deserve to FEEL GOOD and I've seen it work for SO MANY others, too. I am one story of thousands.

Are you ready to finally step into the live you deserve? Let's fix this, the RIGHT way, once and for all.

This is the last round I'm offering in 2021.

Let's get you moving towards your best self and by Thanksgiving you won't be hiding in an oversized black sweater!

Here for YOU. Link in bio.💜


💥💥 Ready to finally find the one thing that will actually WORK?💥💥

*Eliminating Carbs
*Counting points
*Fake food and shakes
*Hour long cardio sessions

What do all of those have in common?
You tried em, and they did not exactly go how you thought they would.


If I've learned anything in my 2 years of being a FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach it's that the REASON all of those things didn't work is because they were all TOO something. TOO strict, TOO loose, TOO hard, TOO unrealistic, TOO unmanageble.

What if today, you chose the ONE thing you haven't tried? Reasonable change over time. 🤯

If you're ready to do this the right way, the way that works for good, I am ready to show you what it looks like to finally feel better. To finally feel alive and on fire for your life. Ugh. It's just SO GOOD.

We start, like so many great things, on Monday. You ready?

C'mon! Link in bio.


❓How do I burn fat without working out 24/7?
❓Can I have carbs?
❓I like dessert! Can I still burn fat?
Ok, to make your life easier ( and better!!), I've got a short quiz for you to take to determine your fat loss profile and receive a personalized guide with simple strategies and meals that will get you on the track to a healthier life. I hope you'll click on the link in the comments👇, take the quiz and get the guide. It's packed full with really helpful information! *photo isn't me but a fellow FW coach!




Three ways to know whether or not the Faster Way to Fat Loss will work for you.
✨I GET IT. ✨
I've so been where you are, you've made a million and one attempts at getting healthy and still find yourself frustrated and hungry. BECAUSE I have been there, I am laying it all out for you so that you can figure out if THIS is the thing that will finally solve your problem.

Here are the 3 ways to know if FASTer Way will actually work for you:
1-You're ready to quit eating too little, exercising too much, feeling like you've got to be perfect to get results.
2- You are coachable, and ready to trust someone that has accomplished what you're hoping to do.
3- You're ready to do the work, because all of this hinges on you showing up for you.

The reason I get it is because I've been there. You're right, so far, those other things may not have worked long term, but this IS different, and so are YOU. If you're finally ready to see a different result, learn about a lifestyle, not a diet plan, we start on ⏰Monday, August 30. Join us at the link in the comments.

How have you tried to get healthy?

Photos from Joanna Buhlig's post 16/11/2020

PRK( Vision correction) *update*

So... Can I see now?

Well, not yet.👀 But it's getting better. PRK isn't an instant fix but every week my vision is getting better. By week 4, it *should* be pretty darn clear. Surgery was a breeze and only 10 minutes long. Day 2 and 3 were real MAJOR eye irritation. I lived in a cold dark room and applied LOTS of eye drops💦 Days 4-10 irritation was completely gone. Today, Day 11 things are clearing up, or I'm adjusting to having blurry vision. It'll be worth it and just like most things in life- not giving up in the middle gets you to the place you want to be.

Pic 1: morning of surgery (last pic with my glasses!)
Pic 2: pre-op. Star on my forehead means I'm getting both eyes done.
Pic 3: post op, day 3 - dark room, warm beverage, just getting through (My boys offered to make me my coffee that morning 💜)


Do you say the "b------" word?
Double tap if you do.

What! I'm talking about bananas!

Bananas get such a bad rap...ever heard of the saying "You're driving me bananas"? Maybe that's where all they're trouble started. Some people won't eat a banana because it has carbs, about 27 to be exact! That's cray-cray.

Eat whole foods. Enjoy bananas. Be healthy.
Eat carbs and still burn fat. This is not keto, y'all.

Lots of snack ideas, lots of recipes, lots of food talk in the FASTer Way round that begins on Monday. It's FINAL CALL. Get your b***y in my group and say the "B" word as much as you'd like!




Oh girl, I feel your pain.

The scale is a beast and it's out to sink you. Depending on what it reads, you're feeling skinnier than ever OR you're diving into the pit of despair because you're 'fat'.

Anyone ever weight themselves EVERYDAY?
I have. And it just about derailed me from all the GOOD I was doing for myself. All because the scale went up a couple tenths of a pound and not down. Maybe I hadn't pooped yet that morning, maybe I had more salt the day before and was retaining water, maybe it was a certain day in my cycle. All I know is the POWER GIVEN TO THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE had to be taken away.

I don't ride the scale roller coaster anymore. (Thank you God!) When my scale died a couple months ago (true story), I breathed a sigh of relief and had a whole lot more emotional energy to live productively. The has taught me SO MUCH about how to measure health and success. We focus on non scale victories- energy, sleep health, strength, progress in fitness goals, staying hydrated, eating healthy, whole foods, sticking to our eating schedule, how our jeans fit, etc. We talk about building lean muscle and shedding fat. Body RECOMPOSITION, not weight loss. It's the most freeing thing in the world. Sure, we look at the hard data, a scale measurement once every 6-8 weeks, measuring our inches lost as we tone up, lab results from a doctor...

Oh friend, GET OFF the scale. Stop trying to quickly lose the 5 pounds, only to gain back 10. Learn how to feed your body and brain so you max out on energy and start shedding stored fat. You're going to feel so much better and know your body is changing without that pesky old scale. There isn't a better time than right now. Get off the roller coaster and into a place of health. Do it for you, for your family, for the world that needs your light to shine brightly.

My next round starts soon, Monday- Oct 19. There's room for you but you need to sign up now! Grab a friend who needs this freedom too and use the code SUCCESSPARTNER for 50% off. AND proceeds from the round will be donated to St Jude's Hospital.

Here's to you thriving!

Timeline photos 16/10/2020

Chili is the perfect meal this time of year!!

Staci’s Sweet Chili Recipe (no sugar added but super sweet)

Be sure to tap the flag in the right hand corner to save this recipe! 😁

1 TBS Avocado Oil
1/2 diced onion (sweet is best)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can of green chiles
1 lb ground beef (I used ground turkey because that is what I had on hand)
1 red pepper diced
2 carrots diced
1 - 2 TBS chili powder (more to taste)
1 tsp cumin
1/2 TBS paprika
1/2 TBS coriander
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 cup beef broth
14 oz kidney beans
14 oz canned tomatoes (not drained)
14 oz can of tomato sauce (no sugar added)

1. Heat the avocado oil in large pot and add onion, garlic, and green chiles for a couple minutes.
2. Brown beef or turkey for 5-7 minutes.
3. Add spices to meat until everything is combined.
4. Add red pepper and carrots and cook for 2-3 minutes.
5. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, beef broth, and beans.
6. Keep the heat at medium high . Let simmer and cook for 15 minutes. (Taste and season if needed.)
7. Enjoy!


Let's say this was my dinner tonight.. (it really was + an English muffin 😉!)

What macros are represented on my plate?
I've got a chicken burger with ketchup and dijon mustard, a pickle, strawberries and red bell peppers. YUM!!

You have 3 macros to choose from:
protein, carbs or fat.

Comment 👇🏼 and know that while there IS a right answer in this little game, all answers are accepted with grace!!

If you want to know more about eating your macros, I can teach you, starting next Monday! You'll learn all the things.

And... sorry for the poor lighting. I was eating alone in my dim bedroom watching a movie. ALONE🙌🏽


Curious what a FASTer Way workout looks like??
Here's a sneak peak!!👀

FYI: Today's work out was total body strength training. Every move is modified 3 ways. New workouts EVERYDAY!!


🌞Sunshine in a Cup Smoothie🌞!!!

Tastes so good y'all!!! Definitely a perfect treat on a regular macro day. (Or look below how I tweak it for a Low Carb Day!😉)

REGULAR MACRO Day recipe (as shown):
1cup coconut water
1serving Equilibrium DNS (leave out if you don't have!)
1 cup frozen bananas and strawberries
2 scoops collagen peptides
1/3 serving h**p hearts

LOW CARB Day Recipe:
1 cup nut milk
1serving Equilibrium DNS (leave out if you don't have!)
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 scoops collagen peptides
1 serving h**p hearts

Wish I'd added a little coconut whipped cream on the top- absolutely decadent!!

Give me a little sunshine 🌞 below if you love a good smoothie!!

For more recipes that are easy and delish, join me next Monday for my next FASTer Way round. We'll talk macros and intermittent fasting and get ourselves back into those skinny jeans for Thanksgiving!! Link in bio!!

Timeline photos 12/10/2020

"When you decide to change your eating & drinking habits and make it a priority to start moving, you don’t see progress or improvements that first day or even that first couple of weeks. However, you do notice you can walk a little faster up that hill.

You are not quite as out of breath as you were when you first started. You start to hear yourself saying no thanks to a Reese’s PB treat.

You do a double take when you look at yourself in a zoom call.

You notice your ankles aren’t swelling every day. You realize your eyes are bigger and your face is not as puffy.

I had so much inflammation and was eating so poorly. I was rarely moving and sitting constantly in front of my computer since March. I got to my highest weight since my last baby. Seeing this photo of me on the left taken in July really jarred me. I was uncomfortable and felt really bad. The following month I turned 45 and we went to the beach. I decided then I would do what I could to flip the script. I know what to do. I know what I should eat. I know what doesn’t make me feel good. So, I decided to change what I was always doing these past few months.

I am down 13 pounds so far and am just getting started to get my health back on track. The non-scale victories are the most important to me right now. I am still having back issues from good ole arthritis (yes, that still sounds crazy when I say that word out loud!) but I am loving my walks and my new love for tennis. Maybe I can bring back some weight training and more HIIT workouts but for now I am taking it slow. I am not perfect at all but I do see progress. My favorite season is Fall and the beauty in the changing of the leaves and the cooler temps. It takes time for the leaves to turn yellow or orange or my favorite red. I am proud of today and the progress made so far. Each season takes time." -- Christina

Timeline photos 12/10/2020

Apple pie oats!!!
Yes, please!

Living the sugar free life over here, but you’d never know it with a bite of these apple pie oats! They’re so sweet and delicious you’ll think you’re eating dessert! In reality, they are full of balanced macronutrients, micronutrients and will keep you satisfied for hours. And...they’re sugar detox friendly!

Bonus: the recipe is as easy as pie 🥧 Here’s how you make them (1 serving):

2/3 cup dry oats
1 serving collagen peptides
1 pitted medjool date
1.5 tablespoons chopped pecans
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, plus more for oats
Pinch of sea or pink Himalayan salt
1/2 of your favorite variety of apple (Granny Smith are amazing in this, but any apple will do), chopped

Cook oatmeal according to package. Stir in peptides and chopped apples. In a food processor, combine date, pecans, salt and cinnamon and process until a crumble forms. Stir crumble into oats and enjoy while still warm!

Want to learn more about cutting sugar out of your diet?? Join us for all the sugar-free fun! Registration is free but space is limited.

Visit or tap the link in our bio!


She needed to make a change, so she did!
🍭Know you need to do something to tame the sugar monster, but you're overwhelmed (and maybe a little scared) to start??

🍭Begin here!
🍭Starts tomorrow!

You'll feel better by the end of the week.
Do something. You won't regret it.

Message me or comment below for the link to sign up.

If you're ready for more of a commitment, my next 6 week FASTer Way round will begin 10/19.

Here's to you, friend!

Timeline photos 29/09/2020

"Start the process. Keep going. Even when you don’t think you’re getting results, chances are a picture will pop up and remind you just how far you’ve come in a year.

I love that the FASTer Way to Fat Loss helped me get to this point.

I’m not perfect. I have days/weekends where I’m too busy making memories to eat perfectly. But tomorrow is a new day and I’ll get right back to following FWTFL principles that the 6 week program taught me.

Don’t wait to start. You’d be amazed at the progress you could make by then!"

Photos from Joanna Buhlig's post 28/09/2020

Fall Hike: Gem Lake, RMNP.
46° 3.6 miles RT. Moderate Difficulty- the steep steps were challenging with Micah on my back but it was worth it. The only beach we've gotten to this year No complaining from the big kids- such a pleasant day aside from 3 year old antics. Took a drive on Trail Ridge many beautiful aspen and Elk! Amazing beauty. Full hearts.



🤸‍♀Are you finding pockets in your life, each day, when you feel good🤸‍♀️, like really good🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️?

It's not easy. It takes intentional effort and work. The world around us, and the world whirling in our minds, tend to keep us on edge, busy, distracted and tired. So tired.

⏰Take some time this weekend to think about what you need to get back to a place of peace and refreshment. HINT: it's probably not found in scrolling social media. If you need a few simple ideas, I've written a self care guide that I'd love to email you. The link is in my bio.

I'm heading to get my monthly massage which is one of the things I do on a regular basis to rest and relax. I never regret it. Massage may not be your thing, but I'd love to hear what is. Let me know below and then take some time to invest in your wellness this weekend.

We need you at your best, friend!


You want to relax on the weekend.
A drink in hand and porch time.
🚫dishes and cooking.
Playing together instead of preparing and cleaning up food.

However, the pantry is bare. Fridge isn’t much better.🥴
And you’ve got to feed your people 6 meals (+ snacks) in the next 48 hours.
Here's what to do, on Friday.

📝Come up with 2 simple, health-ish meals that won’t take much effort to get on the table Saturday and Sunday. I’m thinking enchiladas, tacos, soup, cracker and cheese board, cut up veggies, tuna salad sandwiches, fried egg on an English muffin.

Breakfasts can be toast and eggs, oats, cereal.

Plan to eat leftovers for one meal.

Eat 1-2 meals out. Look at menus and nutrition info online if you're trying to meet macro goals!

Voila! 6 meals✅
Get the groceries you need delivered and you'll be set!
Bet you could get it all figured out in 30 minutes.
Everyone will eat, and momma will NOT spend the weekend in the kitchen.

I love knowing I've got a plan for food for the weekend and won't detrail the progress I'm making simply because I didn't think through the weekend. AND I love being able to spend quality time with my family. THIS IS A MOMMA WIN RIGHT HERE!

What’s your go-to easy family meal?



Drop me an emoji if you're staying hydrated today!

💧Drink it plain, add some fruit, bubble it up, but chug a glass and cheers me! *Clink*


Crunch + Creamy + Flavor= PERFECT lunch.

Tuna with mayo and relish

Half an avocado topped with cilantro, salt and a drizzle of EVOO

Nut thin crackers

The PERFECT Low Carb Day lunch.
⬆️protein, ⬆️healthy fat and ⬇️ carb
Carb cycling is an amazing nutritional strategy!

👏🏼Lunch was made in 5 minutes after the kids went down for naps.👊🏼 Quick and easy nutrition

Want to learn how to carb cycle?
Come join my round that just started and we'll get you going! I'm closing the doors tonight.



Can I get an amen?!😂😂 (You're my people!)

AND can I tell you how to have dessert AND a good body??

If you’re frustrated, stuck, hungry and just plain out of energy, listen up.📣📣

✳️You don’t need a bunch of empty promises from a 30 day program that will take all your troubles away with pills, shakes and wraps. What you need is a lifestyle that teaches you simple nutrition and exercise strategies to live your best and healthiest life. That lifestyle is the FASTer Way.

✳️My goal is to see you get well and take control of your life once and for all. And to get started, you don’t need to know A THING. You just have to show up! As your coach, I’ll be by your side cheering you on, offering support and education, working through challenges that arise, and seeing you through to reach your goals.👯

🍩AND we’ll eat treats together because a life without treats, well…. 

FINAL CALL--My next round starts THIS Monday, September 21 and I’ve got a few spots still open. If you’re tired of being sick and tired, and ready to take back control, JOIN ME. 

Quote: Jason Love


3 Tips to get you started exercising when you're overweight. 'Cuz it can be REAL uncomfortable. I speak from experience.

Spoiler: One tip involves shopping🛍️

If you want more: More people in your corner, more education around food and exercise and more results, come. Join me for us 6 week new client FASTer Way to Fat Loss experience. Next round starts Monday! Sign up now.

This is a real fix, not a quick fix.


WELP. Today didn't go as planned🤯

Or this weekend, really.

Now that I think about it, when DO things go like they're supposed to??!! #2020

-One sick kid who won't sleep. Mama tired.

-Another kinda sick kid who does sleep 🙌🏽

AND, I am fighting getting sick too😜

Ugh. Feels like a Monday.

So, today we'll rest, use Target drive-up, apply all the oils, ingest all the elderberry, get the humidifiers steaming and pray.

No HIIT for me today, instead:

I took a long walk pushing the sickies in the stroller.☀️☀️

Drinking lots of water.💧💧

Sticking with healthy, whole foods. Including making dinner super easy: tuna sandwiches (perfect for low carb day!)

Thankful to have the tools to live well, and the mindset to keep moving forward no matter what life brings.

My next FASTer Way round begins Sept. 21
Love to have you join us. We'll be learning tools to get and keep us healthy in the midst of this very crazy life.

Link in bio. Or comment 'me' below.
Stay healthy, friend. 💕


🎉TGIF- Let’s Celebrate YOU!🎉

Name 3 things that didn’t go right this week.

Now, name 3 things that did.

Ahhhh, I thought so. Why does the bad stuff🌧️ come to mind so quickly and we struggle to be thankful☀️? One of the many things I love about the FASTer Way is that on Friday we focus on wins, on victories, and goodness gracious who doesn’t need some more positive in our lives?!

It’s my goal to help YOU get well, so YOU can live your life with energy.🥇 What’s the best way to start doing that? Take small steps and celebrate your progress along the way! 

PROGRESS IS still PROGRESS, no matter how small!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

So, shout it out📣📣 what’s your biggest win this week?

Did you drink more water? Eat fruit instead of chips? Crush a hard workout? Try something new?

My win: Hitting my goal of 10,000 most days this week. I got there because I planned my walks out and didn’t veg on the couch at naptime.🚶‍♀️ Feels good!!

🎉Let me know your win below!🎉
🎉 Let’s celebrate YOU together!!!🎉


Here's how to kickstart your health journey! A few easy tips😉


Tired much?🥱😴

Life is a lot right now, right? There's a lot to do and a lot of people who need attention.😳

If you're tired of being tired, there could be a simple solution to get you renergized⚡- balance your hormones! I am sharing 3 science backed strategies that will help you balance your hormones naturally.

DROP ME a 😴 below or message me and I'll be quick to send you a FREE download to get you started with simple-yet-effective strategies to start implementing. You've got nothing to loose, but your lethargy 😘


Timeline photos 23/08/2020

If you’re ready to take the leap to becoming a healthier YOU, you only have a few more days to join us before we kick off our August 24 round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!!

Not sure why you should join?
💪You’re ready to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting
💪You’re ready to get your energy back
💪You’re ready to feel excited about each new day

The most important reason to join us?
Because you’re ready to feel like YOU again.

Join us on Monday, August 24, to learn the simple daily habits that will set you up for a lifetime of success! Register at

PS. If you join Monday’s round, you’ll receive a FREE live bonus training + FAQ with Haven and Kareen to answer your additional questions about shedding the belly fat, hormone health, fitness, whole food nutrition and more!

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

Just the lazy days of summer☀️

This summer it seems you're either bored or busier than ever before. If you've got kids in the house to take care of, you're BUSY...

You may not be going anywhere but your to do list is a mile long. 📝

Everything needs you attention- the house, the kids, the garden, and perhaps you're preparing to teach this fall too. 😉

What about YOU? When do YOU get attention? You know you can't run on an empty tank, it gets ugly when we do. At SOME POINT, a little time and energy has got to go into keeping your mind and body healthy and balanced so you can live your life with amazingness, not exhaustion, illness and a short temper.

**Let's keep moving forward.

**Let's put some things in place so we're set up to succeed this season.

**Let's model living well for our people.

I have a free self care guide I'd love to email you. Full of practical ideas to get you on track. Link in bio.

AND, I'd love to see you in my next FASTer Way round that begins on July 27. This is something you don't have to figure out, I've got it all set up for you and will take you through the process step by step. Clients report sleeping better, having more balanced hormones, looser pants and clearer skin. Link in bio or comment 'me' and I'll be in touch to see if this is a good fit for you!!

Videos (show all)

Curious what a FASTer Way workout looks like?? Here's a sneak peak!!👀FYI: Today's work out was total body strength train...
CHEERS ME!!🥤Drop me an emoji if you're staying hydrated today!💧Drink it plain, add some fruit, bubble it up, but chug a ...
3 Tips to get you started exercising when you're overweight. 'Cuz it can be REAL uncomfortable. I speak from experience....