The Warmth of God's Love
The Warmth of God's Love is a Devotional written by Pastor Lynette Roberts from LifePointe Christian Faith Center.
It is inspired by Holy Spirit for the edification of the people of God. And to show all in the world how much God truly Loves them.
Because He is faithful, I will be faithful. I will be faithful when it hurts, when it's not convenient, when it is not easy. When I don't agree, and when I want to give up.
Faithful is never easy, but it is possible and fulfilling when done with the right heart and with determination to make it to the end.
You are the prize, God! It is worth every minute!!
Jesus is saying, "I'm sitting here thinking about you. Praying that your faith won't fail. Look within you, I'm right here with you!"
You are never alone!
Sitting here quietly thinking, what will this day bring, and God says, "Closer to me." I smile...
Walk with your head held high and your shoulders squared, you got God living on the inside of you!
You got the stuff!!
Laugh, cry, rejoice and struggle, but do it all with God, cause you don't have do it alone! You are loved!
I'm running the race to win. My prize is to touch the face of Jesus!
Loving Jesus is the best decision you could do!
I hear the whisper of His voice and I know everything will be alright.
Whispers in the night, and kisses in the morning.
Thank you heavenly Father for always being there!
Draw closer and touch the face of God. It will be a touch you'll never forget! He is standing right there!
Amid all these things, I am more than a conqueror and gain surpassing victory through Him that loves me!
Thanks God!
Your mind has much to say. What's your spirit saying? Tune in to the God in you! He is waiting on you. Just open the spirit of your heart and let Him in! ❤️
Greater is HE, that is in YOU!
The flowers are blooming! Look out and see all that Hid has do!ne
God is knocking at your heart! Answer!
In order to reach the best of who you are, reach inside and find God.
Search for me with all your heart, and you will find me! Jeremiah 29:13 🙂
Let God fill your heart, and love will abound stronger than you ever imagined! Let Him in today!
Remember you already have the heart of God!