Holistic Healing with Laura Berry

Holistic Healing with Laura Berry

Therapeutic massage, holistic nutrition, lifestyle/exercise transformational coaching-trauma informed


Beauty Rests…
When I really heard that, I felt a full body exhale.
Beauty Rests.
I have always had a hard time lounging.
Giving myself permission to do nothing.
I’m in hustle mode a lot of the time.

I’ve been in fight or flight most of my life, something
I didn’t fully grasp until in was in my 30’s.
My whole nervous system was so disregulated - I felt off when s**t was good/ stable/threat free.

I’ve done a whole lotta of work to unwind that pattern and am still unwinding and healing.

But what I’ve really been leaning into the last couple years is rest.
As a mother, a woman, a survivor, a human being living in this time on the plane….
Sh*ts intense.
And only really ramping up so understanding how to regulate our nervous systems is critical.

I don’t have to work so damn hard at healing. I’m allowed to BE.
And as I allow in the softness. The acceptance.
The release of hustle mentality…
Some of the the big things I do now to ensure I keep my nervous system regulated is taking time to meditate daily,
being in nature every single day,
leaning up on some trees,
getting enough sleep,
not drinking alcohol,
hot Epsom salt baths,
cuddles and hugs with loved ones and
consciously releasing the hustle mentality.

I work and I work hard- don’t get it twisted but I’m changing the way I work and creating a foundation of a proven to work business model that will allow for me and my main squeeze to eventually slow way way way down and still create a huge impact both financially and environmentally.

Unwinding old patterns takes time.

I’m so grateful that I have a team of incredible leaders who are showing up and doing the damn thing and showing what’s possible.

I am so grateful.

I am saying yes to a more feminine approach to life, to business and in my relationship.
The softening feels good.
Beauty rests.
Here is your reminder and permission to slow down and rest. For your health. For beauty. For inner peace.
I love you

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 31/05/2024

Food lately…

We’ve been really focused on food prep the last few months and it has been so helpful to have macro balanced meals put together for an easy meal. My partner sees clients all day and trains hard so he needs plenty of nutrient dense meals to grab and go.

I’ve been loving Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts as my first meal after my PowerShake & aminos.

Fruits are in season which makes me so happy!

Taking time to prepare good, nutritious, healing foods can be a practice of devotion.

Just as eating and Nourishing our body with food can be a beautiful somatic practice. 🥰

Slow down and savor. Allll of it. 💕


Listen…. It’s not easy. But it’s a solid practice.
This is how we heal… and you know healing ain’t linear so we will keep spiraling around things that we came here to heal.
Dismantling the shame wrapped up there is a huge step.
Keep going love.
You have a whole lotta ancestors supporting you as you rise up.
With love ❤️


4 Generations of my Maternal line.
13 years ago was the last time I saw my Mimi alive. It was this visit home. She got to meet my daughter once.
But she was barely there.
You can see that her light had dimmed drastically.
Dementia will do that. A slow progression of unraveling memories, misplaced thoughts and confused reality.

This was not the Sweet Sounthern Mimi I grew up with. The one who had the big house on the golf course in Houston who always had the best snacks, delicious food cooking in the kitchen, cards ready to be dealt ~ a Spit tournament or bridge game was always on the table and there were lots of sweet sugar (kisses) ready to be given.

My Mama taught me so much. She held her Mama & her Daddy as they each walked their slow and steady path at the end of their time here. She was with them as they crawled upon their death beds. She loved and cared for them as they slowly left their once strong, capable and vibrant bodies.

My Mama, my sweet Southern mama, who writes children’s songs, plants beautiful flower and vegetable gardens, who loves her pets like family and studies and plans how the light will fill an idea of a room that my Dad will then build for her. They build rooms together. Lots and lots of rooms that hold us tight as we create new memories within the walls of their love.
My Mama who is so connected to this beautiful Earth and the cycles and seasons of things.
She has taught me so much about taking time to care and be a good steward to the land we live upon.

This life is a trip. A long~ or sometimes short~ journey home.
And We are all just walking each other home.
Can we do so with more grace? More empathy. More understanding. More forgiveness. More easy laughter.
More grace. More grace. More grace.

May we be filled with the love of the Divine Feminine that is pouring though our kindness, our growth, our sharing and caring and creating.
I come from a long line of good mamas. I know I am blessed. I am reminded daily.
I love you Mimi. I love you Mama. ✨💖🙏🏼
Thank you for all you are.

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 15/04/2024

Don’t forget get to sit in gratitude for how far you’ve come.
Maybe you don’t need to always be working on healing… you can feel into all healing you’ve done. What a gift you are.

I love you

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 13/04/2024

I don’t know about you but I have been feeling powerful shifts this eclipse season.

I am embracing the newfound clarity and transformations it brings!

Today marks Day 20 of my Divine ReSet program.

It’s been 20 days since I last drank alcohol. I’ve gone much longer in the past but this time feels profoundly different.

A deep inner knowing tells me I’m done.

The dance has been long and tumultuous and it no longer is something I wish to participate in.

Alcohol has been a teacher, and I honor its lessons as I bow out.

Sharing this is vulnerable, but it’s my path to accountability.

I want to normalize this experience that so many of us know all too well.

In a world where alcohol is everywhere, choosing to release it feels ….revolutionary.

The pressure to drink can be overwhelming, yet alcohol’s impact can be detrimental.

For me, alcohol doesn’t serve my well-being.

I black out way too easily.

It disrupts my sleep, inflames my body, and clouds my clarity.

The emotional toll is profound, affecting my mental health in ways I can’t ignore.

I have witnessed alcohol’s devastating effects on loved ones- which deepens my resolve to break free.

With significant personal and professional goals on the horizon, clarity is my compass.

I’m committed to leveling up in every aspect of my life.

For me, choosing an alcohol-free life feels empowering and liberating.

And let me tell you, it feels absolutely amazing!

My sleep has improved, inflammation is subsiding, less anxiety & reactiveness and mental clarity is sharpening.

I’m rekindling my meditation and morning rituals.

While my strength training isn’t where I want it to be- every day offers a fresh opportunity.

Releasing alcohol has been my main focus, I trust that everything else will fall into place.

One step, one day at a time—a Divine ReSet.

Considering an alcohol-free path?

Drop a 🔥 if this resonates. I’ll share a transformative podcast that delves deeper into this journey.

Taking charge of your health and life is a radical act.

You are your own medicine.


Just a reminder, in case you forgot. You are a dynamic full ass human. We came here to experience life. To be in this human body. We are spiritual beings having a human experience!!!
Don’t forget to drop into your humanness.
Feel it.
Move it.
Stretch it.
Push it.
Relish in the deliciousness of it.

Allow it all to come through.
Don’t deny any part of who you are (unless that part wishes harm on others~ if so, get curious & try to understand why)

Your body is your vehicle through this life.
Release any shame you may be carrying.
Be gentle and loving as we remember who we are.

You are Divine!
I love you. ❤️

It is so worth it.


I came across this my loves.
What are your thoughts?

I’d love to hear from you.

I have found that part of my path of liberation is fully understanding the ways in which Conservative Christianity affected me and my quest for sexual sovereignty.
This is interesting to me.


“Ancient moon priestesses were called virgins. “Virgin” meant not married, not belonging to a man—a woman who was “one-in-herself.” The very word derives from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill; and was later applied to men: virile.

Ishtar, Diana, Astarte, Isis were all called virgin, which did not refer to sexual chastity, but sexual independence. And all great culture heroes of the past, mythic or historic, were said to be born of virgin mothers: Marduk, Gilgamesh, Buddha, Osiris, Dionysus, Genghis Khan, Jesus—they were all affirmed as sons of the Great Mother, of the Original One, their worldly power deriving from her. When the Hebrews used the word, and in the original Aramaic, it meant “maiden” or “young woman,” with no connotations of sexual chastity.

But later Christian translators could not conceive of the “Virgin Mary” as a woman of independent sexuality, needless to say; they distorted the meaning into sexually pure, chaste, never touched. When Joan of Arc, with her witch coven associations, was called La Pucelle—“the Maiden,” “the Virgin”—the word retained some of its original Pagan sense of a strong and independent woman.”
- The Great Cosmic Mother, Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor -


I have had this old piece of paper on my bulletin board of my desk since I was 16 and one of my best friends - stepped into my world as a big sister, best friend, confidant, support system, so many things - when I desperately needed someone. She was there. She gave this to me and it became my anchor for so long, this little whisper of truth. That I am worthy.

These simple words.
I am a child of the Universe.
I have a right to be here.
Life is unfolding just as it should….

These words became a life line when I had no other. When I was so spiritually disconnected and didn’t know of my own Divinity.
I had never been shown or told that I was.

She gave me this little gift that planted a seed in my heart that grew to be a massive spiritual awakening.

My Loves~ Be kind.
Show up for your people, especially when they’re struggling.
Give them sweet notes to tell them they’re worthy.
You never know how deeply it will impact them.

Danelle, I love you to the moon and back and forever. Thank you for your years of friendship.
You are a gift.

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 21/03/2024

This is Kwan Yin Goddess flower Mandala that was collectively created at the closing ceremony for my Goddess Sisters’ closing of this chapter of Goddess Gatherings. I have learned so much from these women.
I love these women.
It was a gorgeous gathering of community to honor all that has transpired within the walls of this womb room.
When I got home I sat in my new office/healing treatment room that is a whole room filled with alters, sacred spaces where I can sit and commune with the Divine anytime.
I was reminded not too long ago when my little family and I lived in a tiny 2bedroom duplex. I barely had any space to make an alter. I had 1 corner shelf that I made and I had a movable sacred space that I pulled out for my morning routine of meditation, prayer, stretching/connecting to my body, pulling cards for daily wisdom.
I was struck with how drastically different my life is now. When I first started creating my alter spaces, I was sure I was doing it wrong.
I was never shown or given the confidence that I am Divine so whatever I create is a manifestation of my Divinity.
I questioned myself often….
And now….

I have an entire room!! Filled with sacred objects, decks and decks of cards to pull and goddess energy abounds. It is a palpable space of reverence.
I am filled with gratitude, with so much compassion and grace for my past self who believed I would eventually get here.

This message is for those who are fumbling around in the beginning stages of knowing your Divinity.
Truly understanding that the Goddess and God lives within and you can access that energy anytime you desire.
Find a shelf, a table, a room where you can allow for creativity and beautiful to move through you. Bring in elements of nature that speak to you. Place the objects intentionally and use that space to connect to your highest self and your guides.
Practice gratitude for what you have today and envision what you desire to create.
We co-create our reality all the time.
Developing a morning practice where you can drop in to your Divine Wisdom that will guide you in ways you won’t know.
I love you.
You are Divine.


✨This is for my empaths, my deep feelers, my highly sensitive ones. ✨
❤️ I see you and I feel your heart. ❤️

May our laughter echo through the wind on the wings of the birds and may our tears water the soil of the land we walk 💦


Anything that is not love
is only a visitor to your body.

You are not anxious,
stress is simply flowing through you.

You are not permanently depressed,
sadness is simply visiting you.

You are not lost,
confusion is simply wandering within you.

And you are not broken,
pain is simply passing through you.

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Inspired by the poem by Rumi “This being human
is a guesthouse”

Artist unknown.


Water does not resist. Water flows. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that … Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.~ Margaret Atwood

Picture takan at Kings River Falls in Arkansas 💦my homeland


Remember, we are here to connect, to live our dharma, to make an impact, to heal ourselves & our lineages.
We are here to DREAM.

If your current working situation doesn’t give you space to dream to envision the life you love… I encourage you to start digging deep and looking for ways to shift.

I personally never fit in to the matrix.

I didn’t go to a day of high school.

I’ve been an entrepreneur in the healing arts most of my life- on a healing path, helping others on their healing path.

I eventually put myself through college in San Francisco and studied Holistic Health & Dance - focusing on food and art/movement as medicine.
In that program we talked a lot about how do we heal ourselves in a sick society and how do we heal collectively when we’re sick ourselves?

We looked at many different business and economic models outside the capitalist matrix…

I’ve always been a free thinker and have forged my own path, when I found the online business model I have chosen to work with,
I truly found my home.

Y’all - There is another way.

You don’t have to be a starving artist or wounded healer.
You don’t have to be constantly creating programs and stay married to your brick and mortar, trading time for money business models.

There is a way you can plug into a fully automated system & educational platform while helping to impact people’s health in a huge way.

This is a powerful, well designed business model with a conscious community of entrepreneurs who are focused on creating huge global impact and helping to usher in a new way of living and being.

If this is resonate for you, we have a masterclass next week that is specifically for entrepreneurs.

Send me a DM and I will give you the details!

I’m visualizing the team of powerful leaders who want to grow this dream with me and so many others, all while helping people upgrade their hydration immensely and saving the planet.. can it get any better than this??!!


You may think yourself lazy, or flawed.

Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars.

Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun.

Whether you like it or not.

So no, you are not lazy.

Nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, floral and fauna around you.

It is not your moment to rise.

It is winter, you are wintering.

And you are right on time.

~ Donna Ashworth, “Wintering”

Art by Amanda Clark


Just keep going!!

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 03/01/2024

In the quiet embrace of winter, as I reflect on 2023, Freedom echoed through my journey—a word that unfolded into profound acceptance.

Acceptance of self, of others, and of the simple act of allowing myself to be.

Through acceptance, I discovered a genuine sense of freedom.

A Winter Solstice circle unveiled the word for 2024—Resonance—I feel the call to align with the people in my life, the growth of my business, and the very essence of how I live. Resonance is the rhythm I seek.

In a separate circle focused on business, Courageous Action beckoned me.

It's about boldly shaping the resonance I desire, especially in the online space.

This is the path forward.

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, I invite you to a transformative masterclass led by inspiring leaders.

It's a two-day workshop designed for entrepreneurs craving an additional online income stream, blending both digital and in-person connections.

Reflect on your business journey, envisioning a future where you make more, travel freely, and relish time with family.

If this resonates with you, let me know, and I'll guide you into the group.

I spent years observing friends grow their businesses, hesitant and skeptical. Yet, last year brought clarity—I craved a deeper freedom that my current path couldn't provide.

So, I took a leap, explored a new opportunity, and now stand with my flag planted, eager to share this chance with those it aligns with.

In times of great change, we must choose our collaborators wisely. I found resonance in working with a 50-year-old global company committed to health, wealth, and environmental well-being. If this aligns with your values, drop a 🔥 or DM me to join our group—it's bound to be epic!

Wishing you all the resonance your heart desires. ❤️


"We are calling the Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Daughters
The wild women
The crones
The seers & midwives
The mountain & desert women
The soul summoners
The water carriers
The tenders & feelers of Earth
The ocean women who are rising the tide
The fire women who are ready to roar
The girls who already breathe consciously with the trees
and the elders who choose to sing the song
that ends the desecration of our world.
We are calling you to to rise together now.
You are invited to unite & awaken
to who, what you really are,
on behalf of the forests,
on behalf of the trees,
on behalf of Life."~

~Clare Dubois

art: Three Generations by Kel Nu

Repost from Sacred Dreams


Mama’s making some medicine…
Elderberry Syrup!

*Elderberries, orange, ginger, cinnamon, clove & raw local honey…

Elder is particularly useful for the kind of immune system support we need to prevent viruses from replicating throughout our bodies–the elder provides support to block that kind of replication.

It has a host of other health benefits, such as a high amount of flavenoids and for general support for colds, reducing the amount of time one needs to get through the sickness.

Orange is super high in Vit C and flavonoids- high in antioxidants.

Ginger is also high in antioxidants and boosts flavor

Cloves are anti inflammatory and antimacrobial

Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and is anti inflammatory. May be protective against cold and flu

Raw local honey is full of antioxidants and is anti bacterial and is also a phytonutrient powerhouse and helps to sooth sore throat and cough.

Add in Mama’s love that is infused into the medicine with the intention to support the body as it heals itself and we are set!



sometimes I wonder
if Mary breastfed Jesus.
if she cried out when he bit her
or if she sobbed when he would not latch.
and sometimes I wonder
if this is all too vulgar
to ask in a church
full of men
without milk stains on their shirts
or coconut oil on their breasts
preaching from pulpits
off limits to the Mother of God.

but then i think of feeding Jesus,
birthing Jesus,
the expulsion of blood
and smell of sweat,
the salt of a mother’s tears
onto the soft head of the Salt of the Earth,
feeling lonely
and tired
and i think,

if the vulgarity of birth is not
honestly preached
by men who carry power but not burden,
who carry privilege but not labor,
who carry authority but not submission,
then it should not be preached at all.

because the real scandal of the Birth of God
lies in the cracked ni***es of a
14 year old
and not in the sermons of ministers
who say women
are too delicate
to lead.

~ Kaitlin Hardy Shetler
Kaitlin Shetler Poetry

Art by Harmony Rosales

** I realize that Christmas is not the birth date of Christ but many believe it is- or at least celebrate his birth now. I thought this poem appropriate.

Happy Holidays to All.
All I want for Christmas is a permanent CeaseFire and a Free Palestine.

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 22/12/2023

Solstice Gathering last night was potent salve for my soul. These women swooped in and have been part of my inner inner circle of women who’ve held me through the chaos of the last few years. We started as a rebellious gathering of women in the middle of Covid, dedicated to unravel the ways in which Toxic Patriarchy and Religion had stripped us of our most radical power. We wanted to harness the power of our connection to the Divine Mother to the Goddesses and to our connection to other women. These deep spaces where we can shine light on the dark and be held with love and compassion by another woman who only wants to lift up and support each other. As one of many women who are healing from Mother Wounds or Sister Wounds, these kinds of circles are the medicine we need to find our voice. To reclaim our power. To create a new way of gathering and being. These women have held me through tremendous loss and celebration, they see my gifts clearly and help reflect my beauty, my passion and my wholeness right back to me in the most Divine Ways.
And now we have a sacred space, the Womb Room that is allowing for so many more women and men to circle up and remember. To birth incredible ideas into reality. To help heal the Divine Feminine within and hold each other in grace and love. Deep bow of gratitude to you for your bravery and all the work you’ve put into this passion project. 🌟
It’s so incredible.
Thank you

For being part of this circle ⭕️
I love you all so so much.
Happy Solstice. Thank you for sharing your light and illuminating the way for so many others. I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Holistic Healing with Laura Berry's post 16/12/2023

Enzlee’s 7th grade dance. 🥹

My love, my whole heart~ if I could give you one thing in this life it would be to see yourself through my eyes.
I’m learning to be a better person by being her Mama.

I am eternally grateful for this one.

I don’t even know what else to say except I wish I could slow down time… except it’s so fun to
See her grow into the incredible young woman she is. ❤️


Our lives are not linear, but like seasons, we shift and change, we undulate, we spiral round, we wax and wane, we unravel and restore, we compost and we grow.

Autumn and winter show us that our endings are natural and needed, not pointless or failures.
But an essential part of living, of growth.

And when we open to the teachings our decomposing brings, it will feed our seeds with a deeper knowing of self, with courage and care.

Becoming the fertile decay, from which we grow.
• Words Brigit Anna McNeill •
• Art Alexandra Dvornikova •


As integrate from my medicine ceremony last week… I’ll share more on that soon but for now I want to share some good stuff regarding MicroDosing


“ Microdosing is not a magic pill. It represents a completely different approach to medicine than SSRIs. You do not take psilocybin because it 'makes you feel better', you take it because it gives your nervous system the ability to un-f**k itself, with the endgame being that you *learn new habits* and *ditch unhealthy ones*. This could include laziness, or suffering from attachment, chronic grief that won't budge, suboptimal or intrusive thought and feeling patterns like anxiety, depression, or rage. It is a tool that helps us shed old ways, and invent new ones.

Lets talk about the science.
Psilocybin antagonizes the 5HT2A receptor, which triggers neurogenesis. More intimately explained, it ramps up production of two major building-block proteins in the neuroendocrine system known as BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor), and GDNF (glial cell derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is responsible for the formation of new neurons, and GDNF for those neurons developing healthy dendritic connections with adjacent neurons, enabling them to communicate with one another. These proteins are highly prevalent when we are young, often referred to as neuroplasticity, which is why children are able to learn at such fascinating rates, and why the young mind is so impressionable - its capacity for storing knowledge and experience into neurological pathways is immense. With that said, as we age, the prevalence of these proteins diminishes, and it becomes harder and harder to form new neural pathways. So as the world forms you, your neural reaction to it becomes more and more solidified. This manifests in many ways, but perhaps the most discussed is in the form of anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression are *not* the result of a "chemical imbalance" like big pharma has perpetuated with the intent of selling you, and all of society, on the miracle of MAOIs and now SSRIs. We don't need to fix the *chemicals*, we need to fix the *neurons* that *lead to* the chemicals. All a neurotransmitter is, is the end result of a series of electrical impulses from the established neural pathways in your brain and body. Enter microdosing.

The reason microdosing works, if done properly, is because it encourages the growth of new neural networks. So instead of neuron 1 telling neuron 2 telling neuron 3...telling neuron 5,683 to tell YOU "YOU'RE SAD NOW!", neuron 1 tells neuron 2, who for some reason decides to tell his buddy neuron 3a, who is friends with 4z, and word eventually gets to neuron %7@51sj, who was literally just born, and hasn't been through a messy divorce, doesn't have kids screaming at him all the time, was never talked down to at work, or lied to, or broke for a ten-year stretch, or had a battle with addiction, and decides to tell you "YO BITCH. BE HAPPY. CUZ WHY NOT AMIRITE?!"

So here's the catch.

You have to give your nervous system a *reason* to birth new neurons. If you drink a protein shake, and sit on the couch expecting a change instead of going to the gym, you likely won't see one.

Same applies with neuroplasticity.

Which is why mindfulness is so important.

You have to somehow communicate to your body that you *want* change, and *what* to change.

Which is why you set an intention.

You ruminate on what needs to change and why. You spend time in the morning when you're brushing your teeth reminding yourself of the you you'd like to be before the world got its hands on you.
You take a moment in traffic on the way to work reflecting on how it got to this point and how you wish you felt instead.
You sit with yourself for five minutes when you get home, and practice gratitude, or hopefulness, or self-accountability with all the things you've been slacking on, and maybe also self-compassion in equal measure.

And startled, he begins to go to work, building a new cellular railroad in your head.

*This* is the magic of magic mushrooms.
And I'm sure your body is intelligent enough to do some of it on its own.
But it's been wrong before, that's how we got here in the first place, so you need to start to take control, and align with your higher self, whatever they might look like.

I hope this clears some things up.

Sure, there are some euphoric effects of taking psilocybin, but the real power is in the healing you don't see until you see it.
Don't get distracted.
You have work to do.
And we know it's been hard, but we, and the medicine, are here to help.

Trust the plants…

- Post from the group Microdosing and Mental Health by Scott Hussein Teabo, from the MA chapter of Decriminalize Nature.
*Shared with permission

Image Art by Ellie Paisley

