Paula Hooper Animal Communication

Paula Hooper Animal Communication

Welcome to the world of animal communication. This page is about all things related to the messages

Learn what's driving your pet's weird (or annoying) behavior, check in with a pet that has crossed over (and learn how to get a sign from him/her), and hear what your animal is helping you learn in this life.


Bruno, my beautiful lizard who spent so much time on my shoulder, died yesterday. I'm relieved he's in his happy place, but I'm a mess. Isn't it so hard to lose a special Heather Tawney Animal Communicator


You can all tell what Bruno is thinking – no private animal communication session needed.


Sometimes animals give me messages through videos. But sometimes body language is all anyone needs!


Can you tell from this photo? Check the body language.


Bruno's first afternoon with us was just as expected – he was unsure of everything and on his guard. But Bruno's first evening changed everything for him.

Bruno watched from his giant terrarium as my husband, Fred, and I sat on the sofa, with our dog, Simon, between us, watching tv. I noticed that Bruno kept watching the three of us and after an hour, he started scrambling at the glass (“glass surfing”). I knew what he wanted – he wanted to be part of the family – so I took him ouy and brought him over to join us. I sat him on my leg, next to Simon, and every muscle in his body relaxed. The four of us stayed there for a couple of hours as Bruno instantly became part of the family.

How did I know what he wanted? I trust my instincts, and when I get a message from an animal, I believe it.


Simon after his surgery - but he's fine now


Both, awake from a nap


Don't want no stinkin' snuggle – leave me alone


Thinking of knee resurfacing (AKA replacement)? I had it done 10 October and it was the best thing I could have done. There's pain the first few days, then less pain. I was off the walker (and cane) in 2 weeks and driving 3 days after that. I know I was lucky with my recovery, but even an unlucky recovery would not have been than long (or difficult). It's now 3½ months and my life is pretty normal. There's still a little pain but I'm back at the zoo talking about animals, back at the children's hospital monitoring the Ronald MacDonald Family Room, and back to my animal communication, so life is good.


Simon and Bruno are back! I've been recovering from knee surgery (more on that later) so photos have not been an option. But both of these guys are camera hogs so it's only fair to let them shine.


My first animal communication teacher was Barney, my dog. He taught me how to hear his wants. I thought it was a special ability of Barney's. I now know the ability to hear (or see, sense, understand, whatever) is something we all have. How did he teach me? He was very clever about it.
Barney started by sitting in front of me and staring at me. I would finally realize that he wanted something, so I would recite a list: Do you want to go out? Do you want a biscuit? Do you want the ball? Do you want the tug toy? I'd go through ten or twelve suggestions and when I got to the one he wanted, he'd jump up and bark. Then I'd either get it for him or tell him he couldn't have it at that time – he was always satisfied with either answer.
But eventually, he decided I knew the answer when I said it and he no longer had to bark. So he would sit there, staring at me, and I'd go through the list – and when it “felt like the answer” I'd get up and get it for him. From that point on, Barney just assumed I knew what he wanted without him barking – and I did. Barney and I had a great method of communicating, all because he had the patience to teach me.


An afternoon on the porch for Bruno


Did you know? Bearded dragons have a third eye! It's on top of their head, under a scale. It senses light and dark, but not images or colors. And it doesn't look anything like the other two eyes.


Here's Bruno, on his way to the vets at Tufts for his second surgery. And that's where everything changed. The tail surgery was canceled because the necrotic tail part fell off while being scrubbed for the amputation (most of his tail remains okay). And the CT scan of his liver shows the liver in much better condition than two months ago, so perhaps he is not in end-stage fatty liver disease. All great news.


Visiting the new puppies in foster care - mom had a litter of 14 and needs help.


Fred, at Wachusett Mt, skiing on his 80th birthday today.


Looking forward to this

Our next online event is coming up quick! Feb 23rd for Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center

Tickets are only $20 and Henrietta and her friends will be so grateful for your support.


We’ll be selecting people from the audience for readings with their animals whether alive or in spirit 🐾🌈

Meredith Tollison - Animal Intuitive, Paula Hooper Animal Communication , Heather Tuller Animal Communicator , and Sally Reinfeld Animal Communication with be the communicators for the event!


LOOK! Just like Simon


Simon – napping whenever and wherever he can (makes me envious)

Home - Paula Hooper 30/01/2023

A few weeks ago I posted about animal communication readings from my point of view, but perhaps you'd really like to hear about it from the animal's perspective.
When I do a reading in person, the animal usually appears to have no connection with me at all. Napping cats continue to nap, eating lizards continue to eat, and bored dogs continue to be bored. I'm still getting information from them, their owner is still listening and confirming that it all is making sense, but the animal is completely indifferent. And when we're finished with the reading and I disconnect from the pet, there's still no visible sign that there's been a conversation.
But every once in a while, I get to see an animal who recognizes that I'm sending information and asking questions. The look is usually surprise, because most animals are not used to people communicating with them. I have a friend whose dog was aware of my comments and questions – and showed real surprise at first. And my bearded dragon, Bruno, is one of these animals who is aware that I'm talking to him in my head. The first time he heard me, it was total surprise on his face as a stared at me. Now he just listens and answers. I suspect that some of the animals I communicate with while I'm on the phone with their owners are aware of it all, but I also suspect that most are not.

Home - Paula Hooper Learn what’s driving your pet’s quirky (or irritating) behavior. Hear what your animal is helping you learn in this life. Check in with a pet who’s crossed over and learn how to get a sign from him/her. Click here to read what a session would be like for you.


time to celebrate - today is DRAGON APPRECIATION DAY

Home - Paula Hooper 10/01/2023

I'm an animal communicator and that involves three points of view: the animal's, the person's, and mine. Perhaps you'd like to know what it's like from my perspective.
My readings are done on the phone (so I can't see the animal) and the only information I need is the animal's name, species (cat, dog, corn snake, etc), gender, and alive or passed on. All of this information is just to help me get the reading started quickly, without having to ask your animal these questions.
I have a room pictured in my head – it looks like a real room (with furniture, rugs, books, accessories) but does not and has never existed. Most of my information is visual so the room helps with this – and I just like it this way. I close my eyes, picture the room, and watch the animal walk in and get comfortable. It's like watching a video in my head. Some aspects of the animal's appearance are important and some are not, and I tell the person what I am seeing.
There are also other ways I get information. For me, hearing always involves music. I've had animals play various songs from the past and the person always understands why that particular song is playing. Feeling physical sensations usually occurs when I'm asking the animal about how his/her health and well-being. These physical sensations usually let me know what the animal is feeling at that moment or at the moment we are talking about – but these physical feelings are not a diagnostic tool to find illness (you need a vet for that), just a way of getting closer to your animal and understanding how he/she is feeling right now.
I also get information in what I refer to as a download – suddenly, I just know something and don't know why or how I know it (like when you download a file onto you computer and BOOM, it's just there).
As the session continues, I relay what I'm seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing to the person. I ask if it is making sense and if it is, we continue. If it is not making sense, that means I need to go back to the animal and ask for clarification (“please, explain it or show it to me in another way”).
For me, animals are funny and frequently have attitude (which is also funny) – and some have a salty vocabulary. I assume the animals bring humor to the reading because that's what I like. If only I could always be a good, loving, and considerate as the animals.

Home - Paula Hooper Learn what’s driving your pet’s quirky (or irritating) behavior. Hear what your animal is helping you learn in this life. Check in with a pet who’s crossed over and learn how to get a sign from him/her. Click here to read what a session would be like for you.




My volunteer job at the zoo is the best. I take animals out and let the visitors see and learn a few things about them. Last week, I took Cornelius, a corn snake, out to meet the visitors, and Cornelius showed lots of gentle interest and curiosity in the people. These animals that I take are not on exhibit so the only way to see them is for someone like me to bring them out.

Most reputable zoos have two categories of animals, exhibit animals and program (or education) animals, and animals can’t be both. Zoos want their exhibit animals to keep their natural behaviors as much as possible. No zoo wants a monkey to ride around the zoo on the shoulders of someone, or the emerald tree boa to want to be snuggled. This would not be natural behavior.

But the program animals that we take out need to be happy to be held and happy to be in a crowd. I spend many hours letting these animals get to know me and to trust me. Cornelius, the corn snake, has been hanging out with me for several years — since he was the size of a pencil, and he’s more than 4 feet long today). He trusts me to keep him comfortable and safe.

This is not normal behavior for a wild snake. To have Cornelius on exhibit, maintaining his natural behaviors, would mean I could not pick him up (he’d squirm to get away) and I would never be able to let visitors near him (he might bite). But as a program animal, he has different expectations of the people he knows and these expectations include trust that we’ll all keep him safe, comfortable, and happy. Cornelius is one of our program animals, more frequently called an ambassador animal


I have the best job ever: today I had Luna, a hedgehog, out to meet with the zoo visitors.


Violet enjoys getting out to meet the visitors at the zoo. And I love taking her.

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Paula Hooper Animal

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00