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If you're looking to start a fitness routine consider morning workouts. Early exercise will help you start the day with more energy focus and optimism. Plus after a morning workout you're more likely eat healthy and say active throughout the day.


Most Effective Exercises.
Walking. Any exercise program should include cardiovascular exercise which strengthens the heart and burns calories.
Interval training.
Push ups.
Abdominal Crunches.
Bent over Row.


Benefits of Physical Activity
Immediate Benefits.
Weight Management.
Reduce Your Health Risk.
Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles.
Improve Your Ability to do Daily Activities and Prevent Falls.
Increase Your Chances of Living Longer.


Benefits of Camel Pose:
Reduces fat on thighs.
Opens up the hips stretching deep hip flexors.
Stretches and strengthens the shoulders and back.
Expands the abdominal region improving digestion and elimination.
Improves posture.
Opens the chest improving respiration.
Loosens up the vertebrae.
Relieves lower back pain.


Some benefits of Vajrasana also include:
aiding in digestion.
relieving or preventing constipation.
strengthening pelvic muscles.


Benefits of a headstand pose yoga.
calm the mind.
alleviate stress and depression.
activate the pituitary and pineal glands.
stimulate the lymphatic system.
strengthen the upper body spine and core.
enhance lung capacity.
stimulate and strengthen abdominal organs.
boost digestion.


shoulder stand pose yoga can reverse your blood flow so that when you stand back up, a fresh wave of blood shoots through your body. Experts have researched how this rush revs up your circulation and brings more oxygen into your entire body.


Fish pose stretches the front of the body particularly the throat chest abdomen hip flexors and intercostals . It strengthens the upper back muscles and the back of the neck which improves spinal flexibility and posture.


Benefits of butterfly pose yoga.
The butterfly pose renders a great stretch for the inner thighs and groin.
It improves blood circulation in the lower body that is stalled due to long sitting hours.
It provides relief from menstrual discomfort and issues due to menopause.
Maintains healthy bowels movement.


The benefits of baddha konasana:
Strengthens and improves flexibility in the inner thighs groins and the knees.
Helps prepare the hips and groins for meditative seated poses which require more flexibility in these areas.
Helps to sooth menstrual discomfort and digestive complaints.


Benefits of half standing forward fold yoga pose
Ardha uttanasana stretches and lengthens your hamstrings calves and front and back torso. It also strengthens the back and spine improving posture. Practicing this pose stimulates the abdominal organs and belly improving digestion


It is purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy. This is a spiritual energy that is said to be located at the base of your spine. As Kundalini yoga awakens this energy it is supposed to enhance your awareness and help you move past your ego. Sometimes the practice is also called yoga of awareness.


The benefits of Iyengar yoga pose
Toned muscles. In addition to stretching your muscles the physical demand of holding each pose will help you build strength in both body and mind.
A calmer mind.
Pain relief.
Improved posture.
Protection from disease.
Improved breathing.


Benefits of low lunge pose yoga:
Releases tension in your hips.
Stretches your hamstrings, quads and groin.
Strengthens your knees.
Helps build mental focus.


Chair pose strengthens the entire legs from the thighs to the calves and ankles.


Health benefits of co**se pose yoga
Relaxes your whole body.
Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension.
Improves concentration.
Cures insomnia.
Relaxes your muscles.
Calms the mind and improves mental health.
Excellent for stimulating blood circulation.


Doing yoga in early mornings will provide oxygen and increase blood circulation. It helps to balance your breath and push the blood to go through veins, improving the functions of internal organs and making your body always full of energy.


Benefits of Downward Dog pose Yoga:

Strengthens the whole body upper body, arms, shoulders, abdomen and legs.
Stretches the back of the body, ankles, calves, hamstrings, spine.
Calms the mind.
Stimulates blood circulation.
Downward Dog is a great pose to rest the spine between strong back bends and forward bends.


Child pose yoga is a beginner yoga pose that stretches the muscles of the low back, as well as the inner thighs. For those with tight back and hip muscles, this will, of course, feel like work.


Benefits of Triangle Pose Yoga
Stretches legs, muscles around the knee, ankle joints, hips, groin muscles, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine.
Strengthens legs, knees, ankles, abdominals, obliques and back.
Stimulates function of abdominal organs.
Relieves stress.
Improves digestion and constipation.


Benefits of Mountain Pose Yoga
It improves posture and, when practiced regularly, can help reduce back pain. This pose strengthens the thighs, knees, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It is also helpful for relieving sciatica and for reducing the affects of flat feet.


Benefits of Tree Pose Yoga
Tree Pose stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. The pose also helps to remedy flat feet and is therapeutic for sciatica. Like a tree, extend your roots down and blossom your arms up toward the sun.


Benefits of Full Boat Pose Yoga:
Tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles.
Improves balance and digestion.
Stretches your hamstrings.
Strengthens your spine and hip.
Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines.
Aids in stress relief.
Improves confidence.


Done properly and consistently, there are many benefits to triangle pose yoga for stretches legs, muscles around the knee, ankle joints, hips, groin muscles, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine. Strengthens legs, knees, ankles, abdominal, obliques and back. Stimulates function of abdominal organs.


Benefits of cobra pose yoga
Strengthens the spine.
Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.
Tones the buttocks.
Stimulates abdominal organs.
Helps relieve stress and fatigue.
Opens the heart and lungs.
Soothes sciatica.
Therapeutic for asthma.


Benefits of Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose opens the chest, heart, and shoulders. It stretches the spine, the back of the neck, the thighs, and the hip flexors front hip joints. Bridge Pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid glands, which improves digestion and helps to regulate metabolism.


The full moon energy corresponds to the end of inhalation when the force of prana is greatest. Take a deep breath in, hold it, and feel the prana (energy) in your body. This is an expansive, upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded.


Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. This may help prevent weight gain.While restorative yoga isn't an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal fat.


It'll take time before you become a yogi master, but here are 11 ways to move in the right direction.
01. Do Your Research. You can improve your yoga practice even when you're not in class.
02. Be Aware of Your Breath.
03. Set a Schedule.
04. Experiment.
05. Talk to Your teacher.
06. Know Your Limits.
07. Close Your Eyes.
08. Don't Judge.


Yoga's incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person's mental well-being. “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration,” says Dr. Nevins
