Jewish Palestine

Jewish Palestine

The History of Jewish Palaestina

Hugeee demonstration in Brasil today against the president Lula after his decision to cut ties with Israel. thousands of Israeli flags (More than million people)!! That’s the support im talking about! Proud Israeli Brazilian!🇮🇱🇧🇷 #israelbrasil #amisraelchai #standeithus 26/02/2024

Enemies of Jews always complain that Jews control the world. I don't know about it, but based on the lynching that going on in The Hague, it looks like opposite. Nevertheless, Israel must take strong steps to depose head of states who participate in legal proceedings against Israel, since without adequate response the avalanche of attacks against Israel will not stop. I hope that Mossad had a hand in the mass demonstration against President of Brazil after he attacked israel.

Hugeee demonstration in Brasil today against the president Lula after his decision to cut ties with Israel. thousands of Israeli flags (More than million people)!! That’s the support im talking about! Proud Israeli Brazilian!🇮🇱🇧🇷 #israelbrasil #amisraelchai #standeithus

17/02/2024 12/02/2024

Great news - two male hostages were rescued yesterday in Gaza.


We need help to create a keffiyeh with Stars of David as a main theme of it.


Look at this person - her name is Tess Ingram. She’s a communication specialist at the UNICEF, the UN organization on children’s affairs. She was in Gaza worrying that children there are missing schools. What she didn’t said is that 10,000 children are dead there and 20,000 are orphans and UNICEF hasn’t lift a finger to evacuate surviving children to Egypt. Listen to this - 10 meters are separated these children from war to peace , just a short walk across the border from Gaza and Tess Ingram doesn’t care about it.
Please call Tess Ingram at 934 867 7867 and demand that UNICEF immediately organizes evacuation of children from Gaza.

Burying South Africa at the ICJ 22/01/2024

Great article that buried the term "Palestinians" in relation to Hamasans. Hamasans aren't Palestinias as per any legal definition. Period!

Burying South Africa at the ICJ Before it gets to its skewed allegations against Israel, South Africa must prove it is defending a people called Palestinians. Words matter. Op-ed.


After so many sacrifices and Jewish casualties the North of Gaza was partially liberated and now Israel’s government let Hamasans back to their homes to start again killing Jews. It’s shame that Israel doesn’t learn history lessons.

Photos from Jewish Palestine's post 08/01/2024

Google Who lived longer in the land of Israel?

“I am a Palestinian” - Golda Meir 03/01/2024

Golda Meir the fourth prime minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974.
"I AM A PALESTINIAN". She had a Palestinian Passport from 1921 until Israel's independence in 1948.

“I am a Palestinian” - Golda Meir *SHARE*Watch this fascinating admission by the former and first female Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, admitting in an interview that Palestine DID exi...


First Man on the Moon was "palestinians" as hamasans would say

Actres # jamilanagudu with and also known as in movie📽📺👈


Actres # jamilanagudu with and also known as in movie📽📺👈


About 4000 years ago, my ancestor Abraham paid huge amount of money, 400 shekels, to buy a land in Ḥevrōn at the foot of Judea Mountains to bury his late wife Sarah. After four millennia, Hamasans’ invaders are occupying my sacred land, denying rights to my sisters and brothers to be there. It’s time to make it right - expel invaders by any means necessary.

Actres # jamilanagudu with and also known as in movie📽📺👈


Are you aware that Allah gave Palestine to Jews as Prophet Mohammad, Peace Be Upon Him, told us in the Quran? Are you a true believer of Prophet Mohamma words? Then you must support the right of Jews to live in their land.


Hamastan University of terror. Graduates are fighting to meet 72 virgins. I don’t understand what’s wrong with deflowered women in Paradise? Aren’t they allowed there? 😂



Four Jews were murdered today in Israel including newlywed 24 years old pregnant woman. Hamas was quick to take credit for the deaths. Time to Israel to take credit for destroying Hamas in Gaza , Judea and Samaria.

Israel and the history of the Jews 30/11/2023

Great video explaining Palestine History of the Jewish People and connection to our world.

Israel and the history of the Jews This was produced by a group called The Real History of Israel back in the day so ALL credit to them. They did a fantastic job! Their website doesn't exist a...


The UNRWA organization that feeds Hamasans in Gaza and elsewhere supposed to be a neutral party in conflicts. Nevertheless, it’s proven now that ALL buildings under UN flags are used as armories for Hamas. Moreover, UNRWA also involves in the kidnapping business and uses its employees to hold hostages in Gaza. So UN don’t cry when your installations and your collaborators are the target of a military attack.


Hamasans are waging global war on Israel. They use any means to portray Israel as this monster in pictures below. Asra Jabes tried to kill Israelis in a failed car bomb and as a result she became disfigured as you see her. Now Hamasans claim that Israel did it for her. Don’t trust Hamasans in anything.


We are grateful to see the hostages that returned home today.
Praying for the safe return of the hostages who still remain in , and reuniting families that have been ripped apart, as 5 fathers were left in captivity today.


Elon Musk is visiting Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip that Hamas terrorists invaded.


We are grateful to see the hostages that returned home today, among them - 4-year-old Israeli/American Avigayil, whose parents were murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Praying for the safe return of the hostages who still remain in .

6 of the 9 children released today HAVE LOST ONE OR BOTH PARENTS in the Oct. 7 massacre.


These israelis hostages were released today. Am Yisrael Chai!

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