

A new way to raise all the money you need for all the business, charitable, or personal causes you care about. Welcome to Cooperative Crowdfunding.

COOP 5050 - Home 01/07/2021

Great news: We are doing a Coop5050 live overview webinar today at 2:00PM Eastern/11:00AM Pacific.

Zoom Link:
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Time/11:00AM Pacific Time
Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Join us FIVE MINUTES EARLY and bring guests.

Find out how to supersize your Coop5050!

Use my Donor Key to create your account
Let’s get busy with it!

COOP 5050 - Home COOP 5050We are the world’s first peer-to-peer crowdfunding system, first established in 2002 and our systems are the first to turns givers into receivers.



This is Godfrey Esoh from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. I have found a revolutionary platform that can help me raise millions of dollars to fund my dream of using digital technology to bring higher education access to ten thousand Africans over the next five years. When you support my project through the Coop5050 platform, you automatically unlock the potential to receive unlimited donations to fund your own personal, charitable, or business causes. Coop5050 is the world’s first Cooperative Crowdfunding system that helps you raise any amount of money you need for anything, anytime, anywhere, by participating in a self-driving shared economy (Digital Cooperative). GIVE-SHARE-RECEIVE. Please take a few moments to digest the presentations and training material below, and then get back to me for us to clarify your questions and get started.


PDF Overview:

Money for everything: Coop5050 Intro

Fund your dreams: Coop5050 Presentation

A bank in your pocket: Introducing CoopWallet

Coop5050 Business Training: How to make the money flow

All you need to do to start receiving unlimited donations to fund your own dream like me is to join Coop5050 by making a one-time donation of between $25 to $4000, on top of the subscription fees that I have explained below. That is all. Your one-time donation will turn into a source of passive income that grows perpetually, thanks to a genius invention known as the Mobius Loop. When you make a donation, 50% of it will go to fund my Cause while 50% will go to cooperatively fund other causes within the network, up to ten levels above me.


There are six ways in which you receive ACTIVE DONATIONS within the Coop5050 system:

1) You receive donations from your personal contacts.

2) You receive donations from the personal contacts of your personal contacts.

3) You receive donations from people up to ten generations above you in the system (help from above).

4) You receive donations from people you invite, and the people they invite, up to ten generations below you (help from below).

5) You receive donations through reentries.

6) You also receive donations from people who fund your cause directly through the campaigns you create and promote.

Use this link to enroll in Coop5050

Contact me on WhatsApp using this link


With a software subscription fee of just $29.99, you activate your own automated global Crowdfunding platform. Your Crowdfunding platform is complete with a personalized, decentralized blockchain wallet that supports over 100 cryptocurrencies. In this crypto revolution, a personalized digital wallet is literally a bank branch in your pocket. It is even more powerful than your local bank because through your digital wallet you can do business with anyone on the planet and move money anywhere on the planet. The CoopWallet is the first of its kind in the world. It is power in your hands.


Coop5050 is also the world’s first RESIDUAL DONATION platform. Residual donors are wealthy and charitable people who subscribe to the CoopCrowd platform and set up their accounts to be making monthly donations of thousands or millions of dollars to help causes like yours and mine. When you enroll in Coop5050, a fixed deposit of $84 will be withdrawn from your wallet and used to plug you into the residual donation matrix so that it will be earning passive donations for you. These passive donations grow according to your level of activity within the system and can go up to millions of dollars in just a few months.

Use this link to enroll in Coop5050

Contact me on WhatsApp using this link


If, for example, you choose a $50 one-time donation, then your total start capital will be ($50+$29.99+$84). That is a one-time investment of $164 for you to start receiving donations immediately. It takes less than a week to receive more donations than your initial capital, and there is a precise formula you can use to position yourself to start earning more than $20,000 every month in active donations, and a million dollars in three months or one year in passive donations. As a member of my Impact Team, you can count on all the leadership and support you need to unleash the full power of Coop5050 to fund your wildest dreams. Get started now!

Use this link to enroll in Coop5050

Contact me on WhatsApp using this link


Coop5050 is not network marketing, nor is it conventional Crowdfunding. The emphasis is not on you "bringing people" and there is no room on the platform for beggars or people who are looking for free money without giving anything in return. When it comes to Cooperative Crowdfunding, the emphasis is on leadership. Being a leader means that you have a Cause or Project through which you are making a difference in your life or in your community. There are 6 ways to receive active donations in Coop5050 plus the passive donations. But to unlock all this potential, you must demonstrate your leadership prowess by enrolling as an active donor and then building your Personal Crowdfunding Circle of at least 3 members. You can look at your Personal Crowdfunding Circle as the means by which you validate yourself as a leader and demonstrate the genuineness of the need or cause you are raising funds for. You cannot expect the world to give you money for something if you cannot find three family members and friends to support that cause, can you? The size of your Personal Crowdfunding Circle affects how much you earn in both active and passive donations, so your degree of commitment will be determined by the size of your dream. Begin by adding just 3 people to your Personal Crowdfunding Circle in your first week. Coach them to do the same. When the donations start rolling in, you will be the one to rush and bring your whole village. That is all there is to this system. The product you are selling is your impact project. Your bank is your digital wallet. There is no hassle:

1) Enroll as an active donor in Coop5050 using this link:

2) Build a Personal Crowdfunding Circle of at least 3 people to support your cause within your first week.

3) Coach your team members to build their own Personal Crowdfunding Circles within their first week, then watch your money grow.

Welcome to the Cooperative Crowdfunding revolution. Thank you for being the change you want to see in the world.

Godfrey Esoh (Team Leader)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Coop5050 is not network marketing. The emphasis is not on you "bringing people". When it comes to Cooperative Crowdfunding, the emphasis is on leaders and not beggers. Being a leader means that you have a Cause or Project through which you are making a difference in your life or in your community. Being a leader means that you understand the power of a shared economy and that you are not here to look for free money without giving anything in return. There are 6 ways to receive active donations in Coop5050 plus the passive donations. But to unlock all this potential, you must demonstrate your leadership prowess by enrolling as an active donor and then building your Personal Crowdfunding Circle of at least 3 members. You can look at your Personal Crowdfunding Circle as the means by which you validate yourself as a leader and demonstrate the genuineness of the need or cause you are raising funds for. You cannot expect the world to give you money for something if you cannot find three family members and friends to support that cause, can you? The size of your Personal Crowdfunding Circle affects how much you earn in both active and passive donations. Begin by adding just 3 people to your Personal Crowdfunding Circle in your first week. Coach them to do the same. When the donations start rolling in, you will be the one to rush and bring your whole village. That is all there is to this system. The product you are selling is your impact project. Your bank is your digital wallet. There is no hassle:
1) Enroll as an active donor in Coop5050
2) Build a Personal Crowdfunding Circle of at least 3 people to support your cause within your first week.
3) Coach your team members to do the same, then watch your money grow.

Coop5050 com It's For You 20/06/2021


Cooperative Crowdfunding is a genius invention that uses the Mobius Loop to transform the network effect into a self-perpetuating toroidal system in which everyone is receiving unlimited amounts of money simultaneously. There are no winners or losers. There is rather a shared economy in which members move money around to finance causes that make a difference in the world. Coop5050 is beyond network marketing and conventional crowdfunding. Coop5050 is definitely not a Ponzi scheme because it builds on 20 years of proof of concept and innovation that has already put over 1billion dollars in people’s pockets while fueling countless dreams. Coop5050 leverages the power of blockchain technology to put the world in your hands through your own private decentralized digital wallet.



1) Use this donor key to join Coop5050 for free, fund your account and make your one-time donation at any level you choose:

2) Within 3 days, share this opportunity with 3 or more people you know who need more money than they currently have. When they enroll with your donor key and make their one-time donations, you automatically receive 50% of it. In other words, it takes less than 3 days for you to make back 150% of your initial investment.

3) Coach your team to build their own team so as to complete your WheelHouse and unlock the unlimited donations that will flow to you through the six different ways.

If you follow the above 3 steps and cycle all 8 donation levels just once a month, you could earn over $20,000 of residual income every month or over $300,000 a year. How big is the dream you want to fund? Awaken your dream and get busy with it. You have just 3 days to prove to yourself that it works. No speculation or guesswork can take the place of evidence.


Coop5050 com It's For You Coop5050 is the world's first peer-to-peer crowdfunding system where you always receive Coop5050 ReviewCoop5050 Plan

Coop5050 Overview June 8, 2021 20/06/2021


This will absolutely blow your mind. If you want to position yourself in my inner circle and benefit from the massive impact that my team and I have strategized on, you have 3 days to do the following: 1) Join Coop5050 using my donor key, 2) Activate your status as an active donor by making a onetime donation, 3) Start building your own Impact Team by getting at least 3 people to join the Coop5050 using your donor key within 3 days. If you follow these three steps, you are certain to start receiving donations immediately. The system is programmed in such a way that once you become an active donor, you automatically receive six donations that amount to at least 150% of your initial investment. The lowest donation level is $25, so no one has an excuse for staying out.

Yes, there is no waiting time and no need for speculation. If you have ever dreamed of an opportunity that generates passive income with mathematical certainty, then that dream has come true. Unlock the potential of Coop5050 to generate the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars you need to fund all the causes you care about, be them personal, business, or charitable causes.



1) Use this donor key to join Coop5050 for free, fund your account and make your one-time donation at any level you choose:

2) Within 3 days, share this opportunity with 3 or more people you know who need more money than they currently have. When they enroll with your donor key and make their one-time donations, you automatically receive 50% of it. In other words, it takes less than 3 days for you to make back 150% of your initial investment.

3) Coach your team to build their own team so as to complete your WheelHouse and unlock the unlimited donations that will flow to you through the six different ways.

If you follow the above 3 steps and cycle all 8 donation levels just once a month, you could earn over $20,000 of residual income every month or over $300,000 a year. How big is the dream you want to fund? Awaken your dream and get busy with it. You have just 3 days to prove to yourself that it works. No speculation or guesswork can take the place of evidence.


Coop5050 Overview June 8, 2021 Coop5050 the world's best and most rewarding peer-to-peer crowdfunding system. Learn how we supersize our giving, sharing and receiving in Coop5050 - P.S.…

Coop5050 Mobius Duplication 20/06/2021

COOP5050 OVERVIEW - How To Build A Business That Can Fetch You Over $20,000 Each Month.

As far back as 2001, David Rosin and his team pioneered the revolutionary concept of peer-to-peer crowdfunding. Over the last 2 decades, his initial invention, G1G4 has put over one billion dollars in the hands of ordinary people and fueled thousands of impact projects around the world. When President Obama signed the JOBS Act in 2016, the full power of crowdfunding was unleashed. Over the last few years, platforms like GoFundMe, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and even PayPal, and Facebook have mobilized billions of dollars for personal causes, charity projects, and business startups. But the crowdfunding space has three inherent flaws:

1) Only 20% of Crowdfunders achieve their crowdfunding goals because people generally donate only to causes they personally care about. This creates bias and sometimes, frustration.

2) The billions of people in Africa, Asia, and South America that are suffering from financial exclusion due to lack of access to banks are also left out even in this new economy of sharing.

3) Some people only give, while some people only receive, thereby propagating the unsustainable charity model that has already failed the world - that is giving people fish instead of teaching them how to fish.


Over the years, network marketing and multi-level marketing schemes have proven to be one of the fastest means of generating wealth for countless people worldwide, but their pyramidal models always mean that some people are amassing wealth at the expense of those at the bottom of the pyramid. But what if there was a new mathematical model that transforms the pyramid into a torus that has no tip and no base? The genius of Coop5050 is the Mobius Loop that David Rosin created, and which no one else in the world has duplicated so far. Coop5050 is to network marketing what an electric car is to a bicycle.



1) Use this donor key to join Coop5050 for free, fund your account and make your one-time donation at any level you choose:

2) Within 3 days, share this opportunity with 3 or more people you know who need more money than they currently have. When they enroll with your donor key and make their one-time donations, you automatically receive 50% of it. In other words, it takes less than 3 days for you to make back 150% of your initial investment.

3) Coach your team to build their own team so as to complete your WheelHouse and unlock the unlimited donations that will flow to you through the six different ways.

If you follow the above 3 steps and cycle all 8 donation levels just once a month, you could earn over $20,000 of residual income every month or over $300,000 a year. How big is the dream you want to fund? Awaken your dream and get busy with it. You have just 3 days to prove to yourself that it works. No speculation or guesswork can take the place of evidence.


Coop5050 Mobius Duplication Coop5050 the world's best and most rewarding peer-to-peer crowdfunding system. Business is all about how well you duplicate and we setup our to allow you to…

SUPERSIZE Your Coop5050 20/06/2021


We have merged our 20 years of pioneering work in peer-to-peer crowdfunding with the disruptive power of blockchain technology to create an innovation called Cooperative Crowdfunding. Cooperative Crowdfunding provides you with easy to navigate, totally automated Crowdfunding Systems to allow you effortlessly raise money for all personal, charitable, or business reasons. Additionally, by using our Cooperative Crowdfunding Systems you can receive your money immediately. We offer Cooperative Crowdfunding, Team Crowdfunding, and Subscription Crowdfunding services. The bottom line is we can help you raise money for everything!


Simply ask yourself:
1) Do you need more money than you currently have, to finance a cause you care about, be it personal, charitable, or business?

2) Do you know at least 3 other people who need more money than they currently have, to finance a cause they care about, be it personal, charitable, or business?

3) Can you afford a one-time investment of at least $200 that you need to register yourself as an active donor, set up your own automated blockchain-enabled Crowdfunding platform, and begin receiving unlimited donations instantly in your own digital wallet?

If you answered YES to the above three questions, then Coop5050 is for you. Coop5050 is the first system in the world that takes your one-time donation and turns it into a self-driving economy that pours money into your pocket every second of every day from people you do not even know. Because it is based on the immutable laws of GIVE-SHARE-RECEIVE, Coop5050 is like nothing you have ever seen before.


1) Your Cooperative Crowdfunding begins when you give an act of kindness. Your one-time donation goes to help up to ten causes above you.

2) You automatically start receiving donations once you become an active donor. Within a day or two, you could already have at least 150% of your initial investment.

3) For each team member you add to the Coop5050 system, you earn 50% of their donations while the other 50% goes to help the causes of people, up to 10 levels above you.

4) For each team member that your team member adds to the Coop5050 system, you receive a share of their donations, down to 10 levels below you.

5) When you create and share a specific fundraising campaign, you receive direct donations from the people who care about your campaign.

6) As your spread your network wider and wider, your growing network cooperatively helps both you and your teammates.

But that is just the small picture…
CoopCrowd is also the world’s first residual donation system. When you join, part of your investment is used to plug you into the residual donation system that works for you every minute of every day of the year. As your team grows, your residual revenue grows, while at the same time you are receiving active donations for the causes you are sharing. The residual donation system is so fascinating that there is even a recommendation on the exact steps you need to take if you want to make a million dollars in 33 days or in 84 days or in 1 year. The system works with mathematical precision. It is left for you to work the system, depending on the size of your dreams.


Once you join Coop5050, you have an unlimited potential to receive all the money you need to finance all your dreams. But the only way you can become eligible to receive is that you have to first give. Yes, CoopCrowd is the world’s largest Sharing Economy or what some people call, an Economy of Communion. We are all givers and receivers within a self-driving economic model that enables us to make an unlimited impact in the world.

You register and become an active donor by making a one-time investment. You never have to ever remove money from your pocket and put into the system again. Apart from the annual platform fee of $29.99 and your residual donor subscription of $84, you can choose a donation level anywhere from $25 to $4000. In other words, it is like starting a business with $200 or less and making over $200 in your first three days, and then positioning yourself to make $2000 and above every month. Once you become an active donor, you automatically start receiving donations. Your first round of donations amounts to about 150% of your initial capital and you can have this in as little as one to three days. Your donations go straight into your digital wallet and you can withdraw them instantly, whether it is $1 or $100,000.



1) Use this donor key to join Coop5050 for free, fund your account and make your one-time donation at any level you choose:

2) Within 3 days, share this opportunity with 3 or more people you know who need more money than they currently have. When they enroll with your donor key and make their one-time donations, you automatically receive 50% of it. In other words, it takes less than 3 days for you to make back 150% of your initial investment.

3) Coach your team to build their own team so as to complete your WheelHouse and unlock the unlimited donations that will flow to you through the six different ways.

If you follow the above 3 steps and cycle all 8 donation levels just once a month, you could earn over $20,000 of residual income every month or over $300,000 a year. How big is the dream you want to fund? Awaken your dream and get busy with it. You have just 3 days to prove to yourself that it works. No speculation or guesswork can take the place of evidence.


SUPERSIZE Your Coop5050 Watch how helping to people you care about register to the $25 Wheelhouse in Coop5050 can turn to you receiving $47,100 in the next 32 days and over $285,000 annually…

CoopWallet - How To Use It 20/06/2021


Since Bitcoin made its debut in 2008, blockchain technology has imposed itself as the asset class that has produced the greatest number of investment securities over the past decade. Cryptocurrencies have come to stay, and the rate at which governments and corporations are adopting cryptocurrency tells us that the future is crypto. What does the crypto revolution mean to you in the context of Coop5050?

Your membership in Coop5050 automatically gives you your own private, decentralized, digital wallet that supports over 100 cryptocurrencies. You already know that blockchain is the future and that digital currencies are the economic salvation of the billions of Africans, Asians, and South Americans that have been financially excluded so far. Your Coop5050 is basically a bank branch in your wallet, and it is more powerful than your local bank because you can use it to do business everywhere in the world, from the comfort of your smartphone.



1) Use this donor key to join Coop5050 for free, fund your account and make your one-time donation at any level you choose:

2) Within 3 days, share this opportunity with 3 or more people you know who need more money than they currently have. When they enroll with your donor key and make their one-time donations, you automatically receive 50% of it. In other words, it takes less than 3 days for you to make back 150% of your initial investment.

3) Coach your team to build their own team so as to complete your WheelHouse and unlock the unlimited donations that will flow to you through the six different ways.

If you follow the above 3 steps and cycle all 8 donation levels just once a month, you could earn over $20,000 of residual income every month or over $300,000 a year. How big is the dream you want to fund? Awaken your dream and get busy with it. You have just 3 days to prove to yourself that it works. No speculation or guesswork can take the place of evidence.


CoopWallet - How To Use It CoopWallet is the world’s first Private Decentralized Blockchain Wallet and it can be used to totally automate all your Coop5050 transactions. Coop5050 is…

