T time with B

T time with B

Intuitive Tarot reader! Message me to book a party! Instagram : @TtimewithB
TikTok : @TtimewithB


Todays reading ! ✨
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t 🥰

😳You may have recently seen some ugly truth from someone close to you, unknowing to you if you can shake it, or if you even want to.

🔄Disrupting your life, this truth makes you change the ways you see things, including yourself. I feel you may be very negative towards yourself at first, because it is what you know best.

💪🏼It is going to require a lot of hard work to rewire your brain to switch the pattern from negative to positive but it is possible.

🙏🏼 Start everyday with thinking about three things you are thankful for💗

🗣Do not let someone else’s opinion make or break you.

Choose wisely - choose not to let people who don’t matter, effect your mood. Choose to wake up and be happy. Choose not to let anyone manipulate you. Choose what is best for you, in your current situation, and what future you will be appreciative for. Choose you.

Message me to book your private reading, or book a party!💜✨


💜✨Todays reading is pretty self explanatory, but let’s dive a little deeper.

🛀🏽Sometimes it’s hard to take a break from what you are so caught up in doing, that you forget to let the creativity fly! That’s where the rest comes in! Time to take a mental break and refresh yourself.

🥺This card usually pops up after a specifically hard and draining time. Now is a time to heal. Allowing space for long over due reflection.

👣Becoming aware and seeing the situation, instead of being in it. Take the time to be appreciative of where you are, and notice in what ways you can improve, to take the next steps forward.

🧘🏻‍♀️Take the time to be with, feel and heal your soul!

🙌🏼Part of the healing is realizing your power. Knowing that you are what you believe you are.

💭Thoughts become actions, and actions become reality. You really do get to choose what your life looks like. Instead of wallowing in self pity, take a look at the problem and ask yourself, what am I supposed to be learning? How can this make me a better person?

😅Mistakes are blessings in disguise. Sometimes one situation does not work out because something way better is coming. Chose not to be hurt but to be excited for what other opportunities are out there for you! Mind over matter!

💯The numbers on these cards 4 and 8. 4 is about setting a firm foundation for the future, and realization. 8 is about being in control and having the strength and willpower to succeed.

‼️To me I see that if you put in the time to be aware and reflect, you will get double what you thought you could out of this life.

💪🏼Choose to believe in the power you hold!

Message me to book your private reading or Tarot party! 💜✨

#4 #8


Todays collective read, take what resonates 💜✨

🧠❤️Todays reading is kinda rough. Judgement shows that you have a pretty life altering decision to make, it’s going to take logic and intuition to make the right one.

💪🏼The hermit talks about being alone. In this case I feel as if you need to have that alone time, to have the effort to do the soul searching, reflecting and work it is going to take, to make this decision.

👯‍♀️You could be surrounding yourself with people but not truly opening up, leaving yourself feeling left out, lost and alone, in a room full of people.

😥The page of cups in reversed often brings bad news and trauma from the past. Including childhood trauma, sexual abuse, canceling big plans. Also about being jealous, and paying too much attention to image and what others think.

🙊You may be afraid to open up and talk about the trauma that has happened in your life, fearing people may look at you differently. Bottling it all up inside is only going to make it worse. Therapy or even talking to friends can help. If they are your real friend they will not judge you. Do not be afraid to open up.

Pretending things never happened, will come back to bite you in the ass later.

DM me for your private reading! 💜


Comparison is the thief of joy!

Saw this earlier today and thought it was a great idea 🥰


Take what resonates with you today! 💜✨

Your recent negative emotions might be surrounding the fact that you feel like your constantly doing all the work. Juggling family, friends, work and much more.

It’s okay not to be okay.

I do feel like there is an offer of help but refusal to accept it. You might feel like they should be offering help, but aren’t. Your people will be there when you need it. They just might not realize you need it. It’s okay to reach out for help. You may feel abandoned by this person because they have not reached out. People are not mind readers. Communication is key. Let them know you need em’! Don’t let your ego or pride get in the way!

DM me for your private reading! 💗


Take what resonates with you today! 💜✨

⚖️Todays cards show we, have been really working on finding the balance in our life’s. Between jobs, family, relationships, friends and everything else, life gets busy!

✍🏼Keep doing the things that make you feel balance in your life. Even when you get busy! Make time for those things, now and always.

😣Don’t get caught up in seeing what everyone else is doing, thinking they are ahead and feeling so overwhelmed where you are.

🏃🏻Everyone works at their own pace, and also we are all on different journeys through life. Stop comparing yourself with others and find the joy that is already in your life, that may be being over looked.

You may be waiting for your “big break” or something to happen that you feel like you have been waiting on, forever!

💪🏼Keep working towards it

The time is coming, but be patient! You might not be as ready as you think yet, but it will come in time, with true satisfaction.

DM me to book your personal reading ! ✨


Take what resonates today ! ✨💗

You may have been dealing with constant delays feeling as if nothing is going your way. What you call, bad luck??

🚩The cards today indicate that there are secrets someone is keeping from you, funny thing is you already know about them. You are just choosing to ignore the red flags. I am guilty of it too! 😅

You know that if you walk away from the situation your luck will change, but you keep getting sucked back in.

Step away from this person who’s keeping secrets to see what else the world has to offer you! And perhaps to see that luck change?😉

Listen to your intuition!! Those gut feelings do not lie!

Expect the unexpected and embrace it!

DM me too book your personal reading! 💜✨


Collective read! Take what resonates with you on this beautiful sunny day! ☀️💜

✨Today’s spread brings up how you have been paying attention to the little details that are starting to add up. It makes you want to push for something different.

😳You’re excited by the opportunities you have before you. Although excited, you are more nervous, weary, cautious, and afraid.

😅Might feel like you have to be quite apprehensive around certain people lately. It’s because these people may be untrustworthy, lazy, and they lack direction in their life.

⚠️Be careful not to get manipulated into their cycle of negativity.

😎Pay attention to the energy and “vibes” you get from others!


Collective read regarding finances!💰🤑

If you are having a hard time saving, stop spending an excess of money on going out, eating and drinking with friends. You can enjoy yourself and have fun without dropping a ton of your hard earned cash! A night in with friends can be just as fun and cheaper!

Balance is 🔑

🍽 Instead of going out to eat every night, try just once a week!

✍🏼 Keep track of your incoming and outgoing finances! Can be mind blowing realizing, how much spending is actually being done.

🏆 Set a realistic goal and work towards it, making the necessary lifestyle changes along the way to accomplish and crush your goal !

DM to book your private reading! 💜✨


💪🏼Do not give up!!

✅ If you have not yet started this journey that you are being asked intuitively to go forward with, you should say YES!!

⏰ Now is the time!

🔥Be harsh with yourself, disciplined, determined and brave. Be self assertive, and full of fiery passion. You need to be to get to your goal, but keep in mind you do not need to walk all over people to get to where you want to be. Be kind and do not forget your manners!

☺️ As you charge toward your goal, treating people well, will create much better karma for yourself, than to treat people any other way. Others want to help further you in this situation. Let them!!

DM me today to book your reading! 💜


Collective read💜✨

Take what resonates with you today!

If the people you surround yourself with do not encourage you to be the best you, or to never stop trying, you may want to reconsider who you want to spend your time and energy on.

If they are not rooting for you to win, they are rooting for you to fail. Pay close attention to who is rooting for you to win.

You are a compilation of the 5 people you surround yourself with most. Do you like the person you are becoming? If not you have the opportunity to change that, if you want.

DM me for a full private reading! 💜✨


When you feel you lose yourself and hit rock bottom, you can either crumble, or rise up, from the situation.

Choose to rise.
Choose to be happy.
Choose to make your life what you want.

The only person in the way of what you want is yourself.

The outcome is in your hands. Always has been.

Today I hope you wake up with a smile and choose to be happy!

If you could use a little guidance on this situation, message me to book your reading!


Join me tomorrow at A Gust of Sun Winery !


Collective read, take what resonates❣️

😳You may be scared to take that first step out of your comfort zone. Worried about judgements and placing more importance on the opinions of others, rather than the opinion of yourself.

💗Decide to love yourself and take that step you know you need to take! You will not regret it!

✨It will lead to a beautiful new journey you never expected would have happened! Enjoy the ride!


✨Take what resonates with you on this beautiful snowy day ❄️

Been having a lot of heartburn, nausea, acid reflex, bloating or just feeling really crappy about yourself mentally? Your solar plexus chakra may be blocked.

This chakra is the one in charge of confidence and your self esteem.

When blocked, you may feel like you have no control over your own life, constantly let down and stressed, along with the physical aspects mentioned earlier.

🪞Repeating powerful affirmations to yourself in the mirror will help
- “I am enough, just as I am”
- “I am strong, confident and I welcome new experiences”
- “I honor the power within me”
- “I am aligned with my purpose”

🧘🏻‍♀️Yoga and meditation will help

Lastly if you are not interested in those options helping, this card is asking us to eat less sugar and more vegetables specifically yellow peppers and chamomile tea, may help.

DM me for a full reading! 💜✨


You never know how much of an impact your words and actions have on others, it’s important to be kind to all 💜💗

I challenge you to compliment a total stranger today, and spread the kindness ❣️


Hey Everybody!! I would absolutely love and appreciate, for anyone that has had a Tarot reading done by me, to leave a review! Thank you in advance!💜✨


💗 Hello there you beautiful people!!

✨Take what resonates from this collective read.

You might prefer to go at it alone lately, instead of going out. It’s a time of rest and reflection. Step back and asses upcoming projects or endeavors, but do not wait to long as they might be gone by the time you feel ready.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Try some mindful meditation

You may be trying to be involved with the community more wheather that be, opening a business, or giving back to the community. We all need each other at some point.

🎉 If you did not reach that milestone, or accomplishment yet, you are so close keep going!!

🗺 You may be looking at some traveling. If you are looking into an extensive or excessive trip, these card are telling you to go for it and enjoy what you have while you have it! As life is temporary, and you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

😁 You will feel fulfilled and truly satisfied along this path if you continue! Appreciate what you have while you have it! Again life is only temporary so make sure to be grateful and show it, instead of always needing more.

DM me for a personal reading ! 💜✨
