Body Goals

Body Goals

Partnering with you to create your greatest wellbeing, Body Mind Spirit and Soul.


The only true way to release weight and reach your body goals is LOVE. Self Love...something that not many of us were taught

Join Beyond the Contrast: Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being, online and free from January 29 - February 4, 2024! 05/01/2024

If you know me, you know I'm so in love with everything about health, healing and wellness. If you do too or if you're not feeling great or just seems like something keeps getting in the way of what you really desire JOIN ME FOR THIS SUMMIT! My Teacher and most treasured Mentor Christy Whitman is going to be there along with some of THE MOST EXCELLENT powerhouses from The Secret and Thought Leaders at the the Top of the Top!
I hope to see you there!
Please remember - THIS IS THE YEAR FOR YOU!

Join Beyond the Contrast: Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being, online and free from January 29 - February 4, 2024! Ignite Your Transformation… Discover the keys to unlocking your inner power and manifesting a life of wholeness, abundance, success and FLOW with the guidance of 50+ luminaries! Beyond the Contrast: Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being is online and FREE from January 29 - February 4, 2024.


Transform your life with a journey towards vitality! Join me on a path where we unlock your body's potential, blend science-backed training with personalized coaching, and tap into the power of your mind through transformative hypnotherapy.
Together, we'll sculpt a healthier, happier you, celebrating every step towards your weight release and fitness goals. Let's embark on this empowering journey together!
2024 is your year!

Text Nori for info 757-323-5558


No more feeling guilty about what you ate or didn’t eat.


My 600 lb Life was on last night.
I’d never seen it before. It evoked
mixed feelings as I watched two people attempt to break their addiction to food.

The first feeling was the sinking memories of being similarly addicted to food. As I watched them go unconscious, make conversation and ritualistically eat food, with pinky fingers raised or shoveling it in, a wave of sadness flowed in. I remembered the burden and pleasure that food represented. The blanket of comfort while eating, then the soul shredding pain of guilt after.

The tears of denial, locked in the restricting chains, pretending to believe they were following the food plan when instead they fed themselves false excuses—why what they were eating would work as well as the food plan —are all so real. Those justifications showed up on the scale as weight gain, not loss, that’s when the tears came.

Tears and more justifications while trying to avoid the pain of the reality that addiction brings at those illuminating moments. One 600 lb person was willing to walk through the pain and see the truth. He succeeded while the other remained on spin cycle of momentary pleasure and massive pain.

Their 600lb stuckness lived in their subconscious minds. That’s where the program runs from. There are two ways to change what’s in there. Through powerful, energetically charged hypnosis sessions or unrelenting repetition of what you desire and the behaviors that support that.
I recommend both.

Whether it is 16 or hundreds of pounds that are desired to release, doing it alone will not work. Rarely. From my personal experience of being an obese person, joined with my knowledge of being an
RN, and the wisdom I bring as a life coach, if you truly want to stop the pain and take back your health and your body, I encourage you to reach out to partner with professional help. You can actually be wearing a smaller size by Christmas. 2024 can be your year that you step into the joy and freedom of being you full out—unencumbered by the weight 🫶🏼

[email protected]

Nori Love Healing Artist
Nori Love


If someone called you fat or you thought that you are, let’s move those limiting beliefs together🫶🏼


Join me one to one or in januarys Once and for All Weight Release!
This is your year!


There are multiple ways to arrive at releasing weight.

Some of them are attempts at a quick fix and they don’t last. However while working with a coach we can use the quick fix (if that appeals to you) then immediately segway into a new, more sustainable weight release pathway, and keep the results from the quick fix. Eventually everyone (who desires success) will ultimately arrive at the place of creating a balanced relationship with food —this is where results are kept, health and wellbeing are steady and freedom is yours.


Join me one to one or in a weight release with ease group coming up in January!
I got you🫶🏼


I’ve spent a lifetime with this
and now help others heal their relationship with food.
Join me in January or contact me to work one to one.
Take back your freedom. [email protected] or text 757-323-5558
Nori Love Healing Artist Nori Love


2024 is the year you create the body & health you are ready for!

Unleashing Law of Attraction for Weight Loss - The Power Blueprint 04/11/2023

Unleashing Law of Attraction for Weight Loss - The Power Blueprint Discover the essential steps and strategies that make up 'The Power Blueprint,' a roadmap to using the Law of Attraction effectively for weight loss. Our exp...


My goal is to help so that you are happy in your body

Coffee With Nori: Truth Talk Series On Weight Loss - Unleashing Law of Attraction for Weight Release 21/10/2023

Coffee With Nori: Truth Talk Series On Weight Loss - Unleashing Law of Attraction for Weight Release In this episode, Nori will guide you through the process of using the updated Law of Attraction to release weight. She will provide valuable insights and tec...

Do This One Thing -And Be Free From Dieting Again 30/06/2023

Do This One Thing -And Be Free From Dieting Again Reclaim control over your health and well-being.Through this direct discussion with Nori who is an RN, Personal Trainer and Hypnotherapist will discover the...


It’s donation based so shatter your excuses.
Text STRETCH to 757-323-5558
for info or to join
It’s on Zoom
Men Women All Levels


“When That Habit Is Banging On The Door”

There comes a time on the transformation journey when we are face to face with the core of the habit we want to change.

It is easier when you have awareness of it and a plan to work with it. Significant discomfort comes when we refuse to look or ignore it.

When an intention is set to release weight, improve nutrition, release a vice, or even release being negative , sarcastic or overly self indulgent—your subconscious mind, higher self and cooperative components of the universe all know.
They are poised to help but, the habit that lives as a loop in a part of your mind throws wrenches in the mix to keep you where you are. Which feels like “stuck”.

The higher—authentic part of you will continue to move towards your goals, even when it meets greater and more uncomfortable resistance from the wrench thrower.
Here comes the temporary struggle.

The results of a wrench may include sudden increase in cravings—cravings that coerce the eating of the wrong things
in the wrong proportions which feel bad!

Without awareness and tools this can intensify which brings guilt, maybe shame and a feeling of helplessness. The more these cravings control you, the more pounds gather instead of release.
(If your thing isn’t food, the more critical, sarcastic and even mean spirited you may become.
The more this happens, the harder it is to shift.)

Back to food:
The more this energy compounds, the more your brilliant vitality gives way to fatigue, brain fog—lack of energy and lethargy.

Now this is a way bigger situation to handle than when the signs first showed up.

Not to worry though!
The way to shift it, is just to begin.

First, allow yourself to really see the ways you are being limited: tired, cranky, don’t want to workout, maybe want to isolate and your body feels bad!
So now build your clarity on what you want to change.

When you know what you don’t want, write down the opposite. Begin to declare what you do want. Affirm that you want to be energetic, have the good feeling that comes from eating health producing food, the freedom of enjoying appropriate portions...the return of vitality, smiles and happy relationships with life, love, friends and family.

Where are the tools?
They are in books and videos; meetings but if these cycles keep showing up, the most powerful tools come from working with a Transformational Coach.

A Coach helps you hone clear vision, clarity and how to use the tools to move forward. Then you build unwavering momentum in the direction of your ideal health and body!

A Coach will help you extricate yourself from the initial clutch of the wrenches being thrown, and you will begin to turn things around before they become big and very uncomfortable.

A Coach will be there when you wobble and ask all the questions that help you find the desire, inspiration and answers to rise above the wrenches that would have set you back.

A Coach will not do the work for you but will support and shine the Light on your most direct path to success.

And success is yours!

After reading this, it is my heartfelt hope that you will
make the best choices for your best results in the most direct and expedient ways.

Nori Love

You can reach me at:
[email protected]


When we are ready to be about the process of transforming our body it feels good and not so good.

Good because we are taking back our health, wellbeing and freedom of movement...looking better in our clothes.

Not so good, because there is that moment when we come face to face with some habits we know it’s time to change,
and there is always a twinge of “ugh” in that.

That twinge can be (and will be—if you work with me,) replaced with a hopefulness, an excitement and a step by step journey into partnering with your body, and your higher self and that feeling is so delightful!

So, if you’re getting ready to get ready and fleeting sinking feelings float by, please know that’s so normal. This then is the time to shift your inner gaze to the body and health that is also getting ready to evolve. 💜💕🌼💕💜

Law of Attraction is one of the most powerfultools available. Master LOA through changing your body and you will have the tools to shift and create anything and everything else ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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