Pivotal Nutrition

Pivotal Nutrition

Health and Wellness habits start here! Learn how to create and live a life that will help you become a healthier version of yourself.


What women (& men) want???

Who grew up in the 89s-90s?
Ok….so who loves Mel Gibson?

Do you remember the movie…
“What women want”

The movie unraveled the female brain to truly hear what women thought and wanted…and it really was very different from what ole Mel had in mind…

So think about it….What do u want??

Everyone has goals….dreams….ideas…
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath…

Can you decide?

Now is what you want based on reality or a feeling??

Feelings come and go very quickly….at the drop of a hat, but reality is deeper. It takes time!

Keep going with me…
Achieving what you want comes
from taking steps….

Consistent steps!!

- It involves changing behaviors and habits
- Listening to a coach
- Following a plan
- Taking responsibility
- Patience

Had you until the “responsibility and patience” right??

So now that you are thinking…
If this is your time…you know what you want and you are tired of not making progress and not getting results. Make a change and message here or for a consultation for a plan and a coach. Let’s get what you want by working together!

Pivotal Nutrition and Health…
Habit and behavior change nutritional guidance
with options for both nutrition and workout plans based on your starting point and needs.


Feel like your nutrition routine needs to go
back to school?

Well don’t continue to stay in a rut!

“Pivot” your way into a better lifestyle…
Pivotal Nutrition is accepting clients for the month of September!

Message Dana Cody with any questions, more info or to schedule an intervention….Yes. An intervention is what you need to restructure your eating habits and behaviors to get results!!


Client testimonial -
In 6 weeks Caryl Trawick
lost a total of 8.6 pounds of fat….

“Low carbs, low fat, high protein and low calorie intake…that’s how you lose weight. WRONG!! But that’s what I thought until I met with Dana about nutrition and she showed me a better way. I have learned in the six weeks of counseling that eating less starved the body and actually makes you gain weight. You need to eat the right amount of calories for your body size plus fat, carbohydrates and protein are essential to normal functioning in your body. I’ve got an app that helps me keep track of what I eat but I have basically learned what I can and cannot eat. And I can determine the amount just by looking at it! No more packaged foods! I can eat regular food that I cook for my family and no more stressing about can I eat at the same place they do. I have more energy and my weight has decreased. I feel better about myself and it’s not just about physical well being but mental wellness too!”


How did you start your week??

How was YOUR Monday? Were you excited to start the week? Full of anticipation at the thought and opportunity of what the week would hold? Or were you lethargic and defeated before the sun even came up? Maybe you were already telling yourself that there was no point, no hope, no possibility and no chance to make a difference.

Be real. Raise your hand if you were in the latter group. 👋🏼 and if so welcome to the club. You are among friends and family. Most of us cannot get it together to even try anymore. We are already suffocating under responsibilities, obligations and deadlines before our week much less our “Monday” kicks off. But you know…if I’m honest. It’s my fault. My negative self talk will take over my mind and seep out into my attitude and my delivery of anything I do if I let it. So try replacing the I have to with I am able to.

I have to go to work. =
I am able to go to work
I have to make a healthy food choice =
I am able to make a healthy food choice.

Try it. I challenge you. Simple words to yourself that will redirect you and your attitude to positively affect…maybe even change your perspective for the day, the week or perhaps your year. I mean….We struggled all the way to January 74th….so why not make this shortest month of the year the one you are ABLE to change your mindset??


Opportunity knocks everywhere…

See if this resonates…when you buy an outfit…the store is responsible for selling you the clothing or shoes - but it is your job to wear the outfit and make it look good. When you purchase groceries…it is your job to cook the food right? You don’t even consider the option of a Publix employee coming to your house to turn on your stove?! So when you join a gym and or hire a trainer….you see where this is going….
It is not the gym or trainer’s job to be responsible for your activity or nutrition choices. It is up to you to show up and move!

Each of these areas are just examples of how we are afforded opportunity. Opportunity gives us options. What to wear, eat and what activities we participate in. The overall outcome of these opportunities is on YOU! It is your responsibility to follow thru with whatever door you opened..what food you purchased, when to wear the outfit you bought, and to show up for those sessions! Now let me reassure you that Barbara the Publix employee will tell you what aisle and where to find the Dave’s killer bread, but if you leave it in the cabinet….You can’t blame Barbara for the fact that it molded. So next time you find yourself in an ill way about the fact that your gym time isn’t working for you…ask yourself if you are being responsible for the opportunity YOU gave to yourself when you signed up….then make sure you look good in that new outfit too 😆🙋🏼‍♀️


Can u relate??

Here’s to 2022!
Here’s to a year so far full of about
as much certainty as that old magic 8 ball....

“Outlook not so good” Ha!! We all had one. And used it for every situation and question about our young first world problems until so much air was trapped inside that the little triangle of truth was unreadable. People!! We are in the prime of our lives and still basing our actions seemingly on this little toy.

Can u relate??

Maybe if we spent a few more moments on ourselves our “outlooks” would change. And by on ourselves...I don’t mean - in the gym. Wait....what?!? Yes. It’s true. We all need a change of perspective that matches the reality of where we are now. So think and ask yourself the question. “What makes me the best version of me”....ponder it. What do I need to work on…No answers need be immediate. But let’s make something happen. Let’s take back the lives we all want to live. It starts now. Be real. Be relatable. 💪🏼

