Raising Awareness & Advocacy for People with Disability

Raising Awareness & Advocacy for People with Disability

The information is evidence-based and sourced from professionals and the community.

Raising Awareness & Advocacy for People in Wheelchair publishes articles on a wide variety of topics, from support, health, and wellness to the whole community.

Mental Health and Disability by Wheel Access Talk • A podcast on Anchor 13/09/2021

Mental Health and Disability by Wheel Access Talk • A podcast on Anchor Do you struggle with your mental health? So do I! Let's have a discussion about this terrifying topic. I don't know about you, but I feel like having a disability makes mental illness way more complex! Did you know those with disabilities are 5 TIMES more likely to suffer from mental distress than t...


I am so proud to be a social worker and practice advocacy!

I will be leading this workshop with one of my favorites subjects.

I am now in the mental health field and my commitment is and will be always an advocate for others, especially for the vulnerable populations.

Free CE workshop for social workers and any other professional interested in this powerful subject.

Save the date!


At the bar, you can drink all alone in the corner after you move the stoooopid stool. This is ADA in the year 2021, folks.🥴 Image by Susan P. Berry and we appreciate her eye!

A TikTok star called out Delta for breaking her wheelchair on a flight, a systemic issue airlines keep ignoring 13/07/2021

A TikTok star called out Delta for breaking her wheelchair on a flight, a systemic issue airlines keep ignoring Bri Scalesse, a model and disability activist, was handed back a broken wheelchair after a Delta flight on July 4 from St Paul to Newark.

Survey Responses Needed 12/07/2021

Survey Responses Needed Our 2022 Public Input Survey is live now and can be completed electronically.

Timeline photos 11/07/2021

Airlines will launch global Action Group to improve handling of aids, incl. wheelchairs, for travelers with . ✈️🧑‍🦼👩‍🦽

It will be the first group of its kind and will involve organizations & the aviation community.

See more 👉 bit.ly/3dWt9ZS

US government wants to make rental cars more accessible for those with disabilities 25/02/2021

We hope this would be soon.

US government wants to make rental cars more accessible for those with disabilities NHTSA believes its proposed rule will make life a lot easier for people with disabilities, especially those using a wheelchair.

Prioritizing The Disability Community In The COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout 12/02/2021

Prioritizing The Disability Community In The COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Advocacy groups like Access Living are working to create equitable access to the vaccine for people with disabilities across Illinois.


Extra careful

A SCI fact for Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. Stay healthy

Photos from Accessible Vacations's post 16/09/2020

Excellent article


If your car does not fit in a parking space without overhanging the pavement, you need to park somewhere else.

It should be obvious really.

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

After 30 of ADA, this can not be happening.

There I sat, broken hearted, tried to live my life, but it wasn’t accessible. Then one day I took a chance, took a photo, and exposed ableism.

On today’s walk we decided to take a route I haven’t discovered yet. As we walked down the sidewalk, we came across a bunch of furniture that was blocking access to the wheelchair ramp. An able-bodied person could easily walk around it without giving it another thought.

For me, I either have to re-route and go all the way back or have someone help me try and move this furniture.

We decided to move it over so I could access the sidewalk curb cut. I’m sure the person who put it there didn’t twice about it.

We all deserve to interact with the world in a way that is inclusive for our bodies. In order to achieve this, we must be aware of disability.

I hope this picture helps that.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? | ADA National Network 11/07/2020

Advocacy Practice with Persons with Disabilities.

In 1986, the National Council on Disability recommended a new version of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973’s Section 504.
In 1988, the National Council’s first version was introduced in the 100th Congress.
In 1989, a second version was introduced and passed by the House.
On July 26th, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted by Congress and signed into law by President George H. W. Bush.
Source: https://adata.org/learn-about-ada

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? | ADA National Network The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public....


Good Morning ☀️
Buenos Días ☀️


Deslizar hacia abajo 👇🏼 para Español.

Tips for Communicating with Individuals with Mobility Impairments

If possible, put yourself at the wheelchair user's eye level.
Do not lean on a wheelchair or any other assistive device.
Do not assume the individual wants to be pushed - ask first.
Offer assistance if the individual appears to be having difficulty opening a door.
Never patronize people who use wheelchairs by patting them on the head or shoulder.
If you telephone the individual, allow the phone to ring longer than usual to allow extra time for the person to reach the telephone.

Credits: Disabled-World.com

Consejos para comunicarse con personas con discapacidades de movilidad

*Si es posible, póngase a la altura de l vista del usuario de la silla de ruedas.
*No se apoye en una silla de ruedas ni en ningún otro dispositivo de asistencia.
*No asuma que el individuo quiere ser empujado - pregunte primero.
*Ofrezca asistencia si la persona parece estar teniendo dificultades para abrir una puerta.
*Nunca condecorar a las personas que usan sillas de ruedas dándoles palmaditas en la cabeza o el hombro.
*Si llama a la persona, permita que el teléfono suene más tiempo de lo habitual para permitir tiempo adicional para que la persona llegue al teléfono.

Créditos: Disabled-World.com



Please read and share.
Interacting with people with disability 💡♿️♿️✅

Don’t make assumptions
People with disabilities are the best judge of what they can or cannot do. Don’t make decisions for them about participating in any activity. Depending on the situation, it could be a violation of the ADA to exclude people because of a presumption about their limitations.
Repost: United Spinal Association.

Por favor lea y comparta.
Interactuando con Personas con Discapacidad ♿️♿️✅

No hagas suposiciones
Las personas con discapacidades son el mejor juez de lo que pueden o no pueden hacer.
No tome decisiones por ellos sobre la participación en alguna actividad. Dependiendo de la situación, podría ser una violación de la ADA excluir a las personas debido a una presunción sobre sus limitaciones.

Photos from Raising Awareness & Advocacy for People with Disability's post 02/07/2020

It must be changed. People need to Raise Awareness.
1) No Blocking the entrance to the sidewalk.
2) No Blocking the exit of an automobile.
Please spread the word, respect the spaces for us.

Esto debe cambiar. La gente necesita crear conciencia.
1) No Bloquear la entrada a la acera.
2) No Bloquear la salida de un automóvil.
Por favor, pase la voz, respete los espacios para nosotros.

Timeline photos 02/07/2020

ADA 30th years and still we need improvements in infrastructure, medical area, education, parking lots spaces, and the most important, we need inclusion in all areas.

ADA 30 años y todavía necesitamos mejoras en infraestructura, área médica, educación, espacios de estacionamiento, y lo más importante, necesitamos inclusión en todas las áreas.

The Americans with Disabilities Act is turning 30! Join the ADA 30th Commemoration Conversations series
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Register for Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/38bkEGd

Description: In collaboration with disability rights leaders and members of the disability community, Public Narrative aims to take decisive action to methodically collect information regarding the direct ways in which people with disabilities have been impacted by COVID-19 and the civil unrest, thereafter.

ASL and live captioning will be provided.

media.giphy.com 26/06/2020




Strength grows in the moment when you think you can’t go on, but you keep going anyway.

La fuerza crece en el momento en que piensas que no puedes seguir, pero sigues adelante de todos modos.


Here we go! ☀️


We are professionals with a strength-oriented approach who help others to set reachable goals using three interlinked aspect, called CPR
C: competence, capacities, courage.
P: promises, possibilities, positive expectations.
R: Resilience, reserves, resources.


Thanks 🙏🏼


This is so beautiful ❤️


Follow ➡️ All WheelChair Stuff for more , movies and information 😁👍
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The lowest!

Slideshow: Why Do My Legs Hurt? 08/05/2020

Slideshow: Why Do My Legs Hurt? Your legs are an amazing collection of bones and muscles. But if something goes a bit wrong, they can hurt and make it hard to move around.



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