Win His Heart

Win His Heart

Here at Win His Heart, we are obsessed with helping single women find that one true love they deserve.

Exactly How To Win A Man's Heart - Forever 01/05/2020

So you want to know how to win a man.

You want to know how to win his undying devotion, how to permanently make him want to be with you and only you, how to win his attention, adoration, and love for all time.

Maybe you’re with a guy and he’s just not committing to you. Maybe you’ve had trouble finding lasting commitment in the past.

Maybe you just want to know what it takes to win a man’s heart, so that he doesn’t think of anyone besides you.

Exactly How To Win A Man's Heart - Forever Want to know how to win a man's heart forever? This article gives you the secret...

15 Fun Date Ideas In The Age Of Social Distancing 28/04/2020

Date night might look different during social distancing, but that doesn’t mean it has to fall by the wayside entirely.

Gone are the days of going to a concert, seeing a movie in theaters or sharing a bottle of wine at your favorite restaurant. But with a little creativity, you can have fun together, whether you’re physically together or connecting from afar.

In need of some quarantine date night inspiration? We asked a couples therapist, dating coaches and a matchmaker to share their best ideas.

15 Fun Date Ideas In The Age Of Social Distancing How couples can stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic, whether they're quarantining together or apart.

5 Secrets Nobody EVER Tells You About Winning His Heart Forever 26/04/2020

Here are the keys on how to make your man happy (that he won’t – or can’t tell you)!

As most women have noticed, there are two types of men:

Behind curtain #1 is the type of guy who is absolutely smitten with his girlfriend — he puts her on a pedestal, treats her like a queen, and places her happiness above his own. And behind curtain #2 is the type who's labeled as a “commitment-phobe” — he doesn't appear to enjoy being in a relationship, acting as if his commitment is of the involuntary kind.

But while most women think that the second type of guy is in the majority, statistics actually say otherwise.

5 Secrets Nobody EVER Tells You About Winning His Heart Forever Here are the keys on how to make your man happy (that he won’t – or can’t tell you)! As most women have noticed, there are two types of men: Behind curtain #1 is the type of

15 Ways To Win His Heart 25/04/2020

You may think you can hook your guy with your pretty face, curvaceous body and your skills between the sheets. But when it comes to making a man fall deeply in love with you, showing off your amazing skills in the bedroom may hold his attention for awhile, but it won’t cause him to feel connected to you emotionally. So instead of spending your free time studying the K**a Sutra with hopes of rocking his world, you should focus on ways to win over his heart outside of the bedroom. These techniques and tricks will ensure that your guy becomes emotionally connected to you and only you!

15 Ways To Win His Heart You may think you can hook your guy with your pretty face, curvaceous body and your skills between the sheets. But when it comes to making a man fall deeply in love with you, showing off your amazing

5 Secrets Nobody Tells You About Winning His Heart Forever 24/04/2020

Here's what guys are really looking for (but won't tell you).

When it comes to getting a guy to commit to a relationship, many women can't seem to crack the code and unlock the mysterious secret of how to make him want you not only now, but how to keep a guy interested and in love with you throughout (what you hope will be) your lives together.

As most of us have noticed, there are generally two types of men when it comes to their romantic relationships with women.

Behind curtain number one is the type of guy who is absolutely smitten with his girlfriend. He puts her on a pedestal, treats her like a queen, and places her happiness above his own.

5 Secrets Nobody Tells You About Winning His Heart Forever Here's what guys are really looking for (but won't tell you).

Surprising traits men find attractive 23/04/2020

They say that beauty is only skin deep, but there's no denying that those first impressions are important ones. Ever wonder what men are really noticing, and what they really, honestly find the most attractive? Fortunately, there have been at least a handful of studies that have tried to find out just what men (and women) find attractive in their prospective partners, and it turns out that sometimes, it's so hardwired into us that we don't even realize what we're looking for — until we find it.

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Surprising traits men find attractive They say that beauty is only skin deep, but there's no denying that those first impressions are important. Ever wonder what men are really noticing, and what find the most attractive? It turns out sometimes it's so hardwired that we don't even realize what we're looking for — until we find it.

Your Post-Breakup Plan, in 15 Steps 22/04/2020

There's no getting around it: Breakups are terrible, even if they're handled with compassion. They can shake you to your very foundations, causing you to question your confidence AND your faith in love itself. If you've been broken up with, you're grappling with the very real pain of rejection on top of mourning a lost love. When you're the one who chose to end things, there's often guilt swirled into your sadness. Even in the most amicable, mutual situations, a split is an ending—and in a culture that emphasizes "forever" as a relationship goal, we're made to feel like an ending is a failure.

In reality, breakups are often the shattering preamble to a new-and-improved life (one that can eventually include a relationship with someone you're more compatible with). But in those first few brutal days and weeks, you've got every right to feel inconsolable. In time, though, you can move onward and upward. Here's a few ways to start feeling better fast.

Your Post-Breakup Plan, in 15 Steps For the love of god, do NOT drop by.

10 Tips to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work 21/04/2020

In this age of Skyping and texting, it seems that maintaining a long-distance relationship would be easier than ever before. Gone are the days of paying such sky-high rates for long-distance calls that they need to be rationed like precious jewels. No longer must someone in a long-distance relationship pin all their hopes on their 3 p.m. mail delivery, awaiting a letter whose news is at best four days old. Why, we're no longer even in the days of having to wait for your loved one to settle in with their computer to check email: Instant responses are all but demanded now (perhaps a plus and a minus!). But ask anyone who's in a long-distance relationship: Technology can't make up for everything. The lack of regular physical proximity still seems to make many long-distance relationships as emotionally tough as ever.

And yet, many of us are trying them. One survey found that 24 percent of respondents had used email/or the Internet to maintain a long-distance relationship (were there any long-distance daters who didn't?). And the good news is, studies have found that, at worst, long-distance relationship quality does not differ significantly from geographically close relationships, and in some cases, it might even be better.

Will yours survive? What makes the difference? Thankfully, there are specific considerations that will improve your chances of a healthy, lasting love. Here's what to keep in mind. (And if you find yourself being overcome by negativity that is getting in the way of your relationship, check out this resource.)

10 Tips to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work Here's how to improve your chances for fulfillment.

12 Things Guaranteed To Scare Him Away 19/04/2020

Ever wondered, “why does every guy I like seem to drop off the face of the Earth after a few dates?”

Yeah, me too until I took a hard look at my behavior and realized embarrassingly that I was doing some of the things I’m about to discuss with you today.

Without further ado…

12 Things Guaranteed To Scare Him Away Always avoid acting like anyone’s insta-girlfriend.

16 Ways You're Scaring Guys Away 16/04/2020

You’ve found the perfect guy. The only problem is, he runs away screaming by the time the date ends. Does this keep happening? Where do you go wrong? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re scaring guys away. It’s okay – the problem is fixable. Think of guys as cute little deer. They scare easily at first; one wrong move and they bolt. Don’t make these mistakes when you’re first getting to know a guy and he’ll be more likely to stick around.

16 Ways You're Scaring Guys Away You’ve found the perfect guy. The only problem is, he runs away screaming by the time the date ends. Does this keep happening? Where do you go wrong? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re scaring guys away. It’s okay – the problem is fixable. Think of guys as cute little …

"Fleabagging" Is The Dating Trend Making Ghosting Look Like A Walk In The Park 15/04/2020

With phrases like ghosting, breadcrumbing, and bird boxing, you’d be excused for thinking that modern dating is a bit like talking a foreign language sometimes. If you’re out here, single, and ready to find the one (or the one right now) then you’ve got to get acquainted with the many possibilities of being led on, ignored, or avoided. And as a new year rolls in, so do new terms, so here’s six dating trends to look out for in 2020.

"Fleabagging" Is The Dating Trend Making Ghosting Look Like A Walk In The Park With phrases like ghosting, breadcrumbing, and bird boxing, you’d be excused for thinking that modern dating is a bit like talking a foreign language sometimes. If you’re out here, single, and ready to find the one (or the one right now) then you’ve…

10 Ways You're Making Him Panic (And Back Away From Your Relationship) 14/04/2020

You don’t necessarily mean to, but you’re making him panic.

Sometimes, it’s his own character or situation that provokes panic from your actions; in other cases, you do stuff to bring on panic that never existed. In relationships, women have a tendency of pushing people away, especially the men they want to be closest to.

There are many situations that can scare guys away, and you have to decide if you’re causing him anxiety or if he’s dealing with issues that cause him to panic over everything. But the best relationship advice you will find is to pinpoint why you're scaring him away, and how you can fix things before he leaves

10 Ways You're Making Him Panic (And Back Away From Your Relationship) You don’t necessarily mean to, but you’re making him panic.

Win His Heart Blog

Ever have that one man that slipped away? All men have a biological and emotional drive that we try to help you harness so you can transform who men desire. Once you learn how to satisfy men’s “secret obsession”, you will become their highest priority in life.
