Volant L Litter Belgian Groenendaels

Volant L Litter Belgian Groenendaels

Volant L Litter was born August 8, 2019 bred by Chris Libs. Nanduhria's Warrior Nazgul, 2 yo FR1 x


Sorry, Breeder did NOT disappear, been crazy busy. My son, Ryan, who got me into groenendaels, needing a service dog. had some setbacks. Thank goodness for this wonderful breed! Someday I'll write the my history of the breed.

But, Announcement, our wild and crazy but awesome parents are going to be grand parents in December giving the rest of the L litter the titles of Auntie and Uncle!

Lyric, who I beleive will settle down and be a great mom is going to have Rumba puppies mid December! Rumba of course is on ice. What a great combo with all of the talent of Luna and Nazgul to my world agility champ "Rockstar Rumba" who produced so many great dogs in agility, protection sports with awesome temperaments. He was on the US Team for the 2010 FMBB World Agility, was in the Finals, in europe, everyone knew of Rumba from his videos, etc and his TV coverage from The Incredible Dog Challenge winnings in agility and 60 weave poles. Rumba was an amazing Service Dog and got me through horrible episodes of vertigo.

Lyric's Embark is clean, not a carrier for any of the genetic markers. Rumba was never tested but many of his offspring have been cleared cleared. both having Exc hips and elbows.

I have a home for Lyric after the puppies are whelped. Great lady who does not have a dog.


Happy Birthday to the L Litter on August 9! Early wishes as Uncle Pronto and I will be in France for 10 days starting August 8. Uncle Machete will finally be coming home after 1 1/2 years.

Littlest Lyric got herself into trouble trying to fence fight and E collars were torn off and many bandages so now this!!! Lol

Linden came for a ranch visit last Sunday meeting pot belly pig Chewy for the first time but got to see his horse, goat and sheep friends. He loved being a ranch dog again.

Happy Birthday to a great bunch of black dogs and owners!

Lyric’s Embark Dog DNA Results 01/07/2021

Lyric's Embark results are in as well as her Prelim hips and elbows were done. Hips look great will be Excellent likely but could be good and elbows normal. I do not know why it says "Mixed Breed" as the other littermates say Malinois and Belgian Sheepdog but maybe it's the person who write it up. Anyway, love to look at all the others.
Here is link to Embark profile:

Lyric’s Embark Dog DNA Results Embark dog DNA test - Lyric wants to share her results with you!


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays from Nazgul, Uncles Pronto and Machete and I! I hope all of you are safe and healthy. Nazgul and I went to Atlanta and it was like pre covid! Restaurants all open, masks optional everywhere but airport and plane. Nazgul was the best ambassador everyone loved his beauty, friendliness power, jumping and speed but he was an AS***LE in Ring 2 competition! Bombed. We are going back to IGP with very focused obedience and later go back to ring.

Hoping for an "improving 2021" not much hope for a good start but hopefully improvement.

Keep posting love to hear from all of you!


Question: what is the status on L Litter ears? Leo, formerly red collar has his right ear 3/4 up now! So 21.75 out of 22 ears LOL


Welcome L'Aries du Volant (former Orange boy) who is doing some puppy training and going to Indiananpolis to be with Mark Kimpel as his full time companion. Aries who looked to be a strong bite work potential is one that I can actually walk around with and his doesn't bite my pant legs LOL Really knows how to Chill and is very confident.


AKC registration: All of the paperwork is done, no problem with AKC registration but since Nazgu was foreign born (already has a DNA profile on Embark) but he has to have an AKC DNA number. Nazgul is in France I will see him on 6 Nov and take his DNA and send it in to AKC. I sent via mail to France and they never got the swabs Grrr.r..... So actual papers will be likely later in Nov. No problems, just the formality.


Welcome Lyra du Volant (formerly Purple Girl) who is a "shining star" and Stef named her a "Star name" . She's a great puppy who entertained us well in the puppy testng. She LOVES to bite.......Stef, i would buy a pair of Carharts!!!


Attaching a copy of the Titer Test done of Luna advising the best times to vaccinate the puppies. They were vaccinated for Parvo and Distemper, according to the advice of Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM for this area where I am. You need to seek advice in your area either by Dr. Dodds (hemopet.com) who travels the world dealing with vaccines, dog food companies, etc. I am personally conservative with vaccines and prefer, personally, not to do multiples and do separate vaccines. Stef, Frank and anyone else in this area, I have parvo/distemper and parvo only vaccines I'm happy to give you for the pups if you want. Most veterinarians do not carry separate vaccines.

I use Dr. Dodds protocol. The puppies were given her Neonate immune booster drops immediately after birth. I do this with my litters. If you wish to contact Dr. Jean Dodds, she's in Garden Grove, CA and very open to talk wherever she is in the world. She's been very helpful to puppy buyers.
