Larry Snellings Jr.

Larry Snellings Jr.

A life of health and fitness is everyone's dream!

Here you will discover the latest products, services, and insights that will help you lead a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Why Thanksgiving is the ultimate American holiday 26/11/2021

One of my favorite stories about the first Thanksgiving was how Squanto went from being a slave of European slave traders, to being a hero for European pilgrims who, unprepared and undersupplied, were not able to make it through the harsh New England winter without losses (losing up to 50% of their people). Squanto learned to give forgiveness and compassion to them through the way he was treated by other European's who helped him and showed him compassion. He was willing to forgive the Europeans because he knew all of them were not like the men who took him as a slave.

Through Squanto's help, the Pilgrims were able to prepare and survive the next year's winter, and they had a celebration known as the first Thanksgiving in response to his help and for the help of God.

It is a remarkable story of triumph, forgiveness, and strength of heart.

Can you look back on your life and see any times where you experienced such forgiveness and compassion? Have you received such from others? Have you given them to others?

Please share below!

[Image Source: "Why Thanksgiving is the Ultimate American Holiday",]

Why Thanksgiving is the ultimate American holiday Melanie Kirkpatrick is the author of the new book, Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience. A member of the George W....


Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I always like to really ponder about the things that God has blessed me with. I am thankful for good health, my dog Gus, for work, family, and friends!

Whether you're reading this post before or after Thanksgiving, share below what you are thankful for!


Good Morning everyone!

Speech To Change Your Life Today! Admiral McRaven "Make Your Bed" Motivational Words Of Wisdom 20/11/2021

When I was a kid I remember having a conversation with my Dad, and he told me that when he was driving truck over the road when he woke up in the morning the first thing he would do was make his bed.

It sounds very simple, but there is something to conquering something first thing each day to set the precedent for the rest of the day.

What do you do first thing in the morning?

Do you hit the "snooze" button on your phone and sleep in more?

Do you wake up and then just lay in bed?

Do you read?

Do you get up and go for a walk or exercise?

What do you do? Do you do anything productive?

Set a precedent first thing in the morning when you wake up. Start your day by accomplishing something -- even if it's a small thing.

For that small thing will lead to bigger things you accomplish throughout the day.

Perhaps, that small thing is as simple as making your bed...

Speech To Change Your Life Today! Admiral McRaven "Make Your Bed" Motivational Words Of Wisdom University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address Speech By Admiral McRaven Leaves The Audience Speechless With Great Words Of Wisdom. (Clip Of The Bes...


Covid-19 introduced many people the opportunity to work from home. There are many ways to do that. What ways have you thought about to earn money from home? Have you been learning anything to help you do so?

Is Diet More Important Than Exercise? 19/11/2021

Many people believe that the best way to loose fat is by working out. However, though working out and getting exercise is very important to your overall health and fitness, it is secondary to one other thing. That "other thing" is your diet.

Dieting cuts far more calories than exercise can. Think for a minute that you have a calorie intake need of 2,000 per day. To burn about 300 calories or so one would need to exercise an hour a day. If they do so, they would now have 1,700 calories for the day. But if they eat the average restaurant meal of around 900 calories, the exercise then proves useless.

It is too easy to eat enough calories to counter any benefit of exercising in a day.

Therefore, one needs to diet if they want to loose weight.

Yet, that is not all.

If you really want to lose weight, and have a healthy heart, you need to exercise. That is because exercising improves your heart's health and the overall physical fitness of your body. Though you can certainly loose weight dieting, combining dieting with exercising will not only help you loose weight faster, but keep it off longer and improve your mood, stress, and physical health.

You can read more in this short Point/Counterpoint article here:

Is Diet More Important Than Exercise? Overweight and obesity are epidemic in the United States. Although there are regional variations, rates of obesity have risen everywhere, and the impact on individual and population health has been staggering. Losing weight is a challenge, and what is clear to all of us who advise patients and perha...


It is always a blessing when you have mentors who can guide you along your life journey. You can have mentors in all areas of life, from having a student mentor, a financial mentor, and even a business mentor.

If you have a mentor in your life, let's be thankful for them today!


Not long ago I was going through some pictures and found a picture of myself during my high school wrestling career. One would think it would bring back nostalgia, but for me it caused me to look at how much I changed since then.

Back then I was 140 pounds and very lean and strong. Yet, over the years I lost my leanness and some strength (part of the strength loss was some injuries sustained along the way). At 31 I was nearly 200 pounds, and not all of that muscle. So in January 2021 I decided to change my eating and exercise habits.

Since then I have lost over 20 pounds! Sometimes I did exercises (generally in the form of lifting weights), but mostly I just simply ate healthier.

This page is dedicated to show how you can lose weight by buying the right kind of food and supplements and by exercising in the best way that will lead to results.

I will also be showing how utilizing digital marketing can help you inspire others to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle!

We all struggle with change. People like consistency and are comfortable in their habits. But we will never change until we hate where we are at more than we hate the change we have to make.

The bottom line is discipline. Will we discipline ourselves enough to change what we eat and our exercising habits so we can become healthier and happier people?

My commitment is to be disciplined to achieve my health and fitness goals and I encourage you also to commit yourself to being disciplined to doing what you know you need to do to achieve the health you have always longed to have.

It's not up to anybody else...

It's up to you

And it's up to me.

Let's do it!


Hey everyone! My name is Larry.

I am excited that you are here! Here are a few things about me that you might enjoy knowing!

I live in a small town in Montana and own a little Handyman Business.
I have an awesome dog named Gus who has been with me for 13 years!
I have a Bachelor's degree in Modern History, and I love to write and study!
I like Western books (and even published one myself once), and find the era of the Old West fascinating!
I play the drums and guitar, and I sing and write songs!
I enjoy college football, the Green Bay Packers, and NASCAR.
I love to teach!

I believe in being healthy and fit and my dream is this Page will be able to help you achieve the health and fitness goals your have for yourself and your family!


Hello everyone!

I hope you are excited about health and fitness and learning about all the ways you can develop your health naturally and organically. Check back often for new content and opportunities for you!

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