Metamorphosis Center / the work of Robert St. John

Metamorphosis Center / the work of Robert St. John

Offering Metamorphosis classes, treatments, books and DVD. The degree of tension determines how well you function in life. Metamorphosis eases this tension.

Easing deep chronic tension
Creating healthier relationships & greater well-being

Metamorphosis is a beautifully simple and deeply profound approach to understanding that we are infused with a level of tension at the moment of conception, via our DNA and various other ethereal energies. This underlying tension is unconscious and creates the patterns of tension that we view as negati


NEW Morning chat is added to schedule starts this wee.
2 Times Offered on the 3rd Wednesday of the month:
10-11am Pacific / 11am-noon Mountain / 1-2pm Eastern / 7-8pm Parts of Europe AND 5-6pm Pacific / 6-7pm Mountain / 8-9pm Eastern / Thursday am in Australia

Note: Every chat will begin with questions and a review of the essence before delving into the topic of the chat.

June 19 – Working on the Hands & Head
July 17 – Metamorphosis & Trauma / Addictions
August 21 – Understanding Efference
September 18 – Working on the Feet & Spine

You can join the program anytime. If you are new to Metamorphosis you will need to purchase and watch the intro DVD first (it is viewable online). Metamorphosis is not linear, so as long as you understand the essence, each chat builds on that. Each chat explains how unconscious tension manifests. I offer a 30 min private consults if you want to discuss your questions or personal needs in depth.

Send a message to learn more


Now accepting AUD, NZD, CAD for the home study and distance treatments.


Metamorphosis in Tucson
October 19 & 20, 2024 – Tucson (Oro Valley), Arizona, 9am-4pm.
12 ARCB CE’s. / Open to all, no experience needed.

Learn the principles and practice for self-care, animals, and home use. To become a practitioner, you start with self-care. Details on the practitioner program further down this page.

Metamorphosis is defined by its principles. If you are new to Metamorphosis, the downloadable/online intro DVD will be sent to you for viewing prior to the class. This will help ensure you benefit the most from time spent in the class.

$225, $175 repeat, $50 non-refundable deposit (deposit refunded if class is cancelled) The balance is due 2 weeks before the class by check, VENMO or credit card with the 3% fee.

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT – register in June and you save $50 off of your balance due.

Non-Refundable Class Deposit:


Metamorphosis Class – Online Program
The program is for new students and ongoing review for those that practice Metamorphosis..

Metamorphosis Online Program with Cindy Silverlock

12 ARCB CE’s. / Open to all, no experience needed.

New Students: You can join the program anytime. You will need to watch the intro DVD first (it is viewable online and it counts as a chat and is included in the program). Metamorphosis is not linear, so as long as you understand the essence, each chat builds on that. Each chat explains how unconscious tension manifests.

Continued Support: Metamorphosis is unique and multi-faceted. You will continue to hear things you did not hear before. Attending chats helps you stay in-tune with the simplicity and depth of Metamorphosis.

12 ARCB CE requirements: You must attend 9 chats, listen to the intro DVD online, read the booklet, and document 1 treatment. (The Home Study program offers the same information but can be completed more quickly. See the details listed above.)

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 5-6pm Pacific / 6-7pm Mountain / 8-9pm Eastern

Note: Every chat will begin with questions and a review of the essence before delving into the topic of the chat.

May 15 – Metamorphosis & Relationships
June 19 – Metamorphosis & Family Dynamics
July 17 – Metamorphosis & Trauma / Addictions
August 21 – Understanding Efference
September 18 – Working on the Feet & Spine
October 16 – Working on the Hands & Head
November 20 – Working on the Spine / Animals
December 18 – Distance Treatments

Metamorphosis Center - 06/03/2024

Metamorphosis Class – Interactive Online Program
The program is for new students and ongoing review for those that practice Metamorphosis..

Metamorphosis Online Program with Cindy Silverlock
12 ARCB CE’s. / Open to all, no experience needed.

New Students: You can join the program anytime. If you are new, you will need to watch the intro DVD first (included in program). Metamorphosis is not linear, so as long as you understand the essence, each chat builds on that. The order you learn things is not important.

Continued Support: Metamorphosis is unique and multi-faceted. You will continue to hear things you did not hear before. Attending chats helps you stay in-tune with the simplicity and depth of Metamorphosis.

CE requirements: You must attend 10 chats and document 2 treatments. (Watching the intro DVD and reading the booklet can count as 2 CE’s and attend 8 chats that have the most interest to you.)

Chat Schedule

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 5-6pm Pacific / 6-7pm Mountain / 8-9pm Eastern

Note: all chats begin with questions on any topic.

March 20, 2024 – Intro to Metamorphosis
April 17 – Polarity and Orientation
May 15 – Metamorphosis & Relationships
June 19 – Metamorphosis & Family Dynamics
July 17 – Metamorphosis & Trauma / Addictions
August 21 – Understanding Efference
September 18 – Working on the Feet & Spine
October 16 – Working on the Hands & Head
November 20 – Working on the Spine / Animals
December 18 – Distance Treatments

More Info:

Metamorphosis Center - Metamorphosis Center offers Metamorphosis treatments, classes, and books offered by Cindy Silverlock in Tucson, Arizona


Metamorphosis Self Care Class Saturday March 16, 9am-noon. $40
No experience needed.

You will learn the principles and practice of Metamorphosis, which are very simple. You will learn how to work on your own head, hands, feet and spine. As you address your deeper tension through self care treatments - your job is to focus on what you love in life. Taking your attention off of your problems is part of the process.

I discovered Metamorphosis in 1989. It profoundly changed my life. I have devoted my life to helping people understand how simple healing really is and how self-love is a key element.

We are all born with deep tension within. The degree of tension you carry is invisible but can be seen by how well you deal with life's challenges. This is helpful when noticing difficult people, family dynamics, stressed animals... Instead of labeling and judging... you start to see that they are struggling with more tension than others are. Metamorphosis eases this tension without dialogue or evaluation. The use of invitation through touch allows you to respond and ease deep tension.

People often share that after receiving a series of treatments they:
Communicate better
Create happier homes
Had relationships improve
Find it easier to manifest
Feel greater confidence, peace, & joy
React less and respond more
Feel the pain of grief & past traumas ease
Have physical issues ease or go away
Stop smoking or drinking
Left abusive relationships
Experience less mental tension

The outcome - more love and less analysis. It is a freeing experience.


How Metamorphosis Raises Consciousness
Unconscious tension is underneath unconscious actions and decisions.

Metamorphosis is about understanding a bigger picture of tension - how unconscious tension creates an unconscious world. Those with the most tension create the greatest disturbance.

The benefit of Metamorphosis is that in understanding the dynamic of energy in the bigger picture - you can see how to change the tension. Metamorphosis was created from the observation that the patterns of tension keep re-creating themselves. This is because we have not had the awareness of this bigger picture. With awareness comes change.

Afference and Efference are neutral terms to explain how energy works. Together they manifest in life - intent and manifestation. The soul and body. The intent leads and the manifestation is the creation of how Aff and Eff are working together. With tension - the outcome is not pleasant. Factory farming, GMO's, war... these are all solutions created with too much tension in the way. There is a disconnect with the soul (afference)... resulting in unconscious choices and actions.

Metamorphosis eases this underlying tension, raising Consciousness. The beauty of this work is that there is no dialogue or focus on the problem. As tension eases, disharmony turns into harmony.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies 18/01/2024

Metamorphosis Home Study
Relax and learn at your own pace. Open to all, no experience needed. You will learn the principles and practice of Metamorphosis for self-care and home use. This is a great place to start for the practitioner minded.

This program is self-paced. You watch the DVD’s on your own time, read the booklet, and attend 6 online support chats (the details listed below).

ARCB CE’s Full Program 12 CE’s, DVD & Booklet only 6 CE’s. There is an additional requirement of submitting documentation of self-care treatments.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies 03/01/2024

Manifesting in the new year with Metamorphosis! Join the Online Chats. Read the book first.

Easing underlying tension has so many benefits. If you find it difficult to create or manifest a desired life... it is because underlying tension is inhibiting the natural flow of intent to creation. Easing underlying tension solves so many 'issues' and allows you to put your attention on what you love to do. Shift gears from fix, change, heal - to ease underlying tension and allow shifts to happen.

Metamorphosis Online Chats

These chats are invaluable for staying connected to the essence of the work. Questions are welcome.

All that is required is that you have read the book or watched the DVD series first.

Chat Schedule:
3rd Wednesday: Jan 17, March 20, May 15, July 17, Sept 18, Nov 20 – 2024
USA: 5-6pm Pacific / 6-7pm Mountain / 8-9pm Eastern / Australia: Morning, look up time in your country.

2nd Tuesday Feb 13, April 16, June 11, Aug 13, OCt 15, Dec 10
USA: 9-10am Pacific, 10-11 Mountain, noon-1pm Eastern / Europe: Evening, look up the time in your country.

Payment: $80 for 2024 (You can attend whatever works for your schedule, every chat is different)

Confirm the time difference between your location and Tucson Arizona.

NEED ARCB CE'S One CE per chat.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.


Great new Holiday Tradition.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies 05/12/2023

Home Study includes online study sessions. ARCB CE's available.

Metamorphosis Classes - Reflex Therapies .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.


Book coming soon in German, thanks to Florian Daniel who offered to translate.


Nov 1 - All Saints Day. Robert St. John passed Nov 1, 1996. In loving memory to the man who gave purpose to my life.

Metamorphosis & Reflexology Classes - Reflex Therapies 19/10/2023

Metamorphosis Online Support
Through discussion we delve deeper into the unique perspective of Metamorphosis. Your questions are encouraged. One hour chats offered monthly on Zoom.

Two day/time options. Once enrolled you can attend whichever chat date works best each month. You are also welcome to attend both chats at no extra cost.
Chat Payment Options: Join early and get Sept-Dec free. 12 chats 2024 $100. 6 chats (Jan-June or July-Dec) $60.

Chat Topics
November – Hands-on self-care & distance treatment review.
December – Family dynamics, a refresher for holiday well-being.
January – Understanding how Metamorphosis helps with manifestation.
February – Relationship dynamics, helping you create healthier relationships.
March – Understanding why ‘the past’ isn’t the real problem. Letting go with greater ease.
April – Tuning-in, how using your intuition deepens a treatment and enhances your daily living.
May – Understanding trauma and why ‘looking at it’ or ‘processing it’ isn’t helpful.
June – Understanding how addictions do not need to be a life-long struggle.
July-Dec 2024 TBD

Chat Times

Monday Evenings USA / Tuesday AM Perth, Australia
Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 15, Feb 12, March 11, April 15, May 12, June 10
USA:5:00-6:00pm Pacific / 6:00-7:00pm Mountain / 8:00-9pm Eastern

Tuesday Mornings USA / Tuesday PM Europe, South Africa
Nov 14, Dec 5, Jan 16, Feb 13, March 12, April 16, May 13, June 11
USA: 10-11am Pacific /11am-noon Mountain / 1-2pm Eastern

Confirm the time difference between your location and Tucson Arizona @

Metamorphosis & Reflexology Classes - Reflex Therapies .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.


Metamorphosis classes in Arizona and Colorado

March 23 & 24, 2024 – Tucson (Oro Valley), Arizona
June 29 & 30, 2024 – Littleton, Colorado
Learn the principles and practice.
14 ARCB & NCBTMB CE’s. No experience required.
9am-4pm, Sat & Sun.

Metamorphosis Classes - Metamorphosis 10/08/2023

Online Intro coming soon. For details:

Metamorphosis was created from the observation that throughout history, nothing ever really changes. Collectively we mistreat the environment, animals, and each other. We have always had war, slavery in various forms, abuse and more. The founder wanted to understand why these patterns keep repeating themselves, primarily, what we were not seeing or understanding. The answer was unconscious tension is the underlying cause and influences us on all levels. Metamorphosis uses gentle touch to bring awareness to this deeper level of tension. This is done without dialogue or analysis. As this tension eases you find more grace and ease in life.

Metamorphosis Classes - Metamorphosis .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.


Metamorphosis was created from the observation that throughout history, nothing ever really changes. Collectively we mistreat the environment, animals, and each other. We have always had war, slavery in various forms, abuse and more. The founder wanted to understand why these patterns keep repeating themselves, primarily, what we were not seeing or understanding. The answer was unconscious tension is the underlying cause and influences us on all levels. Metamorphosis uses gentle touch to bring awareness to this deeper level of tension. This is done without dialogue or analysis. As this tension eases you find more grace and ease in life.

Metamorphosis Helps With Relationship Issues and Family Dynamics: The most important relationship you have is with yourself. Working on yourself gives you the benefit of supporting yourself without critical analysis or expectations of how you ‘should’ be.


Join the chat series:
Monday Evenings USA / Tuesday AM Perth, Australia
Aug 14, Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11.
USA:5:00-6:00pm Pacific / 6:00-7:00pm Mountain / 8:00-9pm Eastern

Tuesday Mornings USA / Tuesday PM Europe, South Africa
Aug 15, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12.
USA: 10-11am Pacific /11am-noon Mountain / 1-2pm Eastern

Confirm the time difference between your location and Tucson Arizona @


Sept 30 & Oct 1 – Tucson (Oro Valley), Arizona
Learn the principles and practice.
14 ARCB & NCBTMB CE’s. No experience required.
9am-4pm, Sat & Sun.
$295, $195 repeat, $125 non-refundable deposit (unless the class is cancelled).

There are a lot of VRBO’s in the area – Rancho Vistoso. The Hilton El Conquistador and the Marriott Fairfield Inn are closeby. We always do our best to make your weekend enjoyable for those visiting from out of town.


Offering Create your Own classes and Healing Vacations in Tucson.


Another wonderful Littleton, CO class.


Metamorphosis Weekend Class in Littleton, Colorado - June 10 & 11. Online Intro June 7, 7-8pm. for details


I made affordable websites for holistic practitioners. We all need a web presence!

Affordable Websites - Metamorphosis 05/11/2022

Affordable Websites

Simple Websites for Holistic Practitioners
$300 for a simple website with 3-4 pages and links to your Social Media. Price includes domain name and hosting for 1 year. You provide the content and images.

A fee of $40 hosting + cost of domain renewal will be charged each year. After your site is complete there is a $40 an hour for updates. Minor updates are done at no charge.

Sites for reference:

Affordable Websites - Metamorphosis Simple Websites for Holistic Practitioners. A website offers a professional presence.

Metamorphosis Classes - Metamorphosis 04/10/2022

Metamorphosis Home Study Program
Open to all, no experience needed. Watch DVDs on your own time, read booklet, document self-care treatments, attend online support program (listed below) or arrange a private chat to discuss questions. $110, up to 12 ARCB CE’s (6 CE’s for DVD and booklet, 1 CE per chat, 1 CE per documented CE treatment.)

Metamorphosis Classes - Metamorphosis .Metamorphosis Classes offered: weekend & online classes, practitioner program & ongoing support. ARCB & NCBTMB CE's. Classes open to all.

Metamorphosis Center - Metamorphosis 21/07/2022

Life changing Testimonials from the June Colorado Class.

I appreciated the session from you. It feels like all the darkness has lifted from those times of my life. – Karol Paul, Colorado

I’ve had a difficult and contentious relationship with my alcoholic brother for years. I attribute Metamorphosis with releasing the long held tension between my brother and me. It literally happened overnight. I hadn’t changed my behavior or spoken to him about improving our relationship. However, after a short series of sessions, I literally just woke up one day and felt no animosity toward my brother at all. I never imagined that after 30 years of fighting, my brother and I would be laughing together, helping each other out and establishing a healthy relationship. It’s a true metamorphosis! – Mary T., Colorado

Offering Distance Treatments
with Cindy Silverlock

Metamorphosis treatments create a doorway to address unconscious tension. This happens without effort or thought.

Distance Treatments are available. We agree to a time when you can be comfortable in a quiet location. A short conversation regarding your needs prior to treatment.
$75, 4 for $240, 6 for $300.

Metamorphosis Center - Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis Center offers Metamorphosis Classes, Treatments, Books, and a DVD set by Cindy Silverlock.


Monthly chats start tonight. Discussion/Q&A. Some previous experience required.

Metamorphosis with Cindy Silverlock

Metamorphosis Classes, Books, DVD, Treatments
Metamorphosis eases unconscious tension with gentle loving touch.

♥ We offer treatments in Tucson, Arizona
♥ Books, DVD available
♥ Classes open to all, no experience.
♥ Canada CE’s: RAC, RABC
♥ Australia CPT: RAoA

View More information:
