Nonna's Nutrition

Nonna's Nutrition

All natural since 1978.


šŸ¤© ā€œNonnaā€™s Fiber Revivalā„¢ Formula has me in SHOCK. I probably spent over $10,000 on weight loss programs and gym memberships to do what this has done in the last 6 days.ā€
- Teresa Meeks (verified customer)

Itā€™s not your fault you canā€™t lose weight. The programs, diet plans, meal preppingā€¦will not work if you donā€™t have a balanced gut.

Yet, Big Food companies have been processing something called Multi-Strand Fiber (the #1 thing that balances our gut and keeps our GI tract in check) out of our food for DECADES!


Thereā€™s no way you could lose weight when theyā€™re removing the foundational nutrition from your food.

Nonna Garbarino, our founder, discovered this in the 70s and released her Fiber Revival Formulaā„¢

Since then, weā€™ve helped THOUSANDS of people get their guts rebalanced, which leads to:
šŸŒæ Activate Natural Body Weight Loss
šŸ˜ Reduce Bloating & Inflammation
āŒšŸ” Curb Your Cravings for Bad Food
āš”ļø Gives You an All-Day Energy Boost
šŸ™Œ Gives You the Chance to Be YOU!

Get your starter kit now before we sell out (again) and if you arenā€™t 100% satisfied, ever order has free shipping + a 100% money back guarantee. Get 50% OFF today!


My name is Maria Garbarino.

A few years ago ā€“ 2012 to be exact ā€“ I reached my breaking point.

I had tried just about everything to lose weight and keep it off. EVERYTHING...

ā€¢ Keto
ā€¢ Atkins
ā€¢ Weight Watchers
ā€¢ Intermittent fasting
ā€¢ Calorie tracking apps
ā€¢ Sugar-free diet
ā€¢ Personal trainer

I even tried the Women's Ski Team diet because I figured "Why not, I've tried everything else?"

And some of it worked, until I'd treat myself to dessert or something not 'health food' one day out of the month and put it ALL. BACK. ON.

All my hard work just vanished, almost overnight.

Nothing was working, I had no energy, I hated the way I looked, and I felt SO ALONE every single day.

Like I was the only one going through this.

My husband Michael had suggested for a while that I call my Nonna (Grandma) Apollonia and see what she would recommend.

Nonna was a natural health expert and had been running her store since the late 70s.

She picked up on the second ring and for the first 7 minutes I just spilled to her.

She listened to my sob story and when I had finished I could almost hear her smile over the phone.

She was understanding, but cheerful, because she knew EXACTLY what my problem was.

Here's what she told me:

First, if youā€™re like me and you struggle with keeping the weight off she told me the best news youā€™ll hear all week: Itā€™s not your fault.


The Scientific American journal says that over 79% of people who lose a lot of weight canā€™t keep it off after losing it.

And an even larger percentage canā€™t lose it in the first place, so theyā€™re stuck with something called ā€œstubborn fat.ā€

And whatā€™s worse, is ONE in THREE Americans today have pre-diabetes, and 80% of them donā€™t even know it.

Donā€™t believe me? Look at the picture of Coney Island, below. Thatā€™s 1970 vs 2020. Only a 50 year difference.

What happened in that 50 year period?

Food processing.

For the last five decades, Big Food companies have been processing something called ā€œNatureā€™s Swiss Army Knifeā€ out of our food and out of our diets completely.

This magic ingredient? Multi-Strand Fiber.

Multi-Strand Fiber is the foodsource for trillions of good, healthy bacteria in your gut called ā€œFlora.ā€

In the medical community, your gut is known as your Second Brain because itā€™s constantly sending signals to your head on how you feel, what you feel, and how much energy you have.
In fact, most of the way we feel comes from our gut!

And the two groups of organisms that make up the gut - good bacteria (Flora) and bad bacteria - are responsible for what signals your brain receives.

When your gut is out of balance and not in good shape, the bad bacteria are in control and our brain receives BAD signals:
ā€¢ Cravings for sugary and greasy food
ā€¢ Mental fogginess
ā€¢ Frozen metabolism
ā€¢ Weight loss switch turned to "OFF!"
ā€¢ We feel bloated and puffy

But when your gut is balanced and the good bacteria (Flora) are in control, we feel great and our bodies function naturally!
ā€¢ Metabolism speeds up by 55%+
ā€¢ Our brains tell our body to burn stubborn fat stores
ā€¢ Mental clarity improves because the signals are crystal clear
ā€¢ Cravings curbed
ā€¢ We feel FULL and our appetites are satisfied!
ā€¢ Bloating is reduced almost 100%

So no, it's not your fault that you feel bad all day long, your metabolism has slowed to a crawl, and you can't get rid of stubborn fat no matter how hard you try.

With Big Food companies removing Multi-Strand Fiber from our food, our guts are completely out of whack and we'll NEVER feel full, satiated, mentally sharp, or healthy.

How could we?

Start today and give yourself a foundation to grow on by adding some of this Fiber back to your diet.

Bran, berries, beans, popcorn, avocados, and whole grains are good places to start.

Make sure you get as many different types as possible to match the ā€œMulti-Strandā€ type of fiber thatā€™s being processed out of your foods!

Hope this helpedā€¦


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00