Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery

Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery

We offer services for your towing needs in Lane and
Douglas counties here in Oregon. If you find yourself in a jam give The Captain a call!

James, Patrick and Mickey arrr at your service! 541-942-HOOK(4665)


Please stay home if you can. It's very slick. Freezing rain is no joke.


If you must drive please take extra time to arrive at your destination safely. A lot of black ice tonight after the snow and rain earlier today. We're here if you need us 541-942-HOOK (4665)

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 11/09/2021

Last week I asked Kendra if it was okay for me to share this on Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's page. She was more than in agreement. You see, every day our guys go out and do a job they love. They are servants at heart. ❤ These guys love helping other people! It's more than what they do, it's who they are! Each one of our guys are special in their own way. They all have strengths and weaknesses. They compliment each other very well. Robert is a wonderful person who loves his family as well as his work family. ❤ Robert is a great asset to our team. (As are our other guys) Kendra wrote this from her heart about her husband. We are so happy to be able to share this with you.
Thank you Robert for what you do each day. Thank you Kendra for sharing your thoughts with us. God Bless America 🇺🇸
As many of you know my husband Robert Kidder is a tow truck driver with Captain Hook Towing here in Cottage Grove.
He sent me an email this morning to watch a video, so i wanted to share with my friends
But before I do that heres what is happening in our house👇🏻
what most of you may not know, is i worry every time he gets a call, we always make it a point to say, Please be safe, Take a deep breath, relax, and see you soon come home safe, as he dashes out the door.. and we love you.
As a First Responder its important to stay focused and arrive to rescue stranded motor vehicles with or without people, and there pets.
Be kind and be patient, they don't always know what the situation is until upon arrival.

Now here's what my husband Robert wanted me to watch.

There’s not a lot of people who really know what it means to be a tow truck operator." on YouTube


Today is the day we REMEMBER. We remember that there are many AMERICANS who gave their life for YOU AND ME. They gave their lives for OUR FREEDOM! They believed in THIS COUNTRY AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR. AMERICA exists because of the Men and Women who fought for this COUNTRY. They deserve so much more than just a THANK YOU! GOD BLESS AMERICA! THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THIS LAND THAT WE LOVE; AMERICA!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 17/05/2021

ARRRRRR MATEY!!! If ye be needin' yer vehicle towed Captain Hook Towing be yer mates to do the job! We're here to serve you and your family. Whether it's towing, or roadside, we're here for you! Give us a call 541-942-HOOK (4665). If you need your car unlocked, or if you get stuck in a ditch, we're here to help. Don't be shy! Give us a call! We'll be happy to help!☠️ 🙂 ☠️ 🇺🇸 Our team James, Patrick, Robert and Mickey would like to say that we are excited about the many new friendships we have found since we started serving our community by offering towing, recovery and roadside assistance! We look forward to serving you and many more friendships in the near future!!! ARRRR Mateys!!!

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 01/01/2021

It is a New Year… Goodbye 2020
Yes! 2020 had more heartaches, losses, chaos, and attacks on our Liberty and Freedom then I can ever recall as long as I have been alive.
Many, if not all of us can relate to the heart wrenching losses of one sort of or another.
Question? How did we make it through one of the most challenging years ever if not the most?
For myself and possibly for some of you as well it was through LOVE.
Love for God, Love for America, Love for family, Love for others, Love for the children and the younger generation that we strongly want to see experience America the Beautiful that so many of our Veterans and Soldiers have sacrificed everything for. Some even lost their lives so that the next generations will experience and live in a land like us, Rich in Freedom and Liberty.
When we are hurting as a country, a person, a family it may seem very odd that the best way to overcome it and come out stronger on the other end is to pour out our love to others.
We saw a huge amount of Love poured out to our Police Officers for their countless sacrifices and services as they were being attacked. We saw many Americans Standing For our Veterans and our American Flag. We poured out our love to our First Responders, our Hospital Workers. We saw in 2020 families coming together, mending differences, shielding, and protecting, and serving one another, people standing in the gap for loved ones. People praying and coming together standing in the gap for our children, our Pastors, our churches, our family traditions. America!
There is a CORE about America and each of us. We were created to serve and love one another.
We are not perfect, none of us, we have all said, or done something we wish we would not have.
The Good News in 2021 as long as we are on this side of the dirt, it is not too late to mend, heal and love someone like ourselves who is not perfect, but needs love.
2020 as hard as some have tried to cancel and shut down our Love they have failed.
I have heard from many of you and read other stories of many others just like us that are STRONGER IN LOVE because together we have come through 2020 standing in the gap for one another.
We welcome 2021 and Stand Ready clothed in LOVE.
Happy New Year 2021 to each and every one of you.
We look forward to serving and helping you in 2021 with our businesses Captain Hook Towing and Recovery 942-HOOK 541-942-4665(Hook) 24Hours a day 7 days a week
Mickey’s Affordable Auto Sales, and Second Chance Recycling where we pay you cash and haul away your old Junker and clunkers, wrecked vehicles, and farm equipment. Our Team James, Patrick, Robert, Darrin, Dana, Pauline, Barb and Me, Mickey share a HAAAARRRDY!
Happy New Year! ARRR! Mateys

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 25/12/2020

Merry Christmas
In the midst of all this chaos in this world, and the heart wrenching losses of 2020 how is it we can find peace, and hope.
Where do we find the strength to go on, to get up again and again?
When life kicks us hard or knocks us down where does the motivation to serve and help, and encourage and love others come from, when we ourselves are hurting and need love.
Many of us have heard the words “I love you”, as well as many of us have shared the words "I love you” with others. Those words are comforting, they are powerful, they can heal, they can set free, they can mend a broken relationship, they can be the “new” in a new beginning, they can build up and encourage, give hope, and give strength to the weak in heart. We will all take turns in life’s journey being the strong one, then before we know it another one of life's challenges and heart aches hit us and we are the weak one receiving the love we gave away.
Mama always taught if we give love away often, we will never need to go out in search of love. Love will find its way back to us the giver of love.
In America Christmas is the time we come together in large numbers and share, our love, our time, our resources, with one another.
This is the Christmas love that draws us together to say to a stranger happily and joyfully, “Merry Christmas”.
Love in-action is CHRISTmas.
The love of Christ Jesus in each of us and understanding the baby in the manger that grew up to be the Savior of all who would believe in him and his life, journey, and purpose of forgiveness, mercy, and salvation; eternal life wrapped in unconditional love, grace for us all.
Our hope, our reassurance, our gift of love from Him, is this 2020 and every year going forward is that no matter how hard they try to cancel, control, or shut down, our faith and belief in the true meaning of Christmas it will NEVER happen.
Praise God! that Christmas is an attitude of the heart. "Merry Christmas" to each and everyone of you and your families.
The One and only Jesus can calm the storm brewing and tame the raging chaos.
"Merry Christmas" from our family to you and yours.

Serving you with

Captain Hook Towing & Recovery

Mickey's Affordable Auto Sales
Where we Buy, Sell and Consign cars.

♻️Second Chance Recycling♻️
where we buy your old wrecked or not running clunkers and junkers. We pay you CASH and haul them away.

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 12/11/2020

We finally have new reader boards up at Mickey's Affordable Auto Sales/Captain Hook Towing & Recovery! Sorry we took a while to get this out. We want to Honor All of Our Veterans 🇺🇸 for the month of November with our reader boards. Thank You, Thank You Very Much! 🇺🇸 We are very Thankful for all You do! 💜 God Bless America! 🇺🇸

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 01/08/2020

We have new reader boards out front! 😃
We know it's hard to read the whole thing all at once, so we thought we'd share it on here! Enjoy your weekend 😃


Mickey was on the radio! You can see it here! 😃

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 05/07/2020

Hi, my dear friends and Americans; Brothers and Sisters

I am excited that we get to share another Independence Day another; July 4th 2gether, Celebrating our Freedom and Liberties.

I hope you really enjoy yourselves and celebrate what so many lost their lives fighting to GIVE us Freedom and Liberty.

It is a gift, a treasure, it is Wealth and Prosperity to be a FREE People a Free Country. Everyone in America is FREE today. Stop! STOP looking back!
Start Enjoying and Rejoicing in your Freedom that we ALL share TODAY.

The rear-view mirror is much smaller than the windshield for a reason.

Let us Focus our attention, our energy, our life, our, LOVE for One Another and our LOVE for America.

Let us Leave! Walk away, resist the lies and falsehoods, and Hate of the rear-view mirror. IT IS LIES IT IS THE PAST!

THE PRESENT is the TRUTH you, me, we, ALL OF US are a Free People's in America.

That is what we Celebrate today on Independence Day July 4th, 2020

Those that we defeated to break away from tyranny and oppression Great Britain; have now infiltrated our government, our media newsroom’s, schools, college’s, and courts. They DO NOT want us to have and live the Dream and Promise so many of our family members Fought and Bleed, and even Died for that we Americans; (the generations after them) would have FREEDOM LIBERTY.

Those that aim to divide us, will not stop there, wake up Americans!!!
They want to divide, devour, kill and destroy what so many died to GIVE us our Freedom and Liberty.

Anything, any person, any movement that does not understand
Is not American. ALL LIVES MATTER.... and They ALWAYS WILL....

In America we are all Brothers and Sisters of the same color of Flag of Freedom and Liberty.

We are not rich at all, many of us struggle paycheck to paycheck. We would say we are struggling, we are poor, we are below middle class, or we are middle class.
The 3rd world countries would say WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
They would say, you that are of the poorest, of the poor those in poverty are actually RICH in America.

Why? You ask?
The government has TAKEN from them their Freedoms and Liberties. They do not know what it means to be a Free Person, a Free Family, a Free Country.

They are crying, shedding deep sincere tears for us Americans. We America are their hope.

Why? Because they understand, much more than some Americans do.

Those that STOOD for us and would not Take A Knee our Grandpas, Great, Great, Grandpas our Dads our Uncles, our Grandmas, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, have fought for is now being TAKEN away more and more as each day passes by our government like theirs was..

There are those that are blind to it, and then there are those who are part of it.

Sadly, those that have fought for these Freedoms and Liberties that are still living have to witness this. Even us, who have lost Dads, Moms, Grandpas, Grandmas, Uncles, Brothers Sisters, family, friends who FOUGHT, who
SERVED for these Freedoms we Hang onto and Cherish on this July 4th in remembrance of them on July 4th, 1776.

I do not know about you, but I know about me and my family we Choose to STAND TALL AND PROUD for those who STOOD for us ALL. They would NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!!! Take a knee .... Not America

Now many of them are gone to heaven, their families, their wives, their children, their moms, their dads lost out on spending time with them.
Because they Believe America and our American Freedom and Liberty for ALL, even those that would be born and live after they are long gone, was worth sacrificing everything up to and even including their lives.

What are we going to Fight and Stand for and Choose to NOT take a knee to for our children, grandchildren, and great, great, great children?

So many lives, so many ones that cannot even protect themselves or speak up for themselves today are praying and hoping we will STAND for those who STOOD for us.

We Celebrate with you today America your Birthday your Freedom your Liberty and your LOVE for people of Every color of skin. For your beliefs, for your values, for your honor that says.......ALL LIVES MATTER.... in America

Now quickly, what so many of us cannot understand what Truth, the Promise, the Facts, that the Enormous Impact, Enormous Peace, Enormous cost, Enormous
LOVE of what it means to be a Free People, a Free Country from the government can be to one's life and to ones Hope, and Love in Humanity, Love for Every color of skin.

Here is a story that happened today. My Precious, Dear, Lovely, compassionate Mother is not doing very well. However today when I told her

" Happy Independence Day Momma"

You should have heard her light up, perk up, pull herself up, her voice, her posture; everything changed.

She said " Happy July 4th my Son-Shine, Happy Independence Day "

Forget this, and her True, L ve for ALL Mankind and her LOVE for America.
Will you share a tear, will you Fight, Will you STAND for America?
So many people are hoping and praying you are one of us that will
STAND for America.

Those words ring out with

Independence Day

My dear friend's

God Bless America

People are seeing more and more today as the darkness unfolds how vital importance God's Blessing to America

Is what makes
America who she is
Happy Independence Day to you ALL


Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 25/05/2020

What is Memorial Day? 🇺🇸 This is a very important question in America. As an American Citizen, we celebrate Memorial Day each year on the last Monday in May. WHY? We celebrate Memorial Day each year to honor all those who have died in the line of duty! The ultimate sacrifice for us as people is to die while defending the very thing you believe in. In this case, it’s a country and FREEDOM! These soldiers give their lives for people they have never met simply because they believe in AMERICA AND WHAT IT STANDS FOR. This is vital. Without these honored men and women, we would not have the freedoms we have today. They stood for something bigger than themselves. They died for US! How amazing is that? So raise the flags, have a moment of silence to remember, recognize that these men and women died for you and me. Have your celebrations too, in doing so, you are honoring them by celebrating your freedom! What a wonderful thing! So, THANK YOU to all those who gave their life so we could live ours with freedom and liberty! Without these HEROS we would live in a whole different world. Have a great Memorial Day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 16/05/2020

Monday May 11th 2020 was another one of those days for Captain Hook Towing & Recovery.☠️
THOSE DAYS: You are just grateful you are in the right spot at the right time to help someone in need.
Especially when you find out that it is someone who has helped many others, and now he finds himself with very little means.
It is very sad, and hard on the heart strings, that are being pulled when you witness a Veteran in these circumstances.
It all took place on a day when the Captain Hook Towing Team of three was shorthanded by two, so that meant only 1 team member was available for the job.
Captain James Hill was TREMENDOUS. He took care of 3 calls for folks needing a tow on this day.
I Mickey Pattingale had a date with my daughter and grandchildren (see some of the pictures of a FANTABULOUS day) 😊
James’ last call was a man referred to us, a Veteran. This gentleman, Doc did not have much money; therefore, James adjusted the tow for him so he could afford to have it towed to the auto repair shop he uses. He called us from Elkton, Oregon and needed to be towed to Cottage Grove. Once in Cottage Grove this gentleman could not get a hold of anyone to give him a ride back to Elkton.
What did Captain James Hill do?
He told Doc, this Veteran gentleman that he could take the tow truck back to the yard and get his personal car and come back and pick him up and drive him all the way back to Elkton.
Tyson Hill, James’ father who served and retired from the Navy, and then put in a total of 44 years of Serving our Beautiful America in the Navy and the Reserves; I want you to see this about your son. He chose to Serve this Veteran gentleman Doc, with pride, respect, and genuine brotherly love, knowing Doc has Served many in his lifetime like yourself.
James did this all after a very long day after also working the day before on a Sunday, that was supposed to be his day off. You see, Sunday Captain James Hill wanted to make sure Captain Hook Towing☠️ would be able to respond to another customer needing a rescue, in a timely manner, as we make it our passion and mission to do. You see our other team tow truck operator Patrick Foxen got called out on a winch out recovery on that same Sunday.
Captain James, knowing this could be a while for Patrick and that he was out where there was no phone service, he made the selfless decision to drive from Veneta to Cottage Grove to cover for, and have the back of Patrick and Captain Hook Towing.
I always say and point in pictures of us three together to James Hill and Patrick Foxen as being the HEART of and the difference that Captain Hook Towing is striving to bring to those of you, we help and rescue.
……………….. ☠️Captain Hook Towing☠️…………..………. We got you covered ……………………..
Need help!
This is the kind of HELP you want.
We have you covered, no matter where you are in Oregon needing A Tow Truck.
Captain Hook Towing has had the honor of serving folks like yourselves who have broken down on I-5 and trusted us to tow them all the way back to Portland, Oregon. We have even been called to go to Portland to rescue a nice family. Going South? Captain Hook Towing has rescued folks and towed them as far as Medford, Oregon.
Captain James Hill and Captain Patrick Foxen, I love you guy’s and the heart you serve our customers and new friends with. I always say “ Life is about people”
………………… Next I will share with you about the other side of this day and the HEART of Captain Patrick Foxen…………. and Captain Hook Towing & Recovery in Cottage Grove Oregon
If you ever find yourself, a friend, or family member needing a tow truck remember this number 942-HOOK 541-942-4665(HOOK) 24 hours a day 7 days a week! ☠️ Captain Hook Towing & Recovery ☠️ will be there to Serve and rescue you. ARRR! Mateys You now have a Friend in the Towing Industry.
(The pictures are random tow jobs, not from Doc and his tow.)


3 Distracted Driver Safety Tips
It is unfortunate that we often see people driving their vehicle while using their cell phone at the same time. Not only is this foolish, but also illegal and it often becomes the cause of many road accidents. Although millions of people drive vehicles safely, there are still a lot of drivers that put themselves and others at risk because of this habit.
Following are 3 tips you can use when you see someone driving badly because they are distracted by their phone:
1. If Necessary, Alert the Authorities
Using a cell phone while driving is illegal in many states, including Oregon and most law enforcement authorities encourage the public to report such individuals. However, it is not recommended to call the authorities and report them of a distracted driver unless they are driving erratically to the point that it is dangerous to themselves as well as others on the road. What you can do in this case is pull over and note the license plate number and then call the authorities in order to report him/her. Keep in mind that emergency numbers such as 911, should not be used for reporting motor vehicle violations. Only use such services when the driving behavior of the distracted driver is putting themselves or others in harm’s way. Instead you can call our local law enforcement directly, once you are safely pulled over to the side of the road.
2. Drive Defensively
While you might get angry at a distracted driver for using their phone and driving badly and might even try to speed up and overtake them; it is recommended that you keep your distance and drive defensively. Giving such drivers space will be best for everyone on the road. If someone is not paying attention they may step on the brake suddenly and turn sharply to avoid running into something, or someone; which may be dangerous. For these reasons, it is recommended that you keep a long distance behind a distracted driver. If you have to overtake them, make sure you are cautious and continue to drive defensively, for your safety, as well as the safety of others.
3. Don’t Become Part of the Problem
A distracted driver unknowingly starts a fight with other drivers on the road when they use their cell phone and drive badly. You cannot directly affect the way that driver drives, however you can make sure that you don’t get distracted yourself. It is recommended that you take safety measures in such a scenario. It is advised that you practice safe driving and encourage others to do so as well. In this way, the risks of traffic accidents and other dangers on the road can be reduced.
Additional Safety Tips
Apart from the above mentioned tips, there are some additional tips you can take to ensure your safety. Following are some of those tips:
Give the distracted driver space
Assume that the distracted driver does not see your vehicle at all
Do not resort to vigilantism, but instead involve the police if necessary
Try to pull ahead of the distracted driver, or let them pull ahead by slowing your vehicle down
We at Captain Hook Towing & Recovery strongly promote and encourage safe driving. We also know that sometimes things go wrong and you may need roadside assistance in the future. When you need help with your vehicle while on the road, Captain Hook Towing & Recovery offers fast & reliable towing and roadside assistance – everywhere in Cottage Grove, Drain, Yoncalla, Roseburg, Sutherlin, Eugene, Springfield, Pleasant Hill, Lowell, Oakridge and surrounding areas. We will respond immediately on a 24/7 basis, so give us a call right now at (541)942-HOOK (4665) if you are in need of towing or any roadside assistance! ARRRR!!!! Matey!!!

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 09/04/2020

As you arrive on a scene many things are racing through your mind. For the Captain Hook Towing Team our thoughts are about SAFETY.
Besides the accident scene itself, you sometimes have one or more NASTY BLIND corners to manage for Safety. This has been the case for the Captain Hook Towing and Recovery Team most times this past year. July 20th 2019 Captain Hook Towing Team announced we were in business and Serving Cottage Grove, OR, Lane County and surrounding counties. We would like to say a HARRRRDY ARRR Mateys!!! We never could have imagined where this business would take us. It has been a Joy and a Pleasure Serving you. Having many of you call 541-942-HOOK(4665) sometimes, even more than once for different occasions has been a Grrrr888T opportunity to get to know each other as we lend you a fast, friendly, helping hand the Captain Hook Towing way. The first time might have been a call for a tow, then your son or daughter may have locked themselves out of their vehicle, or you found yourself with a flat tire in Cottage Grove. We have even traveled to Roseburg, OR. on a call for a customer needing help with a flat tire. We, the Captain Hook Towing Team, have definitely felt the love from our customers and new friends. We are amazed daily as we travel through town and receive the honks and waves. We want you to know these nice and friendly gestures do not go unnoticed, or unappreciated. Many times, at the end of a long day or evening the Captain Hook Team James Hill, Patrick Foxen, and Mickey Pattingale sit down and talk about the honks and the waves, and the shout outs. You have helped make our Team excel all the more in serving you, and helping you in your time of need of a tow, a flat tire, a lock out, or if you have even been in an accident. Our Team at Captain Hook Towing feels an urgency, a commitment, and a responsibility to be there to help you. It is just that, that makes the day for us. To know we have given 100% in helping someone's sour situation turn out a little sweeter. As people help people; the way life was meant to be.
We started with sharing that you all have made this business adventure a happy one. This business has taken us to areas we did not foresee ourselves going. We have been called and referred to two different people who needed towed to Portland. We also met a Fantastic couple of guys who served in the military. We ended up creating a friendship and bond with them. We were towing them, their suv and trailer with a classic truck on it all the way to Medford, OR. We have been to Roseburg a number of times. We have been there to help folks referred to us, who needed a tow in Eugene and Springfield helping with towing folks back home. We have even been called for a tow just past the Elk Viewing Center near Coosbay, OR.
Even as we write this our hearts are full of Gratitude, and Humbleness. “Thank You” the Captain Hook Towing Team Patrick Foxen, James Hill, and Mickey Pattingale. … Arrr! Mateys

Photos from Cottage Grove Captain Hook Towing & Recovery's post 09/04/2020

Hello to each and everyone of you. :) As we are all working through this time of tragedy and heartache, witnessing many lives horribly lost. It is one of the most difficult and challenging times of our lifetime for most of us.
I can not imagine being one of the many who have lost their spouse, their family, friends, loved ones. We do know this though! The number would be far greater if we did not have our incredible selfless serving hospital staff to say "thank you" to... Starting with our hospital house maintenance and janitorial women and men. I remember my lovely precious mother, worked her fingers to the bone day after day in the house maintenance at a hospital. She would say I need to make sure the patients have warm clean bedding. She even took a lot of pride in cleaning the rooms, toilets, etc. I never heard her complain, she knew she was there to serve others. To you, the women and men house maintenance and janitorial in the hospitals, clinics, senior care homes we say a heartfelt "Thank you" "Thank you, thank you very much for your service. You enable our hospital staff, our nurses, our doctors to shine in their work. It is a TEAM. Hospital staff, lobby, receptionist, secretaries, nurses, doctors you all working together have helped prevent further lives lost. Our police officers, our ambulance, and our firefighters and all first responders, we share our gratitude, and thankfulness to you for your sacrifices and service. To our soldiers, we look at the massive Navy hospital ships and the TEAM effort it took to get them to much needed areas so quickly. Many precious lives will be saved because of your service to America and your brother and sisters, us the people.
So Yes! Many of us have heavy ladened hearts at this time. However, I can see how many Americans are coming together to serve one another. No matter what color your skin is, no matter what language you speak. All lives matter, all lives are a precious gift from God. We all have more in common than we do not. Together we Stand or divided we Fall. Thank you! Working together we shall pass through this, and rise above it. There are so many wonderful stories being shared of people coming together to help one another. There are stories of sign companies offering at no cost to make signs for businesses that say we are open during this time etc. etc. These folks do not ask what you believe, if you do or do not go to church, they do not care the color of your skin; THEY JUST CARE and share love in the way they know how to. The way they hope makes a difference in others lives and situations they are having to deal with. The blessings, the lessons that we are all learning are priceless. It is about LOVE and about "Life is about PEOPLE". May we never as Americans forget the power of love. Which is what motivates everyone spoken of here, and you reading this. Thank you for serving and your selfless love in this most difficult of times. Love is kind, love bears all things, love hopes all things, love endures all things. LOVE NEVER FAILS. Hopefully, if we have the opportunity to say a personal heartfelt "thank you" to our police officers and firefighters and all 1st responders we will be able to give back some of the love they have shared with us. Through love, together we will get through this, LOVE NEVER FAILS.
We hope this encourages you as it has encouraged us.

Videos (show all)

Both James and Patrick getting back from HELPING people.