Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large

Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large

The Best Choice For All Of Trenton

Photos from Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large's post 08/11/2022

Theodore Burr designed the "Trenton Makes" bridge. Now Waldemar Ronquillo is helping design bridges to bring Trenton communities together for a stronger and better Trenton.

Vote for a Better Trenton, vote for WALDEMAR RONQUILLO for Trenton Councilmember At-Large.

Photos from Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large's post 08/11/2022

Hay que HOY MISMO votar por líderes que representan a las comunidades y sus intereses. Ése candidato sin duda es Waldemar Ronquillo. Háganse reconocidos con sus votos. Vote por Waldemar Ronquillo para Concejal General en Trenton.

Photos from Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large's post 23/10/2022

The youth and young adults of Trenton remind me of my youth—never giving up on dreams. I vow as Trenton City Councilmember at-Large to do my best to create a better today and future for our Trenton youth and adults. Let's all Vote on November 8th!

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BREAKING NEWS: I proudly announce that the Moms Demand Action Organization has awarded me, Waldemar Ronquillo, the Trenton City Council candidate distinction for advocating for gun violence prevention and making a commitment to serve as Trenton City Councilmember with gun safety in mind.

Vote for The Best Choice For All Of Trenton, Vote for Waldemar Ronquillo for Trenton City Council at-Large on November 8th.

Learn more about Moms Demand Action at momsdemandaction.org


Want to vote for a candidate that has a proven long track record of working hard to better the lives of all Trenton communities?
There is only one CLEAR choice. Vote for a better Trenton, Vote for WALDEMAR RONQUILLO.


Es un momento importante para representar todas comunidades en este foro el 24 de Julio a las 4 p.m. en la iglesia Shiloh Baptist situada en la 340 Calhoun Street en Trenton. Aquí juntos le solicitaremos a la próxima generación de concejales los cambios necesarios que beneficiarán a nuestros niños y familiares en la ciudad de Trenton. Todos sin importar estado tendrán una voz significante en éste evento. Compartan esta publicación con sus amigos y familiares, y participen todos para asegurar que se oigan todas sus voces!


TODAS las comunidades están invitadas a unirse a mí para celebrar el comienzo de un cambio positivo para todos los habitantes de Trenton. El evento será el sábado 14 de mayo en Frankye's Restaurant ubicado en 1500 Clinton Ave en Trenton. La celebración comenzará esa noche a las 6 p.m. La entrada será gratis para nuestro evento, así que invite a sus familiares y amigos para que juntos con música e invitados especiales celebremos nuestros esfuerzos para mejorar la calidad de vida en esta ciudad.

Espero trabajar directamente con todos ustedes para hacer de Trenton una ciudad segura y de alta calidad para todos los residentes y visitantes, asi que aseguren asistir nuestro evento.

Si desea hacer una donación por medio de tarjeta de credito a nuestra campaña, puede usar este link 👇 https://secure.actblue.com/donate/waldemar-for-councilman-1 👈 y seguir las instrucciones a la letra.


ALL communities are invited to join me in celebrating the beginning of positive change for all Trentonians. The event will be held this Saturday May 14 at Frankye's Restaurant located at 1500 Clinton Ave in Trenton. The event will begin at 6 p.m. Admission will be free for our event. Invite your family and friends so that together with music and special guests, we will celebrate our efforts to improve the quality of life in this city.

I look forward to working directly with all of you to make Trenton a safe, high-quality city for all residents and visitors. Be sure you attend our event.

If you would like to make a donation to our campaign through a credit card, you can use this link
👉 https://secure.actblue.com/donate/waldemar-for-councilman-1 👈 and follow the instructions.


In 2010, Waldemar strongly defended the children of Trenton when the Trenton School District was serving poor quality food to its students. Because of Waldemar's efforts, that disturbing concern was resolved. From that point forward, and still now, the children of Trenton are provided the good quality and healthy meals at school that they are entitled to and deserve.


Excellent work by Trenton Journal. Click the link, read the article ⬇️ https://trentonjournal.bulletin.com/meet-the-candidate-waldermar-ronquillo/

Photos from Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large's post 09/02/2022

At a December 2021 Coat Drive, Waldemar helped organize and distribute coats to the children of all Trenton communities during a time when coats were needed most.

Photos from Waldemar Ronquillo For Trenton City Council at-Large's post 09/02/2022

In October 2021, Waldemar helped promote breast cancer screenings, prostate exams and covid tests in an effort to help improve the health of all Trenton communities.


In 2019, the Trenton School District made a proposal for our schools that could've led to "racial discord" in Trenton, according to the Trenton City Teacher's Union. Waldemar brought this issue straight to Governor Murphy in person. Waldemar's insistence to support our children of Trenton helped prevent that proposal from being approved. The children of Trenton were the winners.


Heartfelt testimony from a Trentonian in both Spanish and English. Listen in...

