Bring Ohmie Home

Bring Ohmie Home

People dedicated to Ohmie, and bringing her home


This is why WE never give up! WagginTails Search and Rescue NEVER gives up!
Stella is now home because of the hard work and leadership of Kimber Hysel and WagginTails!!!
❤️❤️ Welcome home, Stella! ❤️❤️

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 06/10/2022

Welcome home, Gracie!!! Thank you, WagginTails Search and Rescue for getting her home.

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 06/10/2022

Once again WagginTails steps up. This pup got lost, a tracker was hired, and said she had been picked up.
In steps WagginTails, they gave the owner the needed steps, and guided her, low and behold, she is home safe and sound.

Please, if you lose a pet, research anyone you are looking to help you, there are so many scams, disreputable and out right dishonest SARs out there!!
Most areas have a local SAR that will help you at no charge, or very little.
WagginTails does not use tracking dogs (it is debated that a dog can track another dog on all occasions), they are a boots on the ground, help with posters and door knocks, and guidance 24/7 organization. And they are a nonprofit, so it runs on donations only, no up front fees or charges!
And Do Not respond to a "send a text to this place" type comment on your lost pet posts, that is a phishing scam.

Now, let's all celebrate Gracie's safe return!!!

Photos from Bring Ohmie Home's post 30/04/2022

🐾🐾Hello Ohmie Family!!!🐾🐾
Now that we know our new friend is not Ohmie, we wanted to introduce her as River, as she was found in flowing waters. She is being fostered by Ohmie's family still as we wait for her family to find us. After her foster period is up, we will be looking for her furever home. And you can bet her new furever will be put through the ringer (with three "Aunties" to get past!) before adopting her!! Until that time comes she is being loved, well fed, resting up, and taken on some adventures!!!
Please share, and share often. We really want to return her to her family, but we need your help to make the connection, as we have no idea how far from home she actually is!!


❗❗❗Pupdate ❗❗❗
We have the results of the DNA tests. Our girl IS NOT Ohmie. But it is a life saved, that is what is important.
Now that we are confident it is not Ohmie, we will be continuing to search for an owner. We will also keep her in foster for as long as required.
Please share her story and her picture. Someone may be missing this poor sweet girl.
And please let us know if you see a loose dog, especially if it looks like Ohmie.
Thank you all for your prayers and support!!


Hello friends and family!!
Recently there have been posts made trying to find any owner who MAY BE out there for the girl we found in Eagle Creek.
*** YES, we hope it is Ohmie
*** YES, we are doing our due diligence and we are trying to locate anyone who may be missing a GP.
***YES, this pup seemed to recognize Ohmie's mom's voice and was very comfortable with Ohmie's siblings and Dad, and the goats.
***YES, we did (and the rescue paid for, since people seem concerned about that) DNA test on her and Dad. The test WILL show a family match if there is one.
*** NO, we will not "just keep the dog", all of our standards will be in place IF/WHEN the DNA comes back and it is not Ohmie, this pup will be adopted out per rescue protocol.
*** YES, Ohmie's family is hoping it is her, but no assumptions are being made.
***YES, she is being loved on and well taken care of be Ohmie's family.

PLEASE if you have a legit question or concern ask, but when so many comments are made on a post about a missing or found dog ❗IT IS NOT HELPFUL.❗
And when you are commenting about things that don't matter then we are taken away from our other duties or tasks. It takes time, and checking all those comments, and responding (or correcting) are a waste of time.
Please share!! Please post if you know who she might be, or if you thought you saw a missing/found post for that dog.
Please don't make assumptions about it.
We are experienced, and have done this many times.
Thank you for ALL your help...


DNA tests done, mailing today.. 🙏🙏🐾🙏🙏


** UPDATE***
A female GP was caught and contained off of Hieple and Eagle Creek (no, it is not Lee's dog).
She has been scanned and has no micro chip. She will be treated as a STRAY and we will look for her family.
She is staying with Ohmie's mom, and we will be doing a DNA test to see if it is Ohmie. Until the results are in WagginTails Search & Rescue will treat her like all the others and look for her family.
Please keep her in your thoughts as she and Ohmie's mom await the results!!!

Thank you Estacada and Eagle Creek!!! All of you are amazing!!


❤️ SHE has been contained, update to come...❤️

Praying this is our girl... But first we have to put the work in to get her/him safely contained.
Then we get to find out!! If not, the the search for an owner begins...

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 06/03/2022

WagginTails Search and Rescue has had a very busy and rewarding week!!!
Way to go!!

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 05/03/2022

🐾🐾 We never give up!!! 🐾🐾
This family was told by Harry Oakes that their dog was in a pile of coyote p**p... Literally said that to them.... Lo and behold..... WagginTails Search & Rescue goes out and lays scent markers, gets the family all set up to lead her nose back home....and the next morning she is home!!!! ❤️ A miracle!! ❤️Sitting on the porch!!!
This is why they never give up!!!


The GSD found last weekend was out there for at least a year. She had none of Ohmie's instincts for survival, yet here she is. Ohmie would be, by nature of her breed, more adept at living in the woods.
PLEASE keep your eyes out, let us know if you even THINK you see her!!

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 03/03/2022

Leslie, Kimber and Waggintails Search and Rescue did it again.
They were alerted to this pup, Leslie made contact with a home owner who was seeing her often. They learned she was out there for a year!!! A trap was set that evening, and the next morning they had humanely trapped her.
Just in the nick of time. Please read up on her, share her picture, let's see if we can help find her family!!
Thank you, Ohmie's family!
And please feel free to make a donation to her care and vet bills!! 🥰🥰 She needs all the love she can get!


Kimber Hysell and WagginTails Search & Rescue never give up. And now have shown just how far she will go for a pup!

Do you know this pet's owner? 13/11/2021

Does any of Ohmie's friends know this little lady?
She was found in Damascus. She has no collar and no chip. She was contained by WagginTails Search & Rescue and turned over to Clackamas County Dog Services (per county regulations as we had no foster available).
Please share her PawBoost so maybe her family can be found.
Unknown - Female Dog

Damascus, OR 97089 - Southeast Anna Court, Damascus, OR, USA

Approximately 2 year old, 33 pound female Blue Heeler. Trapped and now at Clackamas County Dog Services.


Do you know this pet's owner? Approximately 2 year old, 33 pound female Blue Heeler. Trapped and now at Clackamas County Dog Services.


This is a very informative article on a newly adopted/ fostered dog and flight risk.
Please read and add any tools needed to your "Help a Dog" tool chest!!!
(And look who brought the young lady home!🥰🥰 WagginTails Search & Rescue!)


Anyone know these pups?
Not contained to my knowledge


Is your dog crate trained?
Yes? or No? What type of crate do you use?
What are the Pros and Cons?
On Sunday I will share some great reasons to be sure your dog is crate trained!! 🐾🐾

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 14/10/2021

Once again, true grit wins. WagginTails Search & Rescue and Kimber worked tirelessly to bring Indi home!❤️
🐾🐾 You never give up! 🐾🐾

Don't Call Your Dog! 10/10/2021

This is a wonderful article on what to do if you see a lost or stray dog (yours or not).
Please read and watch the video at the end!
The more we learn and the more people that learn, the more we can help our 4 legged family members!!

Don't Call Your Dog! It sound’s crazy-stupid to say “Don’t Call Your Dog!” after your dog has escaped.So HOW will I get the dog to come to me? BY CALMING HIM and ATTRACTING HIM.


This was Runt when we got her! So skinny and so sweet.
That is Kimber, with WagginTails Search & Rescue you hear in the background. 🥰

Photos from WagginTails Search & Rescue's post 10/10/2021

Another success story for WagginTails Search & Rescue was Runt. This was my first introduction to Kimber and how SAR works. And it was 3 weeks of sleeping on a golf course or in my truck in North Portland near the Expo. Learning the ins and outs of door knocks and hanging posters. Going into Houseless camps, talking to people, handing out fliers. Following up on leads and begging for access to places I wasn't allowed to go.
Without Kimber's guidence and help this girl would never have come home. And Runt fought hard to give us the time we needed to find her.
When you need help for your lost pup, use someone with proven experience


🐾🐕 When you find a dog that is emaciated and obviously hasn't been eating it can be very dangerous to feed them (😱). I can't remember all the big words, but, because of the lack of food the stomach and intestines are not able to fully digest things. So it is best to give a SMALL (1 teaspoon) of a simple, none fat protein. Dried liver is good, gives them some flavor and it can be softened with water. A small amount every couple of hours until the pup is seen by a vet. Too much food can actually kill a dog that is starving!
Small amounts of water often also, you do not want to overwhelm bodily functions that are slow or have begun to shut down!!!

** Next question on Friday! **
❤️Thanks for learning!!!❤️

🔖I am going to start educational posts about finding a lost or stray dog, what are your thoughts?🔖
❓❓Question of the day: ❓❓
You find a lost dog, it is very hungry and thin. You take it home, (you plan on taking it in to the vet in the AM).....

Lake Oswego woman, dog reunite after more than a year apart 07/10/2021

🐾Welcome home Drake🐾
We are so happy that your owners had the guidence of WagginTails Search & Rescue at the start.
Unlike Ohmie, who never left flight mode due to so many human encounters in the 2 months before we were involved.
We love this community that is so dedicated to it's pets and lost/stray dog.
A lost dog is in flight mode to start, if it can't find a safe place, if human encounters keep happening it can't settle, or come out of flight mode. Drake's mom saw that today, Drake didn't recognize her at first. Flight mode.
Having a resource such as Kimber, with all her knowledge, resources, and equipment is a blessing to any lost dog.
Please, if you are interested in what to do when you see a loose dog go to WagginTails Search and Rescue and read the articles and advice Kimber posts. Or use Google
But IF you doubt Kimbers drive, tenacity, and passion to bring lost pets home, please learn about Smudge:

Lake Oswego woman, dog reunite after more than a year apart Another woman spent a total of 151 days trying to rescue the dog in the Tigard area. She then tracked down the dog's owner.


As summer draws to a close, the kids go back to school, and life continues for us, please remember that Ohmie, and other lost dogs, need your help.
Remember the steps to take if you see a loose dog:
🐾Note direction of travel
🐾Take a picture if you are able
🐾Are they walking or running?
** If you are aware of a dog that is missing in the area, call the owner ( take a picture of lost posters so you have numbers with you!❤️), If you aren't aware of any missing, call animal control and report it.
IF you are in a place that those steps aren't possible, then you could:
🐾Sit or lay down, whimper softly, see if the pup will come to you, but DO NOT GRAB AT THE COLLAR, only reach for the collar when you know you be successful. This could take a LONG time, so not a wise option for most.
I love all the help that Estacada has given to Ohmie and her family! What an amazing community!


Bentley/ Ohmie update:
Even though The Asher House has still declined our request for a DNA test we tried another way to see what we could find. We put on our Scooby Doo hats, and did some more sleuthing. We have talked to some people about backstory, and did a lot of digging and found out more of Bentley's story.
IF all that was told to us is true, Bentley is not Ohmie, even though a DNA test would still confirm that.
We are still hoping to locate Ohmie, so if you see a Great Pyr wandering around anywhere in or near Estacada, let us know!!!
We love our small town!!!


It has been determined that this pup was not Ohmie, but would love to talk to Jenna Huff about the time of the photo.

We had a possible sighting this morning. On Coupland between Divers and Tumala.
If the OP (Jenna Huff, I believe) would reach out to us, we wanted more info on the sighting.
Ohmie's parents went and door knocked and walked the area with no other sightings reported and no luck themselves.
Also the posters were down, they are being replaced so the phone number is available if the pup is sighted again.


The Asher House ❤️‍🩹Please allow a DNA test.❤️‍🩹
Estacada has been looking for Ohmie for a year now. They have kept her in their hearts since that terrible day last September when we all had to evacuate our homes.
To Ohmie's friends and family: please keep her on your thoughts and prayers, we would love that it resulted in a reunion, but we only want a DNA test at this point.

