Get people thriving!

Photos from GPOT's post 22/06/2022

On your marks, get set, 1, 2, 3 and….THRIVE! 🏁
Sequence & timing is key to getting THRIVE e60’s full benefits. Are you taking your 3 steps properly?

Here’s a quick reminder: 🙂

Step 1: Lifestyle Capsules as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning with a glass of water
Step 2: 20-40 minutes later, mix up your Lifestyle Mix & drink
Step 3: After drinking your mix, apply your DFT to clean, dry skin



FACT: We’re all about quick and easy nutrition 💯

🟣Step 1: Take 1-2 Lifestyle Capsules on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up
🟠Step 2: About 20-30 minutes later, grab your Lifestyle Mix & shake up with water, juice, or almond milk & drink up
🟢Step 3: Peel your DFT & stick to clean, dry skin.

👉Like this post if you’re THRIVIN’ today!


Hello my name is Kim Bahr and this is my Thrive Experience.

I was no stranger to supplements. I have been taking them my entire life. So when my friend said, "You will feel these vitamins!" I thought she was nuts!

Day 1- I understood exactly what she meant. WOW, I definitely felt them! I was happy, I hadn't been in a good place mentally so this was amazing. Felt so much energy and a fire lit inside me. I walked 5 miles. This was life-changing!

Day 4- I woke from the best sleep ever. That evening my husband grabbed me and we danced in our kitchen. As we were dancing he told me, with tears in his eyes, that I was never stopping Thrive!

I will never stop Thriving, for I genuinely do Thrive for my life!!!

Photos from GPOT's post 21/12/2020

5 months...162 days...3,888 hours...233,280 minutes...13,996,800 seconds...My name is Josh Hornby and this is my Thrive Experience.

I have been at home teleworking since March of 2020 and I allowed being in the comfort of my own home to consume me, in the wrong way! I quickly fell into the same daily routine - crawl out of bed, drink my pot of coffee and stuff my face all day with unhealthy food, then crash by 1p.m. with no energy to do anything. I had hit an all-time low at a weight of 271lbs, and lacked any energy to enjoy time with my two sons who are 3 and 6. My everyday life became a struggle, and I was heading down a very long, winding unhealthy road.

My wife approached me wanting to try this product called Thrive, saying I would not need coffee anymore. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement. I believe my exact words were, "Ya okay, I highly doubt that." Regardless of my skepticism, I still went ahead and sampled it to more or less support my wife. The choice I made to sample has been nothing short of life-altering!

With 2 small kids, life is fast! I loved how easy it was; 3 easy steps done in the first 20-30 minutes of my morning with nothing more to think about. 2 capsules before my feet hit the floor, a mix 20 minutes later and then the DFT foam adhesive. Simple is where consistency grows!

Thrive has lit a fire in me! I have a renewed confidence in myself I have not had for a very long time. I signed up for the One NY Cares Virtual Run in September. I decided to push myself to the max and complete 800 miles in
107 days. I blew that 107 days out of the water and completed the 800 miles in 81 days! In all, I have completed over 1500 miles since making the choice to change my life, and every step has been 100% worth it. I started my journey wearing 2XL shirts, baggy sweats, and 40x32 stretch waist pants that I was squeezing into. I am now wearing large shirts and fitting comfortably in 34x32 pants!

I am loaded with clean energy all throughout the entire day and most importantly, enjoying life with my boys! My wife proved me wrong (just don't tell her that)! I have not had a drop of coffee since starting Thrive, and I don't miss it!

My next challenge is the Ultimate Thriver Competition starting January 1st and I can't wait to continue my transformation! I really wanted to share what this can do for others by sharing what it's doing for me! It has truly changed my life, and I would love to help others change theirs!

If you are a skeptical person like myself, I encourage you to take a chance on changing your life and just try it! You will be amazed!


Like a kid on Christmas morning!!!

Hey there from Ohio!!! My name is Meredith Fuller, and I wanted to take a second to share this with you!

Picture this:
Receiving A box of Vitamins for your birthday....📦 whomp Whomp.....Right???

Now...Picture this:

📦Vitamins that Help you Sleep better at night, so you wake up Refreshed, and ready for the day

📦Vitamins that help get your body UP and out of bed, with less general aches and discomforts.

📦Vitamins that give you all day natural energy so you can accomplish more throughout your day

📦Vitamins that helps get your gut in check

📦Vitamins that support your immune system

📦Vitamins that help your body feel, and function it's absolute BEST

📦Vitamins that make you smile, just thinking about how much they improve your day.....

Then.... picture this:
Giving that to somebody you love!

📦Lexington North Carolina
His smile tells you how grateful he is for his box of vitamins!

Enjoy your gift Bobby Fuller
AKA... The best Father-in-Law in the world!!!


Le-Vel THRIVE 8 Week Experience 02/12/2020

If u have any questions let me know!

Le-Vel THRIVE 8 Week Experience The THRIVE 8 Week Experience from Le-Vel - there's nothing like it. 3 Steps every day for premium nutrition and performance including weight management, appe...


Thrive didn’t just change me. It saved me!
Mother of four.
Wife of business owner.
Town Mom.
Kids in sports.
House always cleaned.
Thank you Thrive!

My life before Thrive.
I was surviving. I was faking it. I wore a mask. I always made everything look ok even though I was secretly struggling. I couldn’t shake the fact that my life was stuck; dealing with emotional and mental stress. I hated who I was and who I knew I was going to continue to be.

Insert Thrive!
My life became whole and made more sense! The things above seemed easier! I am happier and the healthiest I have been in over seven years! I’ve been blessed to lose 30 pounds and continue to improve my health journey. More energy, keeping up isn’t a task anymore! My life is now an enjoyable journey instead of a road that seems like it shall never end!

Again. Thrive didn’t just change me. It saved me.

-Tiffanie Peters

Photos from GPOT's post 29/11/2020

Come Thrive with me!😁😍


I wish you could see how amazing I feel! After 5 kids & pushing 40, those abs are great, but nothing compares to how fantastic I feel everyday!

My name is Kamaria McDonald, I am a mama of 5, wife, lover of all things fitness and this is my 29month Thrive Experience:

Before Thrive, I had hit rock bottom, after suffering the greatest loss any parent could endure when my son Dane died in 2014. I fumbled around for years, in a cloudy, sad, dark haze, barely making it through day to day. I struggled to get out of bed, just very unhappy & unhealthy. I was always into fitness but lacked motivation & energy to workout, so was holding onto about 20lbs that had me looking pregnant. I finally decided surviving wasn’t okay for me anymore and I needed a change! I found my 5 minutes of courage and was open to receiving what Thrive had to offer me & my family. I started on a 3-day mini experience.

Day 1, I had clean energy (hadn’t felt that in a long time)

Day 3, the light switches in my very dark world were flipped on, I felt great

Day 10, oh hello motivation and weight loss...the pounds were already dropping off, I was back in the gym, and starting to feel amazing!

I knew this was something I would never want to be without!

Now, almost 2 1/2 years later, I am still THRIVING...down those 20lbs, gaining muscle, working out every day & even running!

What I’ve realized about Thrive is that it’s a very important tool in our belt, to just help our body be better. With premium nutrition, those goals are way more realistic! A very wise woman told me that it’s not about the load, but how we carry it. Thrive helps me carry my load so much better. The grief is never gone, but I have a bigger capacity to carry it. My kids have their mama back, I have my life back, my marriage is stronger/happier than ever, I am in the best shape of my life...all while I am building a business, working on my dreams with an amazing company I joined for FREE!!!

Our bodies can only run so well on deficiencies and gaps. Take it from this grieving mama, if it works for me, it can work for you!!!

Kamaria McDonald
200K VIP Loading

Photos from GPOT's post 17/11/2020

You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. 💯 THRIVE’s 3 simple steps powers your body every day with premium nutrition. You get to live your best life from the inside out! It’s easy!�

• Step 1 - Wake Up & Take Capsules With a Glass of Water�
• Step 2 - 20-40 Minutes Later, Mix Up Your Shake With Water or Juice�
• Step 3 - Stick Your DFT To A Lean Muscle Area & You’re All Set to THRIVE!

✋ Raise your hand if you’re THRIVING today!


Why is there so much passion behind THRIVE? Because it works. Let’s talk benefits!
✅ Weight Management
✅ Mental Acuity
✅ Energy and Circulation
✅ Digestive & Immune Support
✅ Appetite Management
✅ Healthy Joint Function
✅ Calms General Discomfort
✅ Lean Muscle Support


Hi! My name is Randi Bethel from Minnesota and this is my Thrive Experience.

Before Thrive I was miserable. I hated my job. I couldn't make ends meet, paycheck to paycheck. I was becoming more irritable with my life and was taking it out on everyone around me. My family reflected how I was feeling which was even worse!

I tried a 3-day sample. I didn't see much change. Honestly, I didn't think it was doing anything. I then went 2 weeks without my 3-steps and my family mentioned to me how I needed to Thrive again because I was HAPPY! I knew then I deserved it!

I jumped in and hit the Promoter button and I am so glad I did! I am less irritated, Mondays no longer suck, and I'm loving the journey of life again! I look forward to the coming days and am even starting to wake up earlier which I've never done since I used to love sleep!


Randi Bethel


It has been officially 2 full years since I first woke up and took those 2 capsules before my feet hit the floor, waited 20 minutes, mixed up and drank my delicious Lifestyle Mix & slapped on that amazing DFT. That day was the start of my brand new life.

My name is Starr Marie and this is my Thrive Experience!

Before this journey, I was stuck in a very negative place, feeling worthless and hated the person who looked back at me in the mirrors. I had maybe 2 or 3 friends and my children never got the best of their mommy. They always got what was left of me, the bare minimum. I never had the energy to do anything with them and naps were something I'd celebrate daily.

Insert 3 steps -

Day 1 - It was so strange! I felt happy and my house became spotless within 3 hours 😅

Day 3 - Whoa!! Mrs. "Love Cherry Pepsi" became a water lover! I used to HATE water. I lived off of Pepsi. 3 full days - NO POP 🙌

Day 10 - I call this my "Ah-ha!" Day! This was the day I KNEW I'd be a Thriver for LIFE! I noticed I was sleeping more peacefully, my energy met my toddlers, no naps, no soda, and my smile was REAL! This was the day my daughter came to me and said she was PROUD of me for being happy and doing things with them 😭😍 Talk about TEARS!

I fell in love with these 3 steps and sharing them daily. Having the opportunity to change others' lives as mine was once changed is such a beautiful gift that I'm beyond thankful for! Between my amazing team and myself, we have changed 450k QV worth of lives these past 24 months. How incredible?!

If you're considering this lifestyle change, just do it! Get off the fence and stop wasting your precious time. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. Make today count.

Love & Light,
Starr Marie


Ask me how I can help u get started on Thrive!







Sarah Verbeek
200K ~ VIP 🇨🇦


CONGRATS🎉 to Lill Fisher for becoming an Ultimate Thriver finalist! Check out her journey below 👇

"Initially, when I decided to embark upon the Ultimate Thriver Challenge, I decided this was my opportunity to really test myself and see what I could do. I made the commitment to myself that I could do anything for 12 weeks and I wanted TRANSFORMATION.

Prior to THRIVE, I had been dealing with several health challenges that were negatively affecting my physical and mental well-being. What I don’t often speak of is that I grew up Amish. Growing up and in my teenage years, I always wondered, “What if?” “What could I be?” “Could I make an impact?” I wanted to inspire and most of all, I wanted to test my “what if’s.”

This challenge gave me the platform and excuse to do just that. I was all in!!! I have 2 kids and wanted to motivate and inspire everyone that I could. My gym was closed for most of this competition but I was more determined than ever to prove to everyone that no matter what life throws at you, if you are FEARLESS and DETERMINED, you can do anything.

I always wanted to have abs, and when this challenge came up I told myself this is it, at the end of 12 weeks I will have abs. I WILL have the body I always wanted. And in just 12 weeks time (with the help of the 3-Steps, Burn DFTs and Sculpt Capsules), I look at these photos and I can’t even believe this was possible. Although I’m shocked when I look at the results that I have obtained through this challenge, I can tell you that what you see is only a small reflection of the TRANSFORMATION that took place. It gave me confidence. I’m just so grateful!!"



CONGRATS🎉 to Bethany Dodson for becoming an Ultimate Thriver finalist! Check out her story below 👇

"I’ve been using the THRIVE Experience for a while now, but 2019 was the end of a long road of me being in a negative place. Yes, my vitamins were amazing, yes they’ve done wonders for me, but when your mental state isn’t where it needs to be, that can sometimes take over! I was eating and drinking junk and gained extra weight. And when you are over 30, it takes more work to be at a comfortable physique!

When Le-Vel announced the Ultimate Thriver Challenge, I knew this would be the perfect time to stay consistent, stay accountable, and get results! My 3 Steps have never let me down, so I knew I just needed to show up and be a product of the product!

For the first 8 weeks of the challenge I wasn’t as active as I had planned to be, but I used DUO Burn and Sculpt 3 times a day and I could physically see the inches falling off! For the last 4 weeks, I switched to DFT Ultra. Ultra has always been my favorite DFT! The energy and weight management it gives me literally give me life! I continued Sculpt and added workouts in my last 2 weeks. My trainer could see major changes in just 2 weeks! I trained 5 days a week and was always on top of my pre and post workout with the FIT line! I absolutely love these products and I absolutely love how this challenge really had me step up my fitness game!

This is just the beginning of a whole new journey! Thank you Le-Vel for the opportunity!"



My name is Rachel Bollig and 6/13/2016 was my Day One!! It’s been 4 years of consistency and simplicity that I truly love!

This is my Thrive Experience.

As a tired mom and kindergarten teacher, I prayed for something to wake me up and change the way I was feeling every day.
Thrive delivered to my doorstep has changed everything.
My husband had told me I needed to Thrive for mood support. I’ve gained so much more than that. I’m thankful for the quality night's sleep, support for my aging joints, increased patience, regularity, healthy skin, hair, nails, and a new sparkle in my eyes. It feels fabulous to be awake again and wear a real smile everywhere I go!!

I truly love and am forever grateful for everything about this Thriving lifestyle!


Hello My Name is Jennifer Lacey and this is my THRIVE Experience

3 months ago I was at my wit's end! I wanted to give up! I had tried everything and still, I was sad and exhausted and dealing with general aches and discomforts! I was eating clean but never had the energy to keep up with work, kids, exercise, life....I’ve never been able to stay on an exercise routine...I almost failed PE in Middle School because I couldn’t run the mile! Seriously, I almost passed out once (most embarrassing thing ever)!

I decided I would try ONE MORE THING! I wanted to believe I could feel and do better!

THRIVE 1-2-3 has changed my life!
I haven’t cried in weeks! I wake up ready to go every morning (regardless of how crappy the little ones sleep).
I haven’t had caffeine or drank my pot of coffee a day (just to crash anyway) in 3 months!!
I run a mile EVERY DAY! (Yesterday I ran a mile in 11mins & 20secs! New record!)
My general aches are calm! I enjoy playing more with my kids! I HAVE ENERGY to keep up!!
I’m excited about my life again!!

I wouldn’t usually share very personal information like this on Facebook. It’s not my style and unless it’s endless photos of my kids, I’m very personal about my life and my struggles.

But if there is someone I know out there who is struggling and is at their wit's end and wants to give up....please DON’T! Please know these products work and they can change your life too if you give them a chance!

Xoxo ❤️❤️❤️


You never know what might happen...

May 19, 2018, is the day I took a chance and invested in myself, little did I know what would happen.

I was that image that everyone pictures when they hear "MOMBIE". I was that mom trying to function to go, do, and be everything I needed to be. I was failing epically at it too. Overweight, emotional, exhausted, did I put deodorant on type of mess. I felt defeated. I knew something needed to change and I didn't know where to start.

One day a friend shared a photo with these 3 simple steps in the photo. Me being the skeptic I am, I just kept scrolling. But there it was the next day, and the next, and the next. Long story short, after a year of looking into this product I FINALLY said yes to a sample.

Well here it is June 7, 2020....the start to my 3rd year of investing in myself and I AM shouting it loud and proud!

I not only said goodbye to that "MOMBIE" but I have gained so much!
I AM that mom and wife my family deserves.
I AM challenging myself to be the best version of myself possible.
I AM striving to help others.
I AM learning and growing daily.
I AM more self-confident.
I AM a person that takes the bull by the horns.

-Kimberlynn Thresher 4K VIP


There's a good reason we call these "jumper cables"!

How do you feel after you take your THRIVE?!


My name is Jennifer Carnahan, and in July I will have been Thriving 5 years now.

I am going to try and shorten a very long journey to help share what Thrive has done and continues to do for me. My before and after pic was my first transformation. It’s easy to see the weight loss, however, what you cannot see is what I gained. As someone who spent their entire life feeling unwanted (for many reasons), I uncovered and found a woman I fell in love with. I loved how strong she was. How confident she became. That her steps were full of purpose and power. She learned to walk with her eyes open and her chin up. She freed herself from a self-imposed mental prison and absolutely bloomed. It was an incredible feeling.

Then I allowed someone toxic into my life who made me feel like anything but the woman I had found. After spending too much time in a physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive relationship I completely lost any sense of who I was and all the progress I had made.

Once finally free of that situation I dealt with a health challenge that negatively affected my overall quality of life. Following that we were wiped out by Hurricane Michael. I don’t share all this for a woe is me story. But for the fact, if it were not for Thrive I honestly am not sure how I would have made it through it all.

Thrive not only gave me the fuel my body needed, but it also energized me, kept my mind clear, helped my body feel better, and as a Brand Promoter Le-Vel deposited weekly checks while I figured out what my next move(s) would be.

When I say Thrive is life-changing that does not come close to what it actually does. For me yes it is life-changing, it is also life-sustaining, and gives me hope for what is ahead. Plus you get to link arms with this awesome group of goal minded, happy, inspiring people who only want to help you feel amazing every single day. ❤

Currently, I am the woman (under construction) in the photo on the right. My goal is to rediscover the woman I was at my best and then help her grow into an even better version of herself.

Fueled by Thrive means there are no limits, just endless possibilities. ❤️💜❤️


Order this weekend and shipping is on me! Ask me how😁

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This is our life style mix...we have vanilla,chocolate,,strawberry,Apple pie, candy cane, and pumpkin spice😍
