Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach

Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach

I help you create and implement effective solutions to improve your overall health through personalized lifestyle changes that meet your goals and needs.

Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach | Personal Trainer |

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 05/12/2023


Did you know? Your brain weighs just 2% of your total body but consumes 20% of your daily calorie intake! 🤯

🍽️ Your brain is a calorie-consuming powerhouse, orchestrating thoughts, memories, and actions. Give it the nourishment it craves!

🔄 Opt for brain-boosting foods like fatty fish, nuts, and leafy greens. These not only delight your taste buds but also provide the fuel your brain adores.

🏋️‍♀️ Just like your body, your brain loves a good workout! Engage in activities that challenge and stimulate – it's a feast for the mind.

💡Embrace a balanced lifestyle with nutritious choices, mental exercises, and a sprinkle of curiosity. Your brain will thank you!

Have you tried the mini-challenge? I am curious to discover what you've learned 🧠

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 26/11/2023

Is this you?

👉🏻 Not taking care of yourself - Consider yourself lucky, if you don’t have any serious medical issues, but there might be some room for improvement regarding your wellbeing.

Imagine waking up with a foggy mind or feeling sleepy all day, these are signals that something is off in your body— stress, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances...

👉🏻 Troubles with finding balance: Change requires adjustments, and it’s uncomfortable to break our routine.

Adopt the small-steps method Begin with the smallest action pointing in the right direction, repeat by adding a little more, and you will change your habits.

👉🏻 Putting others first: Being an altruist is a good human quality, but prioritizing others vs ourselves can become an issue because your needs & wants aren’t being satisfied.

Make sure to protect yourself first. How do you want to provide the best support you can if don't feel well yourself?

👉🏻 All-or-nothing mentality: It's a cognitive distortion that refers to thinking in extremes and viewing the world as binary. In your mind, you are either a true champion or a total loser.

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

📲 DM me the word “READY” for your FREE consultation call 💯


Imagine walking on a peaceful beach, fully present in the rhythm of each wave, appreciating the grains of sand beneath your toes.

This is mindfulness - an art of being aware of the present moment without judgment.

It's the practice of noticing the world around you and your internal experiences, fostering a state of calm clarity.

Now, picture standing in the midst of a crowded, noisy carnival with thoughts spinning like roller coasters.

That's mind fullness - a state of mental chaos where worries about the past and anxieties about the future compete for attention, making it challenging to focus on the present.

How to stay more in the present?

👉🏻 Before diving into the chaos of the day, allocate a few minutes for mindfulness. Whether it's savoring a cup of tea, focusing on your breath, or appreciating the sunrise, set the intention to be fully present in the moment.

👉🏻 Take a journey to the present by disconnecting from the digital world. Designate specific pockets of time each day to be tech-free zones.

👉🏻 Pause and identify five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

📲 DM me the word “READY” for your FREE consultation call 💯


You have zero control over how others perceive you. But guess what? That's perfectly okay! So, why not just be the person you want to be, regardless?

People's views are unpredictable and beyond your control. What you can control is being true to yourself.

Instead of chasing the approval of others, set your own standards. Be the person who makes you proud. When you align with your values and passions, the opinions of others become background noise.

Your individuality is your superpower. The world doesn't need another copy; it needs the authentic you.

No matter how others perceive you, your actions speak louder than any perception.

In a world where opinions can be overwhelming, treat yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve. When you love who you are, external perceptions lose their power.

The right people will see and appreciate what you bring to the world. 🌍

👉🏼 As a Holistic Health & Fitness coach, I am dedicated to helping individuals like YOU reach their health goals & live their best lives.

💭 DM me to get your FREE Coaching session TODAY.

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 12/11/2023

The chatter in the mind (also called your internal monologue) refers to the constant stream of thoughts and mental activity that can occur within our minds.

What makes stress toxic is when it remains chronically elevated over time. This is precisely what chatter does.

When we experience chatter, we often feel our thoughts are in control of us. Here are some useful strategies:

▢ Having rituals can help regain control of your inner voice.

▢ Practice mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way.

▢ Engage in relaxation and stress reduction activities, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

👉🏼 Helping individuals like YOU to (re)vitalize their minds & bodies!

💭 DM me to get your FREE Coaching session TODAY.


Ever felt like you're dragging a sack of missed opportunities because you haven't set foot on the path toward lifestyle changes for a healthier mind and body?

Your overall wellness journey is not just about shedding pounds or building muscle. It's about reclaiming control over your health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

You just have to start. But it’s easy to say right? Maybe you are facing one of the following dilemmas:

1️⃣ You don't know where to start - With so many exercise options, diet plans, and wellness advice flooding the internet, it's easy to feel lost. Seeking a partner, like a fitness coach, can be the first step in navigating this complex terrain.

2️⃣ Fear of failure: The fear of not achieving your desired results holds you back. But remember, the real failure lies in not trying at all. Every step, no matter how small, is a step closer to a healthier you.

3️⃣ Fear of success and change: Success alters your life. It transforms your body, mind, and even your perspective. But isn't that the ultimate goal? To evolve into a better version of yourself? Don't let the fear of transformation hold you back.

By not investing in yourself, you’re missing out on the confidence, the energy, and the happiness that come with feeling your best.

The investment you make in yourself today will pay dividends in a healthier and happier tomorrow.

Here to help you shine in all aspects of your life!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

📲 DM me the word “READY” for your FREE consultation call 💯

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 02/11/2023

Is pain all in our heads?

Ever wondered if pain is all in your mind? Well, it's a bit more complex than that! 🤯

Imagine this: You touch a hot stove, and it hurts. 🌡️

But here's where it gets interesting: Recent neuroimaging studies show your mindset and emotions play a role.

Anxious or stressed? Your brain might make it hurt more.

Feeling positive and relaxed? Your brain can ease the pain. 🧬

So, while the initial pain signal is real, how much it hurts depends on your brain, emotions, and environmental factors.

The good news?

You can actively influence this process!

By practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can modulate your brain's interpretation of pain.

👉🏼 Helping individuals like YOU to (re)vitalize their minds & bodies!

💭 DM me to get your FREE Coaching session TODAY.


You will not have only a personal trainer!

Your journey with me as your partner, side by side, is more than just weights and reps!

👉🏻 Beyond the Gym: Your overall well-being is my mission! I'm here to guide you on not just how to work out but also how to nourish your body with the right foods, improve your sleep, manage stress, and boost your overall health!

👉🏻 We're a Team: We're not just lifting weights together; we're on a journey to a healthier, happier you. You will have a partner that will make sustainable, positive changes that extend beyond the gym.

👉🏻 Mind, Body, Soul: It's about balance, harmony, and feeling amazing inside and out. Together, we'll work on your fitness goals while also considering your mental well-being, and emotional health, and finding that inner glow!

👉🏻 Whole You: Whether it's mindfulness, nutrition tips, or motivation, I'm here to support your holistic wellness journey. It's not just about reps; it's about transformation and growth.

Here to help you shine in all aspects of your life!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

📲 DM me the word “READY” for your FREE consultation call 💯

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 28/10/2023

I don't know who needs to hear this today, but recognizing the signs of depression is the first step to seeking help and healing.

You see, the human experience is a complex tapestry of emotions, and it's perfectly natural to have moments of vulnerability, doubt, or despair.

These moments do not define your worth or your future; rather, they serve as opportunities for growth and resilience. It's within these challenging times that the power of seeking support shines brightly.

When you reach out for support, you not only display immense courage, but you also open the door to healing, understanding, and connection.

You extend a hand to those who care about you, inviting them to stand by your side through thick and thin.

You acknowledge that it's okay to lean on others, to confide in a friend, a family member, or a professional who can offer guidance and solace.


Life's too short to be serious all the time!

Now, here's the deal: going ultra-strict with your diet is like trying to fit an elephant in a teacup. It's not sustainable, and it'll leave you longing for the forbidden fruit. 🍎🚫

On the flip side, if you're always living it up with guilty pleasures, well, that's a one-way ticket to uncharted territory on the not-so-healthy express. 🍕

So, what's the secret sauce?

Finding the elusive balance! It's about embracing both sides of the culinary spectrum without losing your marbles or your six-pack.

It's okay to have fun and treat yourself sometimes (smoking, drinking, partying hard, eating junk food, etc), even if it's not the healthiest choice! 🍔🍨

Just keep it in check and don't make it a daily thing!

Enjoy the occasional indulgence, then hit that reset button. 🔄

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 18/10/2023

They say, 'You are what you eat,' and in our fast-paced modern lifestyle, we often overlook the significance of our diet.

Since experiencing burnout, Amalia can attest that what you eat can profoundly impact your mental well-being.

Here are three simple changes you can incorporate into your daily routine:

○ Mindful Sugar Choices: Opt for unprocessed alternatives like raw fruit or nutrient-packed smoothies instead of sugary juices. Choosing wholemeal flour over refined options can help stabilize your glycemic index (GI). If you're gluten-free, consider using buckwheat flour and wholemeal rice flour.

○ Embrace Local and Seasonal Foods: Nourish your body with locally sourced foods, as they connect us to the land of our birth. Eating seasonally ensures your fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, offering a nutritional boost.

○ Practice Mindful Eating: Transform your daily meals into meaningful experiences. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be moments to savor, not just actions to check off your to-do list. Drawing from my Indian roots, I occasionally eat with my hands, connecting mudra to the food—a tactile reminder of its temperature.

Amalia is a plant-based and gluten-free private chef based in Reunion Island, her beautiful hometown. Her previous career was in luxury, construction, and real estate, but Amalia’s lifelong passion for cooking led her to pursue a path of healing through food, with the guidance of specialists like naturopaths.

Today, she takes immense joy in crafting delicious, savory, and healthy plant-based gluten-free meals. Yes, it's not just nutritious but also incredibly tasty!

Follow Amalia’s journey on Instagram to see her latest yummy and colorful dishes!


Health Coaches vs. Doctors: What's the distinction? 🤔

🙌🏼 Clients see me as their health buddy: Think of me as a friendly helper for staying healthy. People receive tips and ideas on how to eat well, exercise, and be strong. It's a bit like having a coach for playing sports, but instead, I help people be great at being healthy.

🩺 Doctors are like health detectives: When someone feels sick or something doesn't seem right, they go to a doctor. The doctor checks and tries to figure out what's wrong. They use special tools and medicines to help people get better when they're sick.

🧑🏻‍⚕️ Different jobs - both important: My job is more about helping people stay healthy, while a doctor's job is more about making people feel better when they're not well. We both care a lot about people's health, but we do different things to help.

👉🏼 Working Together: Sometimes, we even work together! If someone wants to get healthier, they might see me for advice on eating well and exercising. And if they get sick, they'll go to the doctor to figure out what's wrong. It's like having a team of health experts to help you feel your best!

Remember, both jobs are essential because they help people in different ways.

So, when it comes to your health, you have lots of friends who want to make sure you're happy and strong!

DM me to get your FREE Coaching session TODAY.


Sharing today some vital reminders for mental health:

👉🏼 It's okay to ask for help: Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or professionals when you need support. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are never alone on this journey.

👉🏼 Embrace small victories: Life can feel like a series of uphill battles, but remember that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. Celebrate your accomplishments. These small victories build the foundation for lasting change.

👉🏼 Don't compare your journey to others: Social media often portrays the highlights of others' lives, but it's important to remember that you're only seeing a small part of their story. Focus on your own growth and personal goals, and don't measure your success by someone else's standards.

👉🏼 Practice mindfulness daily: Mindfulness can help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall mental health. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation can make a world of difference in calming your mind and finding inner peace.

👉🏼 Be kind to yourself: In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget to treat ourselves with the same compassion we extend to others. You deserve love, understanding, and patience, especially from yourself. Be your own biggest supporter and practice self-love unconditionally.

👉🏼 Reframe negative thoughts: Replace "I can't do this" with "I'll give it my best shot" and watch how your mindset transforms.

Remember, you have the strength and resilience to overcome challenges.


Whether it's stress creeping in, fitness goals slipping away, motivation taking a vacation, confidence playing hide and seek, or those pesky food cravings, I'm here to be your health hero!

What's inside coaching sessions?

It’s an open discussion, and based on your imbalances we explore different options!

👉 Stress Management - Learn the art of positive thinking while mastering relaxation and breathing techniques. We'll turn your stress into serenity!

👉 Get Back in Shape - Tailored fitness plans meet digital workouts, giving you the keys to unlock your best self. Your body, your rules!

👉 Stay Motivated - I’m all about behavioral change exercises and clever lifestyle tips that keep you on the path to awesomeness!

👉 Gain Confidence - Rediscover yourself with self-discovery exploration and body positivity activities. It's time to strut your stuff with confidence!

👉 Food Cravings - Bid farewell to food cravings with nutritional guidance and a mindful eating approach. Healthy choices, happy tummy!

I'm not just your coach. I'm your personal health advocate, here to guide you on the journey to a healthier, happier you.

Together, we'll create the perfect recipe for balance in your mind and body, one that drowns out unhealthy habits with a symphony of positive ones.

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

DM me for your FREE consultation call 💯


Happy International Coffee Day friends! ☕

From the grind of corporate life to the sweet aroma of chasing dreams, my journey has been like a perfectly brewed espresso shot.

It all started with a moment of realization - a corporate career that left me burnt out and unfulfilled. I knew that change was necessary.

It took me three years to transition from burnout to boldly venturing into my own coaching business. The path was sprinkled with doubts, but I stirred in determination, patience, and self-belief. 🌅

Learning became my daily routine as I immersed myself in new knowledge, refining my skills. Just like different coffee beans create diverse flavors, my growth led to a rich blend of expertise.

Resilience, my friends, was the secret ingredient. Resilience was my trusty sidekick, helping me conquer doubts and rise to new heights!

Helping people feel better, both in their minds and bodies, became my daily mission. In a world filled with stress, self-doubt, and the relentless pursuit of perfection, I recognized the need for a compassionate voice, and a helping hand.

My mission is clear: to empower individuals to reclaim their inner strength and rediscover the harmony between mind and body!

DM me for your FREE consultation call 🙌


Have you ever marveled at the beauty of different cultures? It's like uncovering hidden treasures! 🌍

Ever wondered why cultures are so rich and diverse? It's because there's more beneath the surface than you might think! Think of culture as an iceberg – what's visible is just a fraction of the whole picture.

Let's dive deeper into this intriguing concept.

👉 Above the Waterline: Visible Aspects
Think of this as the tip of the iceberg, the part that's above the waterline. It's the colorful surface that we often notice - the traditions, the mouthwatering cuisine, the vibrant clothing, and the intriguing customs. Share your favorite cultural experiences in the comments! ✈️

👉 Below the Waterline: The Unseen Dimensions
But wait, there's so much more beneath the surface! Hidden beneath are the values, beliefs, norms, and attitudes that guide behavior and shape societies. Ever encountered a belief from another culture that surprised you? Share your story!

👉 Connecting Across Cultures
Understanding the cultural iceberg is key to bridging gaps and fostering connections. Let's celebrate diversity and the power of intercultural understanding.

Share this post and invite your friends to explore it with you!

ps. Here's a little secret about me – I've been fortunate to call different corners of the world my home for the past 10 incredible years. It's been a whirlwind adventure filled with valuable lessons, heartwarming connections, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of diversity.


My job as a holistic health and fitness coach is like being a helper for people who want to be healthy and strong. You know how we need to eat our fruits and vegetables, exercise, and get enough sleep to stay healthy? 🥕

Well, I help people figure out how to do those things in the best way for them.

I talk to them and ask questions to understand what they like and what makes them feel good.

Then, I give them ideas and tips on how to eat yummy and healthy foods, have fun while being active, and get plenty of rest. I also help them set goals, like running faster or feeling happier in their life, and we work together to achieve those goals. 💯

Sometimes, people have questions or worries about their bodies or how to stay healthy, and I'm here to listen and help them find answers.

It's kind of like being a friendly coach for their health and fitness journey, making sure they feel good inside and out. 🙌

As a Holistic Health & Fitness coach, I am dedicated to helping individuals like YOU reach their health goals & live their best lives.

DM to get your FREE Coaching session with me TODAY.

Photos from Clément Joslain - Holistic Health & Fitness Coach's post 19/09/2023

At their core, relationships fulfill our basic needs for love, friendship, touch, intimacy, and s*x. People often make the mistake of assuming that one person can satisfy all these needs.

Here is my advice to improve your relationships:

First, discover what is your "love language" personality to know yourself better.

Second, learn other people's "love languages" to enhance your understanding of their needs/wants.

According to Gary Chapman, author of the 5 love languages, supposed that everyone expresses and receives love differently. It's applicable to all types of relationships (not only romantic one).

Discover the language your soul speaks. Swipe left to explore the five love languages. ❤️

As a Holistic Health & Fitness coach, I am dedicated to helping individuals like YOU reach their health goals & live their best lives.

DM to get your FREE Coaching session with me TODAY.

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00