Mindfulness Reset

Mindfulness Reset

Mindfulness opens awareness to our experience of life. Becoming mindful of our thoughts and emotions




The mindful consideration of our thoughts opens the door to beliefs, perceptions, and thoughts that serve our learning and growth.



It is our thoughts and beliefs that create our experience of life. When we mindfully consider our thoughts and beliefs, embrace those that serve our wellbeing, and release those that do not, our experience of life is in harmony with love and kindness.


becoming mindful of our thoughts, we are able to choose the ones that serve well-being, love, peace, and health. Allowing the mind chatter to stay, leads us to experiences and expressions we do not desire.


Deeper consideration allows us to see possibility instead of limit. Every situation is defined by our own thoughts. Mindfulness allows us to release those thoughts that do not serve and reveal thoughts that expand well-being, for us and the situation.


We are not stuck with the perceptions of this human experience. We have the beautiful gift of being spiritual beings and with that comes the ability to see, perceive, and experience beyond the material situations before us. Mindfully considering this, we can choose to know empowering truths in all situations.


We experience life based on the lens through which we see it. We either see through a lens of fear or one of love. The lens we use is created by our thoughts and beliefs, and reveals more in life that align with those thoughts and beliefs. Create a new lens that serves highest good by adopting thoughts and beliefs that align with goodness and love, kindness and gratitude.


Present moment awareness is where mindfulness begins. It is in this moment that we experience healing, love, peace, and gratitude.


With a centering breath, we can open awareness to the truth that what we desire is already within. We are not dependent on the outside world to provide for us. We look within and claim what is our truth. We look within and claim our experience, our perception, our reality.


Mindfully focusing on gratitude reveals more we can hold in gratitude. As we experience gratitude, the difficult times in life become less difficult, stress eases, our bodies heal.






Mind chatter serves no purpose other than to fill the space in our minds. It is in this space we can connect more deeply to wisdom, guidance and peace. Becoming mindful of our thoughts gifts us the opportunity to release thoughts that do not serve us, embrace those that do, and be still enough to receive the wisdom, guidance, and peace.


Becoming mindful of the thoughts we allow and changing those thoughts that do not speak to our truth, empowers us to create the experience of life we desire.


Just because something has been a certain way for a long time does not necessarily make it the best way. Becoming mindful, we can get curious about why this has been a certain way for so long. We open awareness to new ways and decide what serves our greater good.

