National Center for APEC

National Center for APEC

The National Center for APEC is the official link between U.S. business and APEC.


Happy Lunar New Year from NCAPEC!


The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific estimates that about 60% of all plastic in the ocean comes from fast-growing cities in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and China with inadequate waste management systems.

As delegates representing governments, companies, and civil society gather for the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference in Portugal this week it’s important to highlight APEC’s emergence as a leader in addressing marine debris and other threats to the health of the region’s oceans and marine resources.

Key initiatives include the APEC Roadmap on Marine Debris which calls on APEC members to harmonize plastics monitoring methodologies, promote the development of innovative technologies, and leverage private sector knowhow and financing to reduce marine debris, including plastic litter, in the Asia Pacific. Additionally, APEC’s Roadmap on Combatting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing provides a framework for APEC economies to build the technical capacities needed to prevent IUU fishing and strengthen institutional compliance with international conservation and management measures.

The National Center for APEC will continue to facilitate private sector engagement in APEC’s efforts to protect the ocean and marine resources in the Asia Pacific.

Photo: APEC


At the World Trade Organization’s twelfth ministerial this week, members will decide whether to renew the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions. Since 1998, World Trade Organization members have renewed the moratorium at each ministerial conference, keeping cross border electronic transmissions free from tariffs and small businesses free from a heavy regulatory burden. In recent letters and statements, the APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council has consistently urged WTO members to make the moratorium permanent, an action that would provide certainty to the business and investment environment. Photo credit: ©WTO/Jay Louvion


After more than two decades of negotiations, WTO members will seek to reach agreement on new global rules to eliminate harmful fisheries subsidies that contribute to illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing at MC12. In recent statements, APEC Ministers and the APEC Business Advisory Council urged WTO members to reach agreement on fisheries subsidies to protect regional fish stocks and strengthen global food security.

In support of these ambitions, APEC is exploring ways to accelerate the implementation of the APEC Roadmap on Combatting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. Access the roadmap here:

Photo credit: WTO


The 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) of the World Trade Organization officially began June 12 in Geneva after two years of pandemic-related delays. The APEC Business Advisory Council recently issued a statement on the WTO, calling on APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministers to work together to “provide a secure foundation for the rules-based multilateral trading system” while also responding effectively to the pandemic, fostering a robust return to growth, and reflecting evolving business needs and models. Access the full statement:

Photo credit: ©WTO/Jay Louvion


The National Center for APEC welcomes the U.S. State Department’s announcement of Laura Lane, Executive Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at UPS as a new U.S. APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Member. Laura’s extensive background with APEC and both the public and private sectors will be a positive addition to ABAC as she represents the U.S. business community.

At UPS, Laura oversees Public Policy and Government Affairs, Communications, Sustainability, Community Relations, and The UPS Foundation. Laura is a member of the UPS Executive Leadership Team reporting to CEO Carol B. Tomé. Prior to joining UPS, Laura was managing director and head of International Government Affairs at Citigroup and vice president for Global Public Policy with Time Warner. In her government career, Laura served as a trade negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and served as a diplomat from 1990-1997, including serving as consular/economic officer in Bogota, Columbia and then at the American Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda. In Rwanda, she led evacuation efforts during the outbreak of civil war and returned as political advisor to U.S. forces providing humanitarian relief in the post-conflict environment.

Laura currently serves as a member of the Board of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees USA (UNHCR-USA) and The CDC Foundation, in addition to several other U.S. business associations and nonprofits including the Atlantic Council, The Woodruff Arts Center and the German-American Business Council. Laura served as an ABAC USA Alternate Member from 2018-2019.


The National Center for APEC welcomes the U.S. State Department’s announcement of Dominic Ng, Chairman and CEO of East West Bank as a new U.S. APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Member. Dominic’s extensive background as a trailblazer in the private sector, philanthropy, and thought leadership will be a positive addition to ABAC where he will represent the views of the U.S. business community.

Dominic is a lifelong champion of financial inclusion and economic empowerment for underserved communities. As Chairman and CEO, he has transformed the East West Bank from a small savings and loan association to a globally recognized financial institution.

Dominic currently serves as a member of the boards of Mattel, University of Southern California, and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a formerly elected Chairman of the Committee of 100.

Read the State Department's announcement here:


Happy International Women's Day! NCAPEC stands with all who are working to today and every day.


U.S. confirmed to chair APEC in 2023

The National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) welcomes Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s announcement that Leaders from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum have accepted the United States’ offer to chair APEC in 2023. This role provides the U.S. the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to economic engagement and cooperation in the fastest growing region in the world.

APEC’s unique structure provides important opportunities for stakeholder engagement in workstreams that focus on the digital economy, sustainability, global health, trade and investment, and women’s economic empowerment among others. Throughout 2023 a broad range of U.S. stakeholders will have opportunities to engage in projects and policy proposals with policymakers from the U.S. and the Asia Pacific region.

As the secretariat to the U.S. APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Members and U.S. Committee for the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), NCAPEC stands ready to engage with stakeholders and looks forward to contributing to a successful U.S. chairmanship of APEC next year.

The United States hosted APEC Leaders in 1993 at the Blake Island Summit in Seattle, Washington, and last chaired APEC in 2011 when APEC Leaders gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii. NCAPEC traces its roots directly to the 1993 Summit and is proud to have led private sector engagement when the U.S. chaired APEC in 2011.

For more information about the U.S. chairing APEC in 2023, please visit

To read the White House statement welcoming the announcement:

To read Prime Minister Prayut’s announcement:


NCAPEC wishes you an auspicious Year of the Tiger! Happy Lunar New Year!


[New blog post] The need for innovative solutions to address the risks posed by climate change is especially urgent for economies located in the Indo-Pacific region. Read NCAPEC’s latest blog post on the APEC 2022 sustainability challenges and opportunities here: (Photo credit: APEC Secretariat)

The art of diplomacy gets a tech makeover, looking beyond coffee and corridors to a post-pandemic world 09/12/2021

NCAPEC President Monica Hardy Whaley and APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat Executive Director Rebecca Sta Maria share thoughts on the advantages and challenges of digital diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific.

The art of diplomacy gets a tech makeover, looking beyond coffee and corridors to a post-pandemic world Visit the post for more.


[Update: Thanks to all who applied. The position is now closed.][Join the team!] Pacific Summit Resources, a subsidiary of the National Center for APEC, is hiring an Events Manager. Are you a team player who is detail-oriented, tech savvy, and has a passion for planning high-profile events? Applications are due December 15. Learn more about the position and apply here:


NCAPEC is delighted to hear the news Maria Ressa has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Dmitry Muratov. It is a well-deserved honor for very important work. NCAPEC is fortunate to have hosted Maria at both an APEC CEO Summit and an Executive Roundtable. Congratulations!


NCAPEC's latest Quarterly Newsletter covers the U.S. offer to host APEC in 2023, a review of the SOM 3 Meetings, APEC CEO Summit registration, and the ABAC Report to Leaders. Read the newsletter here:


Minutes ago in Singapore, Vice President Kamala Harris announced (at 15:08) that the U.S. is offering to host APEC in 2023. Thanks to all the NCAPEC Members and friends who have helped advocate for APEC 2023 - now it's time to get to work!!


Thank you, Senators C***s and Hagerty and Representatives Larsen and Schweikert for encouraging President Biden to chair APEC in 2023. NCAPEC is delighted to see bipartisan and bicameral support for this effort. In a political climate that makes rejoining the TPP or launching expansive tr in the Indo-Pacific unlikely, taking the reins of the Asia Pacific’s premier economic forum provides the United States with a chance to influence the region’s discourse on trade while advancing broader efforts to lead with diplomacy.


This morning, APEC Business Advisory Council Members engaged in a productive dialogue with APEC Trade Ministers. Key topics included COVID economic recovery, inclusive trade, climate change and the digital economy. Thank you USTR Amb. Katherine Tai for your excellent contributions to the discussion.


Work-life balance: It's not a women's issue, it's a family issue. We are at a crossroads and because of the pandemic at risk of losing progress made in gender equity. The crisis is also an opportunity to drive real change. The panel hosted by ABAC Peru and ABAC USA discussed the importance of quality, affordable child care, flexible work, mandatory family leave, education and addressing wage gaps.


Thank you to ABAC Singapore and ABAC Hong Kong, China for hosting an excellent conversation about safely and seamlessly reopening borders. Working together we can keep people healthy and accelerate recovery efforts in APEC economies.


Happy Earth Day from NCAPEC! We are proud to work with APEC 2021 host New Zealand and all APEC economies as we create a more sustainable, resilient and renewable future.


Thank you to Carrie Esko, Director for APEC Affairs with USTR and Shannon Coe, Chair of the APEC Data Privacy Subgroup and Director of Global Data Policy with Commerce for an excellent update on digital trade and privacy in APEC.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: OECD EMnet Meeting | Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2021. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 05/04/2021

NCAPEC is committed to working in APEC to strengthen economies through digital transformation. We look forward to an OECD - OCDE Development discussion on “Business Insights on Emerging Markets: the case for digital transformation as a driver for post-COVID recovery.” Join speakers from OECD Development, Walmart, United Nations and others on April 12 (Monday) from 8:30-10 a.m. EDT to learn about findings from the upcoming EMnet publication “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2021” and how digital tools can stimulate economic activity and promote recovery. Sign up at

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: OECD EMnet Meeting | Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2021. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: OECD EMnet Meeting | Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2021. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.


"We stand with our colleagues in the AAPI community and denounce hate, racism, violence, discrimination, misogyny, and xenophobia in all forms. Through our diversity, we are stronger." Full statement attached.


Thanks to APEC Senior Officials Michael Beeman from USTR and Sandra Oudkirk from State for briefing the U.S. APEC Business Coalition on outcomes from SOM 1. We're looking forward to progress on key priorities including digital trade, women's economic empowerment, and sustainability.

Biden Should Seize APEC and ASEAN Opportunities 11/03/2021

Biden Should Seize APEC and ASEAN Opportunities As the Biden administration sharpens its strategy on China, it must end the United States’ neglect of two potent but often misunderstood forums: the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These existing frameworks offer critical opportuniti...


When women succeed, economies succeed. NCAPEC stands with APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the APEC Business Advisory Council as we work together to empower women across the Asia-Pacific and around the world.


The National Center for APEC wishes you a happy Year of the Ox!


There's still time to register: Join Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria, Malcolm Johns and Richard Cantor in a conversation about sustainable and inclusive growth moderated by Penny Burtt during the final session of Beyond Bogor: Exploring APEC's Next Chapter. Feb. 9 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern (U.S)/ Feb. 10 at 9:30 a.m. (Singapore).


Registration for the final session of our Beyond Bogor: Exploring APEC’s Next Chapter series is now open. Join distinguished panelists on Feb. 9 at 8:30 p.m. EST (U.S.)/Feb. 10 at 9:30 a.m. GMT+8 (Singapore) as they unpack the APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040’s third pillar of sustainable and inclusive growth.

Videos (show all)

NCAPEC Digital Economy Video
APEC Trends
Cities of the Future, Pt 4 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
Cities of the Future, Pt 3 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
Cities of the Future, Pt 2 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
Cities of the Future, Pt 1 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
21st Century Workforce, Pt 3 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
21st Century Workforce, Pt 2 - APEC 2011 CEO Summit Symposium
