Whirling Shaman

Whirling Shaman

To "Sama" or to "Whirl", is to "Listen" in Persian. This creates balance, energetic and physical well-being.

A "Whirling Shaman" uses movement, dance, trance, hymns and vibration to bear witness to another's suffering, happiness, stories, and yearnings.

Photos from Whirling Shaman's post 06/06/2024

🌹 **Damascus RosesWater** Rose Hydrosol DM to order 🌹

After 365 days of loving cultivation, our Damascus roses have bloomed once again in New Britain, Connecticut. Under the partly cloudy sky, we harvested these exquisite roses late into the night, embracing the midnight magic. Using over 1.5 kg of petals in our new copper distillation machine from Ukraine, the alchemical process of creating rosewater has begun. As the water temperature reaches boiling, rosewater will soon start dripping into the bottle. 🌿

The aroma is simply rose-licious! Did you know that rose has the highest frequency of aroma? Its vibration is truly heart-opening. We are so lucky to be alive and experience this pure essence. My mom, Florence Betgeorge, has been cultivating these roses for nearly 40 years, completely organically. Each rose is picked with intention and prayers of love, surrendering to the desires, passion, and instincts of our hearts. 💖

May we all learn to love from the inside out. If you’re interested in ordering some of this season’s batch, don’t wait! This rosewater will go quickly. DM me to secure your bottle of pure, heart-opening rosewater today. 🌹✨


A beautiful poem for Inanna and an amazing drawing illustration.

Inanna Speaks by Molly Remer

Inanna speaks
she says
it is time
to step into
the heart of mystery
to set foot
on the path of wild wisdom
to journey to the very depths
of your core.
And once you have descended
deep into the underworld
into the place where
pain and power meet
in the crucible of your life.
Once you are laid bare
stripped raw
and shaking in your bones
you will discover
there is nothing left to fear
there is nothing left to do
there is no one left to please.
You will taste this freedom
in the salt of blood
and the sweetness of wild berries
and then you will turn
and unafraid,
put your feet upon the path
perhaps still unknown,
but unfolding before you
and you will ascend
through the layers
of that which you no longer need
through the roles that you
no longer inhabit
through the wants that you
no longer fulfill.
You will reclaim your
staff of power
you will accept your
cape of mystery
and you will emerge
from the underworld
with something fierce
blazing in your eyes.
And in the set of your shoulders
and the swirl of your hips
there is something
that can no longer be denied.

You will emerge

Art by Tara Reynolds

Art and poem featured in Inanna's Ascent: Reclaiming Female Power, published by Girl God Books. Order at https://thegirlgod.com/inannas-ascent.php


I love this figurine. Who is the this magnificent unapologetic ancestoress? How can we welcome her inward into our heart?

“Almighty Yahweh, the god of Moses and the later Hebrews, was originally a goddess.” His name, Iahu ’anat, derives from that of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna.'' -Monica Sjoo & Barbara Mor, The Great Cosmic Mother

Art by Nuit Moore


Statuette of a Priestess
from the Temple of Ishtar, Tell Hariri (ancient Mari), Syria.
Early Dynastic II Period, 2700-2600 BCE.
National Museum of Damascus

See comments for another view.

Photos from Sandra Ingerman's post 14/05/2024
Photos from Whirling Shaman's post 11/05/2024

I am so thrilled to be alive. No filters used.

Tibetan Monks Return to Savannah 10/05/2024

This is next week 🙏🏽🦋🌺

Tibetan Monks Return to Savannah Tibetan monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery return to Savannah, Georgia to create a ceremonial sand mandala at the Telfair Academy.



"In My Name is Inanna, Tamara Albanna provides a guiding star for girls and young women: their own divine power. The story is beautifully and simply presented in the voice of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, who is deeply aware of her own power, and of the need for its guidance through difficult times. Inanna is indeed a powerful Goddess, wise and strong, who knows about the sun and moon and love. She knows too that the best guidance we have—the only thing that navigates us through darkness—is our divine inner power. This is such a deeply necessary message for girls and women to hear, and so healing—that we need not look outside ourselves for strength and wisdom. The powerful message of this book is perfectly complemented by Arna Baartz's radiant artwork. On these pages, girls dance, owls spread their wings, lions sit calmly in their strength, and women embrace themselves, in darkness and light. I highly recommend My Name is Innana—buy it for yourself, for your daughter or niece or cousin, for any and all of the girls and women in your life. Its message is one we must return to again and again: our power is within, and it is both healing and mighty."

-Elizabeth Hall Magill, author of Defining Sexism in the U.S.


Come join me in exploring the pathways of heart centered instinctive meditation.

Photos from Whirling Shaman's post 31/03/2024

Celebrating the majestic Akitu Festival, we honor the ancient Assyrian tradition of Mesopotamia and the timeless tale of Ishtar’s descent and ascent through the seven gates. These AI generated images are curated to capture the essence of the festival — a high priestess embodying Ishtar’s strength, surrounded by the aura of divinity, mystique, and the vibrancy of life. Her journey symbolizes transformation and the reclaiming of power, as she emerges adorned with the tokens of her divinity, wisdom, and authority. Let these depictions inspire us to embrace the power within and the beauty of our shared history.


Celebrating the majestic Akiu Festival, we honor the ancient Assyrian tradition of Mesopotamia and the timeless tale of Ishtar’s descent and ascent through the seven gates. These images capture the essence of the festival — a high priestess embodying Ishtar’s strength, surrounded by the aura of divinity, mystique, and the vibrancy of life. Her journey symbolizes transformation and the reclaiming of power, as she emerges adorned with the tokens of her divinity, wisdom, and authority. Let these depictions inspire us to embrace the power within and the beauty of our shared history.

Photos from Annie Lennox's post 16/02/2024

Let’s support this celebration of the renaming of the square in in honor of Susie King Taylor.

~ So, RED CAMELLIAS are Blooming @ the Newly-Named 'TAYLOR SQUARE.....In JANUARY instead of (March or April).

It's as if Mother Earth is saying, 'Come on In, Welcome to Your Square, Susie King Taylor'.

Please SAVE this Historic Event in Your Calendar - Will U Be A Witness to History?

1st African American-Woman Named Square of Savannah's 23 Public Squares.

The City of Savannah will UNVEIL Her New MARKERS to the World!

For more info: www.centerforjubilee.com or Text/Call Us @ (912) 547-5937 EVER


We are a reflection of The Divine. Let’s not crawl through life, but rather open our wings and fly as a manifestation of LOVE.

Rose, Rumi and Sound Bath: A New Moon Ceremony, Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 6:00 PM | Meetup 10/01/2024

Join me at Rose, Rumi and Sound Bath! Thursday 1/11 portal of new moon and new year 🦋💜💕 with adoring love of roses. 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹

Rose, Rumi and Sound Bath: A New Moon Ceremony, Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 6:00 PM | Meetup Embrace the new year with a **heart-opening** ceremony unlike any other! Join us for an exquisite new moon **sound bath** experience featuring a ceremonial **rose experien


Wow! Amazing story. More on this later. 💞

In questo bassorilievo, vediamo la dea cananea del sole, Shapash, rappresentata con un volto di leone solare, e il terzo occhio aperto, mentre viene accoltellata dal suo corrispettivo maschile Shamash, ad indicare la fine della società matriarcale e l'inizio di quella patriarcale.
Era conosciuta anche in ambito fenicio, come "torcia degli Dei".
Ma con il tempo, specie in ambito ebraico, venne espressamente proibito il culto del sole, sia come Shapash, che come Shamash.
Nella Tanakh, nella Bibbia ebraica, questo rito è punito addirittura con la lapidazione.
Un certo richiamo, rimane nelle Dee del Sole del vicino Oriente, e nella donna vestita di sole, citata dall'Apocalisse, la donna descritta da Giovanni, che rappresenta Maria, o la Chiesa in generale, che porta sul capo il simbolo solare delle dodici tribù di Israele, tra cui la tribù del Giuda, stirpe del Messia.
Anche questa dea solare Shapash è rappresentata con 12 raggi solari.
Il volto da leone, rappresenta il sole.
Teniamo presente che per quanto riguarda la stella che videro i Magi, interpretandola secondo la teologia zoroastriana come quel segno luminoso che avrebbe indicato loro che era nato il ‘Dominatore’ o ‘Salvatore del mondo’, possiamo riferirci a delle congiunzioni astrali particolarmente significative, rare e luminose, che accaddero nel periodo che va dal 3 a.C. all’ 1 a.C. e che interessarono Giove, Venere e la stella Regolo (che significa ‘piccolo Re’), oltre che alle costellazioni del Leone e della Vergine.
Il leone è riferito al Cristo, Horus, Apollo..ecc, e la Vergine, a Maria, Iside, a tutti i Sacri Femminini.
Shamash colpisce la dea solare Shapash, proprio al centro del plesso solare, nel terzo chakra Manipura, nell'athanor del ventre creativo, in quella "mangiatoia allegorica", dove è nato il bambino solare, il Cristo, che fornirà nutrimento per tutti.
Infatti la Dea Shapash, ha una sottana molto simile alle conformazioni mammellari che si trovano anche nella dea Artemide di Efeso, anche se molti sostengono che si trattino di scroti maschili, quindi legati ad una dimensione della fertilità.
Artemide di Efeso, era come un mix di dee asiatiche ed elleniche. Il suo compito era proteggere la città e nutrire la sua gente.
Personalmente, dopo aver visto questo bassorilievo, di cui non sono riuscita a trovare la provenienza, ritengo che queste escrescenze mamellari siano simbolo di nutrimento, di cui la dea Shapash, così come Artemide di Efeso, così come Maria, o Iside per Horus, si fanno testimonial viventi.
Betlemme, il luogo in cui nasce Cristo, significa "casa del Pane", ma in riferimento ad un pane bianco esoterico, alchemico, la "pietra di fuoco", detta Shem-an-na, che riguardava l'arte di trasmutazione dei metallo in oro, e del dominio della gravità, e che riguardava quell'arco di luce creato dai due cherubini messi a custodia dell'arca di Noè, custodita nel Tempio di Salomone.
La Dea Shapash viene colpita nel suo centro di creazione alchemica, quella capace di sfornare l'Horus, l'Oro, il pane alchemico, il Cristo, secoli più tardi, il Pane di vita.
Lei che è una "pietra di fuoco" vivente, un Sacro Femminino, custode degli estremi del Sole, dei solstizi, come tutti Sacri Femminini.
Capace di custodirli perché è essa stessa fattore equilibrante per natura, come ho approfondito nel mio scritto su Ecate, altro Femminino custode dei Solstizi( https://maldalchimia.blogspot.com/2023/06/dea-ecate-solstiziale.html?m=0)
Qui in Sardegna, sono le antichissime Domus de Janas ad essere custodi e passaggi di transizione dei solstizi, perché il loro ingresso è orientato ad essi, sia invernali che estivi( https://maldalchimia.blogspot.com/2022/01/3112-2021-solstizio-dinverno-toro.html?m=0)
Millenni dopo sarà il Giano bifronte romano, ad usurpare, come è nello stile del patriarcato, al Femminino, la custodia dei solstizi.
La storia si ripete sempre
Le Domus delle Janas.
Della Sciamana
Della Shem-jana
Una Shem-an-na, una Sciamana, perché ha il terzo occhio attivo, é collegata con il Divino e la sua stessa controparte solare maschile.
Controparte maschile, che deve coercizzarla, limitarla, bloccarla, nella sua manifestazione.
Infatti, contemporaneamente alla pugnalata nel centro alchemico della creazione, nel plesso solare, le blocca il chakra della gola, Vishudda, il quinto, strettamente legato al concetto di creazione, e corrispettivo, morfologicamente e simbolicamente, all'altro centro di creazione femminile.
La laringe, infatti, ha la stessa conformazione ute*rina, e in Sardo, la parola che indica l'apparato riproduttivo femminile, e la desinenza "-udda", della parola Vishudda.
Due centri energetici potenti, che creano il suono, il Verbo, e la vita stessa.
Shapash viene colpita proprio nei due chakra importanti, legati all'elemento fuoco, l'elemento della trasformazione alchemica e legati alla manifestazione della propria divinità solare.
Siamo, come periodo storico, nell'870 a.C.circa, quando già si stava prepotentemente affermando da secoli, un patriarcato che non tollerava più la condivisione sinergica con la propria controparte animica femminile.
Anche il copricapo di questa divinità babilonese-assira Shamash, solare, indica un chiaro riferimento alla potenza fal*lica creatrice, e l'arco, ne fa un predatore/cacciatore dominante.
Domani si celebra il Solstizio d'inverno.
Ho voluto postare questo bassorilievo, pur di provenienza e datazione ignota, per sottolineare come ai primordi dell'umanità vi era una concezione di Dea Madre creatrice, che inglobava in sé anche il Mascolino, e che, anzi, si faceva fucina alchemica per esso, affinché si potesse manifestare in tutto il suo splendore.
Una donna, un'arca, o "arga"( termine sanscrito che significa "vag*ina") che trasporta l'Oro.
La vera Barca Solare, la vera Betlemme, la vera Casa del Pane, di ogni periodo storico e civiltà.
Fu trovato nella dimora del re assiro che conquistò Samaria e deportò gli ebrei in esilio, Sargon II. Sotto le sabbie di Khorsabad, in Iraq, fu la capitale dell'Impero neo-assiro al tempo di Sargon II che la fondò, si celava dunque l'antica Dur-Sharrukin, che in assiro significa appunto «reggia di Sargon».
Attualmente si trova al British Museum di Londra

Tiziana Fenu
©®Diritti intellettuali riservati


Unveiling the Enigmatic Charm: Erishkigal, Queen of the Underworld.

🗝️ Surrendering at the Seven Gates 🗝️

In a world consumed by chaos, we are called to transcend, to delve deep within ourselves, and unlock the hidden chambers of our souls. It is at these sacred thresholds where our shadows reside, waiting to be embraced.

Let us shed the armor of ego, the venomous whispers of war, and unearth the medicine of peace that lies dormant within us. Forging a path of harmony, we can alchemize the pain, transforming it into a catalyst for profound transformation.

Let us step through the gates, one by one, surrendering our past grievances and embracing a brighter tomorrow. Together, we can awaken the healing powers that rest within us, spreading waves of love and understanding across the world.

Will you heed the call? Will you unlock the mysteries within? 🌟


Honoring the Goddess Queen Esther, and how she stands for your ego being in service to your truth. Remember that what we know intuitively is divine timing. Does this resonate with you?


when they want to
control you
they do not come
with shackles
made of iron
they come instead
with cages made
of shame and story
like the one
about the woman
who earned crisis
for her curiosity
so tempted by a life
of wisdom and independence
she caused the downfall
of all civilization

women are dangerous
says the shame story of Eve
they cannot
be trusted and
should not
trust themselves

give a woman
free choice and
she’ll eat the fruit
tempt the man
enrage the god
she’ll destroy us all
with her mad desire
to know
to discover
to understand
her self
her world
her maker
give a woman any freedom
and she’ll follow
her curiosity
shape her
own story
seek truth beyond
the dictates
of order and obedience

she will wreck
your carefully controlled mandates
your reign of tightness
she will unmake
your holy wars
of right and wrong
and infuse the realm with
choice and instinct
empathy outranking rules
creativity eclipsing war
sovereignty subsuming
blind servitude

when you want to know
like Eve
when you have a taste
for truth
and a hunger for wisdom
you have to question
the stories
test the facts
rattle the cage
who profits from you
believing a lie?
who benefits because you
believe you are both
cause and curse?

they have tried
to burn you
with their shame
strip you
violate you
shrink you
silence you
but they could not break
your phoenix spirit
its fierce heat
will melt old regimes
and enflame a generation
who will not settle
for smallness
for submission
for shame

sink your self into
the feathered
red sleeve
of your ancestors
and rise, woman
rise again
for you are
Persephone’s Daughter
Lilith’s lover
Eve’s heir

find the truth
eat the fruit
unmask the myth
let it burn

"Unmasking a Myth" by Angi Sullins
Art by Marco Melgrati

Photos from Sol Dance's post 26/08/2023

Who is coming with me?


Amazing photos.

Always a Witch

“You weren’t always a witch?” I ask.

“That’s an interesting question,” Kayla says, “Yes - I believe I was always a witch, and that all of us come into this world with our power and magic intact. But I lost my true self somewhere along the way. The pain of that loss is what changed my life. I became what I call a person of power - someone who has the courage to step outside of the life that they know and is not afraid to do whatever it takes to heal their soul.”

“Do I have to be a witch to become a person of power?” I ask.

“No,” Kayla says, “Courage is much more important than a specific spiritual path, because reclaiming the lost parts of our soul is no easy task. That said, magic and Wicca naturally draw on our inner power, and are very potent for deep soul work. Real power doesn’t come from what we do in the world, but from who we are inside.”

Excerpt from Tale of the Lost Daughter. Available in paperback and e-book: http://goo.gl/D8urFS

Artist Nona Limmen (nonalimmen.com)

Barbie’s Existential Ascension: Ishtar Style! 10/08/2023

🌟 Befriend Your Shadows! From Barbie to Ishtar 🌟 Workshop 🌟

Tuesday, Aug 15, 6pm
OR ✨🌟
Friday Aug 25, 6:30pm

Luminous Savannah
7702 Waters Avenue , · Savannah, GA

Barbie and Ishtar, united in their quest to meet their shadows, are undeniably the boldest and most unapologetic archetypal heroines of our time! 🌗✨

🚀 Brace yourself as we blend ancient wisdom and modern-day empowerment in a journey that transcends time and space. 2300 BCE merges with 2023 ACE, right here, right now! Are you prepared to take on this extraordinary challenge? 🌌💪

💫 Get ready to unlock your true potential with the ultimate magical portal:
Befriend Your Shadows! :: Unveil Your Heroic Story! :: Activate Your Chakras!💫

✨ Curated by the unapologetic shamanic practitioner, Sharokin Betgevargiz, whose lineage traces back to the time of Ishtar/Inanna, this workshop will transport you through a powerful portal to explore the mythical descent/ascent of Ishtar/Inanna. ✨

🌈 Led by three seasoned wellness practitioners, including Dr. Gabriella Rivera offering acupuncture and Jessica Chapin providing sound bowl therapy and Reiki, this experience merges evidence-based modalities with authentic indigenous tools. 🌈

💃 Be inspired by Barbie's existential crisis and Ishtar’s journey through the seven gates of her shadows! Seize this incredible opportunity to rewrite your own narrative, embrace your shadows fearlessly, and activate your chakras with vigor, all in true Barbie & Ishtar Style! 💃

🗓️ Mark your calendars and prepare for a journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and the unveiling of your inner hero. Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience! Join us and let the magic unfold. ✨🌟

Bliss Reiki Arts Front Porch Community Acupuncture Luminous Savannah

Barbie’s Existential Ascension: Ishtar Style! How does Barbie descend and ascend? And what in the world is “Ishtar’s Style”?

Aug 7, 2023 07/08/2023

Honoring The Assyrian Martyrs Day, today August 7,

I am posting a remarkable book about & along to our and to .

A calling for from the to the dark

Want to learn more? Experience The 13 Whirling Gates of Ishtaro? Come to my new offering? See my events page 💕😘♥️

Thank you Girl God Books for all your inspiration and Maegan BetEnvia for your wisdom. Helen BetGivargis for your love. Florence BetIshue for your infinite light.

Aug 7, 2023 16 Photos, expires Sep 6, 2023


Venus is about to retrograde in Leo. Raaaaar! There's likely to be a whole lot of fierce going on, there's a lot to be fierce about in the world to be fair, but she's playing a long game, until September 3rd/4th. If she's showing up areas/folks in your life that could use a constructive, creative, do over be fierce but you have more than that in your toolkit.

Venus is persuasive, especially with Mercury by her side next week, she's also playfull in Leo, partial to a social event or two and funny. Humour goes a long way even if it's edgier than an edgy thing when Venus's energy is retrograde.

Befriend Your Shadows! :: Unveil Your Heroic Story! :: Activate Your Chakras!, Tue, Aug 15, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup 22/07/2023

So thrilled to be hosting this as Sharokin Betgevargiz at Luminous Savannah in collaboration with Bliss Reiki Arts & Front Porch Community Acupuncture. Mark your calendars for the evening of August 15 or August 25.

Come and meet “Your Inner Beloved!” Let’s journey through the Gates of The Divine Feminine — Ishtar / Inanna — Witnessing The Infinite in Your Stories.

Befriend Your Shadows! :: Unveil Your Heroic Story! :: Activate Your Chakras!, Tue, Aug 15, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup **"Befriend Your Shadows, Unveil Your Heroic Story & Activate Chakras With Indigenous Modalities"** *Ready for a life-changing experience?* Join our introductory workshop,

The Rose of Venus 13/07/2023

There is so much to learn from the way Venus dances to the way she arrive at the evening star in the morning star.

The Rose of Venus Every 8 years Venus dances with the Earth forming a perfect geometric pattern that looks like a Rose. This video shows the geometric pattern that Venus makes from Earth over an 8 year period. It is called the Rose of Venus or the Pentagram of Venus. Each one of those petals is formed as Venus […]

Whirling Shaman

Whirling into a trance, I bear sacred witness to your journey of energetic and spiritual wellbeing. The call to serve our community came not from aspiring to take on a career or an identity. It came from remembering what I knew, from how others around me heal, and from learning to listen to the voice within me. I have glimpses of ancestral stories that my mother told of her mother healing blindness, blurry vision, stopping kid’s fevers and healing wounds. I grew up among circles of women who gathered to heal by listening to one another through reading coffee grounds. The sacredness of these circles offer a space to share our suffering while weaving dreams of hopefulness. Are we a character in the stories we tell or are we a storyteller rewriting our new life into being.

I grew up watching my Mom make things as a seamstress and my Dad fixed things as electrician. They both were innovative and problem solvers. Likewise, growing up in Iran as an Assyrian indigenous minority during a revolution and a war led me to question issues of inequity and injustice not just to others but to the environment. My passion for ecology led to a curiosity about design mimicking nature. I pursed my passion in education and teaching design with a focus on user-centered design. In this quest I learned that we can’t change the world, but we can design to change human behavior, and the best place to start is with our daily practice. Are we able to commit to love and start from our own core? Being in balance with our own physical and energetic bodies leads to being in balance with our communities and the natural world. We are manifestation of matter through vibration. Changing our beliefs on a subconscious level results in changing our reality. Immersing in phenomenas of sacred geometry, nature worship, goddess and earth based spirituality, Sufi whirling, QiGong, and hypnosis, I had a calling to complete an intensive one month training with the Four Winds’ Light Body School of Energy Medicine in Spring of 2019.

Creative expression through deep listening, movement and art creates energetic healing that manifests in physical wellbeing. It provides a space to listen to our body and be present in fully accepting ourselves as we truly are, pure love. I look forward to sharing the gift I have received with you holding sacred space for your wellbeing.

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🌹 **The Season is Here: Damascus Roses in Bloom** 🌹After 365 days of loving cultivation, our Damascus roses have bloomed...
🌟 Discover the Power of Sacred Dance! 🌟🌀 What is Sacred Dance? 🌀Sacred Dance is a unique form of movement meditation tha...
🌿 **Discover Instinctive Meditation** 🌿Embark on a journey within, guided by the wisdom of your own body and mind. Join ...
🌿 **Discover Instinctive Meditation** 🌿Embark on a journey within, guided by the wisdom of your own body and mind. Join ...
🌿 Discover Instinctive Meditation 🌿
Embark on a journey within, guided by the wisdom of your own body and mind. Join us ...
🌱 **Spring Awakening: Embrace the Wisdom of the Ancients** 🌱In the ancient Mesopotamian hymns, spring was revered as a t...
Have you ever wondered, what is your inner beloved? It’s the beautiful union of the divine feminine and masculine within...
Can you make love to your intentions with vibrational energy? #intention #energy #whirlingshaman #creation #birthing #bi...
The language of #love is the coming together of the #Goddess as the #creativepower  of the universe, and the #God of the...
💥 Join me in honoring Roxane Gay, an extraordinary force of inspiration! 💪✨🌍 Roxane Gay, born in Nebraska with Haitian h...
Step 2 - Instagram reel copy: 🌟✨ The Union of Divine Masculine and Feminine ✨🌟In a state of stupefied bliss, thoughts di...
