Crow Fire

Crow Fire

Sacred Integrated Healing

Herbalist-Manual Therapist-Psychic Medium
Equine Tarot Readings-Shaman

Calling forth the Sacred Warrior in us all, utilizing an integrated approach through manual therapy, equine tarot readings, herbal guidance, and animal energy communication, we bring healing to the warrior within. Distance and In-Person sessions available

My Approaches and Techniques Include:
-Integrated Manual Therapy: osteopathy, massage, facial release
-Integrated Herbal Consultation: evolutio


Social media takes up to much of our time most the time.
Im disappearing for a bit. If you need any services offered i can still be reached via email. ✌🏼


It has been quite the journey stepping into the container as a massage therapist this past 10 months. Many highs and many lows. Lots of learning, growing, shedding, adding has been done.
Its all been worth it to assist clients on their journey in life like the review posted here.
My sessions have evolved into relaxing therapeutic sessions that are client need/desire driven support by lots of intuition on my part adjusting and evolving to meet the individuals needs.
If you are in or around central OKC and would like to book a session… reach out! My books are open.


Food for thought


Our pets never stay physically with us for long enough. The time always feels shorted somehow. They always come into our lives at the aligned time and always leave at the aligned time.
Rest in peace today you sweet soul. You assisted and guided so much in your 14yrs on this earth. I know you are continuing to do so on the other side. Im glad you found peace, rest and support with me in your final weeks.
When facing the rainbow bridge with your beloved pet its often confusing, full of second guessing, questions and can be so hard. If you find in need of support Im hear to help communicate your fur babies last messages for you.


Drink gremlin strikes again lol
Tea, Coffee, Sparkling water, milk… all the essentials for another day learning how to love people through the power of touch.
If you are local to OKC area, my books are open to those seeking to add massage therapy into their self-care routine.


I have to admit, I’m a very private person, so sharing on social media is tricky for me. More so because if Im not asked about something I dont tend to just share.

Well…. If people dont know they cant find you though lol

I have been studying hard the last few months at for human massage therapy.
I am proud to say that my books are open for accepting clients for massages.
Best way to book with me is to just connect (no online booking).

All appointments are held at Likeminded Therapies in OKC


I did something for the first time in my life and it was wonderful. Im not ready to fully go into details about it all, but I met with a wonderful women this past week who was able to give me very practical, physical things to help me do as I transition through a difficult time.
Who could have thought grief could take you so far out of your body that you need to find your way home.
But welcome to my alter, my space to anchor and re-find myself and re-connect with myself.


Thank you Alex for the new hair!
We chopped away some old today giving room for new and aligned things to flow in. 🖤


Foundational health these days is so very important. WIth so many changes in the manufacturing of food that we can't control these days its important to create a solid foundational health program at home.
Currently, I put together wellness programs for Equines and Humans. I will be adding in our beloved canines soon.

How these sessions work is once you purchase, I will send over a questionnaire to fill out and we will schedule a brief session where we will go over everything ensuring nothing is misses.
I will then pull together a foundational wellness plan complete with products list and links to buy to allow for the changes to be done smoothly.
I am then also available for follow-up questions as you go over your plan.

These sessions aren't about being perfect, but they are all about making small sustainable changes to bring about a foundational health.


I feel like Horses are one of those animals where their magic is quit evident just by looking at them.
Freedom and open expression are very common traits seen, I think, by everyone. They have walked beside humanity for hundreds of years.
Transportation, Friendship, Healing, Farm work, Battle, Ceremonies.

Something I have come to discover in all the years I have worked with horses is their natural connection to spiritual and emotional healing. They help others heal just by being there; it's quite magical. Its one of the reasons I have partnered with horses on my business journey.
They are also very naturally inclined to powerful intuition, and wisdom from Spirit. The messages and wisdom they have to share is so deep and powerful.

I offer a few ways to work with horses in your healing if you are called to it.
1- they could show up as a totem for you
2- getting a customized reading from my herd through the Equine Tarot Readings
3- attend an in-person healing ceremony where you get to sit with my herd and soak up whatever wisdom they have for you and find safety and peace in your journey.


I will be posting more and more about this offering I have.
It is a passion of mine to bring others healing through physical means.

I currently offer this service for Equines; BUT come Jan 2024 I will get to offer this service to Humans as well. Later in the year I will get to add canines as well.

I am a student of Likeminded Therapies going for getting my LMT.
In Jan 2024 I will get to start accepting clients as a student. Below I have a link you can click (or follow the link in my profile) for early client sign up.

Signing up now means when my schedule opens up you will be one of the first ones I call and get to treat. So sign up now! :)


The Wolf, such a beautiful animal.
It is another one that is commonly mistaken for certain traits that aren't accurate.
Hollywood portrays wolves as these vicious creatures that just kill anything that comes their way.
This can't be further from the truth and is important to note because if wolves are coming up for you for some magic/wisdom/medicine its important to understand the true nature behind why they are showing up.
My favorite thing about wolves is their defined rituals and rules the govern themselves by. It's such a powerful medicine to sit with.


Red, the one who helped started it all.
I go into more detail on his story on the website; but he is the foundation and my daily guidance.
He is 20 this year. We have been together since he was 2.
WOW just WOW
I always say that any animal that comes under my care will be with me till the day they pass on.
Red comes through in just about every reading I do for clients. He is the epitome of a true Alpha, Dominant masculine presence. He is calm, solid and direct in his interactions.

I look forward to doing a reading for you jointly with Red.


As much as I love touching others lives through spirit communication; I very much love assisting the body through the healing transitions as well.
I currently offer Equine Massage for local Oklahoma residents.
Later on this year I will also be adding on Massage for both Humans and Canines.
I will be starting LMT school in a few weeks and come December/January I will be ready to start taking clients. I am starting a waitlist for appointments as I will only be opening my books up for a small amount of appointments.
If you would like to be on the wait list please let me know.


Here is another great example of a group of animals who share and overarching theme of magic, but each species can have their own variances.
In my research of spiders, I learned that the Black Widow spider, though poisonous, is actually very timid of people so often avoid interaction. Cool fact :)
I know, spiders are still gross. But I am here to try to open your eyes. Or at least help you work with spider energy should it be needed in your current phase of life (but not directly/physically work with them, calm down).

What speaks to you most about spiders or scares you the most?


Our lovely lovely snakes. Ya I know you might be thinking "gross", but read the wisdom they have to share with us!
Also this is a great time to share a random thought I had. Hear me out.... Sometimes I wondering if you are scared of something, conveniently snakes in this instance; what if you are not scared of it, but scared/avoiding the medicine and wisdom the animal has to offer.
Look snakes represent Transformation, Healing, Transmutation, Death and Rebirth. This are HARD things to go through. I find people, even animal, avoid this hard work.
So what if, next time you find you are scared of a particular animal, I challenge you to look up its medicine and see if there is something you are running from.

Lots of love and support with this one! 🖤


Oh Willow! She is a small and fiery thing. She as well assists in the Equine Tarot Readings and the will assist in the in-person healing ceremonies I'll hold in the future.
She brings forth big bold messages for others. She encourages you to stand up or speak up for yourself. She never hesitates to take what she is wanting. Her medicine is big, bold, and loud.
I find Willow often comes through with some sort of message for clients.


I very much enjoy this service! I will speak with the living or those passed on, human or animal.
These sessions are great if you are wanting some clarification or guidance on something. Or maybe a loved one passed on and you need assistance with closure.

Some of my favorite sessions are helping those navigate their animals behaviors or helping them speak to their animal on when it's time for to visit the rainbow bridge.

Regardless of what you may be needing assistance with. I am excited to channel spirit for you to help you on your journey.

Photos from Crow Fire's post 04/09/2023

The cutest woodland creature EVER... our Fox.
Now is a great time to share that every animal has overall magic traits to them. However, most all animals we talk about here could be broken up into a further more specific species. These different species can carry their own slightly variance in wisdom to share.
Such as the Arctic Fox verses the Kit Fox. Each a Fox which hold the overarching wisdom listed here on this post, but then each one can carry slightly differing wisdom to share within each one.
So just cause a Owl, or Fox or Dog shows up for you, ask spirit if the wisdom deals with the classification of animal shared or the specific species of animal shared.


I bet you didn't know these little flying dragons who sometimes bite you when you're at the lake have some powerful magic and wisdom to share with us, did you?
They are full of air, water, and light symbolism. They call you to shine bright and pull out your creativity.
What's unique about these guys is their ties to a transformation cycle of 2 years.
I think it's important to share that just because an animal is sharing their medicine with you, doesn't mean everything they represent applies to you at the particular time.
Learn about the animal, and pull from what spirit is guiding you to or what draws to you most (don't over think it.)


Welcome, and let me introduce Miss Penny to all of you. She joined my herd a couple years ago. You can find an in-depth blog post on about her on the website.
She joins in and helps me with the Equine Tarot Readings I offer. She also will be assisting in the in-person healing ceremonies I will be offering in the future.
She brings a calm, cautious, inquisitive feminine energy to the heard. Her favorite herd member is Aponi.

If you book a reading with me she may have a message for you!


I Love doing these readings.
So these aren't a traditional tarot reading. I don't use any cards. The herd/horses replace the tarot cards.
I take your intention to the herd and start recording what happens. I am also very connected to the natural and animal kingdom so if other elements like birds, the wind, or direction of the sun or moon or even the time of day Im called to do your reading come into play.
These are wickedly fun and so much information comes through.
Your reading will consist of a write up and the videos to watch. You can also upgrade to add a virtual reading overview where we can go over it and I can answer any questions.
This option is really great if a question or intention you are struggling with and need direction on.

Link will be in my bio/website to purchase.


You are not crazy and you are not lazy!
There is nothing wrong with how your neurospicey brain works. Its a beautiful tool.
You just need to find someone who can assist you who knows and understands what you’re going through.


As I share the magic and wisdom the animal kingdom has to offer us. I want to make it known that these are from my experience (messages that Ive gotten from spirit), my own education/research, and my culture. Please understand this is a broad collection for each animal and there is a lot more that goes into it.
If you would like a more personalized looked into if any animal magic is showing up for you from spirit, please feel free to book a session with me.

The Owl, the great hunter at night! Did you know, Owls make a bigger impact on rodent control than cats, snakes, or poison could do?!
Not to mention, the depth of wisdom they have to share. My favorites are on how tied to the feminine they are. The night, moon and owls really do go hand in hand and its so beautiful.
There used to be a large owl that called the area around my house home, and it was so beautiful to always hear him at night and even see him flying around via the moon light. I do hope he comes back this year.


If you are here on Facebook watching this, links to book are in my profile 🙂


Client Success Story!
This client’s kitty likes to control his environment so when changes happen that he cant control; his anxiety skyrockets.
A energy communication with me and we were able to find actionable solutions to help!


My shadow. My hellhound. My partner in this plus many lives. My best friend.
Aponi means "Butterfly" in Blackfoot. Its a Wonderfully beautiful name. One thing you may not know about me, is that EVERY animal that comes under my guardianship gets to choose their name. Aponi picked her name and I will share this story in her blog post.
But anyways I wanted to start introducing my living animal partners in this life. They show up and either assist me or help my clients in sessions.
You will see her if you come in person to massage sessions (soon to be offering for humans early 2024), or in-person healing sessions Ill offer on my land in the near future.
She brings so much love and spiritual/energetic protection to my practice its infectious. Im glad I can share her with you and share her wisdom and magic.

TikTok · Courtney | Crow Fire 🪶 24/08/2023

Just wanting to spread this message more. Even though this is geared towards the veiw men give single women… if you are single there is nothing wrong with you.

TikTok · Courtney | Crow Fire 🪶 Check out Courtney | Crow Fire 🪶's video.

The Beginning of Red River Equine

Hey There!

I wanted to take a moment to share with you my vision for Red River Equine. This business is has more heart and soul behind it then you can imagine.

When I set out to name my business I did some google searches (as any good business owner does 😉) and stumbled upon the combination of words that makes up the name today. Initially, there was no significance to the name, but if I am being honest here, I subconsciously named my business after my horse, Indian Red “Red”. He is a 16hand Appendix Quarter Horse who has a lineage in the Oklahoma Heritage Horses. I got Red when he was just a wee two year old and I, 15, and new to owning horses. Red is a very intelligent, stubborn, willing, communicative partner. We have gone through nearly everything and he has allowed me to make so many mistakes with him. This is where the heart behind Red River Equine began; with Red.

We have been through many ill fitting saddles, bridles, wrong blanketing schedules, trailer injuries, incorrect conditioning, training programs that did not take his preference or physical weakness’ into consideration. Well, no more of that. We have been working on building correct muscle balance and health from tendon injuries, lumbar and cervical subluxations and postural muscle weakness due to misinformed training. My experiences of navigating these situations and continuing to learn because I knew there had to be a better way to do all of this that lead us down a path of harmony and partnership.

Videos (show all)

You are not crazy and you are not lazy! There is nothing wrong with how your neurospicey brain works. Its a beautiful to...
If you are here on Facebook watching this, links to book are in my profile 🙂 #crowfire #crowfirehealing #witch #healer #...
Client Success Story! This client’s kitty likes to control his environment so when changes happen that he cant control; ...
I had a wonderful time doing a Horse Tarot Reading for a friend. It felt so natural and lovely to do the reading for the...
Camomile cont. Some of my favorite ways to feed camomile to my herd is either free feed like you see in the video. I als...
As I continue to work with clients I realized whether a new owner or experienced owner there are always questions around...
I get asked similar questions each time I meet a new client and work on their horse.So after meeting a great new client ...
A few changes coming about. As I learn and grow and the vision for my business becomes more and more clear, I keep makin...
How did I get into doing all these things?!I get asked by my clients often how I got into doing the work I do I thought ...
Client Promise #1 - Your Horse Always Comes First
