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Do research on indigenous religious practices, philosophy, and write books on traditional belief system of the Karbis i.e one of the largest Hills Tribes, living in the state of Assam in the northeastern part of India.

Photos from D.S.Lekthe's post 01/01/2024


Aronbarim anim kirim arat aphan isi aphurkimo keparjap abangphu anparta Arnam kereng'etle nangketoi asonben methang anim aphan kachinghonpik abangphu Manpeng kethe akehai Dr Tuliram Ronghang, CEM, KAAC aphan kijut un'epin ningkangsam akardom pajirlo.

Areng kelok aningkan kimi kechengsi niphai 01-01-2024 arni Pithe-Pothe Aklam , Nihang Rongkethe, 5Mile along kepado Aronbarim Chingrum Ameipi kepadoji pu kachisik (review) amei along apor keme longsi neli ketok 9 pasirkep alothui nangkangpupi apot ning karong lapen ning kangsam akardom pajirlo.

Mei along kachetong manpeng kethe doan aphanta ning arklong pen kachoro pajirlo.
Jasemet Dr. Teron@ Ds Teron , Chandra Kt Terang, lunsepo, abarim MLA, manpeng kethe akehai Bey,MP, akehai Ronghang,MLA, akehai Surjya Chalut-Senot Rongphar , E.M, Tisso, EM, Rongpi, MAC, KAAC, loksar Kangjang Terang, abarim MAC, abarim Dy Chairman, KAAC, Kro, President KSA, lapen kachetongdun doan manpeng kethe atum aphanta ning klarsap pen ningkangsam lapen kachoro pajirlo.

Mohor:- B**g Welson Tisso

Photos from D.S.Lekthe's post 15/12/2023



Neli kepangrum pen ketok la aber pak 9 (sirkep) alothui prapjin pen rat angno pale ikpo.
Lake nanglitum kadokave ahirjume pusi neli chematha iklo. 🙏🙏🙏

Photos from D.S.Lekthe's post 14/12/2023


Don atum,
pu alothui klangthu'etlo akimi angthun...!!!

2022 aningkan Diphu along Book Fair kepado ahut bangso alothui kangpupen lomsovet kenam chithidet.

kethek ovekimi atum aphan kenangsot alothui.
Research Scholars lapen School, College ,University kacharlibom a'osomar, songjalin lapen kadokave Karbi arat atumta kelang porhesi kachinivek nangji alo.

Bangso alothui, Karbi angbong pen inut kethekpame anparta kamatha kangchopik abangphu manpeng kethe akehai Elwin Teron sar ketok, 'SLOGANS, GUNS AND THE SIXTH SCHEDULE'
puthot akimi angthun mate 2nd edition klangthu'etlo.

Bangso alothui non kevangji KYF 2024 along long'ikpo. Kenangji lapen kenamji atum chisik iknon, don atum.

Nelike nelikopai keme pusi chemathalo,
Pini (13/12/22) nelisai damde aphrang lomso kachetong ahut bangso alothui ningkeme pen nangkepipajir apot alangliphan choropiklo.

Ning aklong pen kachoro pajirlo, sar. Ansose nangliphan Arnam ahirjume padothu lethot nang lapen khei apharman keklem ajakong nanglilong padothulethot nang.
Kur e vang!!!



1. Life's ultimate destination is death
no matter what route you take or how long you take it. So don't rush. Don't pressure yourself.
Live each moment and enjoy the journey.

2. Stop convincing..I mean fooling yourself that they're busy. No one is that busy to give you a minute call or to stop by and say "hello".
Accept the fact that you are not one of their priorities.

3. Some insecure people tend to "boast, exaggerate, or play they know it all" to boost their ego. Why? That's their way of convincing themselves they matter too. That they're important too. If it will bring back their self esteem, support them and then lead them the way to fruitfulness to turn their fantasy to life.

4. At the end of the day, all material wealth won't make you a happier person. It may for sometime. But real happiness comes from peace of mind.

5. Some people rest all day, everyday while you grind, and when they see you enjoying life while they starve.. they either get envy or angry. As if it's your fault to have a good time while they're not.

6. When the people we love hurt us, our brain knows there's something wrong but our heart justifies it to be just fine. Our hearts often tolerate lies for temporary happiness.

7. Give them your hand, and they will grab your arm. Give them less and they'll complain. Stop giving them anything and they will forget all the things you've given them. (Not everyone though)

8. You can give all the help you can give to someone but without that person helping himself.. it will all be useless.

9. You can't correct a fool who always thinks he's right.

10. The world is full of people who unintentionally and intentionally hurt us.
If you get mad at every person who does bad things against you.. you'll eventually lose everyone even yourself. So let go. Never hold a grudge. Move on, learn and forget.
After all, you will just punish yourself by feeling mad about things you have no control of.

Move on and try to be happy.

Follow Sir.Calvin's Chronicles For More Educative and Inspirational Contents.


At age 17, she was rejected from college.

At age 25, her mother died from disease.

At age 26, she moved to Portugal to teach English.

At age 27, she got married.

Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born.

At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression.

At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare.

At age 30, she didn't want to be on this earth.
But, she directed all her passion into doing the one thing she could do better than anyone else.
And that was writing.

At age 31, she finally published her first book.

At age 35, she had released 4 books, and was named Author of the Year.

At age 42, she sold 11 million copies of her new book, on the first day of release.

This woman is J.K. Rowling. Remember how she considered su***de at age 30?

Today, Harry Potter is a global brand worth more than $15 billion dollars.

Never give up. Believe in yourself. Be passionate. Work hard. It’s never too late.

She is J.K. Rowling

Follow Sir.Calvin's Chronicles For More Educative Contents.

Photos from Preeti Shenoy - Author Page's post 19/10/2023

My School811 English



Long-time ago in the Animal Kingdom, a sheep was passing and saw a lion crying inside a cage trapped and the lion begged the sheep to save him with a promise not to kill and eat it but the sheep refused. After much persuasion and for the sheep's gullibility it opened the cage for the lion.

Now the lion was very hungry having stayed in the cage for days without food. It quickly grabbed the sheep to kill and eat but the sheep reminded him of his promise. They were still there arguing when other animals came passing and they sought to know what happened. Both the lion and the sheep narrated their own side of the story but because of fear and in trying to gain Favour in the sight of the lion, all the animals took side with the lion except the Tortoise who claim not to understand the whole scenario.

Now the Tortoise asked the lion to show them where he was before the sheep rescued him, he pointed at the cage. He asked again, "were you inside or outside when the sheep arrived"? The lion said he was inside. The tortoise again said, "ok, enter let’s see how difficult it could be inside". The lion entered and the tortoise locked him back inside.

In amazement, the other animals asked tortoise "why" and he replied "if we allow him to eat the sheep today, he will still go hungry tomorrow and we don't know the next amongst us to be eaten tomorrow.

The Moral of this tale.

Don't support evil today because it doesn't affect you directly, tomorrow it could be your turn.



Moral Story Of The Day.

A proud parrot approached an eagle, and said to him.

"I can fly high over the tallest trees in the world. How high can you fly?"

The eagle said.

"Well, I'm not really a good flyer, so I can barely reach the tallest trees"

The parrot burst out laughing.

"Oh, what a shame... I can't believe that I fly higher than most birds in the kingdom. I'm so blessed" he bragged.

"You're really blessed" the eagle uttered.

The following day, the parrot approached the eagle again and said to him.

"How about if I teach you how to fly high, so you can reach the tallest trees just like me?"

"That would be awesome. Please do" the eagle whistled.

Then the eagle went along with the parrot and they both started flying while the parrot demonstrated. But the parrot was completely astonished when the eagle flew and flew with strength, so high until he was invincible. The parrot couldn't believe his eyes.

When the eagle finally landed, the parrot, filled with remorse and shame, asked.

"You're a genius. Why didn't you tell me all along?"

The eagle smiled, then said.

"That's the difference between an eagle and a parrot. I'm an eagle and I don't talk much. I don't brag, I only know my worth and I believe in it. I am known for my power and ability to fly at high altitudes in the sky. Are you surprised? Well, I am the only bird that will fly above the storm clouds... When other birds find shelter during the rain, I avoid the rain by flying above the clouds. I can travel extremely high up to where the air is much thinner, then I move more oxygen through my body by pushing more blood into my bloodstream with every beat of my heart"


Don't be a talkative parrot that brags a lot. Be humble and silent like the eagle. Don't waste your time proving your worth to anyone. The time will prove you, what you are and what you can be.

Please Follow Sir.Calvin Ochieng For More Educative Contents.


Some of The Realities of Life that People Don't Want to Accept.

1. As you know, 6+3 is equals 9 but that is not the only way to get the answer. 5+4, 7+2 and 8+1 all will give you the same answer. So, there isn't only way to do things. What you practice is influenced by your culture, background etc. Same do other people practice theirs by the same determinant.

2. When we give importance to people, they think we are free, but they don't know that we take out time for them specially.

3. Copying others in life will not create a better life for you. Life is like an exam in which many people fail because they copy others. They never know that everyone has different questions.

4. A dead plant can never grow no matter how much you water it every day.

5. The biggest loss is losing yourself and not losing people.

6. You can't rely on someone to make you happy because you are the source to your own happiness.

7. You can never go back to the past, but you can learn from the past to avoid making the same mistakes in the present.

8. Chasing your dreams will do you more good than chasing people.

Please Follow Sir.Calvin Ochieng For More Educative Contents.


SO MUCH YES!! Everything they don’t see 🤍



1. Put your kids in
schools you can afford
because expensive
schools don't
guarantee good
results. Just ensure
they attend a good
affordable school

2. Rent apartments you
can pay for
conveniently. Don’t live
in a house you struggle
to pay yearly.

3. Let’s plan our lives and
live within our means.
Save more and spend

4. Some women buy food
for their children every
morning before going
to school or even for
the whole family, do
you know it’s cheaper
to cook at home?

5. Some people don’t
earn much, but have
DSTV at home, go for
GOTV and upgrade
when your income
upgrades. It’s still the
same CNN anyway!

6. Eat healthy meals and
protect your family
from mosquitoes to
avoid going to the
hospital always.

7. Take advantage of
food and fruits in
season, its cheaper
and you can be
creative to create
amazing meals.

8.Don’t copy your
neighbor’s lifestyle,
she earns well and her
husband is a ‘big

9. Don’t follow trends,
wear clean well-
ironed clothes and
keep your hair neat.
You would still look

10. Keep your circle
small, keep only
friends that have

11. Above all things, have
the fear of God, have
integrity, don’t be lazy
and be prayerful.

12. Planning is the key, if
you fail to plan, you
plan to FAIL.

13. Don't do more than
your budget this
Time, there is no
award given to best
family that wore an
expensive cloth for
the year

14.Don't be in
competition with
The purpose of shoes
and clothes are to
make us smart and


PS:If you are interested in moral stories or need motivation tips and strategy,my timeline post will be extremely helpful to you,kindly follow Students Reporter .💯💯💯


Book Review: Why Nations fail.

This is a very interesting question. Who wouldn’t want to know the answer? For this reason, I bought this book back in 2017 & wanted to know why. Since then it was on my bookshelf until some days ago I picked it up to read. This book is co-authored by Daron Acemoglu professor of economics at MIT & James Robinson British Economist.

So why do nations fail? Why Western Europe, North America & Japan are rich & more prosperous than Sub- Saharan African countries, South American, and South Asian countries? Do nations fail because of their geography? Culture? Ignorance? Or because European people are more intelligent than other people in poor countries? Not at all. Daron Acemoglu doesn’t believe in these theories. If you have read the popular book Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond that book was premised on geography thesis as the reason for prosperity & poverty of nations. Writers of this book debunked that geography theory as well as mentioned above.

Daron Acemoglu says If Geography, culture, or climate should have played a role in the poverty & prosperity of nations then there shouldn’t have been any differences between South Korea & North Korea. Both countries are so close, separated by a just border, yet so different. South Korea is rich, prosperous, with better living standards, education & health care. In contrast, North Korea is the opposite of it suffering in poverty & dictatorship.

So if not geography, culture & ignorance then what is it that leads countries to prosperity or poverty? Or why nations fail then.

Here comes the core of the book: Inclusive economic & political institutions & Extractive economic & political institutions. Rich, democratic, economically sound & stable countries have inclusive institutions while poor, unstable, absolute, or dictatorial have extractive institutions in place.

Inclusive institutions involve pluralism, broader political participation & economic opportunities in society for everybody, it allows innovation, entrepreneurship, property rights, rule of law, competition & accountability of leaders. Examples are Western democracies.

On the other hand, extractive institutions maintain the power of the narrow elite at the expense of society. Absolutist & repressive regimes thrive under this model. The narrow elite maintains economic monopolies to enrich themselves, ordinary people have no private property rights, political participation & economic opportunities. Controlling elite doesn’t like change because their power would be threatened by creative destruction so they resist inclusive institutions to take root & lead to democracy. Examples are European absolute monarchies of the time & Ottoman monarchies, sub-Saharan countries, and south Asian countries of today. European monarchies didn’t become prosperous until they gave up on extractive economic & political institutions in the 18th & 19th centuries & gradually marched towards inclusive institutions & democracy.

Countries with extractive institutions don’t encourage innovation & change because the narrow elite prefers the status quo it would always resist change. Ottoman empire banned printing press, Austro- Hungarian empire & Russian monarchy resisted railways & industrial Revolution in the fear of lest their power goes away if innovation & industrial Revolution is to be adopted. Because innovation & change overhaul the whole society & brings creative destruction. That’s why they remained behind those who adopted the Industrial Revolution & innovation.

Writers have researched for 15 years writing this book. Starting from the neolithic revolution about 10 thousand years ago to the 21st century. They found that inclusive economic & political institutions were the key that led to the prosperity of nations not the geography, culture, or ignorance instead institutions that made the difference. As North & South Korea example illustrates. While extractive economic & political institutions led to the absolutism, poverty & collapse of the countries. As of Today’s Sierra Leone a western African country illustrates.

This book is premised on the institutional history of the world from a political economy’s perspective.

I found this book very compelling. This is a heavy read in terms of pages but easy & entertaining to read. It is very coherent with compelling arguments. It doesn’t leave any part of the world or history untouched generally. Writers discuss the Roman empire, Maya city-states, Ottoman Empire, African Empires, European Empires & down to the nation-states to prove their point. Highly recommended.

BOOK: https://amzn.to/47WjP2k



1. If you speak too much, you will lie
2. If you think too much,you will be depressed
3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight
4. If you love too much, you will be lost
5. If you care too much,you will be taken for granted
6.If you play too much, You will not be taken serious often
7.If you trust too much, you will be betrayed
8.If you work too much, You will die of stress
9.If you eat too much, You will be obsessed
10.If you sleep too much, You will be idle
11. If you spend too much, You will have no future
12.If you wear make up too much, You will lose your beauty
13.If you look too much, You will lose your focus
14.If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything.
* When you pray too much, You will have everything
*When you have too much patience, you will have the whole world
*When you invest too much, You will have your future guaranteed
*When you let go too much, you will have peace of mind
*When you are careful too much, you will be saved of many evils.
*When you serve God too much, you will receive unlimited and unspeakable reward and testimony.
Love you all.

