Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.

Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County  2022.

Republican party


With the primary election coming up I've been thinking how I have always prided myself on being true to myself throughout my Law Enforcement career. If elected Sheriff of Cleburne County you can count on me to not only be true to myself but true to the citizens of Cleburne County. Right is Right,Wrong is Wrong, break the Law you will be held accountable.
Elect Buell Biggers
Sheriff of Cleburne County.


May 24th is the primary election.
I am trying to see as many of you as I can before Election day.

My campaign for Sheriff is simple

Right is right and wrong is wrong you break the law in Cleburne County you will be held accountable.

We will be more aggressive on the drugs and thefts and burglaries in our County.

School safety is a big priority of mine I want to vamp it up.

More Deputy presence throughout the county.

Every one treated with same respect.

Deputies will Community police and have more interaction with the citzens of the County.

My goal is to hire more Deputies. And to make our County a safer place to live.

Working today for a safer tomorrow.

Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County.


May 24th is the primary election.

My campaign for Sheriff is simple

Right is right and wrong is wrong you break the law in Cleburne County you will be held accountable.

We will be more aggressive on the drugs and thefts and burglaries in our County.

School safety is a big priority of mine I want to vamp it up.

More Deputy presence throughout the county.

Every one treated with same respect.

Deputies will Community police and have more interaction with the citzens of the County.

My goal is to hire more Deputies. And to make our County a safer place to live.

Working today for a safer tomorrow.

Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County.


Had a good day campaigning Saturday, I heard a lot of concerns and complaints. If you want change in Cleburne County , and a dedicated Sheriff to work for the citzens of Cleburne County Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff.


My campaign for Sheriff of Cleburne County is based on Honesty , Integrity, Accountability , and Transparency. With that being said as your Sheriff if your right I will back you a 100% but if your wrong I will be honest and tell you that your wrong.


It's National Law Enforcement Day. I want to thank all Law Enforcement officers for the job you do. I have your six.


Had a good day out campaigning today. Enjoyed meeting the great people of Cleburne County,and listening to their concerns and answering questions .Thank you all for your support. Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.


Today I officially qualified to be a candidate for Sheriff of Cleburne County in the upcoming election May of 2022. If elected I'll do everything in my power to make a positive change for Cleburne County using my 17 yrs of Law Enforcement and training and all available resources to make that happen. I ask for your support Elect Buell Bigers for Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.


Happy New year from my family to yours.


I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Remember without Christ their would be no Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.


Counting today 24 days until I qualify to run for Sheriff of Cleburne County. Let's make a positive change in Cleburne County vote Buell Biggers for Sheriff. Working today for a safer tomorrow, In God we trust.


I would like to publicly endorse Buell Biggers for Cleburne county sheriff. I know that there are several good candidates, but I believe Buell to be a outstanding choice. I've known him for many years and am proud to call him my friend. I'm asking that you all consider him when you vote. Elect Buell Biggers for Cleburne county sheriff 2022.


Today while campaigning I was asked what I stood for.
My answer.
I stand for the Constitution of the United States of America, for the rights and protection of Cleburne County citizens, Honesty, Integrity, Accountability, Transparency.
So every citizen of Cleburne County will be served with the same respect as any other.
Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.
Working today for a safer tomorrow.


I enjoyed being out campaigning today and meeting the citizens of Cleburne County. Thank you for your hospitality and you support.
Elect Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.
Working today for a safer tomorrow.


Enjoyed the day at Abernathy Volunteer Fire Department's trunk or treat thank you for the invite support your local fire department.


It's been said that everything changes, and it also been said without change their can be no progress. If you want positive change and progress to make Cleburne County a safer place to live , work , and raise your families Vote Buell Biggers Sheriff of Cleburne County
Working today for a safer tomorrow.


Today let us remember the people that lost their lives on this day 20 years ago due to a cowardly attack on our nation. We will never forget 9-11-2001.
God Bless America.


Hey guys Jo here! Who’s ready for a Vote Buell Biggers
For Sheriff Sign
For their yard?


I'm a candidate for Sheriff in the upcoming election . I humbly ask for your support. I am a life long resident of Cleburne County, I grew up in Muscadine and live in Fruithurst. My parent's are the late Buddy Biggers , and Mary Ellen Biggers. I love Cleburne County and want make it a safer place for the citizens of this great County. If elected my office will be ran with Honesty, Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency. I want this to be the best Sheriff Department in the State and Country. My mission is simple right is right and wrong is wrong you break the law in Cleburne County you will be held accountable by my office. I want to see change in the way Deputies patrol I want them to interact more with the Citizens of our County, concentrate on the whole County not just specifically certain areas but the whole County. Concentrate on all crimes just not a few select ones ., and my Deputies will treat everyone with the same respect . Thank you for your time May God bless you.
Buell Biggers
For Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022


I want to wish everyone a Happy Independence day. Have a happy 4th of July. Happy Birthday USA. God bless America and God bless you all.


Happy Father's Day to all the Father's out there may God bless you all.


I just wanted to give more information on myself. I am a life long resident of Cleburne County, I graduated from Cleburne County High school in 1993. I grew up in Muscadine and I live in Fruithurst. I humbly ask for your support . Vote Buell Biggers for Sheriff of Cleburne County 2022.


After alot of thought and prayer I am announcing that I will be running for Sheriff of Cleburne County in the upcoming Sheriff election May 2022. My parents are the late Buddy and Mary Ellen Biggers. I am married to Joquita Biggers, together we have 6 wonderful children. I started my career in Law Enforcement in 2005 as a Reserve Deputy for Cleburne County Sheriff Department under Sheriff Joe Jacks . I went to work at Cleburne County Jail in 2006 until February 2007 when I was hired by Chief Mark Brock at Bowdon Police Department Bowdon,Ga. Chief Brock sent me to North Central Georgia Law Enforcement Academy Feburary 16, 2007 where I Graduated April, 27,2007. I worked at Bowdon Police Department until August, 17, 2017. On August, 18,2017 I started at Carroll County Sheriff Department where I am still Employed as a Deputy in Court services. I have experience in patrol, investigations, courthouse from Superior Court, State Court, Probate Court, Magistrate Court, Juvenile Court and Courthouse Security. I would like to see a change here in Cleburne County and with your vote we can make that happen. Without change there can be no progress. If elected as your Sheriff my office will be run with Honesty, Integrity and Accountability.
Working Today for a Safer Tomorrow!
I humbly ask for your support
Vote Buell Biggers for Sheriff of Cleburne County!

