Life Celebrations; Memorial Services

Life Celebrations; Memorial Services

Life Celebrations offers professional, personalized, memorial options for all families, no matter their financial status.

It is important for those who cared to be able to honor, mourn, and celebrate the life of their departed loved ones. Life Celebrations is a service provider who works both remotely and onsite with the families in Kentuckiana. Our business is to provide affordable products and services for families to celebrate the ones they loved. While Life Celebrations is still in its infancy, you can have peace


Grief is ever changing; it changes who you are, and the way you carry yourself. One thing is for certain, while it may always be with you, it is up to you how you carry and deal with those emotions.

What to Do if you Can’t Host a Funeral or Memorial [Different ways to Honor Your Loved One] 15/07/2022

While it's tradition to host a funeral the departed, sometimes its not possible for families to do so. However, it is still possible for them to honor and pay tribute to there loved one. Check out this weeks article for ideas on how to honor your loved one without host a service.

What to Do if you Can’t Host a Funeral or Memorial [Different ways to Honor Your Loved One] It has been tradition to honor our departed with a funeral or memorial service. With today’s growing prices, more and more families have been unable to afford to do so, evolving the way we ho…


When you lose a loved one, it can be hard to say goodbye. Check out our guide to help prepare yourself to process your loss. As always, feel free to reach out if you need to talk!


Celebrate Independence Day with those you love and remember those we've lost.

What to Expect When Your Loved One has an Autopsy? [Who Performs Them, How, and Why] 01/07/2022

Death is hard, especially when the causes are unknown. Autopsies are used to determine cause of death and to teach us more about diseases. Check out our article to learn more about the Autopsies processes.

What to Expect When Your Loved One has an Autopsy? [Who Performs Them, How, and Why] Losing a loved one is hard, especially if their death was unexpected and the causes are unknown. In cases of unknown causes or circumstances of one’s death, it is important for both the famil…


When you lose a loved one, you don't have to spend thousands on a service. We will work with your budget to make sure to honor your loved one in a way that represents them.

Why is it Important to Host a Service When Someone We Love Passes Away? 24/06/2022

When you loss a loved one, your world can turn on its head. Host a memorial or funeral service gives you and your family a chance to come to grips with reality and celebrate the life your loved one lived. Check out our article for more reasons why its important to host a service.

Why is it Important to Host a Service When Someone We Love Passes Away? When we lose someone we love, it’s in our nature to pay tribute by hosting a funeral or memorial service. Hosting services are important as they allow friends and family of the departed to ge…


We apologize for our abrupt absence, but we are back and ready to help all families. Life is fickle, enjoy the time you have now and be there for your loved one's.


Let’s Celebrate the Life of Malcolm X:
Malcolm X was born on May 19th of 1925 to Louis and Earl Little of Omaha, Nebraska. He was the 4th of their 8 children. Earl Little was a preacher and activist in their local chapter of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Due to his activism, the family endured much harassments from the Ku Klux Klan.
For the family’s protection, they would move around until they found their place in Lansing, Michigan in 1928. They thought they would be safe but was met with worse racism, as a mob set their house a blaze in 1929 and the all-white first responders refused t help, in fact Malcolm recalls they stood around and watched his home burn. Two years later, Earl would turn up dead on the streetcar tracks. Malcolm's family always assumed he was murdered but the police ruled his death an accident. Malcolm's mother would never recover from her grief and shock. She was institutionalized in 1937, where she would spend the next 26 years as Malcolm and his siblings bounced foster homes.
In 1938, Malcolm would be kicked out of school and sent to Mason, Michigan to reside at their juvenile hall. It was ran by a white couple who Malcolm would late go on to describe being treated more like a pet than a person.
He would study at Mason High School where he was one of few black students. He would excel both socially and academically, being voted class president.
In 1939, Malcolm's English teacher questioned what he wanted to be when he grew up and Malcolm answered he wanted to be a lawyer. His teacher responded by telling him to be realistic and to focus on a trade. This would lead Malcolm to believe there was no point in furthering his education and at 15 years old, he would drop out of school.
After quitting school, Malcolm would move in with his half-sister, Ella, who lived in Boston. She would land him a job shining shoes at the Roseland Ballroom. Out on his own Malcolm would get connected with the cities criminal underground and would begin selling drugs. He would get another job working as a kitchen hand on the Yankee Clipper train. Cutting between New York, and Boston, Malcolm would fall further into life of crime. Since the money was good, Malcom enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. Clubs, fancy suits, and parties. Soon it would catch up to him. In 1946, Malcom was arrested on charges of larceny. He would be sentenced to 10 years in jail; while serving his time, Malcolm studies and makes up for his lack of education.
While serving his time, some of Malcolm’s siblings visited him and taught him of the Nation of Islam, this was a small sector of Black Muslims who embraced the practices of Black nationalism which embodied freedom, justice, and equality. Malcolm converted to the Nation of Islam before being released from prison in 1952. When he converted, he changed his name to Malcolm X.
As a free man, Malcolm X would travel to Detroit, Michigan. There, he would work under the leader of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad would mentor Malcolm X and together they would work to expand the movement among Black Americans. Malcolm X would go on to be a minister of Temple No. 7 in Harlem and Temple No. 11 in Boston, he also found establish other temples in Hartford and Philadelphia. During that time, he would also establish a national newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, to further promote the Nation of Islam.
Malcolm X did not fear conflict and urged his brothers and sisters to fight by “any means necessary”, though this does not mean Malcolm X was a violent person. His views would get him critics and followers alike; the Nation of Islam would grow from 400 members in 1952 when Malcolm was released, to over 40,000 members by 1960.
In 1963, Malcolm X would learn the truth of his mentor Elijah Muhammad; he violated many off Islam’s teachings (having external affairs and children out of wedlock) This would leave Malcolm feeling betrayed and confused. Malcolm C would leave the Nation of Islam in 1964 and embark on a journey through North Africa and the Middle East/ This journey would be a political and spiritual turning point for him. Completing the Hajj or the pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X would convert to traditional Islam and would return to the US with a more optimistic and peaceful, mindset.
On February 21st, 1965, Malcom X would take the stage of the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan for a speech. As soon as he started his address, men from the Nation of Islam, rushed the stage and assassinated Malcolm X at gun point.
After his death, Malcolm X was criticized for his violent teaching despite his recent spiritual and political growth. In the early 1960’s Malcolm had been working on an autobiography with Alex Haley who after Malcolm X’s death, finished and published the autobiography which was met with immediate praised and said to be one of the 10 most influential nonfiction books of the 20th century. His book showed the adversity he experienced and demonstrated the lengths of which a person will go to secure their freedoms.
Due to Malcom X’s early ideology, he is not as revered as Martin Luther King, but both men fight to end oppression and for social equality. History likes to paint Malcolm X as Dr. King’s violent counterpart, but this simply isn’t accurate. Malcolm was never violent, but in his early teachings he found it hypocritical to demand that the Black people of the US meet the violence the experience with no violence, he believed it was their duty to physically fight for their rights. Both men would help shape and influence the civil rights movement. While Martin and Malcolm both had different strategies for achieving black freedom in the US, each was able to reach different populations and have inspired activist and movements even decades later. Let’s Celebrate the Life of Malcolm X and the world he did to help form our society into what it is today.


One of the most difficult things about our culture and the taboo of death is that, you are expected to be "okay" and return to "normal" shortly after loss, when the reality is, is that close lose changes a person. You will never be the same person you were before because when they passed, a part of you went with them and that's okay. You must remember to be patient with yourself and with others, it will take time to grow around the hole that's been left in your heart.

Early Cultures and Their Different Funeral Rituals 13/05/2022

Funerals rituals have been around as long as man. Today we will look at a few different cultures and how they use to practice honoring their departed

Early Cultures and Their Different Funeral Rituals Funerals and After Death care has been recorded for thousands of years, it can be found in every culture and every religion has some form of a service to honor their departed. Every culture follows…


Losing a loved one is hard; when its unexpected, your whole world can turn on its head. Use our step by step checklist to held you walk through taking care of your loved one's last arrangements. If you have questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out!


Your loved one lived an extraordinary life, and that deserved to be celebrated. Allow us to help you plan your loved one's memorial; we will work with your budget to ensure your family can host a personalized and honorable service for your departed loved one.

What Are the Different Ways to be Laid to Rest?[Common, Uncommon, and Future Practices] 29/04/2022

Many people don't think about the future, let alone their death. Today, we will look at the different ways you can be laid to rest.

What Are the Different Ways to be Laid to Rest?[Common, Uncommon, and Future Practices] We all understand that life ends with death, but have you ever thought about what you want done with your body after you pass? Traditionally, people think a burial or cremation is the only option t…


Let's Celebrate the Life of William Shakespeare:
Shakespeare was believed to be born between April 23-26 1564. (only baptize records exists) Shakespeare was the first born son, with two older sisters and three younger brothers. Little records exist of Shakespeare's childhood. It is assumed he went to King's New School in Stratford where he learned reading and writing.
On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare would marry Anne Hathaway - his pregnant bride. His first child, Susanna was born on May 26, 1583. Then two years later, the couple would have twin boys; Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet would pass at age 11 of unknown causes. No record is found for 7 years on Shakespeare following his son's death, this time is known as the "lost years." Scholars can only specular what they think he did during this time. Shakespeare would be documented in the early 1950's as a managing partner of the Lord of Chamberlain's Men, an acting agency in London he would work with most of his career.
Once King James I took power in 1603, the group would rename themselves the King's men. By 1592 records show the group was successful; Shakespeare had works published, sold as popular literature and made his living off his writings.
By 1597, Shakespeare had already published 15 of this 37 plays. Building on his success, in 1599 Shakespeare and his business partner built their own theater, Globe Theater. Though there is no exact timeline, Shakespeare is though to written most his work between the 1590's and 1612. He primary wrote about history (with the expectation of Romeo and Juliet) with his genersa being historical, tragedies, comedies, or tragicomedies.
Shakespeare lived to be 52, it is hypotheses that he died in Late April of 1616 of unknown illness.
While not much is known about his life, it is known that he was a respected playwright of the 16th century. Creating many works still read and acted out today. Lets Celebrate the Life of William Shakespeare and the inspirate he provided to the performing arts.

Grief: An Emotion for More than Just Death 22/04/2022

In our society we tend to ossociate grief with death; but people can expereince grief without experiencing it. Check out this article for more information

Grief: An Emotion for More than Just Death While we typically cover death and death related topics. I wanted to take a pause and cover grief outside of death. We tend to think of grief as just an emotion we experience when someone dies, but…


Celebrate Mother Nature and Her Glory on Earth Day!


At Life Celebrations we understand what all goes into funeral cost. We want to help your family plan a service that is within your budget. You do not have to include all the cost listed in the document depending on what services you get, remember, funerals are as expensive as you make them so purchase what you can afford.
If your loved one's life insurance wont cover the cost of your service or your loved one had no insurance; families can work with their local trustee to obtain financing for the cremation while also utilizing sites like GoFundMe to gather funds to pay for the service.
Depending on what the family is able to contribute/get donated, they can work with us to form a wonderful service for less than half of what funeral homes charge, will work with your budget to host a service that is personalized for your loved one.
Our goal is to provide every family the opportunity to properly honor the life of their departed loved one, to give them the chance to fully grieve, and to help them began the healing process.


From everyone at Life Celebrations; we want to wish you and your family a Happy Easter!

How to Write an Obituary [A Step by Step Guide] 15/04/2022

Obituaries are an great way to share the news of your loved one's passing with the world. While grieving, it can be hard to know what to say or do. Check out this article for a step by step guide on creating your loved one's obituary.

How to Write an Obituary [A Step by Step Guide] After losing someone close to you, it is normal to want to say a few words and express just who they were as a person. Writing an Obituary is the main way families inform the public of a loved one’…


When you lose a loved one unexpectedly things can be stressful and when they have no insurance or savings, this can make things hosting a service seem impossible. Here at Life Celebrations; Memorial Services, LLC. We want to make sure every family can honor their departed, regardless of their financial status. We have affordable products and services to meet all your families needs. Contact us today for guidance or assistance planning your loved one's service.

Death Rituals for Different Religions [Covering Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, & Buddhism] 08/04/2022

Religion plays a huge role in our lives, influencing and shaping who we are. Religion also influences our death and how we will be laid to rest. Today we look at the worlds top four religions and how they lay their worshippers to rest.

Death Rituals for Different Religions [Covering Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, & Buddhism] We each come from different backgrounds and cultures; this shapes our beliefs and paves the way for how we will live our lives as well as the way we choose to be laid to rest. Each religion hosts f…


When you lose someone close to you, you may cry more than you have ever cried in your life. (I know my losses has cause great sorrow) Is there a limit on the amount someone can grieve? It's going on two years since the loss of my sister and a year since the loss of my mother and I can tell you, I have yet to reach my limit 💔🥺😢😭


When someone passes unexpectedly; emotions are everywhere, stress is high, and there is lots to do. Let us help with our list of things you should do when a loved one passes.

Talking to Children about Loss [How You Can Provide Support] 25/03/2022

Losing a loved one is hard, when you have small children who don't understand what's going on, it can be hard to know what to do or say. In this article we cover how to have those hard conversations and be supportive to your child.

Talking to Children about Loss [How You Can Provide Support] For children the world is a strange and wondrous place. There is always something new to learn; but not all new things are fun, some can even be scary or sad. Death can be a scary topic for adults …


Here at Life Celebrations; we are here to provide these low cost services to Kentuckiana and give every family the ability to honor their departed and say a proper goodbye. We want to ensure every family has the ability to properly honor and celebrate their departed, regardless of their financial status.

What is the General Price List? [How it Protects Consumers] 18/03/2022

When you lose a loved one, shopping around for services may seem overwhelming. The General Price List was created to protect families when shopping around. Check out this article to learn your rights and keep your family protected.

What is the General Price List? [How it Protects Consumers] When planning a funeral, there are tons of expenses and processes that families likely have never considered. Luckily, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has enforced “Funeral Industry Practices” l…


Hey you, don't forget to wear green today. We wish everyone a safe and wonderful St. Patrick's day!


Funerals are an important part of the grieving process and provide support to loved ones of the departed. The oldest funeral dates over 4000 years ago. Almost every culture has some sort of ritual to honor their dead. Here are some reasons why funerals are important.


Let's Celebrate the Life of Albert Einstein:
Born in Württemberg, Germany, Einstein grew up with his parents and sister in their Jewish household. Growing up Einstein had speech challenges, but this did not stop his curiosity. Einstein would go on to develop a passion for the arts and learn to play violin. During his teen years, Einstein wrote his first major paper, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields."
In the mid 1890's, Einstein's father would loss a business contract and Einstein was left with relatives in Munich where Einstein would finish his schooling.
When Einstein came of age and war was at hand, he withdrew from his classes and had a doctor write a note to excuse him due to nervous exhaustion. He would then return to Italy to be with his family. Later, Einstein would finally gain admission to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich based on his high mathematics and physics scores.
Though he was accepted admission; he first would have to complete his pre-university education, moving in with his school master Mr. Winteler's and his family. Einstein would complete his education but still struggle to find an academic position. In 1902 after receiving a referral, Einstein would start working at the Swiss Patent Office as a Clerk.
Sometime in 1902, Einstein would meet Mileva Maric; a Serbian student also studying physics. Though Einstein's parents were against the relationship due to Mileva's ethnicity, Einstein would continue to court her, writing letters which some included his scientific ideas. On January 1906, Einstein would marry Mileva Maric. That same year, the couple would birth a daughter, Lieserl. Records are unclear what happened to Lieserl, she either was raised by relatives or adopted out, her whereabouts are unknown to historians. The couple also had two sons: Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard "Tete" Einstein. In 1905, Einstein would go on to publish four papers in a well know physics journal. These articles included focuses on photoelectric effects, Brownian motion, the special theory of relativity and E=MC2 - Some of the defining studies of Einstein's career and changed the course of physics. The couple would go on to divorce in 1919, causing Maric a mental breakdown. As part of the divorce agreement, Einstein would promise Maric receive any funds we might get if he wins a Nobel Prize in the future. That same year, Einstein would go on to marry his mistress and cousin, Elsa Löwenthal, as having affairs during their marriage.
In 1921, Einstein would win the Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of photoelectric effect. (due to bureaucratic ruling, he actually wouldn't receive the award until a year later)
In 1933, Einstein would take a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. After moving to the America's, Einstein would never return to his homeland. Einstein would spend the rest of his life working here on the unified field theory and the law of physics.
In 1935, Einstein was given permanent residence and five years later would become an American Citizen. During World War II, he worked on Navy-based weapons systems and made large monetary contributions by selling off priceless manuscripts.
Einstein would go on to form the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientist; this committee worked with the United Nations to ensure nuclear weapons were uses as a deterrent to conflict.
After World War II, Einstein continued to work on his unified field theory and key aspects of his general theory of relativity, including time travel, wormholes, black holes, and the origins of the universe. Einstein died on April 18, 1955, at age 76 at the University Medical Center at Princeton, the day prior he had suffered from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. When taken to the hospital Einstein refused surgery, believing that it was his time. He was quoted saying "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."
Let's Celebrate the Man Who Helped Changed Physics and Provided us a better understanding of our universe. Let's Celebrate the Life of Albert Einstein.

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Funerals are an important part of the grieving process and provide support to loved ones of the departed. The oldest fun...
When someone we love is hurting; its hard when we don't know how to comfort them. Here are a few ways you can help your ...
Life Celebrations; Memorial Services, LLC can help create memorable memorial slideshows that are unique to your loved on...
Grief is very individual and complex. Everyone will experience grief differently; its important to understand that peopl...
Check out our short ad; we want to help families plan a memorial, without spending thousands. Even if you don't use our ...
Hello everyone; learn a little about who we are and what we do.#lifecelebrationsmemorials #Memorials4All #AfforableServi...
