

Hola, músico, arte en general académico y no-academico. Escribo poesía y filosofía. Magia, occultismo, el cosmos. I write Poetry and Philosophy.

Hi, I'm Musician, love the arts in general, academic and no-academic. Magic, occultism, the universe.


Even though, and after hurtful situations, I stay and I stand on my feet firmly and not my knees, I’m ready for the next putazos!!! Quiobo????


One of those lonely nights, that I live the night away writing, playing, thinking, crying and filosofando. Before the kids wake up…….


(( ~ ))

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 16/03/2022

Is that time again? I wear Doc’s since I’m 15 and throughout my life I wear this iconic and rebel brand in sub-atomic eras in my life. Now it’s the time once again. Orale!!!


“Leave in silence” cover of Depeche Mode. My daughter, Sunlight was my high tone backing vocals. This was recorded in January of 2021


“Sapiens” by Awaken™️©️

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 03/01/2022

Según el erróneo calendario gregoriano estamos ya en 2022 en realidad el tiempo no existe, es una ilusión progresiva pero tal parece que es regresiva por el pobre intento de intelecto del Sapiens.


Embrace the psychic power of Mother Nature.
Let us be in tune with the infinite
To channel the kingdom’s duality
The shell of our cells will cut open expressions
Comets of hope shall travel across our universe.
It’s just another day the last one of 2021 but a good excuse To revival the lust of knowledge and wisdom.
Humble your ways, close your eyes
And embrace yourself to a new happy new 2022
May we be blessed by the supreme awaken love and truth of the cosmos. ((La Manta de Jesucristo))


The last hours of 12-21-21 ))Magic(( our brother “Jesus” manifest himself everywhere, you just have to look to find him.


))Learning to play, learning to fly((


TBF The era of the “Stangs” …… 2001 Cobra, 1990 5.0

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 18/11/2021

Something is going on, look how many? Tomorrow there is a powerful lunar eclipse. Is either that or they spotted a UFO.


“Hand” parallel universes, time traveling.

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 29/08/2021

The night of the Full Moon, late, I came out with my daughter Sunlight, to admire it, to watch the sky as we always do; suddenly this large object made its presence!! Immediately I knew it wasn't an airplane or any man-made aircraft, luckily I had my phone already pointing to the moon, I started to snap pics, lots of pics in a fraction of like 8 secs or less, then it was gone!! We were stunning of what we just saw. Lately, a lot of mysterious things happen to me, to us, when these far-out events unfold, my daughter Sunny is usually with me and she's able to see what I see, like kind of a witness to back up the story which I usually don't say it, why? Paranormal events, spirit animals, UFOs, other dimensions, etc... We feel so blessed that we can see, that they let us see them, which is like winning some lottery.



You are who you are, don't stop yourself from flashing your possessions, your thoughts, your intentions, your creativity!! just don't forget to keep them all balanced and humble. If anybody gets offended by any of all of the above then is not you is them that need to expand their mind and spirit, most of the time these people would think they are right and expect the whole goddamn world to change to their wrong way of being a home sapiens.


A través de mi larga vida, he vivido bien, desde Niño he llegado a tener feria para comprar lo que quiera, y también he llegado a estar sin un peso en mi bolsa, y he hasta vivido en la calle. Como un buen ser pensante y que agradecido al universo por darme esa afinada manera de ser y nunca perder mi humildad ya sea con feria o sin feria. Nunca pienses creer ser más y mucho menos burlarte de tus semejantes solo porque ahora puedas tener un peso más en tu bolsa!! La vida da muchas vueltas y sin no has logrado afinar tu corazón y aún más si ya eres una persona vivida, vieja o ya añeja!! Pues no es tarde para que asimiles y afines esa manera de ser tan corriente, ignorante y mi**da. Afina te a las leyes del universo y comencemos a ser seres superiores y no seres llenos de odio y apatía. No te comportes como un maggot.


Cruising around Los Angeles.


Nothing comes from nothing and nothing comes from everything. The Universe is nothing to become everything. Nada viene de la nada y la nada viene del todo. El Universo es nada para convertirse en todo.
Atentamente: los Poetas perdidos de Mictlan en resurrección.

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 30/06/2021

Discovering/swinging by nature’s barrio.

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 25/06/2021

There is this awesome/guardian “Hawk” that comes this down every time I bring my kids to this park. So I was talking to it out loud, I told him I love him and I thank him for protecting us, I asked him if he would be so kind to give me a feather for my hats, so he will be with us at all times. Like magic, he did let go this beautiful white feather. All of us were stunning and amazed. My name is “ArrowHawk” and I'm in tune with Mother Nature and all the creation. Happy day, light, strength, health and blessings.

Photos from ArrowHawk's post 21/06/2021

My 13-year-old daughter made these delightful strawberries. Father's day 2021


You hate, she hates, he hates, they hate, all of us hate, and at the end I stand all alone, observing, watching, digesting that ugly ass feeling.

Timeline photos 05/06/2021

At Uncle’s studios, a great jamming night with music brothers.


True colors have been violated, have been distorted, and somehow even destroyed. The beauty of it's natural compulsion has been hurt by mankind.


“La noche de tu hijo” poema por Skullight/ArrowHawk/Guido d’ Valente™️©️

Timeline photos 22/05/2021

Tolteca mente, pasión y perseverancia. Cerramos puertas para abrir visones, enterramos vivencias para revivir sueños, dormimos lentamente y despertamos conscientes de la realidad, de las travesías y aventuras orgánicas, de la locura coherente, de la libertad esclavizada, de entender que el mundo gira y seguirá girando aún si no me encuentro a mí mismo. Por Guido d’ Valente™️©️

((Extention Cybernetica))

Soy nuevo en este vasto espacio de dígitos y códigos que nos conectan en un instante. Se la importancia del compartir, así como un trueque digital, no es cierto? Porque aun creo en el intercambio de conciencia entre hermanos y hermanas. En esta era digital, con un montón de conflictos (Los cuales siempre han existido) Concientizando que ahora la graduación esta al maximo. Debemos señalar al cielo, señalar abajo, señalar a la tierra y a todo lo que nos rodea naturalmente, organicamente-ecologicamente. Aun podemos ser libres y viajar, a traves del arte, cualquiera que sea el arte, sea estudiado o sea callejero. Es válido y toma su propia conciencia cuando nace de tu amor, tu furia, tu desesperación, de tu tristeza, de tu estres. Gracias por pasar a esta su pagina, es un placer.
Soy ArrowHawk.

I am new in this vast space of digits and codes that connect us in an instant. I know the importance of sharing or exchanging digital acts, words, visual concepts etc. agree? Because I still believe in the exchange of consciousness between brothers and sisters. In this IT era somehow with a lot of conflicts happening all over (which have always existed) acknowledging this graduation is headed to max. We must point to the heavens, point down, point to earth and everything that surrounds us naturally, organically-ecologically. We can still be free and travel, through art, whatever art, whether studied or not, That doesn’t matter. It’s valid to take his own conscience with the birth of all your love, your fury, your despair, your sadness, your stress. Thank you for turning to this, your page; it's my pleasure.
I'm ArrowHawk.

Videos (show all)

“Hand” parallel universes, time traveling.
Te Extraño by Awaken (Guido de Valente)
Broken by Awaken

