TBG Leaders

TBG Leaders

Recruiting Education & Business Leaders worth the search

Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Search – NSHE System Administration 28/04/2023

There's a few days left to get your application in!

Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Search – NSHE System Administration At the direction of the Chair of the ad hoc Chancellor Search Committee, staff are seeking proposals from Nevada-based search consultants to assist in selecting the new Chancellor.

Office of the Superintendent / Dr. Susan Enfield 08/09/2022

In November of 2021, The Bryan Group was engaged by the Washoe County School District (Reno, NV) Board of Trustees to search for the next Superintendent of Schools. After an extremely thorough search process which included input from many stakeholder groups, five highly qualified candidates were presented to the Board. The Board chose Dr. Susan Enfield, formerly the Superintendent of Highline Public Schools in Washington, as the next WCSD Superintendent.

Congratulations Dr. Enfield! Read more about Dr. Enfield here: https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/17869

If you know of a school district in need of a leader, give us a call! Our process is data-based, thorough, and rooted in behavioral science that matches the candidate's skills, competencies, and leadership style to the needs of each unique district. Learn more about our search services by going here: https://tbgleaders.com/home/education/

"The Bryan Group embarked on the most comprehensive executive search process that I have ever been a part of. The Team’s unique storytelling method and in-depth examination of candidates landed our organization the perfect Superintendent for our time." - Adam Mayberry, Washoe County SD Trustee

Office of the Superintendent / Dr. Susan Enfield Dr. Susan Enfield is superintendent for the Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada. Serving over 62,000 student across more than 100 schools, Washoe County is the second largest district in the state. Prior to Washoe, Dr. Enfield spent a decade serving as superintendent for Highline Public Sc...


Superintendent Opening at Washoe County School District!

Live and work in beautiful Reno, NV while making a positive impact on 110 schools and 62,000 students.

Position posting and brochure available at:

Please direct all questions and submit all application materials to [Email hidden], not to WCSD.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your application!


Hope to see you tomorrow! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdO-vqTkrH9IsMBlYlyJ6WEQK5ZEOo8K9


Register here:

Join us for a FREE interactive training on recalibrating your organization after COVID. Every organization needs this training!

Monday, November 1st, 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern.

Building Organization Capacity During Crisis: Part 1 25/10/2021

Check out our lates blog post about making the most of the challenging changes all organizations have faced in the past 18 months:

Building Organization Capacity During Crisis: Part 1 Crisis Capacity Assessment Quiz My organization … (circle appropriate score and sum when done) Is very effective in creating contingency plans that accurately address potential crises: DISAGREE 1 2 3 4 5 AGREE Ensures that everyone is focusing on what’s most important regardless of circumstances...

Dynamic Position Descriptions Part #2 31/07/2021

The 8 Key Elements of a Dynamic Position Description. Send us an email ([email protected]) with a sample position description and we will critique it using dynamic position description criteria to start you on a path of creating descriptions that impact your bottom line!

Dynamic Position Descriptions Part #2 Overview In the first TBG dynamic position description article, we provided an overview of why they are so important and how TBG’s approach creates significantly more utility and value than the typical position description. In this article, we take a high-level look at the essential elements of a ...

Dynamic Position Descriptions 24/07/2021

Our first blog post is up! Let's talk about position descriptions... What else do you use them for besides hiring?

Dynamic Position Descriptions Overview Talent management is a lot easier and more effective when valid and dynamic positions descriptions are available to provide clear and measurable requirements. Descriptions underpin recruiting, hiring, promotion, compensation and benefits, induction/on-boarding, training, professional develo...


This program gets rave reviews from attendees! Contact [email protected] to register or with questions.

Starts 5/20/21!