Coming Unto Christ

Coming Unto Christ

"Coming Unto Christ" is a platform that welcomes all to learn about & grow their faith in Jesus Christ. Let us help you grow your faith in Jesus Christ today.


Have you heard of this scripture before? It is talking about the fullness of the Gospel being made known the Gentiles. Who are the Gentiles? If you want to know the answers find missionaries around you and they would love to tell you!



We can have hope because of the Savior Jesus Christ. We can trust confidently in brighter days ahead because He loves us, He knows us and wants us to be happy!

Want to learn more? Click the link below!


Check out this verse that gives us wise council! How do you hold on to every good thing? What does good things entail? Comment below! We want to hear them!


In the book of Isaiah we learn where to put our trust! Are you feeling weak? Do you need strength? How do you put your trust in the Lord in these hard times? Reach out if you are in need of answers or tell us your answer below!


How can you be a fisher of men when you follow Christ? What are things that Fishers of Men do? As missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we are Fishers of Men and we would love to tell you the answers to these questions!


Have you guys seen this scripture before? It is one of our favorites! How have you increased your understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Who do you turn to for wise coucil? message us or comment below if you have answers or need answers!

Photos from Coming Unto Christ's post 13/07/2024

Everyone's day is filled with so many conflicting voices, so many different directions to follow, and so many questions. That is ok! Missionaries around the world would love to direct you to the voice of God, and answer your many questions! Message us to get in contact with missionaries by you!


We are sure you are familiar with the Second Coming, but are you familiar with how to best prepare for it? Be patient for we may not know the day but message us so you can know how to be ready for it!


The God who created the whole earth created YOU!

Moses 3:5
"I, the Lord God, created all things... spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth."

"When He created you spiritually, He loved you as His spirit sons and daughters and embedded within each of you a divine nature and eternal destiny."
-Elder Steven R. Bangerter

You are loved by God, no matter what! His plan is perfect, and he wants you to return to Him.



Missionaries around America perform this beautiful song in ASL! They are so talented, and check out our Sisters currently Serving in the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission!


This holiday is known for its bbq's and fun, and it is especially known for all the lights in the sky. These lights shout for attention and are proud of their bright colors. Like fireworks, we too can shout for joy being a light of Jesus Christ by being who we are.
Tell us how you are a light of Jesus Christ and inspire someone else to share their light!


Mosiah 24:14
"And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bo***ge; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."

Jesus Christ knows us perfectly. He knows our pains, sorrows, failures, and weaknesses.
He knows because he suffered for us, so that he could know us personally, and reach out with love when we need Him most.



Have you ever wondered what these buildings are?

This is a the Lords house here on the earth, it is also known as a temple.

"The temple is a place of revelation. There you are shown how to progress toward a celestial life. There you are drawn closer to the Savior and given greater access to His power. There you are guided in solving the problems in your life, even your most perplexing problems. The ordinances and covenants of the temple are of eternal significance."
-President Russell M. Nelson


"The Spirit cannot be restrained from attending a gathering of holy people. If you hope to feel the Spirit, be with people with whom the Spirit can easily dwell. The Savior said it this way: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
-Elder Gary E. Stevenson

It is so important to surround yourself with people who love the Lord. Each week we gather to worship the Lord, and to feel the Spirit. It brings so much peace, and hope in our lives.



"Our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be nourished daily. It is nourished as we pray daily, study the scriptures daily, reflect on the goodness of God daily, repent daily, and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost daily."
-Elder Dale G. Renlund



"By your being willing to take His name upon you, you will lift the burdens of countless others. And you will find in time that you know the Savior better and that you love Him more. His name will be in your heart and fixed in your memory. It is the name by which you will be called."
-Henry B. Eyring

Jesus is the provider of all things good in the world, and he brings eternal happiness. We are better as we choose to follow Jesus!


Photos from Coming Unto Christ's post 17/06/2024

I have the one of the greatest fathers in the world, Randy Garn. He has taught me so much. How to ride a bike, how to fish, how to talk to people, how to look for the good, how to serve others, and most importantly how to follow Jesus Christ.
He has been the greatest example of devotings ones life to Christ. He is the best father I could ever ask for. Charity leads him in all he does. I know God had a plan for me because he gave me such a wonderful father to help guide me through life.
Randy Garn
Halle Garn


When we think of perfect love, we think of Jesus Christ. He has paid the price for us His friends. His love is eternal for each of God's children.

Mark 10:21
"Then Jesus beholding him loved him."

Just like this scripture we know He is here for you, and He loves each of you perfectly.

Photos from Coming Unto Christ's post 12/06/2024

"There is one important identity we all share now and forever, one that we should never ever lose sight of, and one that we should be grateful for. That is that you are and have always been a son or daughter of God with spiritual roots in eternity."
-Elder M. Russell Ballard

Tag a child of God in this post and tell them why you love them!


This song is sung by so many around the world. Each of your silent pleas with your Heavenly Father are powerful. We know that your prayers are being answered by your loving Heavenly Father.

"Pray, He is there;
Speak, he is listening.
You are His child;
His love now surrounds you."



In a world full of chaos and confusion we must remember the goodness of God. He loves us perfectly, and wants us to remember Him through our trials, and troubles.

Mosiah 11:4
"I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God ... and his goodness and long-suffering towards you."


God has promised His children that as we read His word he will give it to us "line upon line, precept upon precept." It is so beautiful to know he guides us to what we need to read & hear every time we open His precious books.


Alma 26:7
"But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his; and he will raise them up at the last day."

When life is hard, and you feel all alone. The Lord is with you.


Did you know that no matter what you have done in this life, or what you will do... JESUS STILL LOVES YOU!

John 15:13
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Jesus Christ is our greatest friend, and His love for you will never end.


"When the focus of our lives is on God's plan of salvation...and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening-or not happening- in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him"
-President Russell M. Nelson

How can you focus more on Jesus?


How are you walking towards God?


How has Jesus Christ and His gospel been an answer to you personally?


Jesus Christ invites all to follow Him, each time we follow Him we are so blessed.

Matthew 4:19
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Photos from Coming Unto Christ's post 15/05/2024

Hi, my name is Sister Sherwood !!
I know that families are eternal and essential to God's plan for us. Families come in all different sizes, there's one thing I love about families: they are perfect for you. We all have a family that is just right for us. Even though there are times when you don't feel like your family is right for you just know when God was picking your family he wanted people who would love and care for you. In a family there are highs and lows but when Christ is the center of the family we are able to have love in our home.
Some things I love to do with my family are play sports and have dance parties. I think of how loving God is to give us families, we are able to have built in best friends. I know that here on earth we have families to rely on and help us grow. And when we lose family members it's not the end, we have the opportunity to see them again and to be able to have forever dance parties. That's one of the biggest blessings in my life! I know that when time comes i'll be able to see my loved ones again and we will be able to have forever to be with each other. No matter how long it's been since you've seen them it will only feel like a few minutes. I know this because of the love God has. He never wants us to feel or be alone. He gave us these eternal family's so we wouldn't have to be. I know and can't wait for the chance I have to spend forever with my family. When we keep the covenants and commandments of the lord we will all have this special opportunity.


Jesus Christ has given His life for YOU.

3 Nephi 11: 14
"Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole dearth, and have been slain for the sins of the world."

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FIshers of men
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