Inside & Out Health

Inside & Out Health

I am passionate about helping people with their health goals!! Supplements have changed my life and I

Photos from Inside & Out Health's post 18/07/2024

So you’ll do 730-4


I get it. It’s easier and on the shelf. But watch out!
Both Alani and Celsius are very popular energy drinks.
They both have sucralose in them 🙈. We easily look at “no sugar” and think it’s “healthy” but a fake processed sugar alternative is not good for our gut health and drinking it often can have some big side effects like liver inflammation, increased insulin levels, increases risk for digestive issues, kills probiotics, and increase headaches.
They also contain cyanocobalamin, fake b12. 🤮
The middle one IS a clean energy drink that you can 100% feel confident about the ingredients & benefits + tastes delicious 😋

No funky junk here! Only clean ingredients 🫶🏼 And easy to grab when you have a supply of them on your shelf.


I’m looking for 2 people who are willing to commit to 60 days of supplementation and have a support group of hundreds to cheer you on your health journey!!


This…. This right here…

Katie Tucker sounds like many of us prior to Plexus.
"I was SO resistant to starting these supplements. 🙅‍♀️ They seemed too expensive and I was skeptical they would even work at all. When I realized how much money I threw away on stupid crap in my (Diet Coke and clothes to start with) I decided to take a chance on my and see what Plexus could do for me. They have a money back guarantee if you don’t see positive changes so I figured I had nothing to lose. I had NO idea how my life was about to change! ❤️

Before Plexus, I was and irritable most days. My patience with my (and people in general) was slim. I couldn’t get through the day without a nap. 😴 It was hard being a stay at home and feeling so sluggish all the time. I hated it. I was just getting through the day, most days. Only to start over again the next day. Just existing. Keeping my kids alive. (Hello ! 💙 Super fun, huh?)

A year later I’m a COMPLETELY different person. I have TONS of . I literally run around the house with my kids because I WANT to. 🏃🏼‍♀️ I love playing and being rowdy with my them. I enjoy them more. I have more patience and things don’t bother me as much! I’m just overall a happier and more relaxed person! Which I credit wholly to balanced blood sugars and a healthy gut! (Did you know serotonin is produced in the gut? The happy hormone?! YEAH...🤯)

As far as , that’s also changed completely. Before, I was most days, had for junk that made losing weight really hard, and some days I just plain didn’t feel very good. I know this was from an unhealthy gut🤢. Now I feel light, airy and . My tummy problems are over and I don’t crave junk anymore. What freedom! I was even able to FINALLY kick my Diet Coke habit. 🚫

These are NOT a quick fix or even something I would say you need for . They are essential for getting our bodies balanced and healthy from the inside out. We’re talking ROOT CAUSES ADDRESSED here.”

If any of this sounds like things you’re struggling with, PM me. I’d love to help you feel better.

Photos from Inside & Out Health's post 04/03/2024

WHAT EVEN!!! 🤯 NEW!!! Plexus Sweet Tea (limited time only) launches March 5!!

It's our first non-pink Pink Drink! 🤣 All the yummy deliciousness of sweet tea with all the blood sugar balancing and gut health benefits of our other flavors. 🙌🏼

The best part? Zero caffeine or sugar added (sweetened with good-for-you plants)! 🌱

Patented • Delicious • Family approved •
Bonus! Comes w/ Plexus Branded Mason Jar!
(And if you let me help ya, I can even get you a free 3 day Plexus reset too!! 🥳)

They're expecting to sell out within 24 hrs so let me know if you want to be on my VIP list when this launches in 2️⃣ days! 👏

Photos from Inside & Out Health's post 19/11/2023

Check out ANOTHER combo that’s getting tons of attention!! 💥💥💥

One of our company doctors, Dr Hartman, shared some info with us on a call recently:

Slim & Balance work in tandem by inhibiting enzymes (alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase) that digest carbs/sugars so that they don’t convert to fat, and supplying polydextrose which stimulates GLP-1 (a hormone released in the gut that works in opposition to insulin and signals feelings of fullness. It will slow down your stomach feeling “emptier sooner”.)
These 2 products (while not as potent as the weight loss 💉 so many are using now 😬) work in similar physiological pathways, as a much more natural option AND they’ll promote a healthier relationship with food than taking o* (with drugs like that, you don’t actually develop better habits, you are creating an “artificial roadblock” for yourself with food intake and satiety, and when you’re off that drug, that is gone and the weight comes right back. Furthermore you’re subjecting yourself to the side effects! 🙄)
Slim & Balance are *supplementing* with nutrients that empower you to make these choices on your own and have a healthy relationship with food.

I’be been taking Balance consistently for years!! Added this Slim a couple months ago and I am loving my results 🫶🏼

This is gonna come in handy during the holidays, who wants to join me!? 🦃🥔🍠🥗🥧🍰🥂🍽️


I love Deede's Great testimony! 🧡

"Inflammation, bloating, fatigue, and pain...?
When I say Plexus is WAY more than just weight loss, this is exactly what I mean. Yes I was overweight, but I was also incredibly bloated and dealing with constant pain.

I remember taking this picture and my skin felt like a balloon ready to pop.

I. Was. Not. Healthy.

Plexus is about GUT health. It's about getting to the root of the issues in our body, and transforming our body from the inside out.

Not everyone needs to lose weight, but everyone does need to be healthy. ❤" -Deede


Digging Deeper: GUT HEALTH

Your microbiome (gut) is made up of trillions of microorganisms that live in and on your body. There are good and bad microbes in your microbiome, and the balance between them plays a big role in many different aspects of your life, including your immune system, 👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️your digestive system, 💩your nutrition 🥗 your weight 🤷‍♀️and your mood 🤪

Your microbiome’s delicate balance is thrown out of whack every day by things like poor diet, artificial sweeteners, soda, antibiotics, stress, and insufficient sleep.

We have TRILLIONS of bacteria and microorganisms living on our skin and in our body. It is estimated that a 150-pound person has about 40 trillion bacterial cells, and most of them live in our intestines! But each time we are stressed, we don’t get a good nights sleep, we take an OTC medication or antibiotic, or eat sugar, the number and composition of gut bacteria is thrown off balance, which greatly impacts our health, both physically and mentally. When the gut contains too many harmful bacteria and not enough of the good, a dangerous imbalance occurs called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is linked to all those negative symptoms we experience daily!

Check out this video and comment below with one thing you learned!



I took the products and I liked them, so I kept taking them everyday.
Then I noticed some health improvements.
Then I noticed some physical improvements.
Then I noticed I had more energy.
Then I noticed I was no longer a zombie mom.
Then my friends commented on my improvements.
So I told people about what was contributing to my improvements.
Then people wanted what I had.

Then those same people noticed improvements and told their people about what was contributing to their improvements.

And that’s it… Let’s not overcomplicate or overthink it friends.
If you want what we are having, let me know. I’d love to help you feel better too.


Introducing Plexus PIVOTALl!!!

Competitive “programs” cost an average of $29/month…

Us Brand Ambassadors and VIP Customers have access to this lifestyle program for FREE!!

It's absolutely incredible a resource like this is being provided at no cost!!


💥 Nutritious Meal Plans

💥 Recipes, including gluten-Free, plant-based with kid Friendly options

💥 Grocery Lists

💥 Home Workouts

💥 Movement Programs

💥 Product Support

💥 And more….

The VERY best experts in the health, exercise, and nutrition industry have helped create Plexus Pivotal!!

Who is excited to have Plexus Pivotal for yourself and your customers?!?!?! 🙋‍♀️🙋🙋‍♂️

If you want access to this FREE program comment below or PM me

Photos from Inside & Out Health's post 23/06/2022

Who is ready for a reset with me! Something to boost my metabolism in just 3 days! The results are mind blowing!

Let's do this! FREE 2 day shipping! Comes major discount in a welcome pack for NEW VIP Members!! This is EPIC!


How many of you have heard the saying "It's not about the number on the scale!"? Check out this testimony and the accompanying photos. It'll help show why I believe that to be true. Healthy is where it's at!! 💥

Listen…Gut Health Really Makes A Difference. Whenever anyone starts, most people always ask "How long until I see results"? 🤔

While it's a question I understand, I gotta be honest - it's all about your HEALTH, and you won't see that on the scale right away!

The journey starts with our gut. 💥

I encourage everyone to pay attention to the non-scale victories. Things like:
💥How you are feeling?
💥Are you feeling stronger?
💥Do you have less bloating
💥How's your energy these days?
💥Are you sleeping well at night?
💥How are your clothes are fitting?

We need to get healthy to manage weight, not manage weight to get healthy. (Read that again.) These are all much better indicators than something that measures one thing only...mass. 😜

Pam said,

"Are you falling into the trap of letting the scale define you & your progress?

That used to be me.

1lb difference. 1 lb difference folks! Get off the scale!!"How many of you have heard the saying "It's not about the number on the scale!"? Check out this testimony and the accompanying photos. It'll help show why I believe that to be true. Healthy is where it's at!! 💥

Listen…Gut Health Really Makes A Difference. Whenever anyone starts, most people always ask "How long until I see results"? 🤔

While it's a question I understand, I gotta be honest - it's all about your HEALTH, and you won't see that on the scale right away!

The journey starts with our gut. 💥

I encourage everyone to pay attention to the non-scale victories. Things like:
💥How you are feeling?
💥Are you feeling stronger?
💥Do you have less bloating
💥How's your energy these days?
💥Are you sleeping well at night?
💥How are your clothes are fitting?

We need to get healthy to manage weight, not manage weight to get healthy. (Read that again.) These are all much better indicators than something that measures one thing only...mass. 😜

Pam said,

"Are you falling into the trap of letting the scale define you & your progress?

That used to be me.

1lb difference. 1 lb difference folks! Get off the scale!!"


Check out another awesome testimony about how our Gut Health really does matter‼️

Here is Emily’s story: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

( This is why I rave about these supplements so much. They are changing lives. )
“I had major DIGESTIVE issues and severe seasonal issue (stuffy nose, watery eyes - you getting me) I was constantly SICK with reoccurring sinus and respiratory things at least 4-5 times a year.

I lived in chronic discomfort and depended on Advil to get through my days.

I was EXHAUSTED and moody and honestly I just felt like crap.
I was puffy with INFLAMMATION and extra pounds that I couldn’t pawn off as baby weight anymore ..

My youngest was four 😳 I was also extremely addicted to McDonald’s sweet tea and candy ... sour patch kids anyone? 🤦🏼‍♀️

I honestly thought this was just my life ...

I didn’t know there was a better way .
⁣⁣𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑁 someone introduced me to a whole new world ... a world of plant based supplements and holistic health ... and my life was forever changed! ⁣⁣

Today I feel FANTASTIC like pretty much all the time.

I’m happy...genuinely happy! My digestive issues, seasonal disorders, and discomfort are GONE ... seriously all gone!

I have had ZERO meds since then, and my sugar addiction is nonexistent! 🙌🏻
I never realized just how bad I felt until I started feeling great and I’m incredibly thankful someone cared enough to share this with me. I’m living my best life every single day.”


Friends, I keep telling ya!!! 😉

I love Stephanie's truth talk, y'all! 👇🏼

“Let’s just talk facts:

Plexus is NOT a 3-day cleanse. It's not a "quick fix, " a "reboot”, or a 30-day meal plan...

This is long term, change the way your body functions, strengthen your immune system, reprogram your brain, balance your hormones, work on your mindset, staying consistent in the fight type of lifestyle. 💪🏽🤟🏼

It's going to take time. It's the daily act of giving your body what it lacks because of damage due to sugar, inflammation, processed foods, anxiety, air quality, lack of sleep, antibiotics, alcohol, etc., so your systems and organs and chemicals can work the way they were designed to work, and you can show up for your life the way your tribe needs you to show up.

Let’s be honest, so much of this we did to ourselves. So now we need to put as much more effort into reversing it!

Don't stop because you don't "feel" different right away. Don’t stop because you didn’t lose 40 pounds of weight gain in a month or two.

This is happening at a deeper, physical, and spiritual level, from the inside-out.



This month marks one year from this picture when I started working at Honey Salon.

Man when I tell you there were trials…. Tests… failures…. There really was.

I kept going.

Kept trusting.

I’m so glad the old me didn’t give up on the new me!!

* New me who dis*“


🔥🔥If you’re ready to find out the new you… the healthy you.. the real you.. I'm here to help.

Let's have some deep conversation about your goals. Ready?


Thursday thoughts...It is mind-blowing to me how many people go for the quick fix, you know...the "bandaid remedy" when it comes to their health. They quit their supplements after a month or two because they didn't "reach their goals". 🙄
Seriously, did you get unhealthy and/or gain all that weight in a month or two?? 🤔

If we could slice open your intestines and you could see the build-up of gunk (lots of yeast cells and toxins), would you leave it as is?? Or would you want to fix it?? 🙌🏼

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there and negatively impacting your health and life every single day. Google Leaky Gut. 💥

Maybe just maybe, if we spent just as much time and effort making our insides look good as we do making our hair, face, mouth, skin, and nails look good, we wouldn't have to work so hard on the outward stuff. 😱 Plus, we would feel better and enjoy life instead of suffering through it each day. No one should be suffering! And I know so many that do 😔

Everything is connected to the health of your gut. EVERYTHING!!! But don't take it from your own research!! Look up your health issues along with “gut health”. I think you will be shocked and surprised at the connection💡


Unfortunately this is how a lot of messages start: “Hey Tracy! I don’t know a lot about gut health but I’m at a loss. I’m on this medication and I’ve been to several doctors and nothing seems to work. Can you help?”

Read my friend Tara’s story, can you relate?

“Please check my hormones”
-That’s to expensive, your insurance won’t cover that test.

“Please check my thyroid”
-Nothings wrong with your blood work

“I feel like something is off”
-Take this antidepressant

“I haven’t had a period in a year “
-Oh your body is just adjusting

“I keep gaining weight but I’m not do anything different”
-it’s your food intake, reduce calories to 1200 a day.

“I’m desperate, please check my hormones”
-Nothing is wrong with them, we don’t need to check them

“I had another miscarriage, this isn’t normal for me.”
-just come back when you’re pregnant

“I’m struggling emotionally, please help”
-Here’s some sleeping pills and let’s up your antidepressant

“I want a natural alternative, please”
-Your body needs this because your body doesn’t produce that anymore

I felt like no one was listening, I got excuse after excuse.

But NO ONE knows your body and what you are going through the way that you do.

Listen to you GUT. Seek intention.
Our guthealth points to so many root
issues, all you have to do it research, learn and gain the knowledge. Dig deep into uncovering to find true balance.”


This is our March product of the month: Plexus Lean 🎉🎉

So, who needs a CLEAN, protein-packed, meal replacement shake that is truly complete nutrition??? This passes the test with even the pickiest of supplement and meal replacement people I know! It tastes amazing, curbs hunger, and is a true, complete, nutrient dense meal replacement!

Easily mixes with just water, coconut milk, almond milk, or any type of liquid and a simple shake of your cup. You'll get a quick, nutritious, and even tasty meal that satisfies and keeps you going throughout your day. We have 2 versions, vegetarian and whey, and 3 flavors!

If you dig ingredients and science you’ll love the rest of the post. If you don’t, search this page for Lean recipes because we have amazing ones!


● 20 grams of ultra-pure, plant-based non-GMO protein from pea, rice, and six ancient grains (sacha inchi, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, chia)

● 7 grams of dietary and prebiotic fiber

● Digestive enzymes

● Powered with vitamins like L-methylfolate (5-MTHF) Folate, B-Vitamins, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamins A, D and E, Zinc, and more ([ ]([0]=AZXcogQzP0KQ9mfb7QbXGBYg7RUGG_CY-unrz1AAdr2Jee-m8fpZXM_W7CJqka5kdS075yXiDW2bTjt9FSNFCx7nIE0addnjfnSkTFfalj_VT8faUkoaPTVP5jgc4WurpgvJou9jCHWiXu2plxBB7YDg71E2v37cD78QMjZMfTDlFGfm57twBuY3PRipzm5aLRg&__tn__=*NK-R)!)

● Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), a plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid

● 100% vegetarian

● Free from common allergens: soy, gluten, and dairy

● Non-GMO

● Free of artificial flavors, artificial colors, and artificial sweeteners

● Free of preservatives and cholesterol

*There is no actual coffee or any caffeine in this shake. It has a subtle mocha flavor but mostly chocolate!



It's a mixture of proteins isolated from whey - two types - casein (80%) and whey (20%). Whey is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production - when cheese is produced, the fatty parts of the milk coagulate and the whey is separated as a by product. Then it goes through various processing steps to become whey protein as we know it - a powder added to bars, shakes & meal replacements.

It is a really convenient way to add protein to our diets which is helpful for people trying to losing weight, make up for protein deficiencies and, of course, for bodybuilders and gym rats who want the benefit of more protein.

How does it help with weight loss? It can boost energy expenditure by 80 to 100 calories per day and help people eat up to 441 fewer calories per day. One study showed that by eating 25% of daily calories in protein, it cut cravings by 60% and reduced late night snacking by 1/2.

When you are trying to lose weight, a whey protein supplement can help you both lose weight and retain your lean muscle mass. If you were on a traditional "diet" (bad word to me - I mean, the first three letters spell DIE!), you would most likely lose not only fat but also muscle. This is detrimental to your body's metabolism as your muscle is what burns calories. You WANT to keep your muscle.

There are other health benefits to whey protein besides weight loss: lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar & reduces symptoms of stress and depression. Also has been shown to help protect against cancer, hepatitis and other diseases.

So now we've established WHY we should want whey protein... but... are they all created equal???


90% of whey protein powders on the market contain either sucralose or asparatame. The whole reason I ever even tried the Pink Drink was to try and kick my Diet DP habit because I knew how bad aspartame was for me!

SUCRALOSE, also known as SPLENDA, is actually SUCROSE (table sugar) that has been chemically altered by the substitution of 3 chlorine atoms for 3 hydroxyl atoms. Yes, that's right, CHLORINE - a known CARCINOGEN found in many household cleaners. It has never been considered safe for internal use and can cause prominent health risks. It can disrupt the endocrine (hormonal) system, cause a development of toxic build up in the body, most notably the BRAIN, cause unhealthy weight gain and cancer, AND damage our good gut bacteria by up to 50%.

According to the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center, these chemicals can remain in the body and accumulate over time, especially in the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Signs of Toxic Build up in the body: belly fat, bloating, skin irritations, swollen hands/ feet, headaches, joint stiffness and foggy headed. (I personally had the bloating, headaches and joint stiffness those years I drank diet DP.)

And, on top of all of that, they aren't even a "Diet Aid"!!! They actually have been proven to disrupt biochemistry of the brain, reducing our ability for calorie control. Sugar free soda has actually been shown to double the risk of obesity!!! Yikes!!! And here people think they are "helping" their bodies by drinking "diet soda"!!! That's actually maddening!!


- 82% contain growth hormones

- 80% have NO digestive enzymes

- 86% contain GMO's - genetically modified foods

- 60% contain NO prebiotic fiber

- 53% contain soy, a known hormone disrupter

- Most do not contain methylated folate, the form of folate

that EVERYONE can absorb.

So now that we've established WHY Whey protein is GOOD and what to AVOID, let's talk about WHY our new LEAN WHEY PROTEIN is soooooooo amazing!!!

1. First, it has 15 grams of ultra-pure, rBGH-free (no hormones) whey protein isolate concentrate with a complete amino acid profile.

2. It has 5 grams of a prebiotic fiber - prebiotics nourish our good gut bacteria. 80% of our immune function lies in our gut so this is HUGE!!

3. It has added enzymes which also contribute to digestive health.

4. It has METHYLATED FOLATE which everyone can absorb. MTHFR is a gene mutation that affects roughly 50% of our population. They can not properly methylate B vitamins - specifically folate. It actually turns TOXIC in the body and can lead to very serious health issues.


6. No growth hormones.

7. No soy, no gluten, no GMO's.

8. It DOES have 24 bioavailable vitamins and minerals (bioavailable means easily absorbed)

9. It has LECITHIN which is derived from sunflower oil. Lecithin can also be derived from soy or eggs but Plexus wanted to make sure no allergens!) Lecithin actually helps lower bad cholesterol, improves heart health, digestion & brain health

10. Contains Vitamin C to boost immune system.

11. The perfect MACRONUTRIENT balance for being a meal replacement. If you have an imbalance of macro nutrients, you won't get the results you want. Lean whey protein has the perfect balance!

12. It has 3 BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) - these are the building blocks of protein and help your body build and maintain lean muscle mass and also helps the body lose fat. BCAA's are three of the 8 essential amino acids. These are leuicine, isoleucine & valine. Not only have BCAA's been found to aid in muscle recovery, they've also been shown to help people recover from injuries quicker.

WHEW!!! I know this is a lot of information but I was just so excited to learn and figure out WHY our Lean Whey protein is the absolute CLEANEST whey protein around!!! So pumped to be able to have this every day now!!! Should be a GAME CHANGER to all of us trying to lose fat and retain lean muscle!!! 💪🏼

Oh, and if all this info wasn't GREAT ENOUGH, we also DONATE 14 meals to hungry families across America with every bag purchased!! So, you can be getting healthier and helping others at the same time!!!🙌🏼

If you haven’t tried our Lean yet I’d highly recommend it!!!!!!


"Because I never ever want to go back to...

- Craving Diet Coke
- Crazy sugar cravings
- Puffy puffy & more puffiness 🤪
- Skin issues
- Trouble using the bathroom
- Taking forever to fall asleep, waking up throughout the night and waking up exhausted
- Crashing in the afternoon
- Moodiness
- Picking up a few colds every year
- Weight fluctuating & hard to maintain
- Bloating (this used to be so painful and uncomfortable for me!!)
- Pitting in my nails
- Irritated eyes and having to go a few days without my contacts every few months "

Can adding a few gut health products really do all that!? Sure can! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Your gut health impacts EVERYTHING!!


💪Plexus is for men, too!💪

Check out what Dave Asbury shares~

“Two years ago, I started something because I saw (my daughter) Ashley's health do a 180. You aren't too young or old for this. Your health is your health.

Two years ago, I started drinking our pink drink every day and taking some simple supplements.

Gut health wasn't on my radar.
I wouldn't have even known what it meant.

I was fine dealing with aches and pains... blaming it on just getting older.

I was ok taking prescriptions that were just dealing with symptoms, and not getting to the root of the problem.

I was ok with getting sick a lot and going to the doctor.

I was ok putting money in someone else's pocket, instead of getting healthier while doing something that actually helped my own pocket.

What I didn't know?

👉Two years later, I would be off cholesterol meds.
👉Two years later, I would be off gout meds and no more flare ups.
👉Two years later, my allergies would be gone.
👉Two years later, no more reflux and not having to keep otc meds in the cabinet.
👉Two years later, I wouldn't have achy knee joints any longer.
👉Two years later, I would be down 40 pounds.
👉Two years later, I wouldn't have anymore hypoglycemic crashes.
👉Two years later, my life would be better.”

What an incredible story of hope!!!


I love this from Jenna! ❤️

I wanted to share my journey with having hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels). Since I was younger I would get tunnel vision and sometimes even black out. I would always have to have food with me just in case I started to fade. It wasn’t until I started taking these natural plant based supplements that I noticed I no longer get dizzy and black out👌🏼 I no longer get nauseous 👌🏼my blood sugar remains leveled out!

NOT ONLY do these supplements I take help with hypoglycemia... they also help with diabetes and pre diabetes.

We ALL know someone with diabetes/pre diabetes/hypoglycemia. It's taking over this nation.

Did you know some of these supplements were originally developed by endocrinologists for Type 2 Diabetes to balance blood sugar levels?

✅ It has helped some diabetics to reduce or even ELIMINATE their medications. It has helped some people so much that they NO LONGER NEEDED their insulin pumps and were able to get them removed! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
✅ A 2008 study showed over half the test group's blood sugar levels were lower in a week and ALL were lowered by the second week.
✅ All subjects lost weight and inches.
Know anyone with DIABETES?? You could possibly change their world with these natural supplements!

And get this!
Even those with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can benefit because the Chromium in it helps to balance your blood sugar. Everyone feels better and has more stabilized energy when your blood sugar levels are held where they should be. And no one likes those mid day crashes that lead you looking for sugary foods or caffeine just to try and make it through the day.

I started these products as an overwhelmed mom of 6 just hoping for more energy, better sleep and help with anxiety. The benefits have been so much more and keep surprising me at almost a year in. My mood is completely different than it used to be, my energy levels leave me chasing the kids, I sleep like a baby, wake up feeling refreshed and well rested, my anxiety is gone, my weight has balanced, my digestion is normal, my sweet tooth is gone, I have more control over food, my hair, skin and nails are healthier than they’ve been in years & my brain fog has cleared! 🙌🏼 -
Jenna Smith


I love what my beautiful friend is celebrating today Happy 7 years Julie King

March 1, 2015 I (finally) said “yes” and I’ve been saying “yes” over and over every single day.....

𝕊𝔼𝕍𝔼ℕ years
𝟠𝟜 months
𝟚,𝟝𝟝𝟟 days

I skeptically made a decision that would drastically improve my life. A decision that took me a year to make because I had tried and quit a year earlier. A decision that was not in our budget but I knew I desperately needed to make. I didn't expect it to help me because nothing else had. I had no idea how the Lord was about to bless my life.

Yes, I started for weight loss and I more than exceeded my initial goals. What I found was a long term wellness solution (with amazing side effects 😉).

I began to share how great I felt and I quickly had an unexpected business. I am amazed daily at the blessing this company has been for our family. I could go on and on but honestly, I’m just so very thankful! 💗

You've been watching me for 𝟟 years, are you still skeptical and waiting for me to quit? I'm not going anywhere, I can promise you that. I'm waiting on you to trust me and start your own journey. 💖

This was my 𝕆ℕ𝔼 year progress picture from 2015-2016. The inward changes have been just as dramatic. Imagine yourself a year from now....imagine the healing that can take place in 12 months!
If I can do it, you can!

Videos (show all)
