Operation Pay It Forward

Operation Pay It Forward

Operation Pay It Forward is an organization that has been formed to connect U.S. Military veterans

More Than a Bow | Operation Pay It Forward 23/01/2024

As many of you know, we were blessed last year to partner up with the incredible people at Hoyt Archery when they produced their limited edition "Battle Worn" VTM bow and donated a portion of the proceeds. This past season, they also agreed to send one of their videographers to document one of our veteran archery deer hunts.

It was an incredible experience for all those involved and the team at Hoyt did an awesome job telling the story!

My sincerest gratitude to everyone at Hoyt, not only for making an incredible product that I have personal used for years, but for being "more than a bow" manufacturer and showing their appreciation for our nation's heroes!

More Than a Bow | Operation Pay It Forward Last year we introduced the Battle Worn VTM hunting bow. A portion of each of those bow sales was donated to Operation Pay It Forward--an organization that h...

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 21/01/2024

OPIF Deer Hunt Event!

“We took Four vets, 11 deer. Great weekend Thanks to OPIF, 7 Mile Outfitters, Bronte, B&K Processing, Bronte, Nobles Ranch, Ozona, TX and all my other donors.”

—Ambassador Dan Waddell
January 2024

Photos from Military Veterans Paranormal's post 12/01/2024

Events to come! OPIF has teamed up with Goose Flats Paranormal in the most haunted City in America, Tombstone, Arizona! We also have Military Veterans Paranormal (MVP) joining us on our Event coming this February! If you’re interested in the paranormal, check out MVP‘s website, they have a seven season running podcast! Also Goose Flats investigations! Stay tuned, we will be sharing our experiences as they unfold! 👻

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 11/01/2024

🇺🇸OPIF Pterodactyl (Sandhill Crane) Hunt!

Friday morning we woke early to meet the guide for the hunt. The guide had prepped our hunting grounds with decoys, so we just needed to lie in wait within the spread so that we could murder pterodactyls. Of course, the plan failed miserably and we didn't have anything to shoot at. We readjusted and planned for an evening hunt at a different location. With all of our free time for the day, we went to a local rifle range that has targets that are set in intervals all the way out to 2500 yards. We met with the owner of Caprock Rifle Club, a fellow Marine Corps Veteran, and he gave us a rundown of the range, and then he turned over the helm.

We all spent a few minutes confirming our zeros at 100 and 200 yards, and then we each took our time enjoying the range for what it had to offer. I know there were a lot of impacts happening from just about everyone at the 1000 and 1100 yard steel targets.

When the time came to go meet our guide for the evening hunt, we all sadly departed the range and headed east to the meeting place.
Evening Hunt: The Friday night evening hunt went as expected, we committed war crimes against pterodactyl and had an amazing time doing it. We did not limit out, but our group was able to have a great time hunting for a few hours, and sharing laughs, and an amazing West Texas sunset in between volleys of birds. After tearing down our hide and cleaning up the evidence, we went back to our AirBnb for some much needed chow (elk burgers). Our guide even joined us and shared in the tales of the hunt, and the libations

Saturday Hunt: Saturday morning we got to sleep in a little and we joined our guide at 9 a.m. for a day hunt over water. His logic was the birds would come in after engorging themselves in the fields, and that they would act rather complacent at the water. The day was about five hours of hunting with our guide and the farmland owners. Our opportunity this time was both crane, duck, and goose. While no geese did come in for a kill shot, the ducks made some pretty heavy mistakes, as did the crane. We again got to enjoy the beautiful West Texas scenery and the comradery that comes with sitting in a blind.

After the hunting was all done, we went back to our house again. This time we cooked our bounty of the day, to see if it really does taste like flying ribeye, or just some prehistoric flying dinosaur. We also enjoyed tuna, and chorizo that was brought by some of the veterans that joined us for the hunt.

Sunday morning we all departed Lubbock, Texas, for our respective homes, leaving that desolate West Texas Oasis with fond memories and new friends.

OPIF Regional Ambassador Stuart Pechin & Ambassador Will Woods
January 2024


The New Year is upon us! We’ve created a 12 minute video to show and reflect what OPIF has accomplished in 2023! With 100% of our proceeds going back into the Organization, we have countless hours of volunteer work! We would like to thank everyone for their continued support! 🇺🇸

Social Media Manager &
Ambassador Nicki Ferguson


Happy Holidays! Be safe out there! 🇺🇸

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 20/12/2023

OPIF Hunting Event!

Had the absolute pleasure to be able to take two veterans down to texas on one of the most amazing ranches this past week for a hunt. I want to thank operation pay it forward for allowing me the honor to be able to get veterans out of their day to day lives. These experiences are what opif is about and I absolutely love being apart of this organization. I was able to get to bond with these guys and build new relationships. I also would like to thank Clyde America Exotics for hosting this hunt. It was an absolute amazing experience for us and the absolute dedication that you gave to these veterans was phenomenal. You and your family are wonderful and can definitely see that you truly care about what OPIF is about, taking time out of your personal lives to ensure these veterans were well taken care of. Also we all very much appreciate you taking the time to teach us how to make our very own duck calls, these will be cherished for many years to remember this wonderful time. Thank you again for a phenomenal experience for these veterans. Ambassador Jordan Penley — with Bryan Lynn and Robert Ryder.


Happy Thanksgiving from the OPIF Family to yours! We would like to take a moment and remember those that are not able to celebrate this Holiday with their family and friends. 🦃🇺🇸


Thank you to all the men and women who served and fought for our Country and continue to do so! And, a thank you to the support of our families and communities! 🇺🇸


For 248 years, Marines have earned a reputation as the most disciplined and lethal warfighters in the world. This legacy of honor, courage, and commitment passed on to us was paid for in sweat, blood, and sacrifice. We thank you! 🇺🇸
🇺🇸10 November 1775

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 30/09/2023

OPIF Bear Hunt Event!

“I’ve been going to bear camp for years. It started with just a friend and me. Turned into bringing friends. Then turned into bringing fellow combat vets through Operation Pay It Forward. An organization that I’ve been apart of for years. Through their efforts and private donors we have been able to make this hunt a tradition. Previous vets come back on their own and we always bring new ones to join the family.

This year was a year that would test the best. These men were met with rain for five days of hunting only to come back and not complain. Get eaten by bugs and not complain. To be met by a hurricane and not complain. Stuck in camp for two days by downed trees and crazy winds and not complain. Lose two days of hunting and not complain.

I brought my family up this year for bear camp because we were missing our dear friend Roger Burwell who has been a major part in this hunt. Ashleigh Voros and Mick Devlin (a new and awesome east coast ambassador) really stepped up to the plate and we got it done. We made the best of it.

There’s something special about watching hardened combat vets play uno with your teenage daughters and cheat to win 😉.. you know who you are…

This is why these are my brothers. Some I just met, but none understand quit. I love you all and thank you for providing me once again with my favorite week of the year. If this gave you a warm and fuzzy, check out Operation Pay It Forward. Veterans doing amazing things for one another. The way it should be.” — Ambassador Christopher Voros

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 21/09/2023

Regional Ambassador Jason Meier finished up a great salmon trip that Johnathen Link and Jason auctioned off at the banquet. Mike, Liz, and Paul, and Jen graced us and the rest of the Pacific Northwest with their presence. Good times we’re had by all and the everybody went home with some great memories and lots of fish.


This Saturday, 23 September!
Everyone is welcome
VSO EVENT— Eagle Mountain, Utah
Veteran Support
Motorcycle Ride
Fun for all.

(Please register at the link below)


Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 19/09/2023

OPIF - Ram Hunt Event!

Ambassador Robert Ryder was able to take 4 Veterans out for a Ram hunt at Clyde America Exotics this past weekend. We had one Veteran, Christian, drive in from Arizona. Jerome drove in from Oklahoma. Nick came down from Lubbock and Manuel was local here in Abilene. They all arrived at the lodge around 5pm. All of these guys have known each other for years, but it had been a while since they had all been able to schedule time to meet and catch up. Once we got their gear unloaded we headed over to Clyde America Exotics to give them a tour of the property and choose which blinds we would be using. They all wanted to hop in blinds that evening. With it being 105 on Friday no Rams we’re moving around at all. They said screw the heat and decided to be bedded down out of the heat. We concluded the evening with a late dinner of burgers and brats and they wanted to rack out early to get a fresh and early start Saturday morning. After some breakfast we headed back over to CAE and headed right for blinds. Well it was a heck of a lot cooler in the morning and while walking into the blinds, a Black Hawaiian and Desert Paint showed up. Christian and Nick both had Rams on the ground before getting to the blind. Christian had the farthest shot so far at 178 yards.
After some pictures in the field they were taken back out to process the Rams.
Jerome and Manuel waited to see if the Rams would come hit the water point by the blind, but they never showed up.
We regrouped back outside hunting area and finished processing the first 2 Rams. Jerome and Manuel decided they wanted to go out and do some spot and stalk to see if they could both get a Ram on the ground. Manuel was able to sneak up and get a clear shot on a nice Texas Dall. At that point it was getting hot so we pulled back to hydrate and grab some lunch.
One of the trail cams went off and there was a big group of Rams at the water point so we jumped back in the side by side to head back out for Jerome to get his Ram. We stopped about 200 yards away from water point and slowly made our way up thru the brush to the watering point. Just as we got there, the Rams decided to mosey on down around the corner out of view. We let Jerome head up first so as not to make a lot of noise. Once he rounded the corner a nice Corsican presented itself for a clear shot. He dropped it where it stood.
After processing Jerome’s Ram the guys headed back to lodge to get cleaned up while we started cooking dinner.
We had a great time! We had planned on going out to do some thermal hunting, but the guys decided they wanted to go to bed early so they could get up and shoot some dove on Sunday morning.
Sunday morning came a lot quicker than anyone realized. This dang Texas heat takes a lot out of ya! So we set up around the tank to see who would be the first to bring down a dove. Well sorry to say that no dove were taken, but Wi******er made a killing off all our spent shells. We headed back over to lodge so the guys could pack up their gear and hit the road.
They could not stop talking about their time spent with one another and plan on doing something again soon. They all appreciated the opportunity they had to finally be able to see each other after many years. It was like they hadn’t missed a day since they had seen each other last.
Thanks again to the board for this event and trusting myself with putting on these events. I love what I do each and every time I get to meet Veterans and get to know them.
Thank you to Clyde America Exotics for showing these guys a great time and your hospitality.
Thanks again to all the board members and ambassadors! I’m glad to be a part of OPIF!

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 15/09/2023

Event held by OPIF —Ambassador Eddie Jordan said, “Saturday 9 Sep Sean Rankin, Bobby Thorell, and myself led some veterans on a dove hunt on the Probandt ranch just east of San Angelo, TX. The family that owned the ranch fed us lunch then we proceeded to shoot clays in the scorching sun while we waited to dove hunt.

Once we were settled in at the tank, the dove came in like we were being invaded. All but 1 veteran got thier limit, and they were only 1 bird away from tagging out.

This was a great opportunity for these veterans, and a great time bonding over a dove hunt! The family has already expressed they want to do it next year! Thanks to sean and Bobby for the helping running the event, and thanks to the Probandt family for having us out!” (video in the comments)



Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 01/09/2023

Ambassador Robert Ryder had the opportunity to have 4 Veterans out for a Ram hunt at Clyde America Exotics! “Three of the Vets were from the San Antonio area and the fourth was local here in Abilene. The 3 from San Antonio, Chris, David and Adam, had all served together so this was a good chance for them to link up together again. Mike was the local Vet that I was able to add to the hunt. They all arrived on Friday afternoon and filled out waivers and got a run down from CAE as what to expect when hunting. They then proceeded to get a quick tour of the hunting area and to choose blinds for first hunt and who to pair up with. They decided they were all good with their weapon zero and wanted to do an evening hunt. While we were out we had a brisket and some sides warming up for after the hunt. David and Chris set up in one blind. When we took Adam and Mike to the second blind, we got a text saying there was a Ram down and one to find. They had to be kidding because we had just dropped them off. Haha. Dropped Adam and Mike off and headed back to other blind. Sure enough, they both had gotten shots off and had Rams on the ground! Crazy thing is we never even heard the shots.
By the time we got done taking photos we headed to pick up Adam and Mike as they hadn’t seen any traffic from their blind. We headed back to eat some food and then started quartering the rams up. Mike showed us how he does a gutless method on the Rams. Made for a cleaner area that’s for sure.
Saturday morning had Adam and Mike back in the blind that David and Chris were sitting in the previous evening. We got a call about an hour into the hunt saying one Ram was hit and we needed to go track it. We spent the rest of the morning bush whacking in briars to find the Ram. To no luck, we were not able to find it. We headed back to lodge to re-group and get some grub. Chris had brought his smoker so he had some burnt ends and some Chili he was making with some venison he brought. We headed back out for an evening hunt but decided to try and do some spot and stalking this time. We got on a couple of herds, but they were not letting us get close enough for a good clean shot. We spent some more time trying to find the Ram that Adam had shot, but stil could not find it.
We spent the evening getting to know one another with stories and fellowship. There was a lot of s**t talking in there as well. Haha!
Sunday morning, Mike, Bryan and I headed back out to to try and get Mike on a Ram. We started stalking a nice group of Rams, but they were always huddled up so Mike didn’t feel comfortable taking a shot in case he would hit another Ram standing there as well. Well the group was acting really strange and after watching them through glass for a while we realized they were huddled up around another Ram. It was the Ram that Adam had shot. They would run a little bit, and then stop so that Ram could lay down and rest. They finally got up and Ram right towards the one corner of property that has houses in the back area, not allowing a safe shot to take place. Mike was not able to get a shot off, but he was more than happy just for the experience of getting out there with the other Veterans and having a great time. He was not disappointed at all. We all met back up at CAE before the guys headed back home. They all said they had a great time and we’re thankful for the opportunity to be part of this event through OPIF. They have all said they want to come back to CAE for future hunts and even have said they will come back and hang out and do the cooking for events! Adam is going to come back with his son. They also want to become involved with OPIF, so I will get them on the next zoom training!
So in closing, I again am so glad to be a part of this organization and am very grateful to be able to put on events for Veterans. Thank you to the board for funding this event. And thank you to Bryan Lynn for all the help and Clyde America Exotics for setting up a great experience and place for these events!” -Robert

Veterans Take on Wild Hogs at SandForks Ranch | Operation Pay It Forward Event 25/08/2023

Ambassadors Robert and PV had the pleasure of hosting four veterans at the SankFork Ranch, Texas, for an exciting weekend of wild hog hunting. “It was great meeting the guys in person after texting back & forth and sending some sweet memes.

Upon our arrival at the ranch, Brice greeted us and went over waivers and rules of engagement. Immediately, the laughter and storytelling began as we headed for some range time and prepared for the evening hunt.

As we approached the evening hunt, the smiles grew, and you could see the excitement in their eyes. As we heard the shots, we celebrated those who got the job done and those who missed…well, you all know what happens in camp, lol.

That first night set the tone for the rest of the weekend. Robert cooked excellent meals, we cheered/prayed for those no longer with us, and celebrated life. The "magic fire" brought out unique stories, opened hearts, and allowed us to heal a little more. These guys were grateful for the opportunity and excited to share their experiences with other veterans.

As an ambassador, I have asked myself many times if I am fit to help other veterans even tho I have my own baggage, but I'll tell you all this…every event that I have done has helped me heal a little more or at least has given me a chance to.

Finally, Robert and I would like to thank OPIF and all our supporters. Without you guys, none of this is possible.”

For an exclusive inside look at an OPIF event check out Ambassador PV’s video.


Veterans Take on Wild Hogs at SandForks Ranch | Operation Pay It Forward Event and I had the pleasure of hosting four veterans at the SankFork Ranch, Texas, for an exciting weekend of wil...

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 22/08/2023

OPIF Ambassadors took a group of Vets on a Costal Fishing Trip in Texas! “What an amazing time with a great group of vets! Thank you to OPIF for making this trip possible and thank you to Glass Guide Service and Vence Petrenella for your amazing service and putting us on the fish! Hope to see y’all again for duck season!” - Ambassadors Michael Waddell/David Whitson

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 15/08/2023

Who wants to WIN a RIFLE, 2 cases of energy drinks and functional mushroom gummies?! One lucky winner will be drawn at random to win this package! Part of the proceeds are being donated to Operation Pay It Forward!

To enter, go to @ therealabbycain link in bio!

$10 (5 entries)
$20 (15 entries)
$30 (35 entries)
$40 (50 entries)

For any higher donations contact [email protected]

Winner will be announced August 31! Please share and like the post!

Click the link to enter!!



** UPDATE**   The puppies are pending with veterans right now. If any come available again, we will inform everybody !! Thank you!

Does anyone know a vet or two in need of a little friend? Malinois/German shepherd puppies are being trained up to 14 weeks! These owners are looking to give away 2 as an emotional service dog to veterans that would benefit from the companionship.

They are going to give the contact info for the trainer and the vet they use as well.

Photos from Operation Pay It Forward's post 12/07/2023

Regional Ambassador Jason Meier had the Honor of representing OPIF at the local gym for a Murph event! “The gym hosted the fundraiser and between the gym owners and myself we raised $925 for our cause from 12 local business (either door prize donations, gator aids for participants, or cash) and some of the gym members even Cory and nicki bought t-shirts which I mailed to them. The local American Legion opened the event with a presentation of colors. Although we did not have a high volume of participation we were mentioned in the local newspaper and a few folks have reached out about how to donate and what types of trips/events we can provide to local veterans.”


Last chance to get 40% off all our 2022 optics, accessories, and gear!!


Happy Independence Day!


Auction is live! You do not need to be present to bid on these items!
100% of the proceeds go towards our veteran programs!
Check it out and get your bid on!



OPIF is here now and will control be here when you return. Until then, know you have the appreciation and love of a grateful community who supports you. 


No better way to start the day than with a cup of old fashioned Freedom!

Order your Freedom cup on our website


To show our appreciation for our fighting veterans by connecting them with others that share the same passions and are willing to get them into the outdoors and enjoying life again. We challenge all of the veterans that participate to “Pay It Forward” by spreading the word to their brothers and sisters that need help or could use some time in the outdoors to re-focus their minds on the important things in life!

Videos (show all)

BGS Northwest
The New Year is upon us! We’ve created a 12 minute video to show and reflect what OPIF has accomplished in 2023! With 10...
Knife Forging!! Part 2
Ambassador Dan Waddell and a few other Ambassador’s took some Veterans on a hunting event and wanted to share their expe...
OPIF Veteran Cattle Drive 2021
