Worth the Fight

Worth the Fight

Equipping & encouraging you to fight for truth when it comes to love, s*x, & relationships as God des


Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.


There are many topics discussed on our podcast. Check them out today!


Happy Thanksgiving from Worth the Fight!


Sometimes it is easy as a parent to fall into a lecture. The problem with a lecture instead of a conversation, is that it can cause the child to not listen to your valuable insight. Make the connection. Have a conversation.


Marriage is a beautiful gift from God. It is Worth the Fight!


God has given us the tools to fight the enemy.


Check out episode 36 of the worth the fight podcast. "How Sharing Your Story with Your Kids Leads to Deeper Conversations"


This is how we fight! Open your bible and equip yourself with God's truth, the ultimate truth.


Love and Respect. Two powerful things that we are called to do. Not always easy, but necessary in our walk with Christ.


You are setting the example. You are Worth the Fight!


For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:20


God's design for family is beautiful. Keep Fighting Friends!


You are Worth the Fight!


To register for The Event, visit ctkaocala.org and click on Worth The Fight. We hope to see you there!


Technology is evolving and our kids are growing up with it at their fingertips. They are Worth the Fight!


Our next event is Friday and Saturday, October 20-21! The Event is for parents, teachers, grandparents, youth leaders, pastors and truly anyone with a young person in their life. We discuss how to teach our kids about God’s design for love, s*x, and relationships in today’s world. We hope to see you there. To register for The Event please go to ctkaocala.org and click on Worth The Fight.


The Bible is first hand knowledge on how God designed s*x and marriage. Don't just take our word for it, open your Bible and dive into God's word!


As parents you have the power to show your children how to treat one another. It is the most important thing to your children. They can blame themself and try to fix the relationship in the home when it is broken, and they do not have that power.


We have an enemy that is counting on you to stay silent. Don't let him win.


Be open and honest with your kids so that when they are older they will still come to you. You can be there to give them truth in a world that is filled with lies.


Work on conflicts when they are a quiet trickle. Don't allow that trickle to become violent, destructive, and powerful like Niagara Falls. Meet conflict when it is small, it can be life giving.


Your relationship is worth the fight!


All of our words give life or death to any relationship, once spoken they cannot be unheard.


Who are you fighting for?


Partner with your child, empower them, give them what you might not have had.. age appropriate TRUTH!


Let your kids see you apologize when you're wrong or you've hurt someone... that's the only way they'll ever learn to say "I'm sorry" and mean it.


Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


Practice setting intentional times to talk about life's challenges, to do list's, ideas and dreams. This is a practice of giving issues some space. I will tell you what I'm thinking and feeling (not blaming or attacking), you don't need to respond, take some time to think about it, create a safe space for processing. Practice the pause.


Through Worth the Fight, we want to help equip and encourage you as you have conversations about love, s*x, and relationships, the way God intended them to be. Worth the Fight is designed for parents, teens, single adults, and young married couples. We hope that you find this to be a safe space as we learn, grow, and experience the abundant life God has for each of us.


It is worth it! You are worth it!


The fight is real, but so is victory in God's Truth!


We have an enemy that hates marriage and hates God's design for love and relationships. Our marriages are under attack.


Check out Worth The Fight podcast today!


There is a lot of evidence out there that supports delaying social media use in your children's lives. Ultimately it us up to you as their parent to decide when they are ready. If you would like to learn more check out "the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Social Media" episode 5, on Worth the Fight podcast.


Test all of the influences in your life. Are these voices aligning with scripture. Seek the ultimate truth in God's word.


Love always comes at a cost, don’t be afraid of that, it’s worth it.


Here's an easy way to explain intimacy to kids of all ages: Intimacy is being who you truly are! Then, mom and dad, let your kids see the small ways you love one another and teach them how to do that. They'll learn the true meaning of intimacy by watching you model it.


Kids learn how to handle conflict by watching their parents. Gut check, how are you handling conflict in the home?


It's simple in theory, but we absolutely understand how hard this can be to practice in the difficult moments. We're never going to do this perfectly, but with this goal in mind, we can strive to parent our kids with wisdom and love every day.
