Epilepsy Strong

Epilepsy Strong

Hi and Welcome to our page �


Good evening everyone, I am starting this page to hopefully start up a support group for the Epilespy community. I am looking to start one in person around the Jefferson, Athens area. (Georgia)
As a parent to a child with Epilespy, there isn't enough support groups near us for our oldest to go to and relate to others. During times like these and with anxiety and depression at all time high, we need all the help, comfort and connections we can get.
I am looking to meet up twice a month and looking for ideas, places to go and have fun and connect. I am also looking for someone or people to volunteer their time in counseling and can help with questions during meetings. Please let me know.


Hey everyone, I am still trying to connect with folks and get things moving to set up a group soon. I'm having no luck in finding a volunteer at this moment but still trying. I've reached out to a few epilepsy foundations to get some help and I'm following what they said. So if you know anyone who wants to volunteer counseling time, please message me.


Ideas to start up groups and meeting others like our daughter, would be greatly appreciated


Hi and Welcome. We are hoping to start up a Epilepsy support group in person soon and would some help doing so and anyone who is living with Epilepsy join us. We are located in the Jefferson/Athens area.

