Darkness-A collection of poetry written by me.

Darkness-A collection of poetry written by me.

Just a page created to express chapters in my life which required me to put things down on paper when I had no other avenue.

I have been writing since I was 17 years old. It is my hope that this page finds people who have been through the same stuff.


Concept of Tomorrow

The concept of tomorrow is a thought that's hard to get! One more day that lies in wait to serve us with regret...
The notion of another day of living in this hell becomes an image burned within, and story I know well.
The idea of this nothingness becomes a normal thing... One more constant worry of the s**t that it will bring!
There is no light that's at the end of what we're sitting in... No difference from the end of days then where they all begin!
My hope is tinged with subtle doubt, and doubt is tinged with hope... The weight of disappointments change the way I think and cope.
One last futile effort to look forward to that day, and maybe it will bring the hope that things will be okay.


Lie so much...

It hurts the most when you don't hurt from all the things you've done..
There's contrast in just who you were, and monster you've become.
You're just a victim of yourself from all the pain youve sewn...
Theres nothing like the pain that's felt while utterly alone...
You contemplate the grand design of what becomes your cage...
Perfecting every inch of it to resonate your rage.
You weave a tale to complicate the minds that study you...
The lies you tell bleed through the cracks of what you claim is true.
The only person fooled in this is living out a lie,
And only other never fooled is here to say goodbye.



This is for someone with whom I witnessed he**in addiction...

The color drains from her face
down her cheek in the form of a tear.
Crumpled in a corner in some quiet space
locked alone in her mind with fear.
Her knuckles turn white against the wall
as her fingers slip inside the cracks.
Knowing damn well she's gonna fall
when her anxiety and thought attacks.
She can't help but to wince
when someone reaches out...
It's been that way ever since
her violent episodes with doubt.
The void she speaks of is there
empty, yet so full of pain...
And she doesn't even really care
if anyone points out that d*mned stain.
She knows it's there, patiently waiting
to remind her of what she's seen...
And the insanity it's been creating
tells her that she'll never be clean.



This is for those who know the pain of addiction

Every time I try to see, your answer makes me blind...
Every time you speak to me, I cannot clear my mind.
Every time I open up, you shut me down again...
Every time I start out new, you bring me to an end.
Every time I help myself, you help to bring me down.
Every time I listen up, you take away the sound.
Every time I find my way, you cross my path once more...
Every time I get back up, you push me to the floor.
Every time I try to breath, you start to suffocate...
Every time I shed the blame, you help to implicate.
Every time I close my eyes, you wake me with a scream...
Every time I mend within, you tear another seam.
Every time I try to quit, you shove it in my face...
Every time I find my peace, you're taking up my space.
Every time I think you're gone, you show your crooked grin...
Every time I find some hope, you cause me to cave in.
Every time I think I'm cured, you introduce disease...
Every time I feel some strength, you bring me to my knees.
Every time I ask for help, you prove my needs untrue.
Every time I lose myself, it's all because of you.



You were but a travesty that played my heartstrings well...
A romance novel set in stone, and yet would never sell!

You played the part of "dream come true" yet were not true to form... You spawned the rage within my heart and fed the growing storm.

Your selfishness was more than just the straw that broke my back...
Your baggage proved itself to be a mountain to unpack!

And through it all, I never saw the path to which I'd stray...
The solid even steady ground that went the other way.

The biggest secret never told was there for all to see...
The cracks that formed in your facade and how you treated me.

They fell prey to all the s**t in which to them you spewed...
I guess the bulls**t was the best in which they've ever chewed!

Nothing is the same for me; you killed my inner trust!
Corroding all the good inside and leaving it to rust.

You bit the hand that fed your ass, but now that hand's restrained...
A monster's lurking just beneath, and one in which you've trained!


The Storm

The storm that's brewing deep within is more than just a breeze....
It's "F**K YOU!" with a bloody grin, I'm doing as I please!

It's all the things you truly fear will come to pass some day...
And everything you knew it'd be from stepping in my way!

It's tired from all the bulls**t that you've fed it all these years...
It's gasoline to what it is that flames your darkest fears!

It's ignorance in dangers path without a second thought....
It's brooding on the s**t you've done, and vengeance I have sought..

It's time without a second hand, and minutes stretched to hours....
An appetite that feeds on fear, and all that it devours.

Patience stretched to nothing but a shred of tattered strings...
Waiting on the day it snaps and all the pain it brings.

A mountain of explosive angst that avalanches fast...
Quickly overtaking you, but yes, the pain will last!

The look you get when pi***ng off a man who can't get pi**ed...
And feeling that you've lost the biggest chance in which you've missed.

No one else can tell the tale of Karma at it's best...
I beat the fu***ng odds of what you told me was a test.

I'm coming for the ones that thought they'd get the best of me...
And setting loose the hounds in which have yearned to be set free.

It's not a breeze, I'm telling you, it's more than just a storm...
I've done my best to bite my tongue and know that you were warned!

I'm coming for the ones who took the rest of what was me...
To show that it was more than just a storm they helped set free.


Inspiration (You call this a poem?!)

Every single one of you here reading this today,
looking for a word or two to make it through your day...
Finding things embedded in this poem to help relate
to every single point in which you haven't yet to state!
One word here, two words there, or maybe just a phrase
drawn to every single word, amazed at how it plays
into the madness sewn within that teeming mind of yours
that's flooding with ideas to help unlock creative doors...
Synchronize the rhythm of the flow in which you make
those words embrace the harmony for everyone to take
and build their points with emphasis to tell a thing or two
about the inner workings of a poem inspired by you.


Break the mold!

I wake up and I see the world through unrelenting eyes...
I see the fakes, it's obvious, there is no good disguise.

The lesson's in the fact in which you simply cannot trust...
Always question everything... Attention is a must!

From cradle to the grave we're taught to live a fu***ng lie...
We're born, we live, we go through s**t, and then we fu***ng die.

To break the mold is what I want, I hate this fu***ng box!
For once I'd like to find a door that has no fu***ng locks!

I don't want to be like you... I'm great at being me...
It's time to break these fu***ng chains and live a life that's free!


So what's the point?! *Experimental Poetry

Subconsciously unconscious while I consciously DENY a mystery eluding me that will not answer WHY I'm standing at the precipice of darkness into LIGHT preparing for the battle with the shadows I must FIGHT for my life, that's all, that's it, there's nothing more to GAIN, except a clearer answer to the cause of all my PAIN from birth to death it's that in which we're ultimately MIRED in a mess entrenching us with things that keep us TIRED from the bulls**t that ensues ensuring that our FATES are not on point, distracting us, while treachery AWAITS.


Liar in a cage.

It hurts the most when you don't hurt from all the things you've done... There's contrast in just who you were, and monster you've become.

You're just a victim of yourself from all the pain youve sewn...
Theres nothing like the pain that's felt while utterly alone...

You contemplate the grand design of what becomes your cage...
Perfecting every inch of it to resonate your rage.

You weave a tale to complicate the minds that study you...
But witnesses bleed through the cracks of what you claim is true.

The only person fooled in this is living out a lie,
And only other never fooled is here to say goodbye.


2 for 1 (Sometimes, it's best not to give that poem away too soon!)
So I wrote this for a woman years ago....


Into the darkness, reaching out, to pull me from my hell...

you braved the burning wreckage of this mess I call myself.

You learned to manage all the flaws that make me who I am,

and turned them into all the things you love about this man.

You saved me from the memories which kept my love at bay,

and taught me how to say the things my heart forgot to say.

You picked me up, supporting me, when no one even dared...

then taught me how to love myself by showing that you cared.

You gave me reasons to believe that there was more to this

than just an empty promise born from trusting in your kiss.

Unabated, here we are, our love is just as strong

as was the day you spoke the words which helped to write our song.

Partners through the good and bad, supposed to be, we are...

My hand is stuck on holding yours while wishing on that star.

I'm thankful for the love you've shown, instilling in my heart

that we will always have a love that will not fall apart.

You've become my everything, my one and only need...

Helping to forget the place from which my soul was freed.

Indebted to that heart of yours, I owe so much to you...

Finding love where once before, my heart just wasn't true.

So here we are, the both of us, we start to tow the line...

I have your heart here in my hands, while in your hands is mine...

Trusting in the feeling that takes hold with everyday -

I'm looking forward to the words I know that you will say...


I am so glad I did not give this to the woman I wrote it for. Just saved a little more face in the end when she literally ripped my life/family apart for her own selfish reasons . Proving the opposite of every word I wrote for her.

And so a couple of months ago I decided to answer my own poem with another, and here it is. Untitled of course.


Thrown into the darkness which I thought I had escaped...

A mess once more, I can't ignore the love in which you r***d.

I thought you were the only one who'd see right past my flaws...

Instead, I found an emptiness which left my heart in pause.

Now the love I had for you is just a memory...

Imprisoned in my heart again, where no one else can see...

I hate myself for loving you! No wonder I'm a mess!

Stuck in memories tied to you, in which I can't regress...

You led me to believe in things that simply don't exist.

Hence the things I've written here, and reason that I'm pi**ed.

Unabated, so it was, your heart was never true...

Just another one hit wonder leading back to you.

Partners through the good and bad, we never even were...

One more blow betraying me with pain I would incur.

I'm thankful that I did not waste a portion of my life

upon the lie you can't deny when you became my wife...

From everything to nothing now, you're just an ignorant stain

reminding that you'll never leave and always bring me pain...

The debt I thought I owed you once for "saving me" from this

is free and clear, I'm free of it, and from your dying kiss.

So here we are, the both of us, statistically we're set...

One more family ripped apart, and one more tall regret.

There's no more trust in feelings now, it's all a bunch of lies!

You've shown me who you really are - a memory I despise...



My life is "out of balance" now, it teeters on the ledge...
An empty void you helped create that keeps me here on edge.

The ultimate malignancy; your love has made its mark...
The cancer now inside somehow has killed my inner spark.

A flair for the dramatic where your story worked it's charm...
A harmless lie you helped to tell has done our family harm!

You're choosing to ignore the life of family and our needs.
Promoting growth of ignorance and all the s**t it breeds.

Your intellect's the product of divorce from inner self...
An icy split from heart and mind that helped to kill yourself.

Your moral obligation is the Crux of your disease...
Nothing captures interest like the pain of tragedies!

Your conscience goes unquestioned, and it helps to seal your fate...
There is no coming back from this, for you, it's much too late.

I've weathered tempests worse than you, and lived to tell the tale... My will to carry on in life is strong while yours is frail.

I'm measuring my options now to help create a plan...
One more step to overcome prolific tasks at hand.

I'm moving past the hurdle of a life not counting you...
So I can be a man who's free to live a life that's true.


You are You

Your memory is an empty cage,
it keeps me chained with constant rage!

My life has changed because of you,
affecting everything I do.

Beginning of the end for me,
it reeks of savage irony!

The way it looks, the way it feels,
the very breath it always steals!

One more trespass, nothing new,
it's just the fact that you are you!

What sucks is that I have to be
a part of you, and part of me...

Every time I see your face,
it takes me to another place.

And then the pain is born again,
it hurts more now than it did then!

Yet here we are, I did survive.
Amazed at how I'm still alive!

I've let you go so many times,
in retrospect, between the lines...

There is no fu***ng closure here.
There's only empty, hollow fear...

Echoes of our destiny
become a bitter part of me!

The future always seems so stark,
when every day you're in the dark!

You're always in your comfort zone,
and too afraid to be alone!

You strive to have what you think best,
but just for you, and not the rest...

You gain from painting such a lie,
without revealing reasons why...

Your bad intentions smothered me,
the birth of instant tragedy!

That's all I think of, all I know...
I cannot let this monster grow!

Watch me suffer, see me bleed...
Now it's time to kill the seed!


Stepping Stone

When everything is nothing, and the truth becomes a lie,

And all the answers you once had, have since become a "why"?

It's nothing that you thought it was, the things that you were told...

Right before your very eyes, you watch the show unfold.

One lie, two lies, three lies, four... It's just a fu***ng joke!

I wish those words would suffocate, so I could watch you choke!

The emptiness that it creates has left a stain on me...

One more bruise to who I am for all the world to see.

I see right through just who you are, and all the lies you tell.

I've dealt with people just like you, in fact, I know them well.

You're nothing in the scheme of things, and just a stepping stone...

Another factor keeping me aware in life alone.


Empty Promises

The weight of empty promises becomes the cross I bear...
With signs of hope diminishing, the darkness fills the air.

The bridges burned are smoldering; the deal with fate is sealed...
The truth behind the reasons why will soon become revealed.

You and I took different roads and yet they've stayed the same...
Both have remnants of our dreams, and both were built with pain.

The only difference in those paths is how you make the trip...
Sometimes you can gain some ground, while others you will slip!

It's all in how you get back up, and if your traction holds...
The way your chapters write themselves and how it all unfolds.

The pen that scripts our daily lives can do some damage too!
And so you choose to hide some things the pen has done to you...

If I ever make the choice to bottle up mistakes
I'd find out just how easily that pent up rage escapes!

I wish our paths had never crossed! I wish I could forget
the scars that I call memories, and s**t that I regret!

You are the worst affliction that my life has ever had...
An accurate depiction that defines just what is bad.

It's very hard to move right past the things in which you've done...
I'm left to face the shattered past that's kept me on the run.



The second that you f**k me, I will be right there.
The shadow that you did not want, with eyes that always stare.

Every time you suffer, I will be the grin...
I will witness to the pain you feel outside within.

I'm the darkness everywhere that puts you in your place,
And rips that fu***ng grin right off your shock beriddled face!

I'm the one who kicks your ass for fu***ng with the small....
I'm the one who plants your face in life's brick fu***ng wall.

I will be there when you pray to take your final breath....
The harbinger of sorrow that delivers righteous death.

I'm the smile that you hate to always fu***ng see...
But that's exactly what you get for crossing paths with me!

I'm revenge when all you want's a taste of better luck.....
I'm the one who just don't give a flying tattered f**k.

I will hunt you down for all the actions you commit.
I'm the reason you've become tired of all this s**t.


The Root of the Problem

You claim you know the man I am and yet, you have no clue...
If anything has changed in me, it's what I know of you.

Quick to judge, quick to turn, and surely quick to go...
You're quick in more than I could be, or ever want to know.

Yes, we all have many flaws, and you are not without!
I drown in imperfections while you scoff, and turn about.

Blame is such a brutal game, and no, it's not just you...
You can't just paint a bitter lie, and act like it is true.

Entrenched in darkness, here I am, a prisoner of my heart...
Encircled by the demons that are ripping me apart.

I know you like to see me here-you kick me while I'm down...
Telling me how you don't feel while witnessing me drown.

It's crazy that I'm chained by such a beauty in my life...
One in which is half of you, the image of my wife.

Our daughter is the staple which is keeping me at bay.
One more reason that I have to see another day.

But there you are, with child at side like soldiers in the night...
Engaging self made enemies while looking for a fight.

She's not a shield or bargain chip, she's more than just a tool...
She deserves me right there in her life, and not another fool.

I wish that you could drop the s**t that's making you like this,
And go back to the girl I loved who loved the way I kiss...

But that would mean you'd have to say you love me once again...
And that would not be who you are, or what you tell your friends.

Then you'd be alone with you, admitting that it's true...
The problem's more than what it seems, and rooted deep in you.


Vaccination Hesitation

It's been awhile since I could shed some light on how I feel...
Stuck within the battle of what's fake, and what is real.
They say the lack of knowledge breeds the ignorance that's bliss, And so the lack of those aware is why I tell you this:
Division is the biggest key that those in power hold... A chapter in the scheme of things that mostly goes untold.
You're focused on the things in which encompass all you hate... And that becomes their focus; to entrap you in that state!
So then you look the other way, ignoring what they do... It doesn't matter what it is, or if it's done to you!
You're so busy looking past the harm placed in your way, that you've become the one who's numb to all the games they play!
The strength that comes with numbers has diminished over time! And all because you let them in the confines of your mind!
Put your focus back into the future of us all! Brick by brick we have to build a better inner wall
Denying them the access to defeat the spark within That keeps us individuals defined by where we've been.
Who we are should not be placed into the hands of greed, And if they try to take that then as one we make them bleed!
The needle that they claim is safe will kill our hold on choice! Restricting what we wish to say, it kills our inner voice.
The final trick enslaving us to bend beneath their will; It's freedom of our species that these as****es plan to kill...


Battle Plan "Us against Them"

You'll never understand this life if you can't solve the clues... The "in's and out's" defining what we call a subtle ruse. LEARN the art of blending in; perfect your SUBTERFUGE! Savor knowing they won't see the carnage that ensues!

Smoke and mirrors, everyday, leave obstacles to climb; all the meanwhile robbing us of precious little time! Know that these are tactics that are meant to break our minds... Never fear the end result of what our future finds.

Nothing's easy, can't you see?! The vicious cycle spins... Confusion's waiting at the end of where it all begins! So make them pay for judging on the basis on THEIR sins, exposing the hypocrisy that lives beneath their skins!

There are no interludes between these "dog and pony shows"... They plant the seeds of bulls**t, and predictably it grows! Expectations tell me that the strong ones will oppose as the means to all their ends come swiftly to a close.

Save your minds, for what it's worth, just OPEN UP YOUR EYES!!! Try to look through all the S**T to which their front's comprised... Patience is a virtue, and the home advantage lies in knowing that the strength in us will break through their disguise!

Lose the extra weight that holds your intuitions back! Don't reveal the battle plan, or mode of your attack... Spare no time for their defense; TAKE CHARGE or they'll react! Show strength and pride in all the pain our vengeance will exact...


Humanity's Surrender

The human race evolved at such a pace that we denied the systematic damage that evolved to su***de...

Technologically we're bound in ways we can't forget; and owe it to the antichrist we call the internet!

The problematic structure that supports our swift demise is heavily dependent on their need to tell us lies...

The story that's embedded in the chance to say you're "free" is lost to the enslavement of our brief humanity!

One like here, and two clicks there; you swear that you're content! Recklessly oblivious and blind to their intent...

Strings attached to feelings that they pull with breaking news... All designed to p**s us off and polarize our views!

The art of pointing fingers is a skill in which they've learned; never feeling satisfied until the bridge is burned!

Dismissing this as politics is shared hypocrisy! Education sets the stage of lies for you and me!

The world was built upon the backs of everyone they've fooled... Despite the claims of ignorance for which they've overruled.

Soon the New World Order will reveal it's ugly face to take a hold of what they deem is but their rightful place...

It's at this point we'll recognize the verdict of our fate... Helpless to the truth exposed; for us, it's much too late!


Dark Promises

Condemnation grips my heart from everything you've done...
One more reason I step back from life and everyone.
Darkness keeps me from the light, afraid of what I'll find...
Doubt amongst the many things that edge into my mind.
The solace found in su***de is once again denied!
The irony that's trapped in me escaping if I died...
And so I'm stuck in knowing that I'll never catch a break!
Exponentially the pain is more than I can take...
Unabated tribulations wait to seize control;
One more reason I can't wait to sell my tortured soul!
Promises so dark in that they jeopardize my fate,
And yet the means are justified, and end will never wait...
I watched you tear my life apart while leaving me to grieve...
Giving lies to every thought that swore you'd never leave.
And so with this, I promise that I'll live to see the day
The things you've done will soon become what carries you away.


The Reality of Duality

Who'd have thought the will you thought was "free" was not your own?! Instead, the strings were being pulled by someone yet unknown.
A shadow to your every move that's always by your side; cast by LIGHT, and witness to the things you cannot hide!
You'd swear to me that "choice" was ours, and ours alone to make, and that the path we tread upon was what we "chose" to take.
And yet I feel that's just not true, nor is "reality"! A thought's that's born from knowing that we share duality.
We are but an echo of ourselves in other times. Caught within the parallels that formed between the lines.
Mimicking the actions of a soul we've never met, and yet the true identity is one we'll not forget!
This stranger who's the same as you, yet different in their ways, altering the game of life with every move it plays.
Changing things, but slightly, so your paths have split in two. Crossing the inflection point that leads away from you.
Identically, the struggles weigh upon your inner souls, tempting you to turn around; relinquishing controls.
A mirror separates the realms that keep our worlds apart, and yet reflections share the rhythm of our beating hearts.
Symmetry's important here! We cannot stray from this! If cracks appear, the mirror breaks and cause paralysis.
We have to walk a fine thin line to satisfy the twin observing every move we make and path that we begin.
Once again, I feel as if the " choice" is not our own. Instead, our fate has been defined by destiny alone.
A carbon copy blueprint that delivers dèjávu; a clone designed to play the game of life that's playing you!
Duality's reality goes deeper than you know... The multiverse is watching us! Our lives become their show!


Please don't forget to SHARE my page if something I have written struck a chord with you! I will be posting some fresh material soon! Thanks!


We shouldn't focus on the "why's" of how we found this place...

Instead we put our focus on just what will end our chase!

The "who's" and "when's" and in-between are what defines our fates...

And clarity should be dead set on what our mission states!

The drive we have to leave behind our troubles in the past

are not dependant on the sides which land on dice we cast!

You are the captain of your soul, and master of your fate...

There are no options in that fact nor room for mixed debate.

Only you can see the path which leads to better days...

So look right through the doubt in you, and tricks temptation plays!
Write to Elke Docter
Elke Docter
The Brink

The "who" of who you are right now is not the one I know...

A brutal heartless empty shell replaced you long ago.

Remember you are dust to which the dust you shall return...

A dying ember, fading out, from bridges that you'll burn.

I am the monster that you made; you'll see that soon, I'm sure!

The "who" of who I used to be, I've chosen to obscure!

Revealing all the worst of which you never thought you'd see...

The best is yet to come, of course, and waiting patiently!

And in the moment right before those floodgates start to fail

you'll try to set the record straight, yet peace shall not prevail...

The journey that you chose to take was never set in stone...

Decisions that you chose to make were yours and yours alone!

So when I show up at your door demanding what you owe,

remember that I'm not the man you knew so long ago!

Just know that I will come for you much sooner than you think!

And all because you thought it safe to push me off the brink...
Elke Docter
There's nothing like the aftermath of reckless bouts with love...

Sprinting with abandon towards the push that leads to shove.

Eyes wide shut with open arms embracing the unknown...

Questions linger in the end that ask why you're alone.

One more senseless chapter in the book that's based on you...

Measured words that paint a scene of bulls**t through and through!

You act as if you never cared, but little do you know...

Indicting matters with your word's not helping you to grow!

The testament you left me with was from the book of lies...

Crafted by the master of deceit in grand disguise!

Your legacy is but a stain that time will never hide...

And all that once was good in me has since decayed and died!

There's no such thing as hope, you see, it's all a fu***ng lie!

A sugar-coated feel good way to secretly deny

that what you see is what you get; that's it, there's nothing more!

The sad truth that you can't accept?! IT'S NOT WORTH HOPING FOR!

The die are cast, it's set in stone, you have no other choice...

The hopelessness lies in the fact you never had a voice!

The pain you feel, you have to feel... You're better of this way!

It makes up for the fact in which there's nothing left to say.
Elke Docter
Multiple Personality Disorder

The tortured minds of many men are trapped within my own...

A cold dark place where many shades of who I am call home.

You'll never see them all at once; they come and go, you see...

Reflections of the many souls I've kept inside of me.

The ever changing storm that rages deep within my soul

dictates who gets put away and who retains control...

They say I'm unpredictable, and yes, we share the blame!

One more face I'll ever wear to which I share my name.

Schitzophrenic in the sense you never know who's there...

One day locked inside myself; the next, I'm everywhere!

Why so many fractured sides of who I am you say?!

I do not have that answer as I'm not myself today!

Life is hard, it takes a toll and beats down who you are...

Try as you may, with all your might, you just can't hide that scar!

So when you take a look at me, don't judge by what you see...

I'm just a random stranger in this personality.
Elke Docter
You weren't you, I wasn't me, there was no syncronicity!

Instead of truth, you told me lies... I dropped my guard for your disguise!

You said you'd stay, but ran instead, and left your family there for dead!

As for the lives you've rearranged; my only daughter's now estranged.

Your only goal? To hurt me more than any woman has before!

The lies you told were crafted well, and ever since, my life's been hell!

The only thing that keeps me sane is writing poems to beat the pain...

Soon she' ll see completely through the murky parts sustaining you!

The pride and strength of DNA could never keep her blood at bay!

The instincts of that child of mine will lead her back to me in time!

Know her curiousity will bring my daughter back to me!

And in that instance you shall see true family syncronicity!
Elke Docter
The weight of empty promises becomes the cross I bear...

With signs of hope diminishing, the darkness fills the air.

The bridges burned are smoldering; the deal with fate is sealed...

The truth behind the reasons why will soon become revealed.

You and I took different roads and yet they've stayed the same...

Both have remnants of our dreams, and both were built with pain.

The only difference in those paths is how you make the trip...

Sometimes you can gain some ground, while others you will slip!

It's all in how you get back up, and if your traction holds...

The way your chapters write themselves and how it all unfolds.

The pen that scripts our daily lives can do some damage too!

And so you choose to hide some things the pen has done to you...

If I ever make the choice to bottle up mistakes

I'd find out just how easily that pent up rage escapes!

I wish our paths had never crossed! I wish I could forget

the scars that I call memories, and s**t that I regret!

You are the worst affliction that my life has ever had...

An accurate depiction that defines just what is bad.

It's very hard to move right past the things in which you've done...

I'm left to face the shattered past that's kept me on the run.
Elke Docter
I love you

It's every day I think about the s**t you did to me...

And all those thoughts accomplish is comp!ete uncertainty.

The backlash of emotions I've acquired through all those years

are just the sum of things I hate and basis of my fears.

Have I tried to let it go?! Of course I have, indeed!

Everytime those scars get touched, they open up and bleed...

The point of singularity in who you were before

reflects the person that you are; that's it, and nothing more!

Bleak and battered is the state you left my outlook in...

My pessimism dictates that my optimism's grim.

My motivation lies within the fact I hope to see

the cause of pain get treated like the way you treated me!

I know you know just how I feel, and laughed it off the same...

But karma's waiting patiently to beat you at your game!

The life and death of love is but a tragic episode....

A mini-series of the worst where heartaches will unfold!

I've tried to fix so many times the heart in which you broke...

And when you say those words again, I hope that you will choke

We shouldn't focus on the "why's" of how we found this place...

Instead we put our focus on just what will end our chase!

The "who's" and "when's" and in-between are what defines our fates...

And clarity should be dead set on what our mission states!

The drive we have to leave behind our troubles in the past

are not dependant on the sides which land on dice we cast!

You are the captain of your soul, and master of your fate...

There are no options in that fact nor room for mixed debate.

Only you can see the path which leads to better days...

So look right through the doubt in you, and tricks temptation plays!

