Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead

Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead

Nature inspired Art, Decor, Jewellery and Herbal Wellness Preparations designed to help us connect to the Earth

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 25/08/2024

Repost from and on instagram

🌿 Field Notes: Mi’kma’ki : A collection of mutual aid practices in one little zine by folx working within Mi’kma’ki 🌼

Our networks can be strong and interconnected like mycelium 🍄

Enjoy this SNEAK PEEK of one of our zines — in the works for months but only now starting to see the light of day 🫠

This is one of a series of Field Notes Guides we’re putting together around Mutual Aid, POCKETS, Know Your Rights, and Capacity Building. 🌱

We’re grateful for the community we collaborate with and will work hard to get these works out asap ☀️


✨New Look✨$900 remaining!

Posting in collaboration with who has a private account for necessary personal reasons. They will be doing the majority of updates and amplifying. $3100 has already been raised for this community member. This is the latest update:

Existing poverty & inadequate funds from NS student loans have left this person unable to pay their tuition for last semester. The situation was made much worse when they unexpectedly & unfairly lost their job - which their disabilities and lack of mobility aid already make incredibly difficult to obtain - and thus had to return to living with their abusive family. They’re effectively trapped, and the effects of the trauma & ab(u)se are causing their health to deteriorate continually.

Funds were forwarded to this community member so that they could reach meet the deadline and secure their spot in school, but these funds need to be returned asap to the person who fronted the cash.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 16/08/2024

“Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it.” — Cornel West

🌊 Some (mostly) local open GFM requests that didn’t have an original post (that I could find), or that we’re getting lost on the grid. All links available in the Open MA highlight on 🌳 Please interact with all Open MA requests you come across on a consistent regular basis.
Simply engaging costs nothing but a little time.



From the G F M:

Hi my name is Patrick Toney!

Many of you know me and have seen me around, many of you have celebrated great memories on my back deck playing horse shoes!

I have 2 children and 2 grand children with a 3rd due in November. I am not looking for handouts but for just a little help with upcoming medical and travel expenses as my condition is getting much worse.. I am also seeking help in addition to what will come sooner than later with funeral receptions as I don’t want to add anymore stress to my children.

Anything will help, god bless I love you all.
please send any donations to my son as he will be handling expenses my behalf.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 06/08/2024

.•’•. Medicine .•’•.

First time actually hanging out at a beach this season for me. It didn’t quite fix my head or heart but it’s a start.

Forest looked so cute all my his lonesome in the last slide. 🖤🌑🛻💨

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 04/08/2024


Seems wild to me to be considering winter right now but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. 🛻💨

Many of you know I lead a nomadic lifestyle out of my car in Mi’kma’ki. This time of year is easily managed but the cold months are more challenging so I’ve been in the housesitting/petsitting game for a while to take the edge off when possible.

I have a number of folx I already offer this to, plus I am on different online networks (some of which are paid) so there are options available to me. Scheduling is the challenge.

As far as my rates go: I suppose it’s best to describe it as a sliding scale.
That is not to say that my time and efforts shouldn’t be considered of value.
If you have the means, it would be great if rates were discussed.
If affording certain rates are a barrier, we can definitely talk about that.

Some instances are mutually beneficial in a such a way that means we may have an agreement without money changing hands. For me, this is usually dependant on the season as it’s only the cold months that housing is particularly needed.

Basically I approach every opportunity differently.
So please note that your own relationship with me and what I can offer isn’t going to be the same across the board for everyone. For example; maybe we know each other in real life and we have built relationship and your space is shared in a way that while I’m Sitting it’s “my space” with openness to have guests and so on.

Alternatively, maybe you’d prefer only me be in the space and I have less flexibility of movement because your pet kin has more needs (meds, frequent walks etc.) that mean I’m required to be in the home more. See? Every situation is different.

Other things I consider are: length-of-stay; and location. It may not be worth it for me to drive and hour and a half to a housesit that’s a weekend long in August.
But if it’s a month long in the winter in a location I’m interested in being in, things change.

We’re in late-stage capitalism and we all have bills to pay. But that doesn’t mean other exchanges aren’t also valuable.

And while we’re talking about dreaded money, we started a ko-fi for Community Garden Kjipuktuk and separate from that I started one of my own, so it’s just sitting there if folx want to check it out. No pressure, obviously. Link for mine in bio.

Let’s look out for each other, okay? Please head to the Open MAs highlight on and show some love.

Anyway, we have some big energies at work all around us right now. Some things are falling through. Some not.

Trusting, trusting, trusting.

Happy New Moon in Leo, everyone 🌑✨

Image descriptions: all slides have a lilac coloured background with colourful plant graphics in the corners. The first six slides have the text “life update” at the top.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 04/08/2024


Seems wild to me to be considering winter right now but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. 🛻💨

Image descriptions: all slides have a lilac coloured background with colourful plant graphics in the corners. The first six slides have the text “life update” at the top. Body of text for each slide in the comments.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 26/07/2024

🎂🌿 Collaborative Community Stuff 🍃🍰

It’s one of our favourite Leo’s birthdays coming up this week! Many of us see her fierce heart constantly at work for our communities, for the land, for the water, and as we always hear her say: Msit No’kmaq

As is always the way, so much of her labour happens behind the scenes.
Of late, she is trying to navigate a LOT of admin related work on her phone and is having a lot of difficulties keeping things organized and literally reading on the smaller device.

In recognition of the v!olence and ongoing gen0cide happening to the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo 🇨🇩, we are *not* looking to buy anything new.
So just putting the word out for used laptops that may be available to make some of this grandmother’s work a little easier.
We’ll also be looking on Facebook marketplace for options so dm us if you have any leads.
If you don’t have leads but want to support in funding this request you can send transfers to: [email protected] and include the memo “laptop”.

Another way to show her love would be to take her to Unama’ki with you if you’re heading that way!
Please help us get the word out to see if someone in community may be taking this trek and has room for one more. 🗻🌲🚗💨


🫐 Berry season 🌿

Image description: Hannah’s hand holds a plump raspberry and blueberry between their thumb and fingers. A darkening woods is the background.


Berry season 🫐


💫 Magic all around us 🍎⭐️

Image description: Hannah’s hand holding their black knife and an apple sliced in half revealing the star pattern within at the core with a deep woods in the background

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 18/07/2024

🧚🏼‍♀️ can’t you feel it’s pain? 🌳

Wishing for balance and reciprocity in community spaces.

Take: some flowers, woods views, tarot spreads, and a visual understanding of how a perspective changes depending on what you’re focusing on…

Give: some love to open community care requests and try not to wait until folx give you a prompt (that you may or may not pick up on…)

Bonus: consider what access/proximity you have to networks with resources

and don’t slide into my dms if I/we can’t slide into yours.

Art is Ferngully — words are mine

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 18/07/2024

Sign here before the vote on Saturday July 20th:

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 18/07/2024

Repost on ig 🌿

🌶 Pepper Appreciation Post 🌶

One thing that hasn’t seemed bothered by this heatwave are the various pepper plants at all locations 😍

Image descriptions:

Slide one: Nailah’s hand cradling a young, green cayenne chili pepper on the plant

Slide two: banana peppers forming in the garden with multiple bean and eggplant greens in the background

Slide three: hot wax pepper plant in a raised bed with tomato plants in the background

Slide four: hot wax peppers fruiting in a raised bed with bush beans flowering with purple flowers and eggplant in the background. A blue bottle with water is placed opening-down into the soil to help with keeping the bed moist

Slide five: chili pepper plant fruiting with young green peppers and flowering

Slide six: raised garden bed holding hot wax and banana peppers, bush beans flowering with purple blooms, and eggplant greens

Donate to Support Palestinian Journalist, Yara, in Kjipuktuk, organized by Hannah Cameron 18/07/2024

Only $481 away from the goal and we’ve had this open since January. Can we show some love?

Donate to Support Palestinian Journalist, Yara, in Kjipuktuk, organized by Hannah Cameron Yara is a Palestinian journalist living in Kjipuktuk area of Mi’kma’… Hannah Cameron needs your support for Support Palestinian Journalist, Yara, in Kjipuktuk

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 14/07/2024

☀️ Face for the blah-blah-blah 🫠 It’s too hot to be playing these games.

Have some moments from this week that nourished my spirit, some magical messages for the masses, and some opportunities to support community and initiatives 🌺

Altar building and ready for what’s next 🌿

Image one: me wearing black (imagine!) and braids because otherwise I’m going to cut it all off in this heat. I’m in a shady woods that only curbs the heat of the sun slightly.

Image two: purple vetch climbing a fence

Image three: the outdoor oven in shubie

Image four: woods with a patch of variegated goutweed and tiger lilies

Image five: the wooden outbuilding that holds the oven in shubie with the eight pointed star painted in the colours of the medicine wheel at the peak

Image six: the Moonology Oracle deck with two cards pulled on the pillow in my car. “A new start is coming ~ New Moon” and “Hold your vision! ~ Fixed Moon” are the pulled cards.

Image seven: varieties of tall grasses, some beginning to go to seed, is the background for a GFM poster for an L’nu woman who needs support in costs for mobility aides after being hospitalized due to serious illness in punamu’kwati’jk

Image eight: my sweet boy, Bits, aka Itty Bitty Kitty, sitting in the grass next to some creeping Jenny

Image nine: three-card-pull from the Next World Tarot Deck. The “King of Cups ~ The Throne of Movement”, the “Queen of Swords ~ The Throne of Truth”, and the “King of Pentacles ~ The Throne of Security”

Image ten: the same tall grasses background for the “Nova Scotians asked for feedback on policing services” webpage screenshot with a caption to “give them your feedback 😈 link in bio”


🍓Mu Tual Aid Request 🍓 BIPOC Trans community member in medical emergency in need of $260 in financial support. EMT: [email protected] MEMO: MA

Image description: poster has a pink background with four dark pink/reddish strawberry graphics in the corners with green accent lines around them. Text on poster reads: BIPOC Trans community member in medical emergency in need of $260 in financial support. EMT: [email protected] MEMO: MA


Hahahaha they’re looking for feedback on what we think about the police in Mi’kma’ki. So give them some 😈

Take survey here: #:~:text=The%20survey%20is%20available%20at,phone%20902%2D424%2D0094.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 02/07/2024

🌿Plants & Rants episode 02 🍃

Mutual aid saves lives, so go just as hard for your community members as you do for your personal friends

Term coined by ( 😹 ) and ran with by moi

All slides have a mottled while background with a regular box with a picture of a houseplant on one side and a text box with a green background on the other side. All slides also have the .hannah tag at the bottom and ‘Plants and Rants’ at the top with a line and the number 02 to represent episode 2
Text for each slide will be in comments 🖤


And a note on my recent posts: “I’ll be curious to see who celebrates this weekend” — I will just quietly be unfollowing/unfriending.

This is not to say “you should want my friendship” or anything like that. This is not out of self-righteousness and ego and “feeling better than you”.

Im just saying that I’m trying to cultivate a network of people that share (at least some of) my values, care about community, and recognize injustices (inflicted by canada and those complicit with it) and if by now you don’t know or have an idea (with access to knowledge literally at your fingertips and with people sharing their personal stories and resources available to you) then you just must not want to know.

And if that’s the case, we’re likely just not in alignment. So let’s move forward with that in mind.

Around this time every year (and year-round tbh) I share these sentiments and take action. So if we come out the end of this weekend headed in different direction, take care. ✨

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 29/06/2024

With lots of talk about the long weekend (for some people) and the reason for it, I feel compelled to say again: fu

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 26/06/2024

🏕 Photo dump — different days — different places 🛻💨

Image one: Forest’s back hatch is open with a bug net cascading to the ground with a vast lush woods in the background.

Image two: a purple(ish) cotton candy sky at sunset

Image three: a shrub I don’t know with deep purple(ish) leaves

Image four: bathtub blessings on the Full Strawberry Moon ✨🍓🌕

Image five: flowers, ferns, and deep dark woods

Image six: Carly the chicken with her beautiful iridescent blue/green/black feathers

Image seven: a blurry attempt at a full moon pic in punamu’kwati’jk

Image eight: Itty Bitty Kitty (AKA Bits) snoozing in the back of my car

Image nine: video of a sweet bird taking a bath in a rain gutter

Image ten: living out of a little car that used to be a van unfortunately means I now have to pay for a storage unit each month 🫠😭 R.I.P Ele 🚐 — I miss you. Forest us doing his best though 🛻💨


UPDATE: Looks like we have a volunteer from community to do this run! We’ll update if things change and we need to keep searching. Thank you for spreading the word, everyone!


An L’nu grandmother is trying to get from Kjipuktuk to the valley area on Friday morning this week (June 28th) to see family who is extremely unwell.

Remember that mutual aid and community care is not just money changing hands, but also supporting one another, giving rides to appointments, sitting with each other when we’re grieving, and so much more.

If you can support this grandmother, please dm us. If you have the time and vehicle but gas money is a barrier, reach out anyway, we’ll find ways to compensate.

We’ll find a ride for her to get back home later, she just needs a drop-off.

Let’s make this happen for this Elder 🤎


✨New Look✨

Posting in collaboration with who has a private account for necessary personal reasons. They will be doing the majority of updates and amplifying. $1000 has already been raised for this community member. This is the latest update:

Existing poverty & inadequate funds from NS student loans have left this person unable to pay their tuition for last semester. The situation was made much worse when they unexpectedly & unfairly lost their job - which their disabilities and lack of mobility aid already make incredibly difficult to obtain - and thus had to return to living with their abusive family. They’re effectively trapped, and the effects of the trauma & ab(u)se are causing their health to deteriorate continually.

I know goals like this can seem impossible, but this can be met if only 300 people (which is less than you may think) give $10, or 200 give $15! But truly no amount is too small. We’ve got just over a month to reach this goal and help this person to build a life outside the confines of ab(u)se❤️‍🩹

[Image ID: A poster with a checkered pale peach backdrop. Text at the top reads: “Community care request”. In the middle is a pink text box with a small flower in the top left corner. Text inside reads: “Goal: $3000; Deadline: July 31st 2024; Disabled q***r & trans student needs help to pay outstanding tuition to be able to finish their degree and escape their increasingly abu sive family”. Text at bottom of graphic reads: “E- transfer: [email protected]; PayPal: LauraYetman”. End image ID]

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 15/06/2024


Looking for recommendations: does anyone know of instructors/groups of various self-defence styles that are community-minded? Please dm me or with leads!

(Enjoy some Princess Mononoke and some rainy woods away from kjipuktuk)


Repost on ig

🕊 New Look 🍉 $2004 remaining!!

🍉 G F M ALERT! 🍉 L I N K - I N - B I O 🍉

We have raised $2996/$5000

RemaIning: $2004

Yara is a Palestinian journalist living in the Kjipuktuk area of Mi’kma’ki (which holds Halifax, Nova Scotia). She was wrongfully fired from her job with CTV for speaking on her support of Palest!ne.

Since then she has continued to show up in a variety of ways to advocate for a Free Palest!ne, while working with others, educating, advising, labouring, and giving it her all.

She has also been continuing her essential organizing work with Free Palestine Halifax, but the cost of living in this region, like most places, is abhorrently high and expenses are continuing to pile up.

This GoFundMe campaign is to provide Yara with some much needed support as she continues to navigate new employment opportunities, while also continuing her community work with Free Palestine Halifax.

Please share with your networks.

Free Palest!ne 🍉

Image description: poster for a community care request. Background of graphic is olive green with three olive branch graphics. There is also a dove in the bottom right corner and a border made of of the keffiyeh design on the bottom and right side of the poster. Black text reads: GoFundMe to support Palestinian journalist in Mi’kma’ki. We are leaning in to community care efforts to continue to support Yara in her ongoing advocacy work for a Free Palestine. Goal $2000. Link in bio.

Photos from Hummingbird Hannah's Herbal Homestead's post 10/06/2024

Reminder post from our Halifax Mutual Aid post on ig and Community Garden Kjipuktuk referenced newsletter

Donate to Please help Ricky Borden, survivor of a tragic ATV accident., organized by Judy Hawco 09/06/2024

This care request hasn’t moved in a week.

Can we consider what access we have to resources? Or confront why some who have access to resources hoard them?

The circumstances this family will face as a result of this accident will not be easy. We need to make sure we are doing our part to support them. Even if you can’t contribute financially, sharing this request with your network makes a difference.

Donate to Please help Ricky Borden, survivor of a tragic ATV accident., organized by Judy Hawco Hello, My name is Judy, a long time friend of the Borden fami… Judy Hawco needs your support for Please help Ricky Borden, survivor of a tragic ATV accident.

Hummingbird Hannah’s Herbal Homestead

The Earth is a beautiful creature with so much to offer. When we reconnect to Nature and one another, magical things are possible. The Homestead aims to forge relationships with the World around us and educate those who wish to learn on Environmental Sustainability, Homesteading Practices, and Plant Medicines.

Flitting around the Province in Ele the Elephant Van, I bring my Nature inspired trinkets and Herbal Preparations to various Markets and start conversations with others who share this passion and want to create change. I also offer to share my learnings and skills that I’ve aquired when working with the Earth.

Stay tuned for dates and locations on Markets, Workshops, and Informative Nature Walks and Retreats! Let’s get back to our roots and do some growing together!

Videos (show all)

✨ Sparkle ☀️🌬* Video description; the branches of a burning bush are encased in ice and glisten in the sunshine.
