Family First Life

Family First Life

Specialize in Affordable Burial Life Insurance, Mortgage Protection and Safe Guarding Retirement Fun


Today I had the pleasure of helping a mother to insure her children. They had been declined for coverage for yrs.
Not today!!!


On this Valentines Day. Protect your family so they won't be financially heartbroken later !!!


There's a conception that people in Baltimore City, don't believe in Life Insurance.
That we believe in go fund me pages. It is not the responsibility of community, friends nor family to bury us when we make our transition.
Let's begin to be thoughtful adults and prepare.
My goal for this month of Black History is to protect 28 families. So when they leave this earth there love ones will have 1 less thing to stress over.
Protect your families !!!


My Job Is To Ask You About Life Insurance.

Please Don't Make It My Job To Tell Your Family You Didn't Have Any.


Life insurance is not for you. It's to protect your love ones. If you made your transition today, how would that look for them? would it be stressful, because you hadn't prepared?
Losing a love one is hard enough, don't be a burden. Be prepared.


We don't know the day or the hour.
Tomorrow may be to late.


This is for parents and grandparents who have young children. It is important that you have LIFE INSURANCE on your children. It's very affordable when they are young. The policy is enforced from day one until the age of 100.
Children can be insured as early as 2 weeks old. It's sad to think about the death of a child however, this is real talk.
Remember, gofundme is NOT A INSURANCE POLICY!!!!
For affordable coverage in box me if you have any questions. I'm here to serve you.


My start of business today humbled me. My client had been trying to be Insured for 5 yrs.and was unable due to health issues.
We did that thing today!!!


If you died yesterday, how would that look for your family TODAY?


Many of my clients had a false sense of security because the had purchased employee Life Insurance. They didn't realize that if they were to loss or change jobs, they would no longer be insured.
In some cases even due to a lengthy illness one can loss coverage.
It is always wise to have additional Life Insurance coverage.
If you would have died yesterday, how would that look for your family today?


Many of my clients had a false of sense of security, concerning employees Life Insurance . What most didn't realize that if they were to change or loss their job, they would no longer be insured. If you become ill and no longer receiving a pay check, you loss your coverage.
It's always wise to purchase additional Life Insurance to protect you and your family. That's what I do; PROTECT FAMILY'S.


People get insurance for various reasons:
1. No burial Life Insurance
2. Need more life Insurance
3. Leave behind money for legacy.

Let's talk about your reason for needing insurance.
In box me or leave a comment.


For many of us, our home is our biggest investment as well as our family refuge. Losing a breadwinner can wreak havoc on the family’s finances — and their ability to stay in the home they love.

So, what’s the best way to protect your home in case something happens to you? Here are two options: mortgage protection insurance and traditional term life insurance. Contact me so we can discuss your options.


Life insurance can often be confusing. Many people know what it is, but they aren't really sure why they may need a policy. This can lead to people putting off getting a policy or, worse, not getting one at all.

If you want to help ensure your family is going to have income and better be able to pay off debts after you’re gone, then life insurance may be very important. Contact me so we can get started.

