Christian Climate Observers Program-CCOP

Christian Climate Observers Program-CCOP

We are a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation at COP 28 in Dubai.


⚠️Deadline update! Apply by JULY 25

This is a crucial moment for climate action. The Christian Climate Observer Program will provide you with the tools needed to faithfully engage with COP27 & creation care in your community.
✈️ Join us in Egypt this November! Apply by 7/25 at

Dates: Choose one; same program:
Nov 6 - 14, 2022 (or)
Nov. 11 - 19, 2022
Location: Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt
Cost: $900 USD includes accommodations, team dinner on Nov 12, travel carbon offsets and program fees; participants are responsible for their own roundtrip travel, local transportation, and food costs. Needs-based scholarships of $400 are available.
Application deadline: July 25, 2022

At COP26, America’s Role Is Humility 12/11/2021

Written by CCOPer Elsa Barron, who does a great job of capturing the mood in Glasgow at COP26.

At COP26, America’s Role Is Humility America may be back, but it has a lot of catching up to do. U.S. Leadership needs to sit down and listen.

Faith groups increasingly join fight against climate change 05/11/2021

Thank you Kyle Meyaard-Schaap for your leadership!

“White evangelical Christians are some of the most suspicious of climate science and the least accepting of solutions to address it,” said the Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, vice president of the Evangelical Environmental Network. His ministry navigates that suspicion by connecting climate science to faith rather than politics, emphasizing authority of scripture and sanctity of human life.

“We don’t do this because we’re Democrats or Republicans. We don’t even do this some of us because we’re environmentalists,” Meyaard-Schapp said. “We’re doing this because we’re Christians and we think that this is just part of what it means to follow Jesus in the 21st century.”

Faith groups increasingly join fight against climate change POINTE-AUX-CHENES, Louisiana (AP) — On a boat ride along a bayou that shares the name of his Native American tribe, Donald Dardar points to a cross marking his ancestors’ south Louisiana burial ground — a place he fears will disappear.



"The money pledge to least developed nations by developed nations is not a donation, but a cleaning fee" - Lazarus Chakwera, President of Malawi at COP26. Powerful statement!

Richard Killmer: What the world needs from the climate change meeting in Glasgow 31/10/2021

On the first day of COP26, Richard Killmer's op-ed is a good primer for what needs to happen at the UN Climate Conference over the next two weeks by world leaders to move us in the right direction on solving the climate crisis.

Richard Killmer: What the world needs from the climate change meeting in Glasgow The world knows what has to be done. We need the will to do it.


CCOP's first daily newsletter will go out today! Be sure to sign up to keep up with at !

COP26 Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Vigil / Launch of Scottish Interfaith Week 20/10/2021

All are invited to join Interfaith Scotland & Interfaith Glasgow for an interfaith prayer and meditation vigil to mark the start of . Join in person on 31 October, 2-3pm GMT, at George Square, Glasgow, or virtually at

COP26 Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Vigil / Launch of Scottish Interfaith Week Come stand together at the commencement of the most important summit in human history!This unique prayer and meditation vigil will bring together people of a...

United Methodists counter grim climate outlook with hope and action 17/08/2021

“The IPCC report confirms everything we’ve been seeing around the planet,” said Cara Fleischer, a member of St. Paul’s UMC in Tallahassee, Fla., who is preparing to attend the global climate conference, COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland, in November. “The report fuels the absolute necessity for action.”

United Methodists counter grim climate outlook with hope and action While the world stood aghast at apocalyptic images of environmental extremes caused by climate change both in real life and in a new scientific report, United Methodists faced the global challenge with renewed commitment to hope and action. “The new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rep

Reacting to the IPCC: ‘Honour the Grief by Protecting What Matters’ - The Energy Mix 17/08/2021

“We need you—yes, you—who care about climate, to DO things. And no, this is not where I tell you to shop differently,” Pierre-Louis wrote. “We need you to go to planning board meetings and push against development in places we know will burn/flood etc/ and push FOR development in safer places. We need you to push for mass transit. We need you to run for office…and to run the people halting action out of office.”

“We need you to dream,” Pierre-Louis added. “We also need you to get weird: we know we have the technology to keep emissions below 2°C. The tech is there. What we need is the will, the desire, and the effort. This thing we are trying? Nobody’s really ever tried it before.” So “we can learn from past social movements, but there’s TONS of room for creativity and oddity.”

Reacting to the IPCC: ‘Honour the Grief by Protecting What Matters’ - The Energy Mix Before yesterday’s science assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change even arrived, climate publications and social media were brimming with advice on how to take in a batch of truly scary news, take some time to rage and grieve—then get back to the work of driving faster, dee...

Thunberg: 'Massive public pressure' needed to galvanize climate fight 13/08/2021

Greta is going to attend COP26 after all. 👍

Thunberg: 'Massive public pressure' needed to galvanize climate fight Calling for "massive" pressure to fight climate change after Monday's dire report by a U.N. science panel, activist Greta Thunberg said she plans to go to this year’s global climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, after all.


Welcome to the official Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) page!

We are gearing up to attend COP27 in Egypt in November, 2022, and on this page, we will share information about this important UN Climate Convention, what it means to be a person of faith advocating for climate action, how you can get involved, and full coverage of our CCOP experience. Please keep the CCOP program and COP27 in your prayers as we have difficult work ahead and are navigating the pandemic.

We'd love to hear from you in the comments and we are glad you're here!