

a christian clothing line for people who want a casual style


This is a redesign of an older shirt want to hear some feedback!!! 🔥🔥


So recently my dad and I had a conversation. And it took me realizing that I don't have everything figured out. And accepting that. College was.... a bad experience, it was something that I still can't explain. All i know is that i failed and made very bad choices. But what I'm slowly learning is that it's okay to fail. I've mentioned this before but I really don't have everything figured out. Except this time I'm hiding behind things I can take my feelings out on like my podcast. I told everyone that my podcast was gonna be about my life experiences. But how can I give life experiences while I'm trying to cover up my past failures. Failure is inevitable, everyone who's ever become successful. From Elon musk or Mark Zuckerberg or even Donald Trump will tell you that they have failed many times. But what made them successful wasn't the failure. It was learning from it and talking about it and being honest about it. So sorry for the long paragraph. But from now on Days on End will be the full truth. The real truth about my pain and what I struggle with internally. Because I don't have life figured out. And as much as I want to say that's okay because I'm learning. It's not I hate being at the bottom of the food chain. But now the only way out is up. So no more excuses no more covering up. It's time for me to be brutally honest with myself. For those of you who read all of this. Thank you so much for the support and all the help. For being with me and putting up with me. Thx for listening everyone.


Here's another shirt guys


Gonna be posting singular photos of all my shirts one day at a time


dve_official's cover photo


Hey guys feel free to reccomend this page to everyone you know. I wanna reach 100 followers by feburary. Lol


Coming out with some fresh new clothes. Totally excited to see how many people enjoy them.


Starting a new business page, so far I'm loving it



