Hope In Heart Nonprofit

Hope In Heart Nonprofit

Hope in Heart Nonprofit is here to raise awareness on Mental Health, and Su***de Prevention.


As the holidays get closer, we understand that times may get more stressful, and you may start to feel down in the dumps. We will be sharing tips on how to maintain your Mental Health.


Our Executive Director DeShaun Williams breaks it down in a post about the things that nobody sees.

If I ever made you believe that my life is peachy keen, I apologize,

Here's what you don't see,

The countless time I feel like the odds are stacked against me,

The nights I feel worthless, and can't sleep,

The days I randomly cry because I feel hopeless.

The what-ifs I ask myself about not getting a college degree

The stress of being unable to drive because of vehicle problems

Wondering if my business will prosper or fail

But in the midst of all of this

I continue to lift up the spirits of others each & every single day.


Those who suffer from mental illness are stronger than you think. We must fight to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends, and act 'normal' while battling unimaginable pain.


The "Fall Into Your Purpose" Summit has been postponed from October 8th, 2022 to early to mid 2023. Thank you for your interest in the event, however when we get everything planned, and rescheduled Executive Director DeShaun Williams and/or Product Manager Elaine Bridges will let everyone know.


When you're afraid to move forward, move forward anyways… and never forget why you did.


Mental health is an important topic, and should be discussed more frequently. It's not "attention seeking.-Brien Blatt

Urgent Need for Corporate America to Address the Mental Health Crisis with Looming Recession and Inflation 29/09/2022

Thank you Professor Theresa Marie (AKA Prof T) for speaking on the urgency to address Mental Health

Urgent Need for Corporate America to Address the Mental Health Crisis with Looming Recession and Inflation Professor Theresa Agostinelli is leading the charge in reshaping the narrative of the mental health in the workplace.


Did you know that the state of South Carolina ranks at number 45 in mental health, and providing access to get help to those who need it? That is not okay, and because we are based in South Carolina, our goal is to raise the awareness on the importance of having access, and resources for those who require it.


September is National Su***de Prevention Awareness Month. While our event is not until October 8th, we are asking that partner with Hope In Heart and become an advocate for su***de prevention.

October 8th is our live event in Orangeburg, SC, and to respect and honor The National Su***de Prevention week (September 4th -10th) we are discounting all tickets to $9.00, to get this discount please contact us or Executive Director DeShaun Williams.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us spread awareness, and is continuing to support us as we move forward.

Photos from Hope In Heart Nonprofit's post 01/08/2022

Meet our current team;

(From Left to right) We have DeShaun Williams who is the Founder, and Executive Director of Hope In Heart Nonprofit, and also is a Motivational Speaker, Mental Health and Su***de Prevention Advocate, Author, and Certified Life Coach.

Elaine Bridges is our Product manager, who oversees all the FUN exciting things that our organization does, and helps plan the events to get a good turn-out crowd. She is a Personal Beauty Coach who specializes in building confidence, and self value by teaching how to master the energy of beauty combined with the power of personal branding. She helps clients learn to be confident in their true essence and beauty shine through so that they can use their authenticity as a super star power to attract their big dreams, goals, and desires to them.

Congratulations to our two board of Directors for stepping up, and deciding to speak out on Mental Health, and Su***de Prevention. We are still looking for two more Board of Director members, and if you are interested in becoming a Board Member please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


We're taking to ANOTHER LEVEL!!

As a Nonprofit Organization, we are raising awareness in our cities, communities, state, country, and entire world, but why hold all the information from businesses, and companies that want to do the same? The answer is we're not, instead we are opening our doors to work with small businesses, and companies that are ready to train, and educate themselves, and their staff on mental health awareness, and su***de prevention. We're giving them the do's and don'ts of it all.

Do this will allow businesses to fully educated, and allow them to be responsive a lot faster when they sense that someone is struggling. This allows the movement to move faster, and get more people involved in raising the awareness, and allows for more advocates.

Are you ready to educate your team/ staff on the importance of mental health? I know you said yes, so stop procrastinating, and connect with us by sending a DM!


Self-love. What a beautiful way of thanking the Universe for making you such an amazing human being.


What is Hope In Heart ❤️ Nonprofit?

Hope In Heart ❤️ Nonprofit organization was and is created to raise awareness on Mental Health issues, and Su***de Prevention. Our goal is to not only to inform you, but to build up advocates in the entire world that will help spread the message throughout.

As a survivor and advocate of mental Health and Su***de Prevention, this is not just a nonprofit organization, but this is also a movement that has been in the works for so long, that now needs to be discussed, and no longer put on the back burner.

As the Founder and Director of Hope In Heart I am asking you to put your pride to the side, and join the movement, as we work alongside other nonprofits, and the to raise the awareness on Mental Health and Su***de Prevention. Are you ready to join the movement?

***deprevention ***deawarness


You ever heard that sometimes it best to (sorry not sorry for the language) shut the hell up, and just listen?

