Dane For Bennington

Dane For Bennington

Dane Whitman serves Bennington District 2-1 as State Representative in the Vermont Legislature.

He believes that thoughtful and hard-working leadership can help transform Bennington’s challenges into opportunities and realize Vermont’s potential.


How would you like Vermont to use money from the American Rescue Plan Act? Affordable housing? Clean water? Childcare?

Share your thoughts with Vermont's legislative leadership on Wednesday, October 6th at 5:30pm!

Register for the Zoom meeting here: https://legislature-vermont-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkdOGurjotHNwLblOwilMm0LFzyn7lDWrX?fbclid=IwAR3_Y7AR9AdkJlDB0NGxGYsLxO_OU4UL2fAhhhUwBqKsVI4Lk7HwRQV-3mY

Can't make the event? Feel free to email me your thoughts at [email protected]. Thanks for posting, David!

Thanks to unprecedented federal stimulus funds coming to Vermont, the Legislature will soon be making once-in-a-lifetime investments to address critical infrastructure needs, support Vermonters' health and well-being, strengthen our communities, businesses, environment and climate, and ensure Vermont's pandemic recovery.

Because these decisions should be informed by all Vermonters and the experiences of their day-to-day lives, Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski and Senate President Pro Tem Becca Balint have arranged to hear directly from residents of Shaftsbury, Sunderland, Glastenbury, and other Bennington County communities next Wednesday, Oct 6 at 5:30. This will be an opportunity to weigh in on the issues you feel strongly about, and what you envision for Vermont’s future. The conversation will be used to inform policy and budgetary work when the Legislature convenes in January.

Due to ongoing public health concerns, the hour-long discussion will be held online. You can register at https://legislature-vermont-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkdOGurjotHNwLblOwilMm0LFzyn7lDWrX. If you’d like to share your suggestions but can’t attend on Wednesday, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].

Vermont has a rare opportunity to make significant investments that will transform and shape the future of our state. I hope you will be able to join me, Speaker Krowinski, and Pro Tem Balint for this conversation.

New Scholarship Opportunities for Vermont Students - CCV 02/08/2021


This year, CCV and the Vermont State Colleges are offering millions of dollars in scholarships, free tuition, and other financial aid opportunities. Generous funding from the State of Vermont is supporting the following programs for Vermont residents:"


New Scholarship Opportunities for Vermont Students - CCV CCV supports and challenges all students in meeting their educational goals through an abiding commitment to access, affordability, and student success.

House unanimously approves ban on toxic PFAS chemicals in consumer products - VTDigger 05/05/2021

It was such an honor to represent Bennington, as well as the work of House Human Services Committee, on this important public health and environmental issue. This is a big step forward in protecting Vermonters from toxic chemicals, and it was great to see 145 House members vote in unanimous support of the bill.

Thank you, Senator Brian Campion, for being a lead sponsor of S.20. Look forward to getting this over the finish line!

House unanimously approves ban on toxic PFAS chemicals in consumer products - VTDigger The restrictions apply to four main areas: fire-extinguishing foam, food packaging, rugs and carpets, and ski wax.


Have you had issues with unemployment insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic? Let your legislators know! See details below for opportunities to help inform our work to best serve Vermonters:

On Tuesday, May 4 from 5:00-7:00 p.m., the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development and the House Committee on Government Operations will hold a joint public hearing to listen to employees and employers in Vermont about the issues faced with unemployment insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public is invited to pre-register to speak at the hearing or to submit written testimony. To submit written testimony, please email an MS Word or PDF file to: [email protected]

To register as a speaker at the hearing, please sign up here: https://bit.ly/3gQYpfb Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and testimony time will be limited to two minutes per person.

The hearing will be live streamed on the Legislature’s Joint Committees YouTube channel here: https://bit.ly/3vryVsQ


On Tuesday, May 4 from 5:00-7:00 p.m., the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development and the House Committee on Government Operations will hold a joint public hearing to listen to employees and employers in Vermont about the issues faced with unemployment insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public is invited to register to speak at the hearing or submit written testimony. To register as a speaker at the hearing, please sign up here: https://legislature.vermont.gov/links/public-hearing-unemployment

Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and testimony time will be limited to two minutes per person.

To submit written testimony, please email an MS Word or PDF file to: [email protected]

The hearing will be live streamed on the Legislature’s Joint Committees YouTube channel here:


Another big week in the Legislature! Log onto a zoom coffee hour every Saturday morning at 9:30am to ask questions and hear updates from a couple of your Bennington State Reps!


Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 19/03/2021

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:30am: Speak with myself and Representative Michael Nigro about what's happening in The VT House! Bring your coffee and invite your friends.


Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 12/03/2021

Lots of activity in the State Legislature this week! Join myself and neighboring Representative Michael Nigro for coffee hour Saturdays at 9:30am! This is an opportunity to hear updates, ask questions, and connect with your Bennington neighbors!

RSVP using the link below -- Hope to see you there!


Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Committee gives child care bill unanimous thumbs-up 10/03/2021

Today the House Human Services committee unanimously approved The Childcare Bill! This has been a long haul, and it feels great to reach a product we can all agree on.

The Childcare Bill (H.171) sets us on track to make childcare more affordable for families, reach better compensation for providers, create workforce development opportunities, include diverse stakeholders at the decision-making table, and identify future funding sources for a universal childcare system.

We know that childcare is essential to keeping our communities strong. Meanwhile, Vermont’s child care system is sorely in need of resources. This legislation is a monumental step towards valuing Vermont's children for what they are: Our future.

This is only the first step! Stay tuned and please voice your support as H.171 makes its way through the House, the Senate, and (fingers crossed) the Governor's Desk!

Committee gives child care bill unanimous thumbs-up MONTPELIER —Slowly but surely, the Human Services Committee of the Vermont House of Representatives worked through a thicket of details and emerged Tuesday with unanimous consent for a bill proposing

Timeline photos 09/03/2021

VT Vaccine Update: People ages 55+ with certain high-risk health conditions can now sign up for FREE COVID-19 vaccines. And, starting Mar. 15, eligibility expands to people ages 16+ with high-risk health conditions. A doctor’s note or proof of a health condition is NOT required to sign up.

Conditions include: Current cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart disease, weakened immune system, severe obesity, pregnancy, diabetes, certain disabilities, and sickle cell disease.

For a detailed list of conditions and to make an appointment, go to HealthVermont.gov/MyVaccine.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 05/03/2021

Have any questions or issues to discuss with your local State Representatives? Join neighboring Rep. Michael Nigro and me for a virtual coffee hour -- Saturdays at 9:30am.
Use the link below to RSVP!


Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: State Rep. Coffee Hour. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


Read below for details on VT's next phase of vaccine roll out beginning Monday, March 8th -- It includes Vermonters with high-risk health conditions, teachers, childcare providers, and more first responders!

Thank you Kathleen James VT State Representative for posting so quickly!


Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today announced that the next phase of the State’s vaccination efforts will begin on March 8 for Vermonters with certain high-risk conditions. With additional supply coming to the state, Governor Scott also unveiled a new track of the vaccine rollout starting next week to include school staff and childcare providers, as well as an expansion of the definition of first responders under Phase 1A.

“Our strategy since the start has been to protect those most at risk and to preserve life. We know age is a top risk factor, and we’re already seeing the positive impacts of our strategy with deaths declining and decreasing case counts amongst our elderly population,” said Governor Scott. “With Johnson & Johnson receiving approval over the weekend, on top of increased supply from Moderna and Pfizer, we’ll be able to scale up and move quicker to get more people vaccinated.”

High-Risk Health Conditions

People with high-risk conditions, which includes approximately 75,000 Vermonters, will be divided into two segments: Phase 5A (Vermonters 55 years old and above with high-risk conditions) will be eligible to register beginning March 8, and Phase 5B (Vermonters 16 and older with high-risk conditions) can register beginning March 15. These groups will be able to register through the State’s standard registration process once their category is opened.

In addition to previously announced high-risk conditions, this phase will also include current cancer, heart disease, pregnancy and disabilities that involve chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome and those with compromised lung function. People with these conditions will not need to get documentation of these conditions to receive the vaccine. The full list of conditions can be seen at healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine.

Dr. Levine explained the state developed the list of conditions based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and was refined using Vermont-specific data.

“We’re glad to be that much closer to protecting these Vermonters, who, as the data shows, are at higher risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19,” said Dr. Levine.

Education System: School Staff and Child Care Providers

Beginning next week, the State will begin to offer teachers and school staff and childcare providers the option of registering for clinics in their district. Alternatively, this group will be able to make appointments for the two-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at Walgreens, which is part of the federal pharmacy program.

“As our mental health data shows, our kids are not doing well and there have been serious public health impacts due to the limitations of hybrid and remote learning,” said Governor Scott. “We know getting our kids back in school for in-person instruction five days a week is essential, and this is a step forward on that goal.”

Public Safety System: Extension of Group 1A

The State will expand the definition of first responders to include police staff such as sergeants, lieutenants, and others, 911 call takers who are needed to direct personnel to emergencies, and staff who work in state correctional facilities that house detainees and incarcerated individuals. A list of these employees will be given to Walgreens to allow for registration through that program, and correctional facilities will also have the option of onsite clinics.

“With our additional supply – in parallel with our age banding and high-risk condition strategy – we can make these changes with a focus on getting and keeping the public safety and education systems fully operational, with an emphasis on the well-being of our kids,” added Governor Scott.

The State will provide more details on registration for these groups later this week.

Vaccination Progress

These announcements come as Vermont surpassed the milestone of 100,000 people receiving at least their first dose. Registration opened to Vermonters age 65 and older on Monday and as of Tuesday morning, more than 20,000 people in this age group had registered for an appointment. By March 15, all those over the age of 16 who are at the highest risk of severe illness and death - whether due to age or a health condition - will be eligible to register for their vaccine.

State officials also welcomed the upcoming introduction of the newly approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine into the state’s vaccine supply.

“This third vaccine will be a game-changer,” said Dr. Levine. “It means more of us can get vaccinated more quickly — our pathway out of this pandemic.”

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is rated as highly effective at preventing serious illness, as are the two vaccines we already have. It’s a single shot that can be kept in normal refrigeration, which makes it easier to distribute and administer. Data for this vaccine showed 100% protection against hospitalization, ICU admission and death. “This is the protection that matters most,” Dr. Levine said.

Human Services Secretary Mike Smith announced that vaccine allocation from the federal government will allow the state to increase its capacity to administer vaccines to 25,000 first doses of vaccine per week by March 15, and to 35,000 per week by the end of the month.

For information about getting vaccinated and to register for an appointment if eligible, visit healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine. Anyone who is unable to make their appointment online, needs help, or who wants to speak with someone in a language other than English can call 855-722-7878. The call center is open Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine 24/02/2021

Vermonters age 65 years and older can schedule COVID-19 vaccination appointments starting Monday, March 1st!


Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine Find information about getting your COVID-19 vaccine.


Very grateful for the opportunity to share my story on Recovery Day. It was a vulnerable experience. I hope that we can dismantle the stigma around substance use recovery, support those who need help most, and continue speaking up on this important issue.

"As we look to create a vision for Vermont, to create a better life after this pandemic, it may be tempting to sweep issues of substance use disorder under the rug. These conversations are uncomfortable, painful even, and unfortunately controversial... What I can say is that as a representative for Bennington and as a member of the Human Services Committee, I am not going to stay silent on this issue."


"Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value." -Joe Biden

On Monday, Feb. 8th, Vermonters are invited to weigh in on next year's proposed budget! Register by tomorrow to give your 2 cents and testify!

Thank you, Kathleen James VT State Representative, for the great summary and for spreading the word.


Vermonters are invited to weigh in on the Governor’s proposed Fiscal Year 2022 budget about the state programs and services they care about.

The House and Senate Committees on Appropriations will be hosting hearings to receive public input on Mon., Feb. 8, from 1-2 pm and 6-7 pm via videoconference.

To testify, please register in advance (no later than Feb. 5) through the online form: https://legislature.vermont.gov/links/public-hearing-fy22-budget

There may be time limits on testimony, depending on the volume of participants—expect a time range of 2–3 minutes.

To view the Governor’s FY 2022 recommended state budget: https://finance.vermont.gov/budget/budget-recommendations/operating-budget/fy2022

The public hearings will be available to watch live on YouTube. More information is located here: https://bit.ly/3ozQ4N5

Lawmakers call for investigation of Department of Labor data breach - VTDigger 03/02/2021

VT Department of Labor, February 2nd, 2021

▪ If an individual receives a 1099 letter from the Department and the name and address on the front do not match, they should not open the 1099. The Department will mail them further instructions for returning the 1099.

▪ If an individual receives a 1099 letter from the Department and the name and address on the front do match, but when they open the 1099, the information on the inside does not match their information, they should hold onto the 1099. The Department will mail them further instructions for returning the 1099.

▪ If there is even the possibility that an individual’s confidential information was improperly released, the Department will mail them instructions for protecting their identity and how to enroll in consumer protection services through the Department.

▪ The Department will be issuing additional guidance to these populations later today/tomorrow along with next steps.

▪ This issue does not impact an individual’s claim or benefits. This issue is specific to the printing and mailing of 1099 tax documents.

▪ No incorrect tax information has been shared with the State or Federal tax departments, nor the IRS. The Department will ensure that correct 1099 tax information is sent to the tax departments and IRS for proper tax reporting.

▪ All claimants will receive a new 1099G tax document from the Unemployment Insurance Division.

Lawmakers call for investigation of Department of Labor data breach - VTDigger Labor Commissioner Michael Harrington said 80,000 to 90,000 people had received 1099s so far. About 55,000 of them received others’ information or had their own private information compromised.

Getting to Work 02/02/2021

Check out my latest email newsletter for in-depth updates from the Legislature!


Getting to Work


Care to catch up over coffee? This Saturday (tomorrow!) at 9:30am, my neighboring Representative Mike Nigro and I will be hosting our first virtual coffee hour! Bring any of your questions, comments, or concerns, as well as hear our latest updates from the State House.

Want the Zoom link? Comment below, shoot me a message, or send an email to [email protected].

Happy Friday, folks!

House General 1-27-21 -01 27/01/2021

Today is Homelessness Awareness Day in Vermont. Leaders across the state working to further housing security for the most vulnerable Vermonters will testify to the Human Services and General, Housing, and Military Affairs Committees. Watch the live stream for the joint hearing below.

House General 1-27-21 -01

Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine 23/01/2021

"COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments Open Monday for Those 75 and Older.

At today's press conference, Human Services Secretary Mike Smith announced the launch of a new webpage — healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine — where Vermonters age 75 and older will be able to book an appointment for their COVID-19 vaccine starting Monday, Jan. 25.

You can visit the page now to learn about how to make an appointment, but you will not be able to make an appointment until Monday, once the system is live and operational, Smith said.

Please do not call any other Health Department number to make an appointment before Monday, Smith said. Please avoid calling hospitals, health care providers, pharmacies and 2-1-1 to make an appointment as well.

Once registration is open, the link to make your appointment will be added to the website. It will be announced on social media and through local news media, Smith said.

We encourage relatives or friends to assist people who are eligible in making an appointment. A phone number will also added to the website Monday for anyone who cannot register online.

“While we expect some bottlenecks in the first few days of registration, (Vermonters age 75 and older) WILL be able to get an appointment during the weeks we are scheduling,” Smith said.

Vaccination appointments will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 27.

“When you make an appointment, please keep it,” Smith added. “No shows, late cancellations and disruptions to schedules delay vaccines for others and may cause doses that have been prepared to be spoiled.”

If you plan to make an appointment for yourself or a loved one, please visit our website to learn what information you will need to make the appointment. You’ll also find links to Frequently Asked Questions and a video about the online process."

-Vermont Department of Health Weekly COVID-19 Update
January 22nd, 2021

Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine Find information about getting your COVID-19 vaccine.


The latest on COVID-19 Vaccinations from the Vermont Department of Health:

"Registration for people in Vermont who are 75 years and older will begin on January 25. Vaccine clinics will start on January 27. People will register online. If they are not able to register online, they can call a phone number. The website and phone number will be posted on or before January 25.

You will not be able to make an appointment by calling any other Health Department phone number. Please do not call your health care provider or hospital for vaccine appointments.

Vermont is using age groupings to determine who can receive the vaccine next based on our primary goal with vaccination efforts – to save lives. After people 75 and older, the next age grouping will be 70 years and older, then 65 and older, as vaccine supply allows. These phases will overlap. Based on what we know now about how much vaccine Vermont will get from the federal government, it will probably take until spring to finish these groups. This is an estimated plan and timeframe that could shift based on how much vaccine Vermont receives and how many people choose to get vaccinated when they are eligible."

Vermont National Guard Home 19/01/2021

Thank you, VT National Guard
The Vermont National Guard has served the State of Vermont throughout multiple crises. They have constructed COVID-19 surge facilities and testing sites, delivered emergency meals, and continue to serve on the front lines of this pandemic. This week, approximately 100 VT National Guardsmen will be deployed to our nation’s capital to ensure the safety and security of the Inauguration. Please join me in expressing thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the Vermont National Guard.

Vermont National Guard Home The official website of the Vermont National Guard


“Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention. There is no other answer.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Since last summer, I’ve been learning more about Dr. King’s work, largely through his book Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? This was the last book Dr. King wrote before he was assassinated, yet I feel that it remains sadly relevant to our present circumstances. Despite these troubling times, I hope that we can all remain focused on advancing the ideals for which so many Americans before us (Dr. King included) have fought and died.

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 18th, 2021

Vermont House passes vote-by-mail expansion for Town Meeting Day - VTDigger 13/01/2021

I'm proud that the VT House passed this legislation speedily and almost unanimously. It shows our state's commitment to safe and accessible elections.

“The most fundamental intent and purpose here is that we are trying to protect the health and safety of Vermonters during the pandemic,” said Rep. Sarah Copeland Hanzas, D-Bradford, the chair of the House Government Operations Committee, who introduced the bill, H.48, on the virtual House floor.

“And the intention here is to give that flexibility for towns to be able to either move their date of their annual meeting, or to decide to mail ballots to voters, if that is what they intend to do,” she said.

Vermont House passes vote-by-mail expansion for Town Meeting Day - VTDigger "The intention here is to give that flexibility for towns to be able to either move their date of their annual meeting, or to decide to mail ballots to voters."

House Committee on Human Services Agenda 11/01/2021

Want to tune in and watch my committee meetings and VT House Floor sessions? Click on the link below to see this week's schedule for the House Committee on Human Services. Stay safe, folks.


House Committee on Human Services Agenda Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


Vaccine Update from Vermont Department of Health:
January 8th, 2021

"Human Services Secretary Mike Smith said at Friday’s press conference that 21,000 Vermonters have now been vaccinated, adding that Vermont ranks second in the nation in the rate of doses distributed per 100,000 people.

Currently, health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities are being vaccinated. Vermont plans to use age grouping to determine who can receive the vaccine next based on our primary objective — to save lives, he said.

There are nearly 50,000 Vermonters in the category of age 75 and older, Smith said. Once this grouping is complete, we will move on to age 70 and older, and then 65 and older. In total, these three groups will comprise 125,000 Vermonters. With current allocations, it will take probably until the start of spring to finish these groups, he said.

See the COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard for the latest data on vaccination in Vermont and visit our website to get the latest on who can get vaccinated now, vaccine safety information and more."


It is bittersweet that this is the first piece of legislation I have signed onto as a sponsor. This is a historic time, and I am heartened to see such universal condemnation of the events of Jan. 6th. However, calling for the resignation of the President of the United States is never something you want to have to do.

The resolution passed in the VT House yesterday. 130 yes, 16 no.
To read the resolution in full:https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2022/Docs/RESOLUTN/JRH001/JRH001%20As%20Introduced.pdf


This photo was taken at 2:30pm yesterday -- hours after being sworn in as State Representative and overcome with gratitude from receiving an appointment to the House Human Services Committee. I could not anticipate that in less than an hour, I would learn the news that Pro-Trump rioters had breached the U.S. Capitol.

I am relieved that earlier today Congress was able to affirm Joe Biden as the next President of the United States. However, the extremism that inspired yesterday's violence is not disappearing overnight. Let this be a lesson that playing games with our democracy has real consequences. Our real work lies ahead.

Looking forward,
Rep. Dane Whitman


Tomorrow is the first day of the 2021 legislative session! I will have the honor of taking my oath of office as State Representative, and am also excited to learn my committee assignment. The VT House of Representatives plans to adopt a number of resolutions related to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, as well as adopt rules to govern remotely. You can watch floor sessions live or later through the VT House Youtube channel (link below).


Timeline photos 11/11/2020

Vermont Reports Highest Number of COVID-19 Cases Since Start of the Pandemic

Governor orders SEOC to begin surge plan implementation and urges Vermonters to recommit to precautionary measures and avoid gatherings to slow the spread

BURLINGTON, VT – The State of Vermont reported 72 new COVID-19 cases this morning, the highest number of cases reported since the start of the pandemic, and almost double the number of new cases reported yesterday.

State officials say this concerning development highlights a trend of increasing positive cases as clusters and outbreaks grow across the state. These clusters and outbreaks often trace back to Vermonters traveling out of state and to social gatherings like baby showers, Halloween parties, deer camps and other small gatherings where masking and physical distancing breakdown.

In response to this trend, and the even greater surge in cases in other states in the region, Governor Phil Scott has directed the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) to prepare to execute existing surge plans, including re-deploying field hospital sites as a precautionary measure.

A northern alternate care facility at the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction has an overall capacity of 400 beds, with most being warehoused by the Vermont National Guard since late-spring. That site has remained staged with 50 beds through the summer. 100 additional beds will be deployed in the days to come, with 250 additional beds and other components in reserve.

A 50-bed field hospital trailer is staged in southern Vermont near Rutland, so that southern facility remains ready to add another 50 beds for a potential surge.

Teams from the Vermont National Guard will carry out the mission to deploy these assets as the State preemptively prepares for impacts related to rising case levels.

“I understand that Vermonters feel fatigued from the pandemic, its impact on all of us and the sacrifices it has required,” said Governor Scott. “As I have said throughout this pandemic, we all have to do our part to keep each other safe and we must continue to follow the public health practices of wearing a mask, staying six feet apart, avoiding crowded places, and quarantining when you are sick. We also have to be smart about how many people we come in contact with and work together to limit that number, so we can slow the spread now, protect our neighbors, keep our kids in school and keep our economy open.”

Vermonters are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 if they have recently attended any event or gathering with people from outside their small social circle, have traveled out of state, have had a visitor from out of state, or anyone that has been a near or close contact of a COVID positive individual.

Additionally, when contacted by the Health Department contact tracing team, Vermonters need to work with them – providing full and accurate information – to help trace any individuals they may have interacted with recently. If contact tracers are unable to trace the spread of the virus, then they will be unable to contain an outbreak and mitigate any further spread into our communities.

Vermonters must understand that by engaging in riskier activities, like attending parties and gatherings – even small ones - there will continue to be a surge in cases and we will see community spread like the rest of the country. Vermonters have worked hard to protect our communities, keep our businesses open and send children back to school. Now is not the time to give up on the hard work and sacrifices over the last seven months.

The best way to stay healthy and prevent the spread of virus is to follow the core prevention actions: Wear a mask, keep a 6-foot distance from others, avoid crowded spaces and social gatherings, wash your hands a lot, stay home when you’re sick.

Pop-up testing sites and other community testing opportunities are offered throughout Vermont. For locations, dates and to make an appointment, visit: healthvermont.gov/covid19-testing.

COVID-19 is highly contagious. People with COVID-19, even those who don't have any symptoms, can spread the virus to other people. There are things we can all do to protect ourselves and the people around us from getting or spreading COVID-19.
Wear a mask indoors when you are with people you don’t live with or outside when you cannot always keep 6 feet apart. Vermont requires masks be worn in public spaces.
Stay home if you are sick.
Wash your hands a lot.
Keep your social circle small. Avoid social gatherings and if you do participate in one, it is strongly advised to limit it to 10 or fewer people with a very limited number of groups.
Stay at least 6 feet apart from people you do not live with.
Follow Vermont's travel guidance: All non-essential travel now requires quarantine.
