UWO French Department
"French is one of the most widely spoken languages globally.
Our program will give you a thorough grasp of the linguistic complexity of the language but also a functional understanding of its cultural diversity and global impact." Connect with the UWO French Department for event updates and info about our majors, minors, and certificates:
Joyeuses FĂȘtes, or Happy Holidays from the French Department!
Still looking for classes to take for Spring 2022? Well we have the perfect class for you! Advance your French language skills and resumé! Don't wait until it's full, sign up now! Please let us know if you have any questions about the class! Have a wonderful day, don't let it be a trajeudi!
If you missed the Lille study abroad meeting, it's not too late! We can still provide you the information, or visit the study abroad page on the UWO website as well. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, and if you wanted to be added to an email list let us know! Have a happy Monday, and don't forget, it's International Week!
Salut! Tomorrow the French Department will be meeting in the Po***ck House 4-5pm to talk about our favorite thing, studying abroad! Please come join us and learn about our upcoming trip to Lille, France in the summer! Spend 4 weeks in the heart of France with weekend trips to Paris and Normandy! Studying abroad in college is one of the best things you can do because it is affordable, and you get to travel with a bunch of your peers!
If you have any questions, or are not able to make it, feel free to email or call us! Au revoir!
Bonjour! Join us today in Clow 225 from 4-5 to learn about all things French! Learn about French Club, Study Abroad, and Upcoming Courses for the next semester! Immerse yourself in French culture and converse with your peers in the French language! You do not need to have prior experience in the language! See you there! Au revoir!