

My heart desires for others to know Jesus and mature into the person they were created to be.


Lord, thank you so much for your forgiveness and grace in my life. Thank you for freeing me from the bo***ge of sin and redeeming me. Help me to grow and mature spiritually, so that I might be a witness to all your goodness and grace, pointing others to you. Lord help me to love like you love, even those that are hard to love. Teach me Lord how to love sacrificially without expectation.

Father, teach me how to forgive as you forgive. Help me to forgive those who have wronged me and hurt me deeply. Give me the strength to let go and trust you. My identity is in you. I am a child of God, set free and forgiven. Help me forgive as you forgive me. I no longer belong to the darkness and renounce any attachments to my sinful nature. Give me discernment, oh God, to recognize what is good and right; what is holy and pure so that I might walk in your grace. Help me to see through the tactics of the enemy and withstand his attacks. Grow me in such a way that I will know my enemy and he will not have access to my life.

In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Sweet friend, God’s mercies are new every day. I pray that you know your enemy now and how to take back some ground. It's a great day for a beautiful day.
