Lindsay Shanks Music Videos

Videos by Lindsay Shanks Music. Lindsay Shanks is a musician from Waukesha Wisconsin. She performs accoustic covers of many genres

For any one who hasn't seen a solo gig of mine here is a solo promo video! :)

Other Lindsay Shanks Music videos

For any one who hasn't seen a solo gig of mine here is a solo promo video! :)

Stop on by and see me!

Here is a promo video of some of our duo stuff for friends of ours who haven't seen a duo gig before. Big thanks to my husband Jonathan Michaels for putting this together. :)

Hi Everyone today I will be at Brookfield Farmers Market from 10am-12pm and later today I will be at Mainstream from 830pm-1230am Also if you see me at the farmers market and have kids have them ask me this question! :)

Hi everyone on Wednesday I will be playing at Raised Grain 6pm-8pm. I you can't catch me then stop in by and see Jon Archimede and I at Rumors Roadhouse on Saturday 7pm-9pm. I look forward to seeing you all there. :)

Jonathan Michaels and I at Carriage House. :)

A video from when I played cat Coffeeville Company in January. Video courtesy of Gene Gruber.

Hi everyone I will be at Coffeville this Saturday from 11am- 2pm stop on by andsee me minus my horse :)

Jon and I singing "Stuck Like Glue". 😃

Hi everyone we have not one but 2 gigs today. Jonathan Michaels and I will be at Vintage Grounds from 930am-1230pm. And later today we will be at Pop's Pub 3pm-6pm. Come on down and see us and enjoy this ridiculous video of Emily and I singing ring of fire.