Natalia Terfa

Natalia Terfa

Public page for Natalia Terfa. Lutheran pastor, author (Uplift), podcast host (Cafeteria Christian)

Timeline photos 06/05/2022

Friday Uplift -- May 6, 2022 -

Timeline photos 04/03/2022

Friday Uplift -- March 4, 2022 -

Timeline photos 25/02/2022

Friday Uplift -- February 25, 2022 -

Friday Uplift -- February 18, 2022 18/02/2022

Friday Uplift -- February 18, 2022 -

Friday Uplift -- February 18, 2022 There’s a story in Genesis about a lesser known woman named Hagar and her son Ishmael. People who have been a part of my church have heard this story from me more than once, because it’s too important to overlook our shared history with the origin of Islam, through Ishmael. 

Timeline photos 11/02/2022

Friday Uplift -- February 11, 2022 -

Timeline photos 04/02/2022

Friday Uplift -- February 4, 2022 -

Timeline photos 28/01/2022

Friday Uplift -- January 28, 2022 -

Timeline photos 21/01/2022

Friday Uplift -- January 21, 2022 -

Timeline photos 14/01/2022

Friday Uplift -- January 14, 2022 -

Friday Uplift -- August 13, 2021 14/08/2021

Friday Uplift -- August 13, 2021 -

Friday Uplift -- August 13, 2021 This story was a part of the lectionary this past weekend and as soon as I heard Elijah’s words I felt a rush of solidarity. 

The Longest Night 22/12/2020

If you came here for "The Longest Night" with Chris Koza and me, and it's not working, you can also watch it here:

The Longest Night Solstice Words and Music with Chris Koza and Natalia Terfa.Singer-songwriter Chris Koza and writer-pastor Natalia Terfa come together to create solidarity du...


It's been a LONG YEAR. If you're like me, not totally feeling all the Christmas joy yet, join me and MN local musician Chris Koza as we celebrate(?) the longest night. Monday December 21st, at 7pm. Here, on my author page. It'll be a time and place set aside to sit in the dark with readings by me and music by Chris that will walk you through all your feelings.


sometimes I wonder
if Mary breastfed Jesus.
if she cried out when he bit her
or if she sobbed when he would not latch.

and sometimes I wonder
if this is all too vulgar
to ask in a church
full of men
without milk stains on their shirts
or coconut oil on their breasts
preaching from pulpits off limits to the Mother of God.

but then i think of feeding Jesus,
birthing Jesus,
the expulsion of blood
and smell of sweat,
the salt of a mother’s tears
onto the soft head of the Salt of the Earth,
feeling lonely
and tired

and i think,
if the vulgarity of birth is not
honestly preached
by men who carry power but not burden,
who carry privilege but not labor,
who carry authority but not submission,
then it should not be preached at all.

because the real scandal of the Birth of God
lies in the cracked ni***es of a
14 year old
and not in the sermons of ministers
who say women
are too delicate
to lead.


On Sunday, we sang the hymn "there's a wideness in God's mercy" and the second verse went like this:

"For the love of God is broader
than the measures of our mind;
and the heart of the eternal
is most wonderfully kind.
But we make this love too narrow
by false limits of our own;
and we magnify it's strictness
with a zeal God will not own."

OOooh I love it when hymns call us out, and this one really goes for it.
God is not about narrow love yall.
God is wide love. Big love.
Anything else is just us being little ol limited us.

ELCA Church Council votes to remove “Vision and Expectations” 09/03/2020


ELCA Church Council votes to remove “Vision and Expectations” The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with more than 3.8 million members. "God's work. Our hands."


Hey so on this day, remember that we are about grace. Grace-filled conversations, graceful interactions with those who disagree with us, grace for those who vote differently than we do. We can do this yall. We can.
