Healing Enlightenments

Healing Enlightenments

The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds
John F. Kennedy Get instant answers and fast results from your own mind.

Healing Enlightenments uses Rapid Transformational Therapy to achieve the clarity and understanding you need to overcome anything that is holding back your happiness. With the use of hypnosis, we get to the center of the issue and resolve it at the core. Achieve the results you want faster, and easier, by going to the most reliable source, YOU.

73 Cows 06/04/2023

Wow! What an incredible story!

73 Cows 73 Cows is the story of Jay Wilde, a beef farmer who battles with his conscience every time he takes his cows to slaughter. Feeling trapped within an industry he…


Note to self .... some good advice in this.


The only difference is we haven't been taught to see them as the same. It's call Speciesism.


👇Stay informed! Knowledge is power!


You are your thoughts 95% of the time… So program them to be positive, happy, and


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You are perfect just as you are… 💜


You get what you focus on. Focus on fabulous things!


Setting extraordinary intentions gives you extraordinary results.


You get what you expect. Expect great things! Expect things to work out!

How to be Happy? 10 Tips to Find Happiness Within You 27/09/2022

Great advice and wisdom from Sadhguru on how to find happiness within yourself. ❤️

How to be Happy? 10 Tips to Find Happiness Within You Want to know how to be happy with yourself? Here are 10 tips from Sadhguru including a reminder to smile often and stop comparing yourself with others.


Oh yes something greater than you could imagine is coming. Get ready for it! 🙏❤😁


That makes you pretty damn special! 😁🫶


We get what we think about... Today do your best to keep your thoughts happy and on what you want. You are creating the reality of tomorrow.


On the lighter side of things.
