Permission to Speak

Permission to Speak

"Permission to Speak" is an iHeartRadio podcast about HOW WE USE OUR VOICE TO GET WHAT WE WANT


Love getting to share with the world finally!!! This was the lanyard I had to wear on set every day — movie code name: “magic hour” so sneaky people around DC didn’t know what we were shooting :)


I’ve been quiet here as I work on *actually* writing my book but here’s a little peak at what I’m working on right now. Who wants to guess what this chapter is about 😂😂


We did it, .


As the US waits on election results, and we sit with our discomfort, I love this reminder about something WE can each do, like one item on a long list of how to human better ❤️


I’ve officially handed off my podcast gear 😭😭 no more new eps for a while but sending love to all my listeners and fierce permission, y’all! Are you feeling it???


Dialect coaching has unusual perks. Today’s my last day on this film and is spreading the love ❤️❤️


It’s a clickbait-y headline but a great piece about diversity in Hollywood from the *voice* perspective. Go to to read it 🔥

Whether or not us dialect coaches have ears that can pick up the nuances of an accent regardless of our skin color (obviously I think they can) it *does something* to an actor to be coached by someone who looks like them, just as it *does something* to a student to have a teacher who looks like an older and wiser version of them. And it *does something* to the production to have crew members of color in positions of power as department heads on set — which is still exceedingly rare, in my experience.

Regardless of who’s hired for a gig, our job as coaches is to tell the story of the character’s voice responsibly; it’s anti-racism work. But who’s hired *should* get some regard. That’s anti-racism work too.


As my necklace says, . Then do some other things: nap. Check in on a friend. Speak honestly. Ask your most politically-minded pal how you can help locally. If you’re not in the US, tell us how we can help you. Breathe deeply. Remember how many of us are struggling to breathe deeply. Hug who you can hug safely.


This reminds me of in her book, talking about how long it took her to start asking herself “what’s in it for me?” What do I need? What do I want? For most of us, listening closely and tenderly to the answers to those questions is an act of revolution.
We all want to be heard. But how often are you listening to you? When something feels off, do you acknoweldge it to yourself? Are you aware and accepting of your emotions? Do you spend time with yourself, keep your promises to yourself, or nurture yourself on low days? You can't control how others hear you, but you can always listen to you.


🎉 🎉 Strong & kind. Sounds like the kind of leader I want to follow. (Am I the first person who’s considered moving to NZ???) 😂😂


I’m doing research on this for my book RIGHT NOW. And highly recommend this and every wise thing says.

Day 5 of 21 day countdown challenge 💕 Today’s exercise: Hug it out. The goal is to hug yourself or someone else for a total of 2 mins & 1 sec today (or more!) A few caveats: ‘hugging till relaxed’ as a friend of mine calls it only works if the other person feels totally safe and appropriate to you. And obviously with covid, standing around wearing a Free Hugs sign is not a viable option. But if you’re quarantined with loved ones who would be up for this, explain that your goal is to ‘hug till relaxed’, about 20-30 seconds (don’t forget to breathe—some of us tense up without realizing), take a break, then repeat, till you’ve done about 3 or 4 rounds or a total of 2 mins. If you live alone, you can still do this as a self-hugging exercise. That may sound weird but it’s actually a really beneficial stretch/yoga pose that feels great and can be done anytime, seated or standing. You can even incorporate a little self-massage by first hugging yourself with your right hand on your left upper shoulder blade, and your left hand wrapped around the right side of your torso. Breathe in and out deeply and really stretch, give yourself some soothing squeezes for about a minute, then switch sides for another minute. Whether you have your hug time with yourself or someone else, I suggest doing it first thing in the a.m. and then whenever you need a self-love boost throughout the day. And if a voice in your head says self hugging is lame, or it’s too uncomfortable to linger in a hug with yourself or another person for a whole 2 minutes, just notice that, and name it without judging yourself. Also, some people don’t feel right hugging, period, and that’s ok too. You can always do one or more of the self-love practices from the past few days’ posts instead. Lmk how it goes in the comments. I love you today and every day! ❤️


What can I say — permission to not speak. What a perfect example of words, tone, and body language, working at odds. Sometimes to our advantage 😂😂😂
Are there more important aspects to the presidential race? Absolutely. Would we deprive you of a laugh in this news cycle? No way.


It’s also hard, and I think requires some support. Thanks for this reminder


The release date keeps getting pushed but the love remains! I’m so proud to have worked on this film, y’all. I was about to say AMA but honestly ask me nothing at all, I can’t talk about it 😂😂


I’ve been thinking about this a lot, maybe because I’m back on set and actually interacting with humans again. Saying come on in and actually taking care of each other once we’re in are two very different things. The first can happen in a split second; the second is ongoing and requires a commitment to watching out for each other, to reading a room and then reading it again, noticing who feels unseen and seeing them. Which is a kind of power and leadership we weren’t necessarily raised to label as such. Who’s an only in the space? Who doesn’t seem comfortable? What can you do to help?

Thank you for posting this & and saying it ❤️


I feel this way with my girlfriends ALL THE TIME. Like we get off a 2 hr FaceTime and I’m like oh s**t, were we supposed to NOT talk philosophy and politics the whole time? 😂😂


I am a native speaker of English and I endorse this message 💯 Y’all, good teaching is good teaching, and that’s the only metric that counts; everything else is bias.


“If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” —Emma Goldman. Or me, finding soma haha after that debate. ~


Have as good a weekend as humanly possible, loves.
Reminder 👆 women (applies to everyone) do not need to be polite to someone who is making them feel uncomfortable.



Hi, loves. The below is about but the below is also about you. Please know you own your voice. You own your space. You own your dreams. You own your use of the English language in all its messiness and all its precision. You are hope and wisdom and joy and citizenship where you stand. And I can’t wait to live in a world where you have more power💥so much love. ~
You legitimize entire countries, communities, workplaces and learning spaces with your presence. You deserve to learn, live, breathe, and find peace. They do not own me, you, or this sky or this ocean. People ask me all the time why I didn’t stay curled up in a little ball when I survived that no knock order or again when I survived that cancer. It’s because of love. So we will lift each other to joy and we will lift each other to love. Take 30 seconds to breathe. You earned every breath.


Breonna, we are disappointed but sadly not surprised.

But you deserve more from us than just deep despair. And we do despair. Because you aren’t here-and no one is taking responsibility.

But you deserve our fight. Our courage. Our honor. Our love.

Your smile sustains us. You generosity fuels us. You lived purposefully, so we will struggle purposefully. Your light shines still. We will never let it dim.

I have no hot takes. Just commitment. To you. To us. To love. To power. To victory for our people.

We will not have lost you in vain. We’ll surround your family with love, and carry on in your name.

No matter who refuses to acknowledge your value, we do. And we always will.

I’m so sorry.


Anyone else need this? 🙋🏻‍♀️


“Their unwillingness to harden is an act of rebellion.” The words on the second image are by my friend . We must we must we must rebel. Even when our voice shakes. ❤️


Don’t worry— we’re changing that. Our power is more than persuasive. will be talking about how, in next week’s episode

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 15/09/2020

Killin’ the Paddington Bear look today 🎉 It’s honestly such a pleasure to be back on set. Of course it feels different — I yearn to see the the bottom half of faces and we all have to build in extra time for morning testing. But we’re back together and making something. There’s a crackle of new in the air. There’s the joy of togetherness even if it’s awkward. I missed surprise interactions and am grateful for every one. Brushing off my ability to banter, cranking it back up. Sending love to you all. ~


Always a good reminder.
Life changing.


Hi loves! No new pod eps for awhile as I work on writing my book (!) and venture back on set (!). More about both SOON but in the meanwhile, let’s be honest, I’m still doing IGLIVES and am not not speaking 😂 Just, finding a bit more quiet. Sending vibes of calm and love and resilience to each of you. “These times are not necessarily good, and not necessarily bad. In fact, what they are depends on what we are.” — Terry Pratchett ❤️.


What do you do when someone says “just sound like yourself”? Go check this lovely IGLIVE out over at — we talked all things voice & power, baby. 🎉💁🏻‍♀️🎤👯‍♀️💥~.

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 03/09/2020

Accent bias isn’t just a fun linguistic chat. It squelches spirits, discredits truth tellers, defines empires—unless brave souls stand up and say no. Today’s ep is to 🖤 .d.tyme .accentsway

Timeline photos 28/08/2020

REFRAME THAT S**T! We are the new sound of power, y’all.
“As South Korea is to beauty products and Silicon Valley is to apps, women in their teens, 20s, and 30s create—and incubate—future language trends. (Though not on purpose or for money.) ‘It’s generally pretty well known that if you identify a sound change in progress, then young people will be leading old people, and women tend to be maybe half a generation ahead of males,’ linguist Mark Liberman says. (Fun fact: Linguists have also determined that the least innovative language users are non-mobile, older, rural males, which they’ve majestically given the acronym ‘NORMs.’)
Exactly why women seem to move language forward like this is not as clear. One hypothesis is that women are simply given more freedom in society to talk with pizazz. Studies of internet slang have shown women to use language more expressively: creative punctuation, descriptive hashtags, emoji, and fun abbreviations like OMG and AF. Another theory is that women are more attuned to social interactions and thus likelier to pick up on subtle linguistic cues. But to me, the most compelling argument is that young women innovate because they see language as a tool to assert their power...” — snippet from Wordslut, Chapter 4


1. Katie Hill🍷🇺🇸💄B. Next week with .accentsway 🎉👯‍♀️🔥

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Hi from set. I can’t believe this is happening.

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 24/08/2020

Cannot wait to share my 🎉next ep🎉 with former Congresswoman Katie Hill! I AM SERIOUS. We swear a lot, we get specific about how to run for office, how to navigate Capitol Hill and how to handle public disgrace. She is hilarious and real and I loved our convo. Drops Wed — subscribe today if you aren’t already! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Happy Monday, y’all. What a world. ~

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 19/08/2020

I got to talk to the award-winning reporter and producer of Dolly Parton’s America about ALL the delicious behind-the-scenes intel on the hit pod series with Jad Abumrad, plus finding her own voice on the mic, the superpower of being okay with being hated, and how to land a kickass money ask. Shima is deep and wise and hilarious and I needed this vocal hug of sisterhood. Lemme know if it resonates with you too. ~

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

CALLBACK to my pod guest Ilyse Hogue (EP #20!!) who stood on the biggest stage four years ago today and told a story she knew she had to tell.
Four years ago, I was honored to represent members across the country and the majority of the American people when I stood onstage at the in Philadelphia and told my own abortion story at the podium. It was the scariest thing I have ever done, but in spite of that, I did it. I knew the stakes and I had the stage.

Four years later, we’re seeing the damage done by the current administration to abortion access. Trump and Pence have done everything in their power to outlaw abortion, make women and doctors criminals, and impose their own brand of zealotry on the agencies they run. They have given a green light to extremists in states to advance dangerous and demeaning laws that vilify women and eviscerate the rights of pregnant people at the expense of science and public health. Roe is on the verge of extinction as a result of Trump’s judicial picks — Roe was always supposed to be the floor, not the ceiling.

At the same time, this Administration has slashed healthcare, nutritional assistance, prenatal care, and policies that help working moms. They have separated families at the border and used racism, xenophobia and sexism to divide us.

I won’t be at the convention that starts tonight, but I will be watching and cheering for and and so many other leaders who will end this cruelty and replace it with conviction and compassion. This week will showcase the vast chasm between what have to offer and the toxic priorities of the current occupants in the White House.

We have 77 days to get this done. I’m all in. Hope we all are. Our future and our democracy depend on it!

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 15/08/2020

You guys! I cannot WAIT to share this week’s episode with — producer of the hit podcast Dolly Parton’s America, winner of the for broadcasting excellence, child of immigrants, world class reporter, and one of those wise soothsayers who you just shut up and listen to. She’s a brilliant human with a LOT to say about finding our voices. Loved our convo so! And had a hell of a time cutting it down 😂 Comin’ atcha 🎉 this Wed 🎉 Happy (ish?) weekends, all ❤️❤️~.


“Using my voice in a way that I haven’t been able to of late.” ❤️❤️ 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 12/08/2020

Your body actually VIBRATES with your voice. Did you know that? Join us in Mailbox Part 2 as Samara answers questions about nasal tones, vocal fry, and voice shaming.
Tune into this podcast to get your voice questions answered. Got more? Samara returns on Thursday for Thursday Takeaways on IG Live. Tune in Thursday at 10:30 AM PT.
Also, anyone else still celebrating about ? Us too!
@ IHeartRadio Podcasts

Photos from Permission to Speak's post 11/08/2020

Kamala Harris for VP!
💥 🇺🇸 💥
In honor of here's a throwback to her niece, AHEM Meena Harris! - sharing all the goods in episode 10!
💥 🇺🇸 💥
Tune into our stories for more. Until then...
💥 🇺🇸 💥

@ America the Beautiful

Videos (show all)

As promised in this week’s pod, here’s a little 🎉bonus 🎉1 min on how to take a real breath. It’s deliciously simple 🤯 @l...
Today’s the day! Watch @evanrachelwood and then listen to her #bts on how she thinks about #doloresabernathy’s voice. LI...
NEW EPISODE!! @zahracomedy talks about dismantling bro culture in comedy and not a moment too soon y’all. #patriarchy #p...
Here we go! First ep up, plus a bonus ep all about me 🎉🎉🎉 Evan goes deep in how she choreographs #doloresabernathy’s voi...