North Star Ministry

North Star Ministry

Here at North Star Ministry we focus on sharing the Gospel and love of Jesus! We are here to help gui

Click here to Give now to Syracuse Family House Fire by Kevin Syracuse 07/08/2023

This is my grandmother's house. If you can help her in anyway please and thank you all! God bless.

Praise God no one was hurt and it was mainly confined to her garage.

Click here to Give now to Syracuse Family House Fire by Kevin Syracuse On Aug 5th, my grandmothers house caught on fire.  Luckily, all inside the house, to include my grandma and my aunt were without injury.  However, my grandmother lost everything in her garage to include memorabilia and important items that meant so much to her.  This fundraiser is ...

One Flesh Studios, Kounter Kulture-LGBTQ, Drag and More! (Episode-2) 01/07/2023

Tune in now! Episode 2!

One Flesh Studios, Kounter Kulture-LGBTQ, Drag and More! (Episode-2) What does the Bible say about Homos*xuality?music rights in this video belong to:Going Down Swinging (instrumental):Neffex

One Flesh Studios, Kounter Kulture-Abortion (Episode-1) 16/06/2023

Kounter Kulture Eps. 1

Tune in now!

One Flesh Studios, Kounter Kulture-Abortion (Episode-1) Join us as we discuss some issues with the "A" word and see what the Bible has to say about it.Click here to learn more about love

Kounter Kulture Promo Trailer, One Flesh Podcast 13/06/2023

Tune in this Friday, June 16th at noon for our next episode of Kounter Kulture!

We will be discussing the controversial topic of abortion and what God has to say about it.

Kounter Kulture Promo Trailer, One Flesh Podcast Kounter Kulture is our series under One Flesh Podcast, where husband and wife engage with culture and share what the Word of God has to say about it.

Kounter Kulture Promo Trailer, One Flesh Podcast 08/06/2023

Hey everyone, our next episode of Kounter Kulture under One Flesh Studios will be airing next Friday at noon, June 15th. Stay tuned!

We will be discussing the topic of abortion and how it crashes with the Christian Worldview.

Kounter Kulture Promo Trailer, One Flesh Podcast Kounter Kulture is our series under One Flesh Podcast, where husband and wife engage with culture and share what the Word of God has to say about it.

One Flesh Studios, Introduction (Episode 1) 03/06/2023

One Flesh Studios, Introduction (Episode 1) Welcome to our podcast. A husband and wife perspective on tackling controversial issues and seeing what the Word of God has to say about it!Music: Temperatur...


Today is the day of the premier of our first episode from One Flesh Studios! An introduction episode discussing details on what to expect from our content and future episodes etc.

Great news! We will be premiering a couple hours early from the original time slot of noon!

Stay tuned!


If anyone has any connections or knows of where I can obtain donated Bibles, please let me know. We are collecting Bibles to hand out to anyone who wants one.


Contrary to the premill eschatological view thats been pushed on us through Hollywood and frankly in very recent history, we do not lose down here...

In scripture we see the pattern and theme of Christ's reign now. In Heaven and on Earth, now...not later.

We see the theme of Christ's Kingdom increasing! Not a message of defeat, but victory! (Isaiah 9:7)

We see that all enemies will be under Jesus's feet and then the last, death will be defeated. (Psalm 110:1, 1 Corinthians 15)

If you just read scripture the truth is right in front of you. Jesus is on His thrown today, now, reigning...

We do not lose...we are victorious in Christ today.

It's time for us to do our part in the great commission and go and make disciples of all nations teaching all to obey the Word of God and what He commands of us. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Here we go!


Not much longer!

Join us and watch husband and wife tackle and discuss controversial issues in today's culture and see what the Bible has to say about it.

One Flesh Podcast with episodes of Kounter Kulture.

Under the umbrella of North Star Ministry!

Photos from North Star Ministry's post 17/05/2023

The studio for One Flesh Podcast is almost done!

Couple more weeks and we will air our first introduction episode of Kounter Kulture!

Stay tuned!


And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-14

Let's play, I spy that


One Flesh Podcast Update:

'Kounter Kulture' will be the name of our current series we will be airing Summer of 2023!

In Kounter Kulture we will be engaging the world from a Christian Worldview perspective addressing controversial issues such as homos*xuality, the trans movement, modern day societal norms and or culture traditions that conflict with the gospel truth. Discussions will also include anything that counter acts how we are commanded to live as Christians and what the world encourages vs. what God says.

Stay tuned for more!

One Flesh Podcast Promo Video 26/04/2023

One Flesh Podcast, where husband and wife engage with culture, society, and controversial issues in today's secular world by sharing the gospel truth despite persecution.

The Gospel will be proclaimed.

Let's go!

Summer 2023!

One Flesh Podcast Promo Video coming soon!


I don't care what your beliefs are...I don't care what you feel or claim to be from God...If it goes against what God says to do...if your "feeling" is opposite of what God says, it's not from God.

Deny yourself, deny your selfishness, deny the idea that you think you know better than what God says...because you don't.

Don't compromise scripture because of your self righteousness...

If it's from God. It will be aligned with His Word, not your subjective feeling.


Brothers and sisters please don't fall into this trap.

The "Name it and Claim it" false doctrine is not biblical. Please stay away from this type of teaching...

Why is it not biblical?

It is common for some Christians to believe and some teachers to teach that if Christians have enough faith, they will be saved, become wealthy and obtain anything that they desire. They say that nothing is impossible if one has enough faith.

Our salvation and answered prayer all depends upon how much faith a Christian possesses. Consequently, some Christians are trying to increase their faith because that is the key to obtaining what one wants. This is known as “name it and claim it” theology. False doctrine, stay away!

Just because one says, "in the name of Jesus" doesn't make it true...just because one says, "believe it and speak it", does not make it true.

We need to remember, it is God's Will, not our own.

With love and humility.


He is Risen!


"He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay."

Matthew 28:6


Friday of Holy Week:

Also known as good Friday. Today, over 2,000 years ago is the day of Jesus' crucifixion. Today is the day where Jesus was whipped and beaten so badly, his body was unrecognizable. A prophecy foretold and came true over 700 years prior through the prophet Isaiah...

"But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed"

Isaiah 53:5

This day, Jesus walked over 600 meters carrying His cross while being whipped, spit on and mocked for doing nothing but honoring God. Fulfilling God's Will in being the ultimate sacrifice for our sins...

Today, Jesus made His way to the mountain of Calvary, also known as the Mountain that looked like a skull named, "Golgatha" where He would be hung on the cross, pierced for our transgressions...crushed for our iniquities...ultimately giving His life for you...for have a chance to be in relationship with God once again.

Just before Jesus took His last breath on the cross, He shouts these words..."Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." He then finishes with this...

"Tetelestai" (It is finished).


Thursday of Holy Week:

Today, marks the day of the last supper. The final meal before the death of Christ of which occurred tomorrow, over 2,000 years ago. Jesus demonstrated His love by the washing of His disciples feet and a night of prayer in the garden. As Jesus and His disciples celebrated passover, new meaning was given by the first communion. Jesus explained that He is the bread of life and He will be broken for His people and to take and eat in remembrance of Him. He then explained the wine represents His blood poured out for His people and they drank in remembrance of Him. Soon, once the morning came, Jesus was pointed out by a kiss from Judas and taken by Roman Soldiers.


Wednesday of Holy Week:

There aren't many details on what Jesus was doing on this day however, Judas, was conspiring against Him. Judas is confronted by Pharisees and he accepts 30 pieces of silver to lead the people to where Jesus is for capture.


Tuesday of Holy Week:

Today, over 2,000 years ago, only a few days away from Jesus dying on the cross, Jesus began to teach the Pharisees and spoke in parables to do so. His authority was being questioned and the stage was being set for the crucifixion of Jesus.


Today is Monday of Holy Week...

The days leading up to Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and resurrecting, proving deaths defeat of which He promised and other prophesies promised from the beginning of creation.

Today, over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was at the temple correcting the locals on what the temple of God is supposed to be. Today, over 2,000 years ago, Jesus displayed righteous anger by overturning tables and commanding His people not to use the temple as a buying and selling location. This story is known by scholars as the, "Cleansing of the Temple."

This story is accurate as it is mentioned in all 4 of the Canonical Gospels.

We see in Matthew 21:12 this...

And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

It is said that it wasn't just the Jew's buying and selling but pilgrims from all over the place would come to barter.

The message of this story is, as we pursue we pursue peace and comfort in this life, we must not search for these in idols. We must not search for truth in the world and things around us and treasure on this Earth that are merely temporary. We must put God first in all we do and we will only find true peace and comfort in Christ Jesus.

Jesus was showing us what the temple of God is. What it is for and how we will never sooth or calm or satisfy our passions buy disobeying God and living for this world. Repent, beleive and die to ourselves is the call of the Gospel.


Because I Have...All Authority...In Heaven...And On Earth...Therefore, Go...Make...All Nations...Baptizing...Teach...To Obey...

The Great Commission summarized...

Therefore, Go!


This morning I overheard yet another unbiblical response to one who has called out the area of sin in another's life. Without knowing all the details, it reminded me of the two different types of judgements depicted in scripture.

One being, don't judge because we are not to be hypocritical and God will seek His judgement in His time. This speaks to Christians not playing the hypocrite role by telling someone not to have premarital s*x and then later that night they continue themselves in premarital s*x, WITHOUT REPENTANCE. This is an example of the wrong form of judgment the Bible speaks on...This type of Judgement that is wrong is found in, Matthew 7:5.

However, there also is a thing called "Righteous Judgement" that we as Christians are to do. This righteous judgement is when a fellow believer is sinning and you are to confront them personally on it to help remind them it is a sin and help encourage repentance. If they refuse to listen then you bring more witnesses with you, if they refuse again then you tell the whole church etc. (Matthew 15:18 explains how to do this correctly).

Other scripture that affirms righteous judgement? John 7:24, Galatians 6:1, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Zechariah 8:16.

I also want to bring up another area that is often times confused with or mistaken with judgement. That is the role a Christian has in bringing the light to the darkness. In other words, as Christians, we are called to be like Jesus by spreading the gospel to the world. By bringing the light and truth of Jesus to a lost and dying world. This means we are, a part of the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20, commanded to tell the gospel to the world and teach ALL to obey what Jesus has commanded. We are to first encourage repentance to all and then explain the good news of Jesus.

An example of this, is our work at the abortion mill. We explain the sin they are engaging in of murder, then we explain its wrong so they recognize their need of a savior. To make sure our words arent empty, we follow up with resources and help showing how we care deeply and love them. This is an example of ministry, not judgement. I urge you to study God's word to gain understanding and ask God to seek you to reveal His truth. With love.


False Teacher Alert!

Today's false teacher exposed is Beth Moore.

Before people get upset, know that as Christians, we are called to expose these wolves leading people astray. Don't get offended or upset with me personally, I'm just doing what we are supposed to do because I love you and want you to learn the real gospel so you may be saved and not led to a gospel that can't save you. With humility...

Ephesians 5:11, Roman's 16:17-18, Matthew 7:15

Here is why...

1. Beth claims to receive direct revelation from Jesus Christ Himself....She repeats these "conversations" with his words in quotes. Beth claims Jesus gives her prophecies apart from what is written in the Bible. She claims Jesus gives her visions. She has said Jesus told her to go forth and teach these new revelations to people- which makes her a "Prophet." All this violates Revelation 22:18-19, Colossians 2:18, among other verses. All this destroys the sufficiency of scripture.

2. Beth partners with wolves and false teachers such as Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine, Joel and Victoria Osteen, and Brian Houston, for a few examples, violating 2 Corinthians 6:14 and 2 John 1:10.

3. Beth Moore teaches and preaches to men at full congregations, violating 1 Timothy 2:12.

4. Rather than steadily preach the straight word, Beth Moore jumps on fads and then leaves them when they diminish in popularity, such as saying mantras, home altars, Lectio Divina, Contemplative Spirituality, blue bracelets, and so on. 2 Peter 2:3 comes to mind.

5. Beth Moore doesn’t interpret the Bible correctly, using a standard interpretive technique such as literal-grammatical-historical hermeneutic. Instead, she waits for direct revelation or a vision, or cobbles together words out of context- again from supposed direct revelation the ‘Spirit’ gives her, or allegorizes what should be literal, and bases her lessons on those methods. She also uses undignified high emotion and props to distract the audience from these flaws.

6. Beth Moore rejects the biblical roles God has ordained for women, both by example of living functionally as a feminist wife, and explicitly when she rejected and apologized for teaching complementarianism.

Needless to say, stay awake saints. If you claim to follow Jesus, it pays to educate yourself on who you learn from on this Earth.

With love.


The problem I've witnessed in ministry is the lack of expository preaching. The lack of exegesis. The lack of hermeneutics. ( The art and science of biblical interpretation).

There is much danger in churches that lack in this preaching style because it allows for the spiritually immature or infants in Christ ( New believers or non-beleivers) to make up their own idea of what God is actually saying within the texts.

It allows them to adjust the gospel message to fit their own idea, their own way, their own story. It allows for one, whom is perishing for lack of knowledge, to make attempts to save themselves...through scripture, we know we can't.


Justice is not revenge, it's not personal, justice is found at the cross.



It's the role of the church to equip the saints...

If you are a Christian and sanctify Jesus as Lord, you are a saint...

Yes, evangelism and reaching out to the lost is absolutely part of the churches role along with other roles however, when that's all you focus on, you fall into a danger zone where acceptance becomes the priority and you end up throwing the "rules and regulations " out the window.

This is important not to do because when this occurs, you make up your own rules, hence the many denominations, and you begin to seek your own glory instead of the glory of God. You also forget about the responsibility of leading your flock in a biblical way as you are called to do.



If we use the word "love" in the context of how we are to treat others as Christians we must understand what the standard of love actually is. We must recognize what love truly means in accordance with scripture as our standard and not use the definition of love that stems from the secular worldview.

That said, when you hear, " we must love everyone and be like Jesus " this does not mean we are to encourage one's sin, that we must approve of one's sin, that we must condone one's sin, that we must accept and partake in one's sin....

Saints, this is a false teaching that is plaguing society and misinterpreting and manipulating the definition of love definined by scripture. This false idea of loving people where they are is dangerous in many ways.

Love is NOT encouraging sin. Love is NOT engaging in one's sin. Love is NOT accepting one's sin. Love is NOT saying, " do you, whatever makes you happy, even if it goes against the Word of God, keep doing it, I love you ".... if this were true, where in the Bible do you see Jesus confront one's sin and say, "its OK keep doing it, I love you, as long as you are happy?" Nowhere....What you do see is messengers of God and Jesus first telling the people to what? REPENT! Turn from your sin and wicked ways...

Love is telling the truth. Love is telling the truth that is in fact objective based off the Christian worldview. Love does not push you further away and separate you from God. Love brings you closer to God. Love saves your life. Love is sharing the Gospel to people in hopes their eyes will be opened in order they see the need for a savior and seek forgiveness in Christ. Love is giving a broken lost soul the cure for their illness and giving them hope that they too can have the free gift of salvation and eternal life with Jesus if they repent of their sin, believe in Jesus and seek forgiveness.

That is love brothers and sister...

Love is not what the world teaches, love is what God teaches...



Sin is a moral problem, it is about our rebellion against God, about our separation from Him.


Hello everyone!

I'm looking to go out and evangelize to our Mormon brothers and sisters within the next few weeks to a month or so. ( Date will be announced soon).

This will take place at or near the Mormon temples in Fort Collins, CO. (Exact location and time announced shortly)

Evangelism is not just for unbelievers of Christ but for all who do not believe in the God who saves.

We love our Mormon brothers and sisters and they need to hear the truth.

Let's get out there are preach the gospel truth to our brothers and sisters who are deceived by the false prophet, Joseph Smith with love and humility.

If you are interested in joining me, please reach out to us!


Truth on this Monday:

The Holy Spirit is the only way to have true repentance...

If you claim to be a believer in Christ yet have no repentance in your heart inspired by the Holy Spirit within you, then you are not saved.

The Bible, Jesus, says you will be known by the fruits we show to the world. We will know we are saved by how we act, live and feel conviction from God. Our minds will be renewed and we will have a desire to serve Christ displaying good fruit.

So, if you claim to be a believer in Christ, if you claim to be saved, I challenge you to look deeper in your heart and see if you bear good fruit as evidence of being saved or bad fruit.

In other words, do you believe in Christ yet still love and engage in your sin without trying to change or beg for forgiveness?


Expositing common Bible verses that are frequently misused, misunderstood or completely manipulated for selfish gain.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

On the surface this verse seems fitting for anyone going through a struggle. It speaks to one with a motive of instilling confidence that God has an amazing plan for your life to be rich, wealthy, healthy and no evil will be upon you. Who wouldn't wanna plaster this verse all over a bumper sticker right?

In context we see this truth...

Addressing the Hebrews exiled in Babylon, Jeremiah 29:11 was a promise God gave to His people during a testing time. According to Greek and Hebrew roots, "I know the plans" defines "yada" and "hashav" as God making a new plan for His people. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you" likewise expresses "shalom" and not "ra," meaning that these new plans bring peace and not evil.

With context now in mind, we can move to application in our life. It is not God's will for you to be rich, happy, and living the American Dream, but to live a life worthy of the calling He's placed on each of our lives. God may call you to periods of suffering, loss, and hardship just as much if not more than the periods of carefree, wealthy, and free living. However, He does promise to always be with you through the storms and find a future and hope that reside in Him alone.

In closing, God does have plans for all of us however, His plans are in accordance to His Will...not ours.

With humility and love,


Expositing common Bible verses that are frequently misused, misunderstood or completely manipulated for selfish gain.

Todays exposition will be discussing the commonly used phrase, "Only God can judge me".

This phrase isn't necessarily a bible verse however, it is pulled from the verse in James. James 4:12 to be specific and it states, "There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?"


James 4:1–12 describes how living according to the world's wisdom has led to great conflict among James's Christian readers. They were fighting with each other because they couldn't get what they wanted. James says that living that way is adultery. It's ''cheating'' on God. He calls them to quit their friendship with the world, humble themselves, repent from their sin, and receive God's grace. God is the Lawgiver and Judge, not man.

This phrase has been taken out of context for far too long. It allows for the one using the phrase or the viewer to accept this idea that people can do whatever they want and not be corrected by others because, hey, only God has the authority to judge right? So, allow me to engage in sin, allow me to lie, cheat, steal, to murder, to kill my baby, to manipulate, to abuse, to do whatever I want even if it is sin and in the end, you have no right to point it out or correct me because only God can judge me...This is what the world says....Here is what James meant...James is using righteous judgement by convincing his readers to be humble, stop living in sin and choose Jesus. This is the correct way, through education and helping one see the horrific outcome of sin. Death and separation from God. (Roman's 6:23).

This, brothers and sisters is dangerous. The truth in this verse is yes, God is the ultimate lawgiver and judge yes, God will judge each and every one of us on the day of judgment. What is doesn't mean is, it does not put out the harsh fact that we, as Christians, are not called to judge righteously, because we are...

What does this mean?

At the other end of the “don’t judge” command is the exhortation to “judge righteously”. Jesus admonished the crowds and the leaders of Jerusalem during a Festival of Booths,

“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” John 7:24 ESV

The scribes and Pharisees were angry because Christ had chosen to heal a man on the Sabbath but thought nothing of circumcising a child if the eight day fell on a Sabbath (John 7:14-24).

The word translated as righteous is the Greek word díkaios, (pronounced dik’-ah-yos) meaning equitable (in character or act); by implication, innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively), just. Díkaios, is used in the Bible when referring to things approved of or acceptable of God.

In a nutshell, there are times and places when it is OK to judge righteously and scripture goes into detail on the how's and whens to do so.

The fine line however, is watching out for the hypocritical aspect in judgement. Don't be hypocritical in judgement but be gentle, loving and kind in confronting a fellow believer in their sin with the end goal being to get them back on track and in relationship with God through obedience again.

See Matthew 15:18-20 as a start to see how to confront a believers sin properly.

God bless, happy New Year!


Expositing common Bible verses that are frequently misused, misunderstood or completely manipulated for selfish gain.

Todays verse: Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

Often times this verse is seen on bumper stickers and used by the secular world for the purpose of motivation and allowing for one to believe they can fulfill their own selfish agenda and do anything they "set their mind to" or "speak into existence" whether it goes against/seperates you from God (sin) or not.

This verse is often abused and allows for one to truly believe they can do anything as long as they belive in Jesus. This is completely false and very dangerous for the spiritual infant.

The proper meaning in context?

If we truly want to know what a Bible verse or passage means, we have to read it in context.

Just before Paul says, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength,” he recounts some of the different circumstances he’s found himself in: he’s been hungry and well-fed, he’s been in need and he’s been well off, and he’s learned to be content, no matter what his circumstances are.

Paul is using these extremes to highlight that he understands the range of human experience, and that he understands the challenges that come with each position. He isn’t a rich person telling a poor person to be happy with what they have (or vise versa), and he’s not sitting there on a full stomach telling hungry people to get over it.

He’s saying that no matter what your circumstances are, you can learn to be content. How does he know? Because he’s tested it, and he’s proved it. How does he do it? That’s where verse 13 comes in.

In context, "I can do all things" is the ministry that God has sent Paul to do. He can persevere, share the gospel, and be content in any situation. Not on his own, but through Christ who strengthens him.

Another aspect to this is the reader must understand that Jesus is not a genie. He doesn't just grant wishes upon your command. So in short, understanding God is in control. His Will, is what will be done in the end.

Merry Christmas everyone and God bless!

Advent Devotional, Day 2! 20/12/2022

Advent Devotional, Day 2!

Advent Devotional, Day 2!

