

Personal thoughts and lessons learned and sharing the Agape Love of Jesus Christ.


I have used this page for almost 3 years. I have done here what I needed to.
I am READY for the next step.
This page will close soon.
Look up my personal page for something new this year.


It is the 2nd week of 2023 ...
Are you READY?
How will you ready yourself?
Remember... you are always worthy of love!!!

Photos from Yaawol's post 05/01/2023

12 Days Of Christmas!!!
I copied these from Crystal Miller in the Nebraska North District LWML.
Many great lessons to learn and know and take to heart and live by faithfully.
You are always worthy of love!!!


I don't know why I turn to grief. Perhaps it is to cleanse me. Perhaps it is to "READY" me for the next trial that HE knows I will have to journey through.
I do know that I don't face my grief alone. Jesus walked his own path of grief. He knows me. He knows my heart. He helps me to be "READY" and He will walk beside me each step of the way.


Welcome to 2023
Word of the month = READY
This word can mean several things ....
To prepare = I am getting ready for the day.
To be fully prepared = I am ready to begin my task.
To be in a set position = I am ready and waiting for what comes next.
(I hope my examples make sense. Lol)
I am getting ready to live each day in 2023 with newness and calmness. I am ready and awake for everything God will bring forth each day.
I ready myself to seek after truth, engage in the Word and speak knowledge.
Here we go!!!
You are always worthy of love!!!


Better late than never ...
Haste makes waste ...
Live and learn ...
You are always worthy of love!!!

Timeline photos 24/08/2022

Zealous ....
Be purposeful. Be engaged. Be ready for every adaptation to yourself. Be thankful. Be dutiful in every choice you have placed in front of you. Be zealous to relax and breathe and love.

Start this week off by embracing what you can make a difference in and letting go of those things you can't.

Happiness is not discovered nor is a destination. It's created inside of you and shines through you for the world to see.


Instagram Photos 18/07/2022

You are always worthy of love!!!


Integrity ...
Recognizable ...
Living as a Christian and stumbling along. Accepting failure. Making amends. Changing yourself. Knowing newness within. Showing grace, mercy, love and forgiveness. Sharing peace, patience, joy and kindness. Being the example of self-control. Working every day in every way to bring Glory to the One who Reigns.
You are always worthy of love!!!


2 Peter 3:9
New International Version

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

This is one of my favorite verses. It teaches me a new kind of Patience!!! From the promise in Eden to flooding the world, from the Exodus of Egypt to the cross and empty grave, from Saul's persecution of the first Christians to our current chaotic world -- GOD has patience with HIS human creations. HE made each and everyone of us. HE gave us each a purpose and a plan to carry it out. GOD is patient beyond our limited human understanding. GOD is loving and encompassing beyond our limited human understanding. GOD was there in the beginning, GOD is there next to each of us right now and GOD will be there at the "end".
GOD wants you!!!
You are always worthy of love!!!

Timeline photos 24/06/2022

Love love this!


Happy Father's Day!


Acts 20:24 ~ But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

My life was created by GOD for GOD's purpose. GOD bestowed upon me the Gifts of the Spirit to HIS design. GOD blesses me abundantly with the Fruits of the Spirit to share with this world for HIM.

New Month --- June 2022 --- Word of the Month is NOBLE

Be of noble character in showing grace and mercy, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In this chaotic world, fight the good fight and persevere through the hardships. We will not do anything perfectly, fore we are all works in progress. Be bold to change. Be courageous to choose differently.

You are always worthy of love!!!


Happy Spring Day!!!


Make every day the best day ever!!!

Mobile uploads 27/04/2022

But God ...

But for the grace of God ...

My source of confidence!!!



Mobile uploads 11/03/2022

Confidence in what we know, what we feel, what we share.
Confidence in what is to come.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00